Audio and Music

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|[[File Formats]]
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|[[Electronic File Formats]]
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[[Electronic_File_Formats|Electronic Formats]] concerned with audio and musical data, including sound recording, instrument control, musical notation, etc.
[[Electronic_File_Formats|Electronic Formats]] concerned with Audio Data.
For additional multimedia formats that may contain audio, see [[Video]].
== # ==
== Introduction ==
* [[128]] (Soundtrakker 128)
* For an excellent introduction to the issues around audio and video formats, see [ A Primer on Codecs for Moving Image and Sound Archives - and 10 Recommendations for Codec Selection & Management] [ PDF version]
* [[1TM]] (1tracker)
* [ Basics of streaming protocols]
* [[2DX]] (2DX Audio File)
* [[2DX9]] (2DX9 Audio File)
* [[2SF]] (Nintendo DS [[PSF]])
* [[669]] (Composer 669 module)
* [[8SVX|8SV / 8SVX]] (IFF-8SVX)
== A ==
* [[A2B]] (Adlib Tracker II bank)
* [[A2F]] (Adlib Tracker II instrument with fm-register macro)
* [[A2I]] (Adlib Tracker II instrument)
* [[A2M]] (Adlib Tracker II song format)
* [[A2P]] (Adlib Tracker II pattern)
* [[A2T]] (Adlib Tracker II tiny module)
* [[A2W]] (Adlib Tracker II bank with macros)
* [[AA3]] (Advanced Transform Acoustic Coding)
* [[AAC]] (Advanced Audio Coding)
* [[AAM]] (Art & Magic)
* [[AAAP]] (AAAP Audio File)
* [[AAX]] (AAX Audio File)
* [[ABK]] (AMOS Music Bank)
* [[AC1D]] (AC1D-DC1A Packer)
* [[AC3]] (Dolby Digital AC-3)
* [[ACM]] (Audio Compression Manager)
* [[ADL]] (Westwood Studios)
* [[ADM]] (ADM Audio File)
* [[ADP]] (ADP Audio File)
* [[ADS]] (PSX Audio)
* [[ADX]] (ADX Audio File)
* [[AFC]] (AFX Audio File)
* [[AGI]] (Sierra AGI)
* [[AGSC]] (AGSC Audio File)
* [[AHX]] (Abyss Highest eXperience)
* [[AIFC]] ([[AIFF]] Compressed)
* [[AIFF|AIF / AIFF]] (Audio Interchange File Format)
* [[AIX]] (AIX Audio File)
* [[AKS]] (Arkos Tracker)
* [[ALAC]] (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
* [[ALM]] (Aley Keptr)
* [[AMC]] (AM Composer)
* [[AMD]] (Amusic)
* [[AMF]] (ASYLUM Music Format / Advanced Music Format)
* [[AMS]] (Velvet Studio AMS 1.x modules.)
* [[AMTS]] (AMTS Audio File)
* [[AON]] (Art of Noise)
* [[APE]] (Monkey's Audio)
* [[AS4]] (AS4 Audio File)
* [[ASC]] (ASC Sound Master)
* [[ASD]] (ASD Audio File)
* [[ASF]] (Advanced System)
* [[ASR]] (Nintendo Wii)
* [[ASS]] (Sony Playstation)
* [[AST (Actionamics)|AST]] (Actionamics Sound Tool)
* [[AST (Wii)|AST]] (Nintendo Wii sound format)
* [[AT3]] (Advanced Transform Acoustic Coding)
* [[AU]] (Sun Microsystems audio format)
* [[AUD (INRS)|AUD]] (INRS-Telecom)
* [[AUD (Westwood)|AUD]] (Westwood Studios)
* [[AY]] (Amstrad CPC / ZX Spectrum)
== B ==
== Album formats ==
* [[B1S]]
(files containing entire music albums, with some track structure)
* [[B4S]] (Winamp 3 playlist)
* [[Connected Media Experience]] (CME, CMX)
* [[BAF]]
* [[iTunes LP]]
* [[BAKA]]
* [[BAM]] (Bob's Adlib Music)
== Audio and sequencer software ==
* [[BAR]]
* [[BBSONG]] (Beepola)
* Ableton
* [[BD]] (Benn Daglish)
** [[Ableton Live]]
* [[BDS]] (Benn Daglish SID)
* Adobe Audition
* [[BDSP]]
** [[Cool Edit / Audition Multi Track Session file]] (.ses)
* [[BG00]]
** [[Audition]] (.sesx)
* [[BGW]]
* Aldrin
* [[BH2PCM]]
** [[Creative Commons Module]] (.ccm)
* [[BMDX]]
* [[Audacity Project Format]] (.aup)
* [[BMF]] (BR404 Music)
** [[Audacity AU]] (.au)
* [[BNK]] (AdLib instrument bank)
* Cakewalk
* [[BNS]]
** [[Cakewalk Bundle (BUN)]] (.bun)
* [[BNSF]]
** [[Cakewalk Bundle (CWB)]] (.cwb)
* [[BO2]]
** [[Cakewalk Dump Request Macro]] (.drm)
* [[BONK]]
** [[Cakewalk Instrument Definition File]] (.ins)
* [[BP (SoundMon 2.0)]] (SoundMon 2.0)
** [[Cakewalk Project (CWP)]] (.cwp)
* [[BP (SoundMon 2.2)]] (SoundMon 2.2)
** [[Cakewalk Project (WRK)]] (.wrk)
* [[BP3]] (Brian Postma's SoundMon v3.x)
** [[Cakewalk Sample Definition File]] (.sfz)
* [[BPA]] (Death Rally Archive))
* [[CPS project]] (.cps)
* [[BR]] (BeRoTracker)
* [[DeLuxe Music Score]]
* [[BRSTM]] (Nintendo Wii streaming format)
* [[Digital Performer]]
* [[Dynamic Studio Professional module]]
* [[BS]] (Brian Postma's SoundMon)
* FruityLoops / FL Studio
* [[BSF]] (BoyScout Tracker)
** [[BeatCreator/BeatSlicer Grid File]] (.zgr)
* [[BSS]] (Beathoven Synthesiser)
** [[DrumSynth Preset]] (.ds)
* [[BVG]]
** [[FL Studio Score File]] (.fsc)
== C ==
** [[FL Studio State File]] (.fst)
* [[CBA]] (Chuck Biscuits+Black Artist)
** [[Humanize Preset]] (.fpr)
* [[CDDA]] (Compact Disc Digital Audio)
** [[Raw FL Studio Project]] (.flp)
* [[CFF]] (BoomTracker v4.0 song format)
** [[SimSynth Preset]] (.syn)
* [[CHAN]] (Channel Players)
** [[Speech Preset]] (.speech)
* [[CIF]] (BoomTracker 4.0 instrument)
* GarageBand (Mac)
* [[CIN]] (Cinemaware)
** [[GarageBand project]] (.band, .gbproj)
* [[CM]] (CustomMade)
** [[Magic GarageBand template]] (.wand)
* [[CM3]] ([[CMC]] "3/4")
** [[GarageBand MagicMentor template]] (.mwand)
* [[CMC]] (Chaos Music Composer)
* [[Hydrogen]] (.h2song, .h2pattern)
* [[CMF]] (Creative Music Format)
* [[iZotope RX]] (.rxdoc)
* [[CMR]] ([[CMC]] "Rzog")
* Jeskola Buzz
* [[CMS]] (Stereo Double [[CMC]])
** [[Jeskola Buzz machine]] (.dll)
* [[COP]] (SAM Coupe)
** [[Jeskola Buzz machine preset]] (.prs, .prs.xml)
* [[CORE]] (Core Design)
** [[Jeskola Buzz song]] (.bmx, .bmw)
* [[CT]] (CyberTracker)
* [[LMMS]] (Linux MultiMedia Studio) (.mmp, .mmpz)
* [[CT2]] (craptracker ii)
* Logic Pro / Logic / Notator Logic
* [[CUST]] (DeliTracker Custom)
** [[Logic Pro project file]] (.logic, .logicx)
* [[CWP]] (Cakewalk Project)
* [[Maestro]] (RISC OS)
== D ==
* [[Make-A-Melody]] (''Big Blue Disk'' #42) (.mus)
* [[D]] (SPPACK)
* [[Nero SoundTrax]] (.npf)
* [[D00]] (Adlib OPL)
* [[Nero WaveEditor]] (.nwf)
* [[DAT]] (Paul Robotham)
* Piston Collage / PxTone
* [[DBM]] (DigiBooster modules)
** [[Piston Collage noise]] (.ptnoise)
* [[DCT]] (Format designed for dictation by NCH Software)
** [[Piston Collage song]] (.ptcop, .pttune)
* [[DFM]] (Digital-FM)
** [[Piston Collage voice]] (.ptvoice)
* [[DH]] (David Hanney)
* Pro Tools
* [[DI]] (Digital Illusions)
** [[Pro Tools (Mac)]] (.pt5, .p24, .pt4, .pt3)
* [[DIGI]] (DIGI Booster)
** [[PTS]] (Pro Tools 5.1-6.9)
* [[DL]] (Dave Lowe)
** [[PTF]] (Pro Tools 7-9)
* [[DLN]] (Dave Lowe New)
** [[PTX (Pro Tools)|PTX]] (Pro Tools 10)
* [[DLS]] (Downloadable Sounds Banks)
* Propellerhead (Reason, ReCycle)
* [[DLT]] (Delta Music Composer)
** [[Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Patch File]] (.sx2)
* [[DM2]] (Delta Music 2.0)
** [[Propellerhead Reason Project File]] / song file (.reason, .rns, others)
* [[DMF (Delusion)|DMF]] (Delusion Digital Music Format)
** [[Propellerhead Reason ReFill Sound Bank]] (.rfl)
* [[DMF (X-Tracker)|X-Tracker]] (X-Tracker)
** [[Propellerhead ReCycle Loop File]] (.rex)
* [[DNS]] (Dynamic Synthesizer)
** [[Reason Studios REX2 Audio File]] (.rx2)
* [[DRO]] (DOSBox Raw OPL)
* [[Reaper Project]] (.rpp)
* [[DSC]] (Digital Sonix & Chrome)
* [[Renoise]]
* [[DMC]] (DoublePlay [[CMC]])
** [[Renoise song]] (.xrns)
* [[DNF]] (id Software)
** [[Renoise instrument]] (.xrni)
* [[DSF]] (Dreamcast [[PSF]])
** [[Renoise DSP device-chain]] (.xrnt)
* [[DSFLIB]] ([[DSF]] Library)
* [[ROXIO|Roxio]]
* [[DSM]] (DSIK)
** [[DMSE]] (Sound Editor project)
* [[DSP]] (Donkey Konga 2)
** [[DMSA]] (Music Disc Creator project)
* [[DSR]] (Desire)
* SeaTone / PixTone
* [[DSS]] (Digital Speech Standard)
** [[PXT]] (.pxt)
* [[DTM (DigiTrekker)|DTM]] (DigiTrekker)
* [[Sonic Foundry Acid]] (.acd)
* [[DTM (Digital Tracker)|DTM]] (Digital Tracker)
* [[SoundDesigner II]] (.sd2)
* [[DTS]]
* [[Soundtrack Pro]] (.stmp)
* [[DVF]] (Sony Digital Audio recorders)
* Steinberg
* [[DW]] (David Whittaker)
** [[Cubase]]
* [[DZ]] (Darius Zendeh)
*** [[ALL]] - A Steinberg [[Cubase]] VST file for saving songs (pre 2002).
== E ==
*** [[ARR]] - A Steinberg [[Cubase]] VST file for saving arrangements (pre 2002).
* [[EMS]] (Editeur Musical Sequentiel)
*** [[CPR]] - A Steinberg [[Cubase]] SX file for saving projects (2002 - ).
* [[EPSGMOD]] (Mod2PSG)
** [[Nuendo]]
* [[EX]] (Fashion Tracker)
*** [[NPR]] - A Steinberg [[Nuendo]] file for saving arrangements (2002 - ).
== F ==
** [[WaveLab]]
* [[F2R]] (Farandole Form 2.0)
*** [[MON]] (Audio montage)
* [[FAR]] (Farandole Composer)
* [[(Super) Studio Session song]] (.sss)
* [[FC]] (Future Composer)
* [[Waveburner]] (.wb3)
* [[FC13]] (Future Composer v1.3)
* [[FC14]] (Future Composer v1.4)
== Audio recording and sound waves ==
* [[FC3]] (Future Composer)
* [[FC4]] (Future Composer)
* Lossless compression
* [[FIB]] (FM-Kingtracker bank)
** [[ATRAC Advanced Lossless]] (.aal)
* [[FIN]] (FM-Kingtracker instrument)
** [[ADA]] (Advanced Digital Audio)
* [[FLAC]] (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
** [[ALAC]] (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
* [[FLP]] (FruityLoops / FL Studio project files)
** [[APAC]] (Marian's A-pac)
* [[FLS]] (Flash Tracker)
** [[Dakx Wav]]
* [[FLX]] (Flex Tracker)
** [[Dolby TrueHD]]
* [[FMK]] (FM-Kingtracker song format)
** [[DTS-HD]] (Lossless variant of DTS- DTS-HD Master Audio)
* [[FMX]] (Fuxoft AY Language)
** [[FLAC]] (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
* [[FNK]] (FunkTracker)
** [[G.711]]
* [[FP]] (Future Player)
** [[G.729]]
* [[FPT]] (Farandole Composer pattern)
** [[HALAC]]
* [[FRED]] (Fred Editor)
** [[Kexis]] (.kxs)
* [[FSM]] (Farandole Composer Sample / Instrument)
** [[LA]] (Lossless Audio)
* [[FTC]] (Fast Tracker)
** [[LiteWave]]
* [[FTM]] (FamiTracker)
** [[LPAC]] (Lossless Predictive Audio Coding)
* [[FW]] (FWMP)
** [[MKW]]
== G ==
** [[MLP]] (Meridian Lossless Packing Audio)
* [[GBS]] (Game Boy Sound)
** [[Monkey's Audio]] (.ape)
* [[GDM]] (General Digital Music)
** [[MPEG-4 ALS]] (MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding)
* [[GENH]] (artificial header for RAW files)
** [[MPEG-4 SLS]] (MPEG-4 Scalable lossless coding mode)
* [[GMC]] (Game Music Creator)
** [[MQA]] (Master Quality Authenticated)
* [[GOT]] (God of Thunder)
** [[OptimFROG]] (.ofr, .ofs)
* [[GRAY]] (Fred Gray)
** [[Perfect Clarity Audio]] (.pca)
* [[GSF]] (Game Boy Advance [[PSF]])
** [[RALF]] (Real Lossless Audio Codec)
* [[GSFLIB]] ([[GSF]] Library)
** [[RK Audio]] (.rka)
* [[GSM]] (Raw GSM 6.10 Audio Stream)
** [[Shorten]] (.shn)
* [[GSR]] (Gens Sound Record)
** [[Sonarc]]
* [[GT2]] (Groumpf Tracker)
** [[Split2000]]
* [[GTK]] (Groumpf Tracker)
** [[TAK]] (.tak)
* [[GTR]] (Global Tracker v1.x)
** [[True Audio]] (.tta)
* [[GYM]] (Genesis YM2612)
** [[VocPack]]
== H ==
** [[WavArc]]
* [[HAN]] (Digital Sound Creations)
** [[WavPack]] (.wv)
* [[HD]] (Howie Davies)
** [[WMA Lossless]] (Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless)
* Lossy compression
** [[AAC]] (Advanced Audio Coding)
** [[ADPCM|Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation]]
*** [[ACT]]
*** [[ADPCM-A]] (Yamaha)
*** [[ADPCM-B]] (Yamaha)
*** [[VOX]]
** [[Adaptive Multi-Rate WideBand Audio]]
** [[Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio]] (.amr)
** [[Archimedes VIDC audio]]
** ATRAC or [[Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding]] (.aa3, .oma, .at3)
** [[Audible Audiobook]] (.aa, .aax)
** [[Audition Loop]] (.cel)
** [[CELT]] (.ogg)
** [[Digital Theater Systems]] (.dts)
** [[Dolby Digital]] (AC-3 or ATSC A/52)
** [[Encodec]] (.ecdc)
** [[GSM]] (GSM 6.10 RPE-LTP)
** [[LB]] (Low Bitrate)
** [[M4B]] (iTunes Audio Book)
** [[M4P]] (Fairplay DRM Encrypted [[M4A]])
** MP1: See [[MPEG Audio Layer I]]
** MP2: See [[MPEG Audio Layer II]]
** [[MP3]] (MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
*** [[packMP3]]
*** [[mp3PRO]]
*** [[MP3 wrapper]] - '''reversibly''' combine mp3 files into one playable mp3 (often used on filesharing services that banned other formats like zip/rar)
**** [[zip/rar.mp3]]
**** [[AlbumWrap (ALBW)]]
**** [[MooseWrap (DJWrap)]]
**** [[Mp3Wrap]]
**** [[Track Wrapper (TRKW)]]
**** [[MP3 Album Maker]]
**** [[M3A]]
**** [[Wrapster]] (when adding MP3 files to a wrapped MP3 file)
** MPA (MPEG Audio): See [[MPEG Audio Layer II]]
** MP+ (MPEGplus Audio): See [[Musepack Audio]]
** MPEG-4 Audio: Can refer to various formats connected with [[MPEG-4]], including [[AAC]]. (.m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .m4r, .mp4, .aac)
** [[MPEG Audio Layer I]] (MP1)
** [[MPEG Audio Layer II]] (MP2; MPEG-1 Audio Layer II)
** [[Musepack Audio]] (.mpc)
** [[Opus]] (.opus)
** [[Quite OK Audio]] (.qoa)
** [[RealAudio]] (.ra)
** [[Speex]] (.spx)
** [[SWA]]
** [[Vorbis]] (.logg, .oga, .ogg)
** [[WMA]] (Windows Media Audio)
* Proprietary
** [[DCT]] (Dictation format by NCH Software)
** [[Digital Speech Standard]] (.dss)
** [[Digital Voice File]] (.dvf)
** [[IC Sound]] (.ics)
** [[iKlax]] (iKlax Media)
** [[Memory Stick Voice]] (.msv)
** [[Panasonic VM1]] (.vm1)
** [[Pono]]
** [[PXD]]
** [[RCA-VOC]] (.voc)
** [[Sonic Foundry Sample Resource]] (.sfr)
* Separated parts of tracks
** [[Stems]]
* Uncompressed audio
** [[AIFF|AIF / AIFF]] (Audio Interchange File Format)
** [[Berkeley/IRCAM/Carl Sound Format]] (.sf)
** [[BWF]] (Broadcast Wave Format; variant of WAV)
** [[DSD]] (Direct Stream Digital) (.dsf)
** [[RAW (Audio)|RAW]] (.raw, .pcm)
** [[RF64]] (extended variant of BWF)
** [[Sony Wave64]] (.w64)
** [[WAV]] (Waveform Audio File Format)
* Various encodings
** [[AIFC]] ([[AIFF]] Compressed)
** [[AU]] (Sun Microsystems audio format)
** [[Computerized Speech Lab NSP]] (.nsp)
** [[DiamondWare Digitized]] (.dwd)
** [[Bonk]] (lossy/lossless audio compression)
** [[INRS-Telecom file]] (.aud)
** [[SIFF]] (.son)
** [[SPPACK]] (.d)
** [[WVE (Psion)]]
=== Peak Files ===
* [[PEK]] (Adobe Premiere Pro Peak file)
* [[PKF]] (Adobe Audition Peak File)
* [[GPK]] (WaveLab Peak File)
* [[SFK]] (SoundForge/Sony Peak File)
* [[WFM]] (Avid WaveCache.wfm)
== Chiptune ==
* [[SAM Coupé song]] (.cop, .sng)
== Configuration files ==
* [[X2A]] (Yamaha S70xs/S90xs keyboard workstations)
== Container formats ==
* [[AAF]] (Advanced Authoring Format)
* [[ASF]] (Advanced Systems Format)
* [[Core Audio Format]] (.caf)
* [[Extensible Music Format]] (.xmf)
* [[IFF]]
* [[Matroska Audio]] (.mka)
* [[MP4]] (MPEG-4 Part 14 media container)
* [[Ogg]] (.ogg, .oga, .ogx, .spx, .opus)
* [[OMF Interchange]] (Open Media Framework Interchange format)
* [[Qualcomm QCP]] (Purevoice)
* [[Rich Music Format]] (.rmf)
* [[RealMedia]] (.rm)
* [[WAV]]
* [[WebM]] (.webm) (also used for video)
== Emulated music ==
* [[2SF]] (Nintendo DS [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[3G2]] (3GPP, also a video format)
* [[3GP]] (3GPP, also a video format)
* [[Atari SoundHeader]] (SNDH)
* [[AY]] (Amstrad CPC / ZX Spectrum / ZXAYEMUL)
* [[AZX]] (ZX Spectrum)
* [[Custom Amiga Module]] (CUST)
* [[DSF]] (Dreamcast [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[EPSGMOD]] (.epsgmod, Mod2PSG)
* [[Fuxoft AY Language]] (.fmx)
* [[Game Boy Sound]] (.gbs)
* [[GBR]] (Game Boy Sound)
* [[Gens Sound Record]] (GSR)
* [[GSF]] (Game Boy Advance [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[HES]] (Hudson Entertainment System)
* [[HES]] (Hudson Entertainment System)
* [[HIP]] (Hippel)
* [[HIPC]] (Hippel-COSO)
* [[HSC]] (HSC AdLib Composer / HSC-Tracker)
* [[HVL]] (Hively Tracker)
== I ==
* [[IBK]] (Instrument Bank)
* [[IMF (Adlib)|IMF]] (AdLib Sound Card)
* [[IMF (id)|IMF]] (id Software Music Format)
* [[IMF (Imago)|IMF]] (Imago Orpheus)
* [[IMS]] (Images)
* [[INS (AdLib instrument)|INS]] (HSC-Tracker/RAD-Tracker, SAdT, Amusic/AdLib instrument)
* [[INS (Infogrames)|INS]] (Infogrames)
* [[INS (Soundtrakker v1.x)|INS]] (Soundtrakker v1.x instrument)
* [[INS (Soundtrakker 128)|INS]] (Soundtrakker 128)
* [[IT]] (ImpulseTracker module)
* [[ITS]] (Impulse Tracker Samples)
== J ==
* [[JAM]] (JamCracker)
* [[JCB]] (Jason Brooke)
* [[JD]] (Special FX)
* [[JPO]] (Steve Turner)
* [[JMF]] (Janko Mrsic-Flogel)
* [[JO]] (Jesper Olsen)
* [[JPN]] (Jason Page)
* [[JT]] (Jeroen Tel)
== K ==
* [[KH]] (Kris Hatlelid)
* [[KI]] (klystrack Instrument)
* [[KLM]] (Whacky Wheels)
* [[KPL]] (Kazaa Playlist Format)
* [[KSS]] (MSX)
* [[KSS]] (MSX)
* [[KSSX]] (Possible expansion of [[KSS]])
* [[KSSX]] (Possible expansion of [[KSS]])
* [[KT]] (klystrack Song)
* [[MDX (X68000)|MDX]] (Sharp X68000 / MXDRV)
== L ==
* [[NES Sound Format]] (.nsf)
* [[LME]] (Leggless Music Editor)
* [[NES Sound Format Extended]] (.nsfe)
* [[LPCM]] (Linear Pulse Code Modulated Audio)
* [[NSD (audio)|NSD]]
== M ==
* [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]] (Portable Sound Format)
* [[M]] (Origin Software)
* [[PSF1]] (Playstation [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[PSF2]] (Playstation 2 [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[QSF]] (Capcom Q-Sound [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[SC68]] (Atari ST / Atari STE / Amiga)
* [[SGC]] (Sega Master System / Game Gear / Colecovision)
* [[SID]] (Commodore 64)
* [[SPC (Audio)|SPC]] (Super Nintendo SPC700)
* [[SSF]] (Sega Saturn [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[USF]] (Nintendo 64 [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]])
* [[YM]] (Amstrad CPC / Spectrum ZX / Atari ST)
== Game audio and music ==
(see also [[Game data files]])
* [[4X IMA ADPCM]]
* Accolade
** [[Accolade MIDI File Format]]
* Adept Software
** [[God of Thunder Music Format]]
* [[AFC]] (AFX Audio File) -- used in Mass Effect 2
* Apogee
** [[Crystal Caves Sound format]]
* Atari
** [[Slight Atari Player]] (Atari POKEY)
* [[BAF]] (Blur ADPCM)
* [[BAKA]] (PCM 16 bit)
* Bandai
** [[WSR]] (WonderSwan / WonderSwan Color)
* [[BH2PCM]]
* [[BNSF]] (G.722.1)
* Cave Story
** [[Organya]]
* Commodore Amiga
** [[A.M. Composer v1.2]] (.amc)
** [[AC1D-DC1A Packer]] (.ac1d)
** [[Actionamics Sound Tool]] (.ast)
** [[AMOS Music Bank]] (.abk)
** [[AMOS Memory Bank#AMOS Samples Bank|AMOS Samples Bank]] (.abk)
** [[Art & Magic]] (.aam)
** [[Audio Sculpture]] (.as)
** [[Beathoven Synthesiser]] (.bss)
** [[Ben Daglish]] (.bd)
** [[Ben Daglish SID]] (.bds)
** [[Ben Replay]] (.ben)
** [[Channel Players]] (.chan)
** [[Cinemaware]] (.cin)
** [[Core Design]] (.core)
** [[CustomMade]] (.cm)
** [[Darius Zendeh]] (.dz)
** [[Dave Lowe]] (.dl)
** [[Dave Lowe New]] (.dln)
** [[David Hanney]] (.dh)
** [[David Whittaker]] (.dw)
** [[Desire]] (.dsr)
** [[Digital Illusions]] (.di)
** [[Digital Sonix & Chrome]] (.dsc)
** [[Digital Sound Creations]] (.han)
** [[Dirk Bialluch]] (.tpu)
** [[Dynamic Synthesizer]] (.dns)
** [[Editeur Musical Sequentiel]] (.ems)
** [[Follin Player II]] (.tf)
** [[Fred Editor]] (.fred)
** [[Fred Gray]] (.fg)
** [[Future Player]] (.fp)
** [[FWMP]] (.fw)
** [[Game Music Creator]] (.gmc)
** [[Gnu Player]] (.gp)
** [[Hippel]] (.hip)
** [[Hippel-COSO]] (.hipc)
** [[Hornet Packer]] (.hrt)
** [[Howie Davies]] (.hd)
** [[IFF-MAUD]]
** [[Images Music System]] (.ims)
** [[Infogrames INS]] (.ins)
** [[Janko Mrsic-Flogel]] (.jmf)
** [[Jason Brooke]] (.jcb)
** [[Jason Page]] (.jp)
** [[Jeroen Tel]] (.jt)
** [[Jesper Olsen]] (.jo)
** [[Jochen Hippel]] (.hip)
** [[Kefrens Sound Machine]] (.ksm)
** [[Kris Hatlelid]] (.kh)
** [[Leggless Music Editor]] (.lme)
** [[Magnetic Fields Packer]] (.mfp)
** [[Maniacs of Noise]] (.mon, .jt)
** [[Mark Cooksey]] (.mc)
** [[Mark II Sound-System]] (.mii, .mk2, .mkii)
** [[Martin Walker]] (.mw)
** [[MaxTrax]] (.mxtx)
** [[Mike Davies]] (.md)
** [[MMDC]] (Module packer)
** [[Mugician]] (.mug)
** [[Mugician II]] (.mug2)
** [[NoiseRunner]] (.nr)
** [[NovoTrade Packer]] (.ntp)
** [[Pierre Adane Packer]] (.pap)
** [[Power Music]] (.pm)
** [[Professional Sound Artists]] (.psa)
** [[Promizer 0.1]] (.pm01)
** [[Promizer 1.0c]] (.pm10)
** [[Promizer 1.8a]] (.pm18)
** [[Promizer 2.0]] (.pm20)
** [[Promizer 4.0]] (.pm40)
** [[ProPacker 1.0]] (.pp10)
** [[ProPacker 2.1]] (.pp21)
** [[ProPacker 3.0]] (.pp30)
** [[Prorunner]] (.prun1, .prun2)
** [[Richard Joseph]] or Vectordean (.rjp)
** [[Rob Hubbard]] (.rh, .rho)
** [[Ron Klaren]] (.rk)
** [[Sean Connolly]] (.scn)
** [[Sean Conran]] (.scr)
** [[Sidmon]] (.sid, .sid2)
** [[Silmarils]] (.mok)
** [[SKYT Packer]] (.skyt)
** [[Sonic Arranger]] (.sa)
** [[Sound Images]] (.tw)
** [[Sound Master]] (.sm)
** [[Sound Programming Language]] (.spl)
** [[Soundcontrol]] (.sct)
** [[Soundfactory]] (.psf)
** [[SoundPlayer]] (.sjs)
** [[Special FX]] (.jd)
** [[Speedy System]] (.ss)
** [[Steve Barrett]] (.sb)
** [[Jason Page|Steve Turner]] (.jpo)
* [[Star Trekker Packer]] (.stpk)
** [[Synth Dream]] (.sdr)
** [[Synth Pack]] (.osp)
** [[The Musical Enlightenment]] (.tme)
** [[The Player]] (.p22a, .p30a, .p40a, .p40b, .p50a, .p60a, .p61a)
** [[Titanics Player]] (.ttp)
** [[Tracker Packer 1]] (.tp1)
** [[Tracker Packer 2]] (.tp2)
** [[Tracker Packer 3]] (.tp3)
** [[Thomas Hermann]] (.thm)
** [[Wally Beben]] (.wb)
** [[Wanton Packer]] (.wn)
** [[XANN Packer]] (.xann)
** [[Zen Packer]] (.zen)
* CRI Middleware
** [[ADX]]
** [[AFS]] (container format for [[ADX]] / [[AHX (CRI)]])
** [[AHX (CRI)]]
** [[AIX]]
* [[DCS]] (ADPCM)
* [[Death Rally Archive]] (.bpa)
* [[DMSG]] (PCM 16 bit)
* [[EACS IMA ADPCM]] (.kcey)
* Electronic Arts
** [[8-Bit Sampled Voice]] (.8svx, .iff)
** [[Asylum Music Format]] (.amf, used in Crusader: No Remorse / Crusader: No Regret)
** [[Electronic Arts AS4 / ASF Music]] (.as4, .asf)
** [[Electronic Arts CMV]]
** [[Electronic Arts KSF Music]] (.ksf)
** [[Electronic Arts MAD]]
** [[Electronic Arts MUS]] (.mus)
** [[Electronic Arts SCxl]]
** [[Electronic Arts Sound Effects]] (.bnk, .crd)
** [[Electronic Arts Sound / Speech Files]] (.eas, .sph)
** [[Electronic Arts TGV]]
** [[Electronic Arts WVE]]
** [[IFF]] (Amiga 8SVX)
*** [[IFF-MAUD]]
** [[Sonix Music Driver]] (.smus)
* [[EMFF]] (ADPCM)
* Epic Megagames
** [[Epic Megagames MASI]] (.masi, .psm)
* [[Final Fantasy XI Music file]] (.bgw)
* [[FMOD Sample Bank]] (.fsb)
* [[Funcom ISS]]
* Galaxy Music System
** [[Galaxy Music System v4.0]]
** [[Galaxy Music System v5.0]] (.j2b)
* [[GCW]] (PCM 16 bit)
* [[Generic Header]] (.genh, Generic Header Creator)
* Herad Music System
** [[Herad Music System AGD]] (.agd)
** [[Herad Music System SDB]] (.sdb)
** [[Herad Music System SQX]] (.sqx)
* [[HIS]] (PCM 8 bit)
* id Software
** [[Doom MUS]]
** [[id Software DNF]] (.dnf)
** [[id Software Music Format]] (.imf)
** [[id Software WLF]] (.wlf)
* [[IMA ADPCM]] (.bar, .dvi, .hwas, .idvi, .ivaud, .myspd, .stma, .strm)
* [[Interplay ACM]] (.acm)
* [[Inverse Frequency Sound format]]
* [[iXMF]] (Interactive [[Extensible Music Format]])
* Ken Silverman
** [[Ken's Adlib Music]] (.ksm)
** [[Ken's Digital Music]] (.kdm)
** [[SM (Ken Silverman)]] (.sm)
** [[SND (Ken Silverman)]] (.snd)
* [[LOUDNESS Sound System]] (.lds)
* LucasArts
** [[LucasArts Adlib Audio]] (.laa)
** [[SCUMM]] (SCUMM)
* [[Martin Fernandez]] (.adlib)
* Microsoft
** [[0x0069]] (Xbox ADPCM)
** [[2DX]]
** [[2DX9]] (ADPCM)
** [[DE2]] (ADPCM)
** [[Xbox IMA ADPCM]] (.matx, .wavm, .wvs, .xmu, .xvas, .xwav)
* Mojang AB (Minecraft)
** [[Minecraft sounds.json]]
* Origin Software
** [[Ultima 6 Music]] (.m)
* PC-98 and PC-88
** [[Professional Music Driver PMD]] (.m, .m2)
* Pixel
** [[PMD (Pixel)]]
* [[Pixel Painters]] (.fmf)
* [[Ragnarok Online 2 RMP]]
* [[Shadowlands]] (.cal)
* Sierra
** [[Sierra AGI]] (Sierra AGI)
** [[Sierra SCI]] (Used in Sierra PC games)
* [[Sound Images Generation 2]] (.sig)
* [[Sound Interface System]] (.lem)
* [[STOS memory bank]] (.mbk)
* [[Unreal Music Format]] (.umx)
* Union Logic Software Publishing
** [[Vinyl Goddess From Mars Instrument Format]]
** [[Vinyl Goddess From Mars Music Format]]
* [[Unique Development Studios]] (.uds)
* [[Video Game Music]] (.vgm, .vgz)
* Westwood Studios
** [[Westwood Studios ADL]] (.adl)
** [[Westwood Studios AUD]] (.aud)
* [[Whacky Wheels]] (.klm)
* [[XMP Game Module]] (.j2b)
=== Nintendo ===
* [[Advanced Mario Sequencer file]] (.mss)
* [[BRSTMPSM]] (Super Paper Mario)
* [[Donkey Konga 2 DSP]] (Donkey Konga 2)
* [[Mario Paint Composer]] (MPC)
* [[Mario Sequencer file]] (.msq)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii AAAP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ADP]] (Nintendo Gamecube) (.adp)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii AFC]] (Nintendo Gamecube)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii AGSC]] (.agsc)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii AMTS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ASN]] (Nintendo Gamecube)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ASR]] (Nintendo Wii)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii AST]] (Nintendo Wii sound format)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii BNS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii BO2]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii BRSTM]] (Nintendo Wii streaming format)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii CAPDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii CFN]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii DDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii DSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii GCA]] (Nintendo Wii)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii GCM]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii GSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii HPS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii IDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ISD]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ISH]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii KRAW]] (Nintendo Wii)
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii LPS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii MPDS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii MPDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii MSS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii MUS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii PDT]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SDT]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SMP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SNS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SPD]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SPT]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SSM]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii STM]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii STR]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii STS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii SWD]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii THP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii TYDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii VJDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii WAS]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii WSD]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii WSI]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii YDSP]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii YMF]]
* [[Nintendo GameCube / Wii ZWDSP]]
* [[SHI]] ([ ShroomTool] Instrument, used for Mario Paint instruments)
* [[SHO]] (ShroomTool, used for Mario Paint sounds)
=== Sony ===
* [[ADS (PlayStation)]]
* [[ASS (PlayStation)]]
* [[AST (PlayStation)]]
* [[BG00 (PlayStation)]]
* [[BMDX (PlayStation)]]
* [[CCC (PlayStation)]]
* [[CNK (PlayStation)]]
* [[DXH (PlayStation)]]
* [[ENTH (PlayStation)]]
* [[FAG (PlayStation)]]
* [[FILP (PlayStation)]]
* [[FSB (PlayStation)]]
* [[GCM (PlayStation)]]
* [[GMS (PlayStation)]]
* [[HGC1 (PlayStation)]]
* [[I100 (PlayStation)]]
* [[I400 (PlayStation)]]
* [[I80 (PlayStation)]]
* [[IKM (PlayStation)]]
* [[ILD (PlayStation)]]
* [[IVB (PlayStation)]]
* [[JOE (PlayStation)]]
* [[KCES (PlayStation)]]
* [[KHV (PlayStation)]]
* [[LEG (PlayStation)]]
* [[MCG (PlayStation)]]
* [[MI4 (PlayStation)]]
* [[MIB (PlayStation)]]
* [[MIC (PlayStation)]]
* [[MIH (PlayStation)]]
* [[MIHB (PlayStation)]] (merged [[MIB|MIB (PlayStation)]] & [[MIH|MIH (PlayStation)]])
* [[MSA (PlayStation)]]
* [[MSVP (PlayStation)]]
* [[MUSC (PlayStation)]]
* [[NPSF (PlayStation)]]
* [[PNB (PlayStation)]]
* [[PSH (PlayStation)]]
* [[RKV (PlayStation)]]
* [[RND (PlayStation)]]
* [[RSTM (PlayStation)]]
* [[RWS (PlayStation)]]
* [[SFS (PlayStation)]]
* [[SIR (PlayStation)]]
* [[SL3 (PlayStation)]]
* [[SMPL (PlayStation)]]
* [[SND (PlayStation)]]
* [[SPU (PlayStation)]]
* [[STER (PlayStation)]]
* [[STH (PlayStation)]]
* [[STR (PlayStation)]]
* [[STS (PlayStation)]]
* [[SVAG (PlayStation)]]
* [[SVS (PlayStation)]]
* [[TEC (PlayStation)]]
* [[TK5 (PlayStation)]]
* [[VAS (PlayStation)]]
* [[VAG (PlayStation)]]
* [[VB2 (PlayStation & PS2)]]
* [[VGS (PlayStation)]]
* [[VIG (PlayStation)]]
* [[VPK (PlayStation)]]
* [[VS (PlayStation)]]
* [[VSF (PlayStation)]]
* [[WP2 (PlayStation)]]
* [[XA2 (PlayStation)]]
* [[XA30 (PlayStation)]]
* [[MI2 (PS2)]]
== Identifiers of musical works, recordings, artists, etc. ==
* [[International Standard Musical Work Code]] (ISWC)
* [[International Standard Recording Code]] (ISRC)
* [[MusicBrainz Identifier]]
== Karaoke ==
* [[CD+G]]
* [[UltraStar Karaoke]]
== Metadata formats and related data ==
* [[APE tag]]
* [[Argoknot]]
* Cue Sheet - See [[CUE and BIN]]
* [[ELAN Annotation Format]]
* [[Exif]]
* [[Zoom Project Settings]] (.hprj)
* [[ID3]]
* [[MDZ]]
* [[Monkey's Audio metadata]] (.apl)
* [[Vorbis comment]]
== Music trackers ==
(For more on this subject, listen to [ Jason Scott Talks His Way Out Of It: The Music Tracker Episode].)
* [[1tracker module]] (.1tm)
* [[AHX (Abyss)]] (Abyss Highest eXperience)
* [[Aley's Module]] (.alm)
* [[All Sound Tracker module]] (.ast)
* [[Amiga Module]] (.mod)
* [[AProSys module]] (.aps)
* [[Archimedes Tracker module]] (.musx)
* [[Arkos Tracker]] (.aks)
* [[Art of Noise module]] (.aon)
* [[ASC Sound Master module]] (.asc)
* [[B's Pro Tracker module]] (.bpm, .bps)
* [[Beepola song]] (.bbsong)
* [[BeRoTracker module]] (.br)
* [[BoyScout Tracker module]] (.bsf)
* Brian Postma SoundMon
** [[Brian Postma SoundMon v1.x module]] (.bp)
** [[Brian Postma SoundMon v2.x & v3.x module]] (.bp3)
** [[BS]]
* Buzzic
** [[Buzzic v1.x]] (.buz)
** [[Buzzic v2.0]] (.buz2)
* Chaos Music Composer
** [[CM3]] ([[CMC]] "3/4")
** [[CMC]] (Chaos Music Composer)
** [[CMR]] ([[CMC]] "Rzog")
** [[CMS]] (Stereo Double [[CMC]])
** [[DMC]] (Double ChaosMusicComposer)
* [[Chuck Biscuits/Black Artist module]] (.cba)
* [[Coconizer module]]
* [[Composer 669 module]] (.669)
* [[craptracker ii module]] (.ct2)
* [[Custom Amiga Module]] (.cus. .custom)
* CyberTracker
** [[CyberTracker instrument]] (.ci)
** [[CyberTracker module]] (.ct)
* [[DeliTracker custom]] (.cust)
* [[DeltaMusic module]] (.dta)
* Delta Music Composer
** [[Delta Music Composer module]] (.dlt)
** [[Delta Music 2.0 module]] (.dl2)
* [[Desktop Tracker module]] (.dtt)
* DigiBooster / DigiBooster PRO
** [[DigiBooster v1.x module]] (.digi)
** [[DigiBooster PRO v2.x / DigiBooster 3 module]] (.dbm)
* [[Digital Symphony module]] (.dsym)
* Digitrakker
** [[Digitrakker instrument]] (.ist)
** [[Digitrakker module]] (.mdl)
** [[Digitrakker sample]] (.spl)
* [[DigiTrekker module]] (.dtm)
* [[Digital Tracker module]] (.dtm)
* [[DisorderTracker 2 module]] (.plm)
* [[Dual Module Player DSMI]] (.amf)
* [[Eureka Packer module]] (.eu)
* [[Extended MOD]] (.emd)
* [[Extreme's Tracker module]] (.ams)
* [[FAC Soundtracker]] (MSX, extension unknown)
* [[Face The Music module]] (.ftm)
* Famitracker
** [[FamiTracker module]] (.ftm)
** [[FamiTracker instrument]] (.fti)
* Farandole Composer
** [[Farandole Form 2.0]] (.f2r)
** [[Farandole Composer module]] (.far)
** [[Farandole Composer pattern]] (.fpt)
** [[Farandole Composer sample]] (.fsm, .usm)
* [[Fashion Tracker module]] (.ex)
* FastTracker / FastTracker 2
** [[FastTracker module]] (.ft, .ftc)
** [[Extended instrument]] (.xi)
** [[Extended Module]] (.xm)
* [[FC-M Packer module]] (.fcm)
* [[Flash Tracker module]] (.fls)
* [[Flex Tracker module]] (.flx)
* [[Fuchs Tracker]] (.fchs)
* [[FunkTracker module]] (.fnk)
* Future Composer
** [[Future Composer v1.x module]] (.fc)
** [[Future Composer v1.3 module]] (.fc13)
** [[Future Composer v1.4 module]] (.fc14)
* Future Composer (BSI)
** [[Future Composer (BSI) module]]
* [[Fuzzac Packer module]] (.fuzz)
* [[General Digital Music module]] (.gdm)
* [[GoatTracker module]] (.sng)
* [[Grave Composer module]] (.wow)
* Graoumf Tracker
** [[Graoumf Tracker module]] (.gtk)
** [[Graoumf Tracker 2 module]] (.gt2)
* [[Global Tracker v1.x module]] (.gtr)
* [[HeatSeeker Module Cruncher v1.0]] (.crb)
* [[Hively Tracker module]] (.hvl)
* [[Ice Tracker module]]
* [[Imago Orpheus module]] (.imf)
* Impulse Tracker
** [[Impulse Tracker module]] (.it, .itbz, .itgz, .itr, .itz)
** [[Impulse Tracker sample]] (.its)
* [[JAMCracker Pro module]] (.jam)
* jacker-tracker
** [[Jacker song]]
* klystrack
** [[klystrack instrument]] (.ki)
** [[klystrack module]] (.kt)
* [[KRIS Packer / ChipTracker module]] (.kris)
* Liquid Tracker
** [[Liquid Digitized Sample]] (.lds)
** [[Liquid Tracker module]] (.liq)
* MadTracker 2
** [[MadTracker 2 envelope]] (.mte)
** [[MadTracker 2 extension]] (.mtx)
** [[MadTracker 2 instrument]] (.mti)
** [[MadTracker 2 module]] (.mt2)
** [[MadTracker 2 pattern]] (.mtp)
** [[MadTracker 2 sample]] (.mts)
* maxYMiser
** [[maxYMiser instrument]] (.myi)
** [[maxYMiser module]] (.snd)
* [[Megatracker module]] (.mgt)
* [[MO3]] (MP3 / Vorbis compressed module)
* [[MOD Edit sample]] (.sam)
* [[Module Protector + noID]] (.mp)
* Microdeal Quartet
** [[4V]]
* [[MONOTONE]] (.mon, .pit, .frq)
* Moonblaster (MSX)
** [[Moonblaster music]] (.mbm)
** [[Moonblaster sample kit]] (.mbk)
* [[Multi Track Module]] (.mtm)
* Muse Tracker / Pornotracker
** [[Musetracker / Pornotracker instrument]] (.poi)
** [[Musetracker / Pornotracker module]] (.pom)
* Music Pro Tracker
** [[Music Pro Tracker DoublePlay]] (.mpd)
** [[Music Pro Tracker module (MD1)]] (.md1)
** [[Music Pro Tracker module (MD2)]] (.md2)
** [[Music Pro Tracker module (MPT)]] (.mpt)
* [[The Music Studio|Music Studio, The]] (Activision / Audio Light) (.sng, .song, .mss, .snd, .sound)
* [[Nerdtracker II module]] (.ned)
* [[NesTracker module]] (.nest)
* NoisePacker
** [[NoisePacker 2.x]] (.np2)
** [[NoisePacker 3.x]] (.np3)
* [[NoiseTracker module]] (.mod)
* [[Noisetrekker module]] (.ntk)
* OctaMED
** [[OctaMED module (MED)]] (.med)
** [[OctaMED module (MMD1)]] (.mmd1)
** [[OctaMED v2.00 module]] (.med3)
** [[OctaMED v2.10 module (MED4)]] (.med4)
** [[OctaMED v2.10 module (MMD0)]] (.mmd0)
** [[OctaMED v5 module]] (.mmd2)
** [[OctaMED SS module]] (.mmd3)
** [[MED Packer]] (.mmdc)
* Oktalyzer
** [[Oktalyzer module]] (.okt, .okta)
* [[Onyx Music File]] (.omf)
* [[Open MODPlug Tracker module]] (.mptm)
* [[Oracle module]] (.orc)
* [[Pha Packer]] (.pha)
* PlayerPRO
** [[Extended PlayerPRO module]] (.madx)
** [[PlayerPRO module]] (.mad)
* [[Polly Tracker module]]
* [[Poly Tracker module]] (.ptm)
* [[Polytone]] (.pol)
* [[Pro Sound Creator v1.xx]] (.psc, ZX Spectrum)
* [[Pro Sound Maker]] (.psm)
* Pro Tracker
** [[Pro Tracker v1.xx module]] (.pt1)
** [[Pro Tracker v2.xx module]] (.pt2)
** [[Pro Tracker v3.xx module]] (.pt3)
* [[Pro Tracker (MSX)]] (MSX-Music, extension unknown)
* [[Pumatracker module]] (.puma)
* [[Quadra Composer module]] (.emod)
* [[RASTER Music Tracker module]] (.rmt)
* Real Tracker
** [[Real Tracker instrument]] (.rti)
** [[Real Tracker module]] (.rtm)
** [[Real Tracker sample]] (.rts)
* [[Renoise]]
** [[Renoise|Renoise song (XRNS)]] (.xrns)
** [[Renoise|Renoise instrument (XRNS)]] (.xrni)
** [[Renoise|Renoise effect chain (XRNT)]] (.xrnt)
** [[Renoise Song (NTK)]] (.ntk)
** [[Renoise Song (PTK)]] (.ptk)
** [[Renoise Song (RNS)]] (.rns)
* [[SBStudio module]] (.pac, .son, .sou)
* SCC Blaffer NT
** [[SCC Blaffer NT music]] (.sbm, MSX)
** [[SCC Blaffer NT instrument kit]] (.sbk)
* Scream Tracker
** [[Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit module]]
** [[Scream Tracker 1 & 2 module]] (.stm)
** [[Scream Tracker 3 Adlib module]] (.as3m)
** [[Scream Tracker 3 module]] (.s3m)
** [[Scream Tracker 3 / DigiTracker sample]] (.s31)
** [[Scream Tracker 3 / DigiTracker sample]] (.smp)
* [[SMUS]]
* [[SoundFX module]] (.sfx, .sfx2)
* Sound Tracker
** [[Soundtracker v2.6 / Ice Tracker module]] (.mtn)
** [[SoundTracker v2.6 module]] (.st26)
** [[Sound Tracker / Super Sonic module]] (.stc)
** [[Sound Tracker Pro module]] (.stp)
* [[SoundSmith module]] (.mtp)
* Soundtrakker
** [[Soundtrakker 128 instrument]] (.ins)
** [[Soundtrakker 128 module]] (.128)
** [[Soundtrakker v1.x instrument]] (.ins)
** [[Soundtrakker v1.x module]] (.sng)
* [[SQ-Tracker module]] (.sqt)
* [[Starkos Tracker module]] (.sks)
* [[StarTrekker / Star Tracker module]] (.mod, .nt, .flt4)
* [[SunVox module]] (.sunvox)
** [[TFMX pattern data]] (.mdat)
** [[TFMX 7V pattern data]] (.mdat)
** [[TFMX Pro pattern data]] (.mdat)
** [[TFMX sample data]] (.smpl)
* Theta Music Composer
** [[Theta Music Composer 8-channel stereo module]] (.tm8)
** [[Theta Music Composer v1.x module]] (.tmc)
** [[Theta Music Composer v2.x module]] (.tm2)
* [[Trackerpacker 3 module]] (.tp3)
* [[Unic Tracker 1.0]] (.unic1)
* [[Unic Tracker 2.0]] (.unic2)
* [[Ultra Tracker]] (.ult)
* [[Velvet_Studio]] (.ams)
* [[VIC-TRACKER module]] (.vt)
* [[Vortex Tracker module]] (.vtx)
* X-Tracker
** [[D-Lusion Music File]] (.dmf)
** [[D-Lusion Sound File]] (.dms)
== Musical instrument control ==
* [[ELECTONE]] - For Yamaha Electone Range Electronic Organs
** [[BOO]] - Part of the [[ELECTONE]] format.
** [[EVT]] - Part of the [[ELECTONE]] format.
* MIDI & Clones
** [[Compact MIDI]]
** [[GMD]] ([[MIDI]] clone)
** [[Gravis Ultrasound patch]] (used by MIDI synthesizers)
** [[HMI]] ([[MIDI]] clone)
** [[HMP]] ([[MIDI]] clone)
** [[HMZ]] (Compressed [[MIDI]])
** [[KAR]] ([[MIDI]] Audio)
** [[MIDI]] (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
*** [[MIDI Instrument Definition File]]
** [[MIDS]] ([[MIDI]] clone)
** [[MIZ]] (Compressed [[MIDI]])
** [[MSS (MIDI)|MSS]] ([[MIDI]] Clone)
** [[RIFF MIDI]]
** [[RIFF MIDS]]
** [[Sample Vision]] (.smp)
** [[Scalable Polyphony MIDI]]
** [[sfArk]] (SoundFont archive compressed file)
** [[SoundFont 1.0]] (.sbk)
** [[SoundFont 2.0]] (.sf2)
** [[Synthetic Music Application Format]]
** [[XMI (Extended MIDI)]]
** [[ZIPI]] (proposed MIDI replacement)
* Hardware specific
** AdLib Sound Cards
*** [[AdLib instrument]] (.ins)
*** [[AdLib instrument bank]] (.bnk)
*** [[AdLib MSCplay]] (.msc)
*** [[AdLib music]] (.mus)
*** Adlib Tracker
**** [[Adlib Tracker instrument]] (.ins)
**** [[Adlib Tracker module]] (.sng)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II instrument]] (.a2i)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II instrument|Adlib Tracker II instrument with fm-register macro]] (.a2f)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II instrument bank]] (.a2b)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II instrument bank|Adlib Tracker II instrument bank with macros]] (.a2w)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II module]] (.a2m)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II pattern]] (.a2p)
**** [[Adlib Tracker II module|Adlib Tracker II tiny module]] (.a2t)
*** [[AdLib Visual Composer / Roland Synthesizer song]] (.rol)
*** AMusic
**** [[AMusic module]] (.amd)
**** [[AMusic XMS]] (.xms)
*** [[Beni Tracker module]] (.pis)
*** [[Bob's Adlib Music]] (.bam)
*** Boom Tracker v4.0
**** [[Boom Tracker v4.0 instrument]] (.cif)
**** [[Boom Tracker v4.0 module]] (.cff)
*** [[DeFy Adlib Tracker module]] (.dtm)
*** [[Digital FM module]] (.dfm)
*** [[Drum Traker module]] (.dtl)
*** [[EdLib packed module]] (.d00)
*** [[Exotic AdLib module]] (.xad)
*** [[Extra Simple Music]] (.xsm)
*** [[Faust Music Creator module]] (.sng)
*** [[FM Tracker module]] (.fmt)
*** FM-Kingtracker
**** [[FM-Kingtracker bank]] (.fib)
**** [[FM-Kingtracker instrument]] (.fin)
**** [[FM-Kingtracker module]] (.fmk)
*** HSC AdLib Composer / HSC-Tracker
**** [[HSC AdLib Composer / HSC-Tracker module]] (.hsc)
**** [[HSC AdLib Composer / HSC-Tracker packed module]] (.hsp)
*** [[JBM Adlib Music]] (.jbl)
*** JCH
**** [[JCH-D00]] (.d00)
**** [[JCH-D01]] (.d01)
*** [[Johannes Bjerregård module]] (.jbm)
*** [[Master Tracker module]] (.mtr)
*** [[MK-Jamz audio]] (.mkj)
*** [[Mlat Adlib Tracker module]] (.mad)
*** [[MPU-401 Trakker module]] (.mtk)
*** [[Palladix module]] (.plx)
*** [[RAW (Adlib)|RAW]] (AdLib Sound Card)
*** [[Reality AdLib Tracker module]] (.rad)
*** [[SNG Player module]] (.sng)
*** Surprise! Adlib Tracker
**** [[Surprise! AdLib Tracker v1, 5, 6 module]] (.sat)
**** [[Surprise! Adlib Tracker v2.0]] (.sa2)
*** [[Twin TrackPlayer module]] (.dmo)
*** [[Vibrants module]] (.vib)
*** [[XMS-Tracker module]] (.xms)
** Akai
*** [[Akai S-series MESA multi file]] (.mlt)
*** [[Akai S-series MESA I program]] (.prg)
*** [[Akai S-series MESA II program]] (.s3p)
** [[Codisk Audio File]]
** Creative Labs
*** [[Creative Music Format]] (.cmf)
*** [[Creative Voice File]]
*** [[Sound Blaster Instrument]] (.sbi)
** [[Disney Sound Source]]
** [[DOSBox Raw OPL]] (.dro)
** [[Downloadable Sounds Banks]] (.dls)
** [[Ensoniq Concert Wavetable]] (.ecw)
** Gravis Ultrasound
*** [[UltraSound GF1 patch]] (.pat)
** [[Instrument Bank]] (Instrument Bank)
** [[Software Music Synthesis System]] (for 8080/Z-80 systems with S-100 bus)
** [[TRS-80 Orchestra-90]] (.orc)
** [[Voice Sequence]] (.vsq)
** Yamaha sound chips
*** [[Callus OPL Register Log]] (YM2151, .cym)
*** [[GYM]] (YM2612 / Sega Genesis)
* Software Synthesizers
** [[Farbrausch BR404 music]] (.bmf)
** [[iZotope iDrum]] (.idrum)
** Native Instruments
*** [[Native Instruments Reaktor ensemble]] (.ens)
** Steinberg VST Presets
*** [[FXB]] (Bank of presets)
*** [[FXP]] (single preset)
* [[E-Seq]] Yamaha (.fil, .esq)
== Musical notation ==
* [[Drum tablature]]
* [[Guitar tablatures]]
** [[ASCII tab]] (.tab, .btab, .txt)
** [[Guitar Pro]] (.gtp)
*** [[Guitar Pro 3]] (.gp3)
*** [[Guitar Pro 4]] (.gp4)
*** [[Guitar Pro 5]] (.gp5)
*** [[Guitar Pro 6]] (.gp6)
** [[KGuitar]] (.kg)
** [[Power Tab]] (.ptb)
** [[Progression]]
** [[Rich MIDI Tablature Format]] (.rmtf)
** [[TablEdit]] (.tef)
** [[VexTab]]
* [[Musical notation]]
** [[ABC (musical notation)]]
** [[ANSI Music]]
** Capella
*** [[CAP]]
*** [[CapXML]] (.capx)
** [[ChordML]]
** [[ConcertWare]]
** Copyist
*** [[CP4]]
*** [[CP6]]
** [[Crescendo]] (.cdo)
** [[Dorico]] (.dorico)
** [[Encore]] (.enc)
** [[Extended Notation Format]] (.enf)
** [[Extensible Music Notation Markup Language]]
** [[Finale]] (.etf, .mus, .musx)
** [[Forte]] (.fnf)
** Guido
*** [[GUIDO]]
*** [[GUIDO XML]]
*** [[JMSL]]
*** [[JMSL Score]]
** [[JScoreML]]
** [[LilyPond]]
** [[MEI]]
** [[MHTML]]
** [[MidiXML]]
** [[minimusic]]
** [[MPEG4-SMR]]
** [[Mup]]
** MuseScore
*** [[MSCX]] - [[XML|XML file format]]
*** [[MSCZ]] - [[ZIP]] compressed [[MSCX]]
** [[Music Description Language]]
** [[Music Markup Language]]
** [[Music Time]] (.mus)
** [[Music Time Pro]] (.mts)
** [[Musical Notation Markup Language]]
** [[MusicML]]
** [[MusicWrite]] (.mwk)
** [[MusicXML]]
** [[MusicXML compressed]] (.mxl)
** [[Musink]] (.musink)
** [[MusiqueXML]]
** [[MusiXML]]
** [[Myriad Software]] (.msf)
** [[NeumesXML]]
** [[Neuratron Photoscore Format]] (.opt)
** [[Notation Interchange File Format]]
** [[NoteAbility Pro]]
** [[Noteworthy Composer and Music Publisher]] (.nwc)
** [[NoteWriter]]
** [[Notion]]
** [[NtEd]]
** [[Overture]] (.ove)
** [[PriMus]]
** [[Rhapsody Notation Program File]] (.rhp)
** [[Rhapsody 2/3]] (RISC OS.  Unrelated to the above "Rhapsody Notation Program File")
** [[Rhapsody 4]] (RISC OS, .c00)
** [[Rosegarden]] (.rg)
** [[QuickScore Elite]] (.qsd)
** [[SCORE]] (.mus)
** [[Score Perfect]] (.spp)
** [[ScoreML]]
** [[ScoreWriter]] (.scw)
** [[Sibelius]]
** [[SMDL]]
** [[SongWrite]]
** [[Studio Session Song]] (.sss)
** [[Theta]]
** [[Tilia]]
** [[VexTab]]
** [[Virtual Musician Markup Language]]
** [[XMF]]
** [[XMusic]]
** [[XScore]] (eXtensible Score Language)
== Playlists, music libraries, music store downloaders ==
* [[Amazon downloader file]] (.amz)
* [[B4S]] (Winamp 3 playlist)
* [[FPL]] (foobar2000 playlist)
* [[iTunes Music Library]]
* [[Kapsule]] (Kazaa XML Manifest)
* [[KPL]] (Kazaa Playlist Format)
* [[M3U]] (Multimedia Playlist Format)
* [[M3U]] (Multimedia Playlist Format)
* [[M4A]] (MPEG-4 Audio)
* [[MAGMA]] ([[Magnet URI]])
* [[M4P]] (Fairplay DRM Encrypted [[M4A]])
* [[MOD4WIN Module List]] (.mol)
* [[MusicBee Library]] (.mbl)
* [[PLS]] (Multimedia Playlist)
* [[RAM (RealAudio)]]
* [[SMIL]] (W3C open standard)
* [[Windows Media Metafile]] (.asx, .wax, .wxv)
* [[Windows Media Playlist]] (.wpl)
* [[XML Sharable Playlist]]
== Programming languages and APIs (audio/music-specific) ==
* [[ChucK]] (.ck)
* [[Csound]] (.csd, .orc, .sco)
* Cycling 74 [[Max]] (.maxpat, .max)
* [[FAUST]] (.dsp)
* [[Music Macro Language]]
* Native Instruments [[Reaktor]] (.rkplr)
* [[Pure Data]] (.pd)
* [[Scala (music software)]] (.kbm, .scl, .cmd)
* [[SuperCollider]] (.scd, .sc)
* [[WaveGL]]
* [[Web Audio API]]
== Ringtones ==
* [[i Melody]]
* [[M4R]] (Apple iPhone Ringtones - see [[M4A]])
* [[M4R]] (Apple iPhone Ringtones - see [[M4A]])
* [[MAD]] (PlayerPRO module)
* [[Polyphonic ringtone]]
* [[MADX]] (Extended [[MAD]])
* [[RTTTL]]
* [[MBM]] (Moonblaster Music Format)
* [[MC]] (Mark Cooksey)
* [[MD]] (Mike Davies)
* [[MDL]] (Digitrakker)
* [[MDX]] (Sharp X68000)
* [[MED]] (OctaMED module)
* [[MFP]] (Magnetic Fields Packer)
* [[MGT]] (Megatracker)
* [[MIDI|MID / MIDI]] (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
* [[MII]] (Mark II Sound-System)
* [[MINIPSF]] ([[PSF]] track)
* [[MINIGSF]] ([[GSF]] track)
* [[MINIQSF]] ([[QSF]] track)
* [[MINISSF]] ([[SSF]] track)
* [[MINIUSF]] ([[USF]] track)
* [[MDAT (TFMX)]] ([[TFMX]] pattern data)
* [[MDAT (TFMX 7V)]] (TFMX 7V)
* [[MDAT (TFMX Pro)]] (TFMX Pro)
* [[MDL]] (DigiTracker 1.x)
* [[MMDC]] (MMDC)
* [[MML]] (Music Macro Language)
* [[MNF]] (Yamaha ADPCM)
* [[MO3]] (MO3-compressed modules)
* [[MOD]] (Amiga Module)
* [[MOK]] (Silmarils)
* [[MON]] (M.O.N New / Old)
* [[MP2]] (MPEG-1 Audio Layer II)
* [[MP3]] (MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
* [[MPC]] (Mario Paint Composer)
* [[MPD]] ([[MPT]] DoublePlay)
* [[MPT]] (Music Pro Tracker)
* [[MPTM]] (Open MODPlug Tracker)
* [[MSQ]] (Mario Sequencer)
* [[MSS]] (Advanced Mario Sequencer)
* [[MSV]] (Sony dictation machines)
* [[MT2]] (MadTracker 2)
* [[MTK]] (MPU-401 trakker)
* [[MTM]] (MultiTracker)
* [[MUG]] (Mugician)
* [[MUG2]] (Mugician II)
* [[MW]] (Martin Walker)
* [[MXM]] (Mxmplay)
* [[MXTX]] (MaxTrax)
* [[MYI]] (maxYMiser Instrument)
== N ==
* [[NED]] (NerdTracker II)
* [[NEST]] (NesTracker)
* [[NP2]] (NoisePacker v2.x)
* [[NP3]] (NoisePacker v3.x)
* [[NSD]] (???)
* [[NSF]] (NES Sound Format)
* [[NSFE]] (Extended [[NSF]])
* [[NSP]] (Computerized Speech Lab)
* [[NST]] (NoiseTracker)
* [[NTK (Noisetrekker)|NTK]] (Noisetrekker)
* [[NTK (Renoise)|NTK]] (Renoise Song)
* [[NTP]] (NovoTrade Packer)
== O ==
* [[OGG]] (Ogg Vorbis audio file)
* [[OKT]] (Oktalyzer module)
* [[OKTA]] (Oktalyzer module)
* [[OMA]] (Advanced Transform Acoustic Coding)
* [[ORC]] (TRS-80 Orchestra-90)
* [[OSP]] (Synth Pack)
== P ==
* [[P4X]] (The Player v4.x)
* [[P6X]] (The Player v6.x)
* [[PAC]] (SBStudio II
* [[PAP]] (Pierre Adane Packer)
* [[PAT]] (UltraSound GF1 Patches)
* [[PCM]] (Pulse Code Modulation)
* [[PHA]] (Pha Packer)
* [[PIXI]] (Pixilang)
* [[PLM]] (DisorderTracker II)
* [[PLS]] (Multimedia Playlists)
* [[POI]] (Musetracker / Pornotracker instrument)
* [[POM]] (Musetracker / Pornotracker song)
* [[PP21]] (ProPacker 2.1)
* [[PP30]] (ProPacker 3.0)
* [[PR1]] (Promizer)
* [[PRU2]] (Prorunner 2.0)
* [[PRUN]] (Prorunner 1.0)
* [[PS]] (Paul Shields)
* [[PSA]] (Professional Sound Artists)
* [[PSC]] (Pro Sound Creator v1.xx)
* [[Portable Sound Format|PSF]] (Portable Sound Format)
* [[Soundfactory|PSF]] (Soundfactory)
* [[PSF2]] (Playstation 2 [[PSF]])
* [[PSM (Epic)|PSM]] (Epic Megagames MASI)
* [[PSM (Pro Sound Maker)|PSM]] (Pro Sound Maker)
* [[PT1]] (Pro Tracker v1.xx)
* [[PT2]] (Pro Tracker v2.xx)
* [[PT3]] (Pro Tracker v3.xx))
* [[PTK]] (Renoise Song)
* [[PTM]] (PolyTracker)
* [[PUMA]] (PumaTracker)
* [[PVP]] (Peter Verswyvelen Packer)
== Q ==
* [[QSF]] (Capcom Q-Sound [[PSF]])
* [[QSFLIB]] ([[QSF]] Library)
== R ==
* [[RA]] (RealAudio)
* [[RAD]] (Reality AdLib Tracker)
* [[RAW (Adlib)|RAW]] (AdLib Sound Card)
* [[RAW (Sample)|RAW]] (RAW sample data)
* [[RH]] (Rob Hubbard)
* [[RHO]] (Rob Hubbard Old)
* [[RJP]] (Richard Joseph)
* [[RK]] (Ron Klaren)
* [[RM]] (RealMedia)
* [[RMT]] (Raster Music Tracker)
* [[RNS]] (Renoise Song)
* [[ROL]] (AdLib Visual Composer)
== S ==
== Signal processing ==
* [[S31]] (ScreamTracker 3 / DigiTracker Samples)
* [[S3M]] (Scream Tracker 3 module)
These aren't specific file formats, but generic mathematical methods used by other file formats.
* [[A-law]]
* [[ADPCM]]
* [[DPCM]]
* [[LPCM]]
* [[Pulse code modulation]]
* [[µ-law]] (u-law)
== Software ==
Refer to [[Audio software]].
== Sound card related formats ==
* [[CMS (Creative Music System)]]
== Speech synthesis ==
* [[Microsoft TTS voice data]] (.vce, .spd)
* [[Microsoft TTS voice definition]] (.cfg, .sdf)
* [[Speech Synthesis Markup Language]] (SSML)
* [[TextGrid]]
* [[VoiceDescription]] (OS X)
== Unclassified (need to move to other categories) ==
* [[ACM]] (Audio Compression Manager)
* [[ADM]] (ADM Audio File)
* [[AIL real mode driver]]
* [[Audfprint fingerprint file]] (.afpk)
* [[AVR]]
* [[B1S]]
* [[BDSP]] (BotDetect Sound Package)
* [[BVG]]
* [[CBD2]]
** [[Common Loudspeaker Format]]
** [[Common Instrument Format]]
* [[DeskMate Music]] (.sng)
* [[DeskMate Sound]] (.snd)
* [[DIGPAK sound driver]]
* [[DSM]] (DSIK Internal)
* [[DSPW]]
* [[DTK]]
* [[EUPHONY]] (FM Towns computer system)
* [[FFW]]
* [[First Rate Music Hall]] (.pck, MSX-Music song editor using [[Music Macro Language]])
* [[GBTS]]
* [[GCUB]]
* [[GSB]]
* [[HLWAV]]
* [[IAB]]
* [[IADP]]
* [[INT]] (RAW File)
* [[ISWS]]
* [[JSTM]]
* [[KOVS]]
* [[MA]] (Music Assembler)
* [[Micronas SC4]]
* [[MNSTR]]
* [[MSF]]
* [[MT9]]
* [[MTAF]]
* [[Photo CD Audio]]
* [[S98]] (NEC PC-98)
* [[S98]] (NEC PC-98)
* [[SA]] (Sonic Arranger)
* [[SA2]] (Surprise! AdLib Tracker 2.0 v8, 9)
* [[SAM]] (MOD Edit sample)
* [[SAP]] (Atari POKEY)
* [[SAT]] (Surprise! AdLib Tracker v1, 5, 6)
* [[SB]] (Steve Barrett)
* [[SBI]] (Sound Blaster Instrument)
* [[SCI]] (Used in Sierra PC games)
* [[SCN]] (Sean Connolly)
* [[SCR]] (Sean Conran)
* [[SCT]] (Soundcontrol)
* [[SD]] (ESPS sampled data file)
* [[SD]] (ESPS sampled data file)
* [[SDR]] (Synth Dream)
* [[SigmaStudio]] (.dspproj)
* [[SF]] (Berkeley/IRCAM/Carl Sound Format)
* [[Sound Description Interchange Format]] (SDIF)
* [[SF2]] (SoundFont 2.0 Sound Banks)
* [[SGI (Sound Generator)|SGI]] (Sound Generator 3.0 instrument)
* [[SFX]] (SoundFX)
* [[SFZ]] (Cakewalk Sample Definition File)
* [[SGC]] (Sega Master System / Game Gear / Colecovision)
* [[SGI]] (Sound Generator 3.0 instrument)
* [[SHI]] ([ ShroomTool] Instrument)
* [[SHO]] (Mario Paint)
* [[SID]] (Commodore)
* [[SID (Sidmon)]] (Sidmon)
* [[SID2]] (Sidmon II)
* [[SJS]] (SoundPlayer)
* [[SKS]] (Starkos Tracker)
* [[SM]] (Sound Master)
* [[SMP]] (ScreamTracker 3 / DigiTracker Samples)
* [[SMPL]] ([[TFMX]] sample data)
* [[SMUS]] (Sonix Music Driver)
* [[SND]] (Atari ST)
* [[SNDH]] (Atari ST)
* [[SNG (GoatTracker)|SNG]] (GoatTracker)
* [[SNG (SCC Musixx)|SNG]] (SCC Musixx)
* [[SNG (SCC Musixx)|SNG]] (SCC Musixx)
* [[SNG (Soundtrakker v1.x)|SNG) (Soundtrakker v1.x)
* [[Sound Effect Editor]] (.see, MSX)
* [[SNG (Soundtrakker 128)|SNG]] (Soundtrakker 128)
* [[SoundHelix XML]]
* [[SNK]] (Paul Summers)
* [[SPB]] (Yamaha ADPCM)
* [[SPC]] (Super Nintendo SPC700)
* [[SPL]] (Sound Programming Language)
* [[SPU]] (Sony Playstation)
* [[SQT]] (SQ-Tracker)
* [[SS]] (Speedy System)
* [[SSF]] (Sega Saturn [[PSF]])
* [[SSFLIB]] ([[SSF]] Library)
* [[ST26]] (SoundTracker 2.6)
* [[STC]] (Sound Tracker / Super Sonic)
* [[STM]] (Scream Tracker module)
* [[STP]] (Sound Tracker Pro)
* [[SunVox]]
== T ==
* [[TAK]] (Tom's Lossless Audio Kompressor)
* [[TF]] (Follin Player II)
* [[TFMX]] (TFMX)
* [[TFMX]] (TFMX)
* [[THM]] (Thomas Hermann)
* [[VCOMP (Blaster Master)]]
* [[TM2]] (Theta Music Composer v2.x)
* [[Vivaldi]] (RISC OS)
* [[TM8]] (8-channel stero [[TMC]])
* [[Zsound Music]]
* [[TMC]] (Theta Music Composer v1.x)
* [[TME]] (The Musical Enlightenment)
See the Open Cubic Player homepage for a list of demo formats:
* [[TP3]] (Trackerpacker 3)
* [[TPU]] (Dirk Bialluch)
See also [[Piano Rolls]] (which is under the [[Physical File Formats]]).
* [[TTA]] (True Audio)
* [[TW]] (Sound Images)
== Links ==
== U ==
* [ Kickstarting free, open recordings of Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1"]
* [[UDS]] (Unique Development)
* [ MPC-HC: media player for Windows handling just about all video/audio formats]
* [[ULT]] (UltraTracker)
* [ How Music Works]
* [[UMX]] (Unreal Music Format)
* [ Some discussion of "advanced music formats" from 1994]
* [[USF]] (Nintendo 64 [[PSF]])
* [ FAQ on audio file formats (1992-07-09)]
* [[USM]] (Unsigned [[FSM]])
* [ Chiptune version of Talking Heads song]
* [[USFLIB]] ([[USF]] library)
* [ Beatles 3000: humorous video of how the future might misunderstand 20th century pop culture if artifacts decay as happened in the past]
== V ==
* [ The Music Written on This Dude's Butt]
* [[VB2]] (Playstation / PS2)
* [ "Eye of the tiger" played on a modified dot matrix printer]
* [[VOX]]
* [ A Short History of Hardcore Chipmusic]
* [[VGM]] (Videogame Music)
* [ You Need to Hear This Extremely Rare Recording]
* [[VGZ]] (GZipped VGM)
* [ Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications: Audio Works]
* [[Vinyl Goddess From Mars Instrument Format]]
* [ In a bid for more emotional snacking, Frito-Lay patents culinary theme songs]
* [[Vinyl Goddess From Mars Music Format]]
* [ Scientists reconstruct speech through soundproof glass by watching a bag of potato chips]
* [[VSQ]] (Voice Sequence)
* [ Apple releases tool to remove free U2 album] (which they gave you whether you wanted it or not)
* [ Excel sheet that plays video and audio]
* [[VTX]] (Vortex Tracker)
* [ Web Audio API (W3C)]
== W ==
* [ Why Collecting Matters: Citizen Archivists and the Battle for Future Pasts]
* [[WAV]] (Waveform Audio File Format)
* [ MediaInfo: software that shows metadata for audio/video files]
* [[WB]] (Wally Beben)
* [ Save our Sounds]
* [[WLF]] (id Software)
* [ David Systems tools: includes online loudness analysis of sound files]
* [[WMA]] (Windows Media Audio)
* [ The next Web standard could be music notation]
* [[WOW]] (Grave Composer)
* [ How Oldschool Sound/Music worked] (video)
* [[WRK]] (Cakewalk Project)
* [ Understanding surround sound formats]
* [[WSR]] (Bandai WonderSwan / WonderSwan Color)
* [ Reverse engineering the 76477 "Space Invaders" sound effect chip from die photos]
== X ==
* [[XI]] (FastTracker instrument)
[[Category:Audio and Music| ]]
* [[XM]] (FastTracker 2 module)
* [[XMF]] (Extensible Music Format)
* [[XMS]] (XMS-Tracker)
* [[XRNS]] (Renoise Song)
== Y ==
* [[YM]] (Amstrad CPC / Spectrum ZX / Atari ST)
== Z ==

Latest revision as of 18:50, 18 January 2025

File Format
Name Audio and Music

Musical notation

Musical notation

Electronic Formats concerned with audio and musical data, including sound recording, instrument control, musical notation, etc.

For additional multimedia formats that may contain audio, see Video.


[edit] Introduction

[edit] Album formats

(files containing entire music albums, with some track structure)

[edit] Audio and sequencer software

[edit] Audio recording and sound waves

[edit] Peak Files

  • PEK (Adobe Premiere Pro Peak file)
  • PKF (Adobe Audition Peak File)
  • GPK (WaveLab Peak File)
  • SFK (SoundForge/Sony Peak File)
  • WFM (Avid WaveCache.wfm)

[edit] Chiptune

[edit] Configuration files

  • X2A (Yamaha S70xs/S90xs keyboard workstations)

[edit] Container formats

[edit] Emulated music

[edit] Game audio and music

(see also Game data files)

[edit] Nintendo

[edit] Sony

[edit] Identifiers of musical works, recordings, artists, etc.

[edit] Karaoke

[edit] Metadata formats and related data

[edit] Music trackers

(For more on this subject, listen to Jason Scott Talks His Way Out Of It: The Music Tracker Episode.)

[edit] Musical instrument control

[edit] Musical notation

[edit] Playlists, music libraries, music store downloaders

[edit] Programming languages and APIs (audio/music-specific)

[edit] Ringtones

[edit] Signal processing

These aren't specific file formats, but generic mathematical methods used by other file formats.

[edit] Software

Refer to Audio software.

[edit] Sound card related formats

[edit] Speech synthesis

[edit] Unclassified (need to move to other categories)

See the Open Cubic Player homepage for a list of demo formats:

See also Piano Rolls (which is under the Physical File Formats).

[edit] Links

Personal tools
