From Just Solve the File Format Problem
MONOTONE is a multi-voice tracker for the PC speaker that is designed to work on any machine, even the 128KB PC
.mon is a V1.0 MONOTONE file
.pit is PIT timer value output (using Diskwriter, saves the values one must write to the registers controlling the PC speaker to reproduce the music), also available in a compressed (RLE) format
.frq is frequency output (using Diskwriter)
Polytone is a modern cross-platform re-implementation of the MONOTONE tracker with many enhancements
- MONOTONE home page
- github
- SoLoud audio library
- Port to AVR ATTiny45 by Sprite_TM
- MTPlayer - MONOTONE-compatible player library written in C
- PTPlayer - supersedes MTPlayer
- Polytone - can import MONOTONE files
- My method of transcribing Monotone tracker file in OpenMPT (video)