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|[[File Formats]]
| >
|[[Electronic File Formats]]
| >
(Lossless, for generic data + file archives)
(Lossless, for generic data + file archives)
== Archiving only ==
(many files => 1 file, no compression attempted)
* [[AR]] file format (.a, .lib) -- Unix Archiver (ar) format as used by various compilers/linkers
* [[ARC (Internet Archive)]] (.arc)
* [[BagIt]]
** [[Mailbag]]
* [[BAR (Age of Mythology)]]
* [[bar]] (SunOS 4)
* [[CAR (CarComp)]]
* [[cpio]] (.cpio)
* [[DPK]]
* [[FAR (The Sims)]] (.far)
* [[Flash (Micro TECH Systems)]] (.flh)
* [[GRP (Build Engine Group Archive)]] (.grp)
* [[Hamster archive]]
* [[HMM Packfile]]
* [[HRX]]
* [[LBR]] (.lbr)
* [[LBR (Commodore)]] (.lbr)
* [[Lynx archive]] (Commodore) (.lnx)
* [[Mozilla Archive]] (.mar)
* [[Packaged Activity]] (.apk)
* [[PACKFILE (Brad Smith)]]
* [[pax]]
* [[QFC]]
* [[Quake PAK]]
* [[SAVF]]
* [[SeqBox]] (.sbx)
* [[siva]] (.siva)
* [[Tape Archive]] (.tar)
* [[TPAC (Tim Gordon)]]
* [[VIV]] (.viv, .big; used in Electronic Arts games)
* [[Webarchive (Safari)]]
* [[XMIT]]
=== Text-based ===
* [[HRA]]
* [[HRX]]
== Compression + archiving ==
== Compression + archiving ==
(Multiple files => 1 file, makes it smaller)
(Multiple files => 1 file, makes it smaller. See [[Compression]] for formats that compress single files/streams, and [[Disk Image Formats]] for formats that capture the low-level structure of a disk)
* [[7ZIP]] (.7z)
* [[4Q]] (.4q)
* [[777]]
* [[7z]] (.7z)
* [[ACB (compressed archive)|ACB]]
* [[ACE]] (.ace)
* [[ACE]] (.ace)
* [[ARC (compression format)|ARC]] (.arc)
* [[afio]]
* [[Ai Archiver]] (.ai)
* [[AIN]] (.ain)
* [[AKT]]
* [[ALZ]] (.alz) (ALZip)
* [[AMG (compressed archive)|AMG]] (AMGC)
* [[ar (Haruhiko Okumura)]]
* [[Apple Archive]] (.aar)[]
* [[Apple Encrypted Archive]] (.aea)[]
* [[AR7]]
* [[ARC (compression format)|ARC]] (PC/MS-DOS) (.arc)
* [[ARC (Commodore)]] (.arc)
* [[ARC (FreeArc)]] (.arc)
* [[ARC (FreeArc)]] (.arc)
* [[ARC (Web archiving)]] (.arc.gz) See [[ARC (Internet Archive)]]
* [[ARC (Internet Archive)]] (gzipped form: .arc.gz)
* [[Apple Disk Image]]
* [[ArcFS]] (RISC OS) (.arc)
* [[ARJ]]  
* [[ArcMac]]
* [[ARG]]
* [[ARI (compressed archive)|ARI]]
* [[ARJ]]
* [[ARJZ]]
* [[ARQ]]
* [[ARX]]
* [[ASD Archiver]]
* [[Astrotite]] (.afa)
* [[B1]]
* [[B6Z]] (.b6z)
* [[BGA Archive]] (.bza, .gza)
* [[BIX]]
* [[BlakHole]] (.bh)
* [[BLINK]] (.bli)
* [[BOA Constrictor Archiver]]
* [[BRU]] - (RSX-11M backup)
* [[BRU]] - (RSX-11M backup)
* [[BSArc and BSA]]
* [[BTSPK]]
* [[Cabinet]] (.cab)
* [[Cabinet]] (.cab)
* [[CAR (SAP)|CAR]] (a SAP archive format; also see [[SAR]])
* [[CAR (MylesHi!)]]
* [[CAZIPXP]] (.caz)
* [[CFL]] (Compressed file library) (.cfl)
* [[ChArc]] (.chz)
* [[ChiefLZ]] (LZA)
* [[CMZ (archive format)|CMZ]]
* [[CODEC (Telvox)]]
* [[Compact File Set]] (.cfs)
* [[Compact Pro]] (.cpt)
* [[Compressia]] (.car)
* [[The Compressor (John Lauro)|Compressor, The (John Lauro)]]
* [[CP Shrink]] (.cpz)
* [[CRUSH]]
* [[Disk Archiver]] (.dar)
* [[DGCA]] (.dgc)
* [[Diamond]]
* [[Doom WAD]] (.wad)
* [[DWC]] (.dwc)
* [[DWC]] (.dwc)
* [[Dzip]] (.dz)
* [[Eazel]] (.eaz)
* [[EGG (ALZip)]] (.egg)
* [[ELI 5750]]
* [[ERI (compressed archive)|ERI]]
* [[ESP (compressed archive)|ESP]]
* [[Fold (J. Turin)]]
* [[FOXSQZ]]
* [[Freeze!]]
* [[GCA]] (.gca)
* [[Genus Graphics Library]]
* [[GFSA]] (.fa)
* [[Greenleaf ArchiveLib]]
* [[HA]] (.ha)
* [[HAP]]
* [[HIT (compressed archive)|HIT]]
* [[HKI]] (WinHKI) (.hki)
* [[HPACK (compressed archive)|HPACK]] (.hpk)
* [[HUF (CP/M)]]
* [[Hyper archive]] (.hyp)
* [[ICE (ICEOWS)]] (.ice)
* [[IMP]] (.imp)
* [[IMP]] (.imp)
* [[Jar]] (.j, .jar) => this is just a renamed zip file with some mandatory files
* [[JAR (ARJ Software)]] (.j)
* [[LHAv]] (.lzh, .lha)
* [[JARCS]] (.jar)
* [[JRchive]] (.jrc)
* [[KGB Archiver]] (.kgb)
* [[Konqueror web archive]] (.war)
* [[LArc]] (.lzs)
* [[LHA]] (.lzh, .lha)
* [[LHARK]]
* [[LHice]]
* [[LIMIT]] (.lim)
* [[LZX]] (.lzx)
* [[MAFF]] (Mozilla web archive; uses ZIP for compression)
* [[MAr (Melting-Pot)]]
* [[MDCD]] (.md)
* [[Micrognosis Compression Archiver]] (MAR)
* [[MPC (Marco Czudej)]] (.mp3)
* [[MSXiE]] (.xie)
* [[MZP]]
* [[NaShrinK]] (.nsk)
* [[Now Compress]]
* [[NuFX]] / ShrinkIt (.shk)
* [[OOP]]
* [[oPAQue]]
* [[PA (PowerArchiver)]]
* [[packARC]] (.pja)
* [[Packdir]] (RISC OS)
* [[PACKER (ImagiSOFT)‎]] (The Finishing Touch)
* [[PackIt]] (.pit)
* [[PAK]] (.pak) - various formats
* [[PAK (ARC extension)]]
* [[PAKLEO]]
* [[PAQ]] (.pa6, .pa7, .pa8, others)
* [[PAQJ]] (.qar)
* [[PC-Shrink]] (.shr)
* [[PCX Library]] (.pcl)
* [[PEA]] (PeaZIP) (.pea)
* [[PerfectCompress]] (.uca)
* [[PIM]] (.pim)
* [[PLA]] (ARCHICAD Archive) (.pla)
* [[PMA]] (.pma)
* [[PMA]] (.pma)
* [[PPMd]]
* [[Pretty Simple Archiver]] (.psa)
* [[PUT]] (MicroFox) (.put)
* [[Quadruple D Archiver]] (.qda)
* [[Quantum compressed archive]] (.q)
* [[QuARK]] (.ark)
* [[RAR]] (.rar)
* [[RAR]] (.rar)
* [[Softlib]] (Softdisk Publishing)
* [[RARC (Nintendo)]]
* [[RAX (compressed archive)|RAX]]
* [[RK]] (WinRK)
* [[RKIVE]] (.rkv)
* [[S7z]] (.s7z)
* [[SAR]] (a SAP archive format; also see [[CAR (SAP)|CAR]])
* [[SAR (Streamline Design)]]
* [[SARJ]] (.srj)
* [[SBX (SpinnerBaker Software)]] (.sb)
* [[Scifer]] (.sen, .ba, .xml)
* [[SKY (compressed archive)|SKY]]
* [[Slim!]]
* [[SOF (Spectrum Software)]] (RESOF)
* [[Softlib]] (Softdisk Publishing) (.slb)
* [[Spark]] (.spk)
* [[Spark]] (.spk)
* [[Stuffit]] (.sit)
* [[SQLite Archive]] (SQLAR)
* [[Stuffit X]] (.sitx)
* [[Squash ARH|Squash]] (.arh)
* [[Squeeze It]] (.sqz)
* [[SQWEZ]] 2.x (.sqz)
* [[SQX]] (.sqx)
* [[StuffIt]] (.sit)
* [[StuffIt X]] (.sitx)
* [[SuperPack]] (.spa)
* [[Tome]]
* [[TSComp]]
* [[UFA]]
* [[UHARC]] (.uha)
* [[UltraCompressor II]] (.uc, .uc0, .uc2, .ucn, .ur2, .ue2)
* [[VEM]] (Sony Virtual Expander)
* [[WARC]] (.warc, .warc.gz)
* [[WARC]] (.warc, .warc.gz)
** [[WACZ]] (packaged warc)
* [[X (X1)]] (.x)
* [[xar (Extensible Archive)]] (.xar)
* [[Xidie archive]] (.zxc)
* [[XP3]] (.xp3) - used in [[KiriKiri Adventure Game System]]
* [[xpa32]] (.xpa)
* [[XPACK archive]] (.xpa)
* [[YAC]] (.yc)
* [[Yamazaki zipper archive]] (.yz1) - used in DeepFreezer
* [[ZAR (Zip-Archiv)]]
* [[Zet]]
* [[ZIP]] (.zip)
* [[ZIP]] (.zip)
* [[ZOO]] (.zoo)
* [[Zipx]] (.zipx)
* [[Zoo]] (.zoo)
* [[ZPack (LeadRDRK)]]
* ZPack [Lite] (.zpk) - See [[Z/Install]]
* [[ZPAQ]]
* [[Zzip]] (.zz)
== Archiving only ==
== Diff files ==
(many files => 1 file, no compression attempted)
(containing only the parts of a file that have changed, so they can be applied to an existing file to update it; used for update distribution and incremental backups)
* [[AR]] file format (.a, .lib) -- Unix Archiver (ar) format as used by various compilers/linkers
* [[ACB (compressed archive)|ACB]]
* [[ARC (Internet Archive)]] (.arc)
* [[binpatch (Jaap Korthals Altes)]]
* [[BagIt]]
* [[BinPatch (Kay Hayen)]]
* [[BinHex]] (.hqx)
* [[bsdiff]]
* [[CPIO]] (.cpio)
* [[Courgette]]
* [[LBR]] (.lbr)
* [[diff]]
* [[Tape Archive]] (.tar)
* [[dirpatch]]
* [[FidoNet nodediff]]
* [[FXPF]]
* [[GDIFF]]
* [[IPS (binary patch format)]]
* [[JSON Patch]]
* [[LDArc and LDIFF]] (.lzd)
* [[rename helper]]
* [[RTPatch]]
* [[SmartVersion]] (.svf)
* [[Unified diff]]
* [[UPS (binary patch format)]]
* [[VCDIFF]]
== Stream compression formats ==
See also [[Wikipedia:Data differencing]].
A stream format takes a stream of bytes, and outputs a different, hopefully smaller, stream of bytes. These compression formats are often used internally in other data structures to compress data, as well as in network protocols, such as http. Used stand-alone, a stream compression format does not offer archiving capability, however in the UNIX doctrine, an archiver like [[tar]] can be combined with an archive format to produce a proper compressed archive.
== Versioning files ==
(contains multiple versions of files, often just saving the differences to save space)
* [[BZIP2]] (.bz2)
(often a filesystem-level capability, such as ZFS and Btrfs snapshots and Windows Shadow Copy)
* [[CCITT Group 4]]
* [[CrLZH]] (.?y?)
* [[Autodesk Vault]]
* [[Crunch]] (.?z?)
* [[SmartVersion]] (.svf)
* [[GZIP]] (.gz)
* [[Error Code Modeler]] (.ecm)
See also [[Development#Revision_control_systems_.2F_code_repositories|Revision control systems / code repositories]]
* [[LZIP]] (.lz)
* [[LZMA]] (.lzma)
== Encrypted or cryptographically signed archives ==
* [[LZOP]] (.lzop)
* [[SDN (SDN Project)]]
* [[LZW]] (.z)
* [[XIP]]
* [[Squash (RISC OS)|Squash]] - single file compression on RISC OS
* [[ZED]]
* [[Squeeze/SQ]] (.?q?)
* [[XZ]] (.xz)
== File splitting ==
(1 file => multiple files. Most file splitting utilities just produce raw file fragments, and don't have a native file format. But some use a container format, and some create a separate "control" file for metadata.)
* [[AS/ZC (Zip Chunker)]]
* [[LambChop]]
* [[SLICE (Ziff Communications)]]
* [[SPLIT (M. Dingacci)]]
Also, the two sorts of [[Horcrux]], [[Horcrux (jesseduffield)]] and [[Horcrux (kndyry)]], are split-and-encrypted files.
== Filesystem backup and restoration ==
Formats designed for backing up disks, usually specifically targeted at particular [[filesystem]]s (but backing it up in the form of file structures, not raw sector images like [[Disk Image Formats]]).
* [[Partimage]]
* [[ufsdump]]
* [[Unix dump]]
* [[Windows Imaging Format]] (.wim, .swm)
See also [[Backup]].
== Fake archiving ==
Beware of these; they purport to be archivers but aren't really; you might lose any data you entrust to them. Could be somebody's idea of humor or malware.
* [[OWS (fake compressed archive)]]
* [[WIC (fake compressed archive)]]
== Institutional archiving ==
* [[ARK]] (identifier for archived documents)
* [[Archive eXchange Format]] (.axf)
* [[OAIS]] (Open Archival Information System, an organization that does archiving)
* [[Planets Core Registry]]
* [[PRONOM]]
** [[PUID]]
* [[SIRF]] (Self-Contained Information Retention Format)
* [[Submission Information Package]]
* [[UPF]] (Universal Preservation Format)
== Metadata formats ==
* [[Archive Team hostname file]]
* [[CDX]] (associated with web archives)
* [[DFDL]] (Data Format Description Language) - a file format for describing file formats
* [[FilmConservationMetadata]]
* [[Internet Archive metadata]]
* [[mtree]]
* [[Portland Common Data Model]]
* [[TOSEC Naming Convention]]
* [[Web Archive Metadata File]] (metadata for [[WARC]])
(see also [[Metadata]], [[Bibliographic data]])
== Program/App/Applet/Installer specialized archive formats ==
* [[Adobe Air]]
* [[APK]] (Android app)
** [[XAPK]]
*** [[OBB]]
* [[Bundle file (Linux)]]
* [[Bundle file (OS X)]]
* [[Cabal]]
* [[Cakewalk Bundle (BUN)]]
* [[Cakewalk Bundle (CWB)]]
* [[Cross-Platform Installer Module]]
* [[deb]] (Debian package)
* [[Eschalon Setup archive]] (.arv)
* [[FIZ]]
* [[Garc archive]] (.gar)
* [[IPS archive|Image Packaging System (IPS) archive]] (.p5p)
* [[IPS manifest|Image Packaging System (IPS) manifest]] (.p5m)
* [[Inno Setup self-extracting archive]]
* [[InstallShield]]
** [[InstallShield archive (IBT)]]
** [[InstallShield CAB]]
** [[InstallShield installer archive]]
** [[InstallShield Self-Extracting EXE]]
** [[InstallShield Z]]
* [[IPA]] (.ipa) => iOS app in archived form; actually in zip format
* [[IPSW]] (.ipsw) Apple OS restore format [ 1]
* [[IRIX software distribution format]] (.idb, etc.)
* [[Jar]] (.j, .jar) (Java) => this is just a renamed zip file with some mandatory files
* [[LIF (Knowledge Dynamics)]]
* [[MDA (Micrografx)]]
* [[Meta-Package File]] (.mpkg) (Mac OS X)
* [[Microsoft Update Standalone Package]]
* [[MRNZ]]
* [[NSIS]] (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
* [[Olive]] (executable virtual-machine archive of software)
* [[OS/2 PACK archive]]
* [[OS/2 PACK2 archive]] (FTCOMP)
* [[Packaged Activity]] (Microsoft Train Simulator)
* [[Package File (OS X)]] (.pkg)
* [[PackageForTheWeb]]
* [[PC-Install]] (20/20 Software) - See also [[PC-Shrink]].
* [[QIP (Quarterdeck)]]
* [[RED (Knowledge Dynamics)]]
* [[RPM]] (RedHat Package Manager)
* [[Setup Factory]] (Indigo Rose Software)
* [[SIS]] (Symbian)
* [[Snap]]
* Sweet Home 3D
** [[Sweet Home 3D Furniture Library]]
** [[Sweet Home 3D Plug-in]]
** [[Sweet Home 3D Texture Library]]
* [[SWG]] (SWAG)
* [[Unity package file]]
* [[WAD (Wii)]]
* [[Windows Installer]] (.msi, .msp)
* [[Wise installer package]]
* [[XAR (Executable Archive)]]
* [[Z/Install]]
* [[ZSoft ZPK2]]
* [[Zune HD Application File]] (.zcp)
== Self-extracting archives ==
== Self-extracting archives ==
(in addition, some of the other archivers are able to produce executable files for some platform which include the archived data and a program to extract them, and generally have the file extension normal for executables, such as .exe for DOS/Windows)
(in addition, some of the other archivers are able to produce executable files for some platform which include the archived data and a program to extract them, and generally have the file extension normal for executables, such as .exe for DOS/Windows. In many cases, if you rename the extension to the appropriate one for the archive type involved, e.g., '''.zip''', the file will open in the appropriate archiver, which is handy for extracting them on systems not compatible with the original executable.)
* [[SDA]] - [[Self Dissolving Archive]]
* [[ARS]]
* [[SEA]] - [[Self-Extracting Archive]]  
* [[SFX]] - [[Self-Extracting Archive]]  
* [[LHA/LHarc self-extracting archive]]
* [[makeself]] []
* [[PMsfx]]
* [[SCRNCH]] (in "write mode")
* [[SDA]] (Self Dissolving Archive)
* [[SEA (StuffIt)]] (StuffIt Self-Extracting Archive)
* [[Self-extracting ZIP]]
* [[SFX]] (Self-Extracting Archive)
* [[shar]] (Shell Archive, in Unix-like systems)
* [[SQWEZ]]
== Software ==
Refer to [[Compression and archiving software]].
== Transfer formats ==
(encapsulate a system-specific file structure to make it compatible with foreign systems, file transfer protocols, etc.)
* [[AppleDouble]]
* [[AppleSingle]]
* [[Bento]] (1990s Apple cross-platform compound content format)
* [[Binary II]] (.bny) (for Apple II series) (often [[squeeze]]d as .bqy)
* [[BinHex]] (.hqx)
* [[GEOS Convert]] (.cvt)
* [[MacBinary]]
* [[MAR Utility]]
* [[oric-dsk-manager exported file]]
* [[TI variable file]]
For low-level transfer encodings, see [[Transfer Encodings]].
== Uncategorized ==
== Uncategorized ==
* [[Cache Directory Tagging Standard]]
* [[Content Addressable Archive]] (CAR)
* [[7zX]] [[s7z]]
== See also ==
* [[9CDR]] - [[Amiga FileImploder Clone]]
* [[Backup]]
* [[AFA]] [[afa]]
* [[Compression]]
* [[ALZip]] [[alz]]
* [[Disk Image Formats]]
* [[APX]] [[apx]]
* [[Executable envelopes#Executable libraries]]
* [[ARCFS]] - [[ArcFS ArchivePacker]]
* [[ArchiveLib]] [[GreenLeaf]]
* [[bh]] - [[BlakHole]]
* [[cfs]] - [[Compact File Set]]
* [[cpt]] - [[Compact Pro]]
* [[CRN]] [[crn]] - compressed text files used for PC-Write manual
* [[DGCA]] [[dgc]]
* [[dar]] - [[Disk Archiver]]
* [[dd]] - [[DiskDoubler]]
* [[DMS]] [[dms]] -  Amiga Disk Masher compressed file
* [[DUPA]]- [[Amiga FileImploder Clone]]
* [[ecc]] - [[DVDisaster Error Correction File]]
* [[FIMP]] - [[Amiga FileImploder]]
* [[F]] - [[Freeze/Melt]]
* [[GCA]] [[gca]]
* [[HA]] [[ha]]
* [[z]] - [[Huffman Encoding]]
* [[ICE]] [[ice]]
* [[IFHC]] - [[Amiga FileImploder Clone]]
* [[IMP]] - [[Amiga FileImploder]]
* [[Inflate]] [[infl]]
* [[kgb]] - [[KGB Archiver]]
* [[xp3]] - [[KiriKiri]]
* [[LZX]] [[lzx]]
* [[LNX]] [[lnx]] - [[Lynx archive]], used on Commodore 64
* [[mar]] - [[Mozilla Archive]]
* [[??_]] - [[MS-DOS Compression]]
* [[pit]] - [[PackIt]]
* [[PAK]] [[pak]]
* [[PAQ]] [[paq6]] [[paq7]] [[paq8]]
* [[par]] [[par2]] - [[Parchive File]]
* [[partimg]] - [[PartImage]]
* [[pea]] - [[PeaZip]]
* [[uca]] - [[PerfectCompress]]
* [[PIM]] [[pim]]
* [[qda]] - [[Quadruple D]]
* [[RK]] [[rk]]
* [[RZIP]] [[rzip]]
* [[ba]] - [[SCIFER]]
* [[sen]] - [[Scifer]]
* [[sfArk]] [[sfark]]
* [[shar]] - [[Shell Archive]]
* [[SQX]] [[sqx]]
* [[uha]] - [[UHarc]]
* [[uc]], [[uc0]], [[uc2]], [[ucn]], [[ur2]], [[ue2]] - [[UltraCompressor II]]
* [[ar]] - [[Unix Archiver]]
* [[wim]] [[Windows Image]]  
* [[hki]] - [[WinHKI]]
* [[rk]] - [[WinRK]]
* [[XAR]] [[xar]]
* [[YZ1]] [[yz1]]
* [[zz]]] - [[Zzip]]
[[Category:Compression| ]]
== Links ==
* [ Torture-testing Backup and Archive Programs: Things You Ought to Know But Probably Would Rather Not]
* [ Discussion of proposed top-level MIME type for 'archive']
* [ What Do you Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers]

Latest revision as of 13:07, 27 February 2025

File Format
Name Archiving


(Lossless, for generic data + file archives)


[edit] Archiving only

(many files => 1 file, no compression attempted)

[edit] Text-based

[edit] Compression + archiving

(Multiple files => 1 file, makes it smaller. See Compression for formats that compress single files/streams, and Disk Image Formats for formats that capture the low-level structure of a disk)

[edit] Diff files

(containing only the parts of a file that have changed, so they can be applied to an existing file to update it; used for update distribution and incremental backups)

See also Wikipedia:Data differencing.

[edit] Versioning files

(contains multiple versions of files, often just saving the differences to save space)

(often a filesystem-level capability, such as ZFS and Btrfs snapshots and Windows Shadow Copy)

See also Revision control systems / code repositories

[edit] Encrypted or cryptographically signed archives

[edit] File splitting

(1 file => multiple files. Most file splitting utilities just produce raw file fragments, and don't have a native file format. But some use a container format, and some create a separate "control" file for metadata.)

Also, the two sorts of Horcrux, Horcrux (jesseduffield) and Horcrux (kndyry), are split-and-encrypted files.

[edit] Filesystem backup and restoration

Formats designed for backing up disks, usually specifically targeted at particular filesystems (but backing it up in the form of file structures, not raw sector images like Disk Image Formats).

See also Backup.

[edit] Fake archiving

Beware of these; they purport to be archivers but aren't really; you might lose any data you entrust to them. Could be somebody's idea of humor or malware.

[edit] Institutional archiving

[edit] Metadata formats

(see also Metadata, Bibliographic data)

[edit] Program/App/Applet/Installer specialized archive formats

[edit] Self-extracting archives

(in addition, some of the other archivers are able to produce executable files for some platform which include the archived data and a program to extract them, and generally have the file extension normal for executables, such as .exe for DOS/Windows. In many cases, if you rename the extension to the appropriate one for the archive type involved, e.g., .zip, the file will open in the appropriate archiver, which is handy for extracting them on systems not compatible with the original executable.)

[edit] Software

Refer to Compression and archiving software.

[edit] Transfer formats

(encapsulate a system-specific file structure to make it compatible with foreign systems, file transfer protocols, etc.)

For low-level transfer encodings, see Transfer Encodings.

[edit] Uncategorized

[edit] See also

[edit] Links

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