3D and CAD/CAM Models

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== 3D Modeling ==
== 3D Modeling ==
* [[3DMF]] - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
* [[3DM]] - OpenNURBS Initiative 3D Model (used by Rhinoceros 3D) (.3dm)
* [[3DM]] - OpenNURBS Initiative 3D Model (used by Rhinoceros 3D) (.3dm)
* [[3DMF]] - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
* [[3DS]] - Legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
* [[3DS]] - Legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
* [[AC]] - AC3D Model (.ac)
** [[LFT]] - 3DS Loft Object
* [[AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
** [[SHP]] - 3DS Shapes File
** [[PRJ]] - 3DS Project File
* [[3D Tiles]] ([http://www.opengis.net/doc/CS/3DTiles/1.0 OGC Spec])
* [[3MF]] - 3D Manufacturing Format
* [[4D Paint]]
* [[AC3D Model]] (.ac)
* [[Adobe Aero]] (.real)
* [[Adobe Dimension]] (.dn)
* [[Adobe Dimensions]] (.dim)
* [[Adobe PRC]] (embedded in PDF files)
* [[Adobe PRC]] (embedded in PDF files)
* [[AN8]] - Anim8or Model (.an8)
* [[Additive Manufacturing File Format|AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
* [[AOI]] - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
* [[Agisoft]] (.psx, .psz, .oc3, .tls)
* [[B3D]] - Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
* [[Anim8or]] - Anim8or Model (.an8)
* [[Alembic]] (.abc)
* [[AOI (Art of Illusion)|AOI]] - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
* [[Appearance eXchange Format]] (.AxF) [https://www.xrite.com/axf 1]
* [[AWD (Away3D)]]
* [[BGA (mesh)|BGA]] (.bga)
* [[BLEND]] - Blender (.blend)
* [[BLEND]] - Blender (.blend)
* [[Blitz3D Model]] (.b3d)
* [[BLOCK]] - Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
* [[BLOCK]] - Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
* [[Bob ray tracer scene description]]
* [[BRL-CAD geometry]] (.g)
* [[BRL-CAD geometry]] (.g)
* [[C4D]] - Cinema 4D (.c4d)
* [[C4D]] - Cinema 4D (.c4d)
* [[Cal3D]] - Cal3D (.cal3d)
* [[Cal3D]] - Cal3D (.cal3d)
* [[Caligari trueSpace]] (.cob, .scn)
* [[Canoma]] (.3dv)
* [[CCP4]] - X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
* [[CCP4]] - X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
* [[CFL]] - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
* [[CFL]] - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
* [[COB]] - Caligari Object (.cob)
* [[CORE3D]] - Unknown format possibly connected with Coreona 3D or Corona 3D (.core3d)
* [[CORE3D]] - Coreona 3D Coreona 3D Virtual File(.core3d)
* [[OpenCTM]] - OpenCTM (.ctm)
* [[CTM]] - OpenCTM (.ctm)
* [[COLLADA]] - COLLADA (.dae)
* [[DAE]] - COLLADA (.dae)
* [[Daz Scene Object Notation]] (.dson)[http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/dson_spec/start 1]
* [[DFF]] - RenderWare binary stream, commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
* [[DKBTrace scene description]] - DKB Ray Tracer (.dat)
* [[DMX model]] - Valve
* [[Doré Raster]]
* [[dotXSI]] - Softimage
* [[DPM]] - deepMesh (.dpm)
* [[DPM]] - deepMesh (.dpm)
* [[DTS]] - Torque Game Engine (.dts)
* [[DTS]] - Torque Game Engine (.dts)
* [[EGG]] - Panda3D Engine
* [[EGG]] - Panda3D Engine
* [[Euclid (Ace Computing)|Euclid]] - 3D design file format (Ace Computing)
* [[FACT]] - Electric Image (.fac)
* [[FACT]] - Electric Image (.fac)
* [[FBX]] - Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
* [[FBX]] - Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
* [[FMZ]] - FormZ Project file
* [[Fusion 360]] (.f3d)
* [[GLM]] - Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
* [[GLM]] - Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
* [[glTF]] (.gltf)
* [[IGB]] - Google Earth 3D model (.igb)
* [[Imagine Object File]] (Variety of FORM [[TDDD]])
* [[Imagine Texture File]]
* [[Infini-D]] (.ids)
* [[Instant 3D]] (.i3d, .e3d)
* [[JAS]] - Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
* [[JAS]] - Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
* [[LWO]] - Lightwave Object (.lwo)
* [[Laubwerk]] (.lbw)
* [[LWS]] - Lightwave Scene (.lws)
* [[LSB]] - Lightscape scene binary format (.lsb)
* [[LightWave Object]] (.lwo, LWOB, LWLO, LWO2)
* [[LightWave Scene]] (.lws, LWSC)
* [[LXO]] - Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
* [[LXO]] - Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
* [[MA]] - Autodesk Maya ASCII File (.ma)
* [[MAX (3ds Max)|MAX]] - Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
* [[MAX]] - Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
* [[Maya scene]] - Autodesk Maya ASCII or Binary File (.ma, .mb)
* [[MB]] - Autodesk Maya Binary File (.mb)
* [[MD2]] - Quake 2 model format (.md2)
* [[MD2]] - Quake 2 model format (.md2)
* [[MD3]] - Quake 3 model format (.md3)
* [[MD3]] - Quake 3 model format (.md3)
* [[MDX]] - Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)
* [[MD4 (Quake)|MD4]] - Quake MD4 model format (used in later Quake 3 versions) (.md4)
* [[MESH]] - New York University(.m)
* [[MDX (Blizzard)|MDX]] - Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)
* [[MESH]] - Meshwork Model (.mesh)
* [[Mesh (NYU)]] - New York University (.m)
* [[MeshLab]] (.mlp, .mlb)
* [[MeshMixer]] (.mix)
* [[Meshwork model]] (.mesh)
* [[MM3D]] - Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
* [[MM3D]] - Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
* [[MPO]] - Multi-Picture [[Object]] - This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
* [[MilkShape model]] (.ms3d)
* [[MRC]] - voxels in cryo-electron microscopy
* [[MilkShape ASCII]] (.txt)
* [[Navisworks]] (.nwd .nwf .nwc)
* [[Nexus 3D]] (.nxz, .nxs)
* [[NFF]] - Haines NFF, Neutral File Format
* [[NFF]] - Haines NFF, Neutral File Format
* [[NIF]] - Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
* [[NIF]] - Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
* [[OBJ]] - Wavefront .obj file (.obj)
* [[OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format)]]
* [[OFF]] - Digital Equipment Corporation / Workstation Systems Engineering Object File Format (.off)
* [[OFF (Geomview Object File Format)]]
* [[POV]] - Persistence of Vision, POV-Ray document (.pov)
* [[OpenSceneGraph]] (.osg, .osgt)
* [[PRT scene description]] (Parallel Ray Trace)
* [[Outerra engine]] (.otx) (used in Anteworld game)
* [[P3D (PSC)]] - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center 3D Metafile
* [[Parasolid]] (.x_t, .x_b)
* [[PLY]]
* [[Poser Scene]]
* [[POV-Ray scene description]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.pov)
* [[POV-Ray density file]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.df3)
* [[PRT scene description]] - Parallel Ray Trace
* [[Ptex]]
* [[QRT Ray Tracer scene description]] (.qrt)
* [[QRT Ray Tracer scene description]] (.qrt)
* [[Radiance Scene Description]] (.rad)
* [[Radiance Scene Description]] (.rad)
* [[Ray Dream]] (.rd4, .rds, d3d)
* [[Rayshade scene description]] (.ray)
* [[Rayshade scene description]] (.ray)
* [[RWX]] - RenderWare Object (.rwx)
* [[ReCap]] (.rcp, .rcs)
* [[Sense8 NFF]] (WorldToolkit Neutral File Format)
* [[RenderWare binary stream file]] (.dff) -- commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
* [[SGI YAODL]] (Yet Another Object Description Language, Power-Flip Format)
* [[RenderWare object]] (.rwx)
* [[RGE]] Shining 3D Range File
* [[RIB]] - RenderMan Interface Bytestream / Pixar / 3D Reality
* [[Sense8 NFF]] - WorldToolkit Neutral File Format
* [[SGI YAODL]] - Yet Another Object Description Language, Power-Flip Format
* [[SGO]] - Silicon Graphics Object, Showcase  
* [[SGO]] - Silicon Graphics Object, Showcase  
* [[SIA]] - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
* [[SIA]] - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
* [[SIB]] - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
* [[SIB]] - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
* [[Simply 3D Geometry]] (.ged)
* [[Simply 3D]] (.s3d)
* [[SKN/BMF]] - A 3D mesh format associated with The Sims [http://simtech.sourceforge.net/tech/bmf.html]
* [[SKP]] - Google Sketchup file (.skp)
* [[SKP]] - Google Sketchup file (.skp)
* [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
* [[SolidWorks]]
* [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
** [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
* [[SMD]] - Valve Studiomdl Data format. (.smd)
** [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
** [[eDrawing]] (.eprt, .easm, .edrw)
** [[HOOPS Stream File]] (.hsf)
* [[Softimage SCN]]
* [[Strata 3D]] (.s3d)
* [[Studiomdl Data]] - Valve (.smd)
* [[Substance]] (.sbs, .sbsar) -- used by Substance family of programs, and found in Substance Source library
* [[SVX]] - Shapeways voxel format. (.svx)
* [[TDDD]] - Turbo Silver 3D Data Description, T3D
* [[TDDD]] - Turbo Silver 3D Data Description, T3D
* [[TTDDD]] - Textual TDDD
* [[Tilt Brush]] (.tilt)
* [[U3D]] - Universal 3D file format (.u3d)
* [[U3D]] - Universal 3D file format (.u3d)
* [[VRML97]] - VRML Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
** [[IDTF]] - Intermediate Data Text Format
* [[Universal Scene Description]] - Pixar USD
* [[USDZ]] [https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/files/USDZFileFormatSpecification.pdf]
* [[VDAFS]] (.vda)
* [[Vivid scene description]] (.v)
* [[VO (Vector Object Utils)]]
* [[VORT art scene]] (.scn)
* [[VRML]] - Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
* [[VTK]] - Visualization Toolkit (.vtk)
* [[VTKHDF]] - Visualization Toolkit (.vtkhdf)
* [[VUE]] - Vue scene file (.vue)
* [[VUE]] - Vue scene file (.vue)
* [[Wavefront MTL]]
* [[Wavefront OBJ]]
* [[WINGS]] - Wings3D (.wings)
* [[WINGS]] - Wings3D (.wings)
* [[X]] - DirectX 3D Model (.x)
* [[X (DirectX)]] - DirectX 3D Model (.x)
* [[X3D]] - Extensible 3D (.x3d)
* [[X3D]] - Extensible 3D (.x3d)
* [[Yobj]] - Yukes 3D Object (.yobj)
* [[Z3D]] - Zmodeler (.z3d)
* [[Z3D]] - Zmodeler (.z3d)
* [[Zbrush MatCap]] (.zmt)
== CAD ==
== CAD ==
* [[3dmlw]] - (3D Markup Language for Web) files
* [[3DMLW]] - (3D Markup Language for Web) files
* [[3dxml]] - Dassault Systemes graphic representation
* [[3DXML]] - Dassault Systemes graphic representation
* [[ACP]] - VA Software [[VA]] - Virtual Architecture CAD file
* [[ACP]] - VA Software VA - Virtual Architecture CAD file
* [[AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
* [[Additive Manufacturing File Format|AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
* [[Argon]] - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
* [[Argon]] - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
* [[ART]] - ArtCAM model
* [[ART (ArtCAM model)|ART]] - ArtCAM model
* [[ASC]] - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
* [[ArtiosCAD]] (.a3d, .ard)
* [[ASM]] - Solidedge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
* [[ASC (BRL-CAD Geometry)|ASC]] - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
* [[DDS BIN|BIN]], [[BIM]] - Data Design System DDS-CAD
* [[ASM (Solid Edge Assembly)|ASM]] - Solid Edge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
* [[AutoCAD Slide]]
* [[AutoCAD Slide Library]]
* [[AutoSketch]]
* [[BRL-CAD geometry]] (.g)
* [[CAD-3D]] - Antic Software
* [[CAD/DRAW‎]]
* [[CadStd]] - CAD
* [[CATDrawing]] - CATIA V5 Drawing document
* [[CATIA V4 Model]] - CATIA V4 Model
* [[CATIA V4 Project]] - CATIA V4 Project
* [[CATMaterial]] - CATIA V5 Material
* [[CATPart]] - CATIA V5 Part Description / Model
* [[CATProcess]] - CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
* [[CATProduct]] - CATIA V5 Assembly document
* [[CCC]] - CopyCAD Curves
* [[CCC]] - CopyCAD Curves
* [[CCM]] - CopyCAD Model
* [[CCM]] - CopyCAD Model
* [[CCS]] - CopyCAD Session
* [[CCS]] - CopyCAD Session
* [[CAD]] - CadStd
* [[Cell library]] (.cel)
* [[CATDrawing]] - CATIA V5 Drawing document
* [[CEX]] (Caddie Exchange format)
* [[CATPart]] - CATIA V5 Part document
* [[CATProduct]] - CATIA V5 Assembly document
* [[CATProcess]] - CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
* [[cgr]] - CATIA V5 graphic representation file
* [[cgr]] - CATIA V5 graphic representation file
* [[CO]] - Ashlar-Vellum [[Cobalt]] - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
* [[CKD]] - KeyCreator (was CADKEY)
* [[DRW]] - Caddie Early version of Caddie [[drawing]] - Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
* [[Cobalt]] - Ashlar-Vellum (CO) - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
* [[DWG]] - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
* [[CorelCAD]]
* [[DFT]] - Solidedge Draft
* [[DDS-CAD]] Data Design System (BIM)
* [[DFT]] - Solid Edge Draft
* [[DGN]] - MicroStation design file
* [[DGN]] - MicroStation design file
* [[DGK]] - Delcam Geometry
* [[DGK]] - Delcam Geometry
* [[DMT]] - Delcam Machining Triangles
* [[DMT]] - Delcam Machining Triangles
* [[DXF]] - ASCII Drawing Interchange file [[format]] - AutoCAD
* [[DRW]] - Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing - Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
* [[DTF]] - Solid Edge Document
* [[DWG]] - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
* [[DWB]] - VariCAD drawing file
* [[DWB]] - VariCAD drawing file
* [[DWF]] - AutoDesk's Web Design Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
* [[DWF]] - AutoDesk's Design Web Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
* [[DXB]] - Drawing Interchange Binary Format - AutoCAD
* [[DXF]] - Drawing Interchange file format - AutoCAD
* [[Euclid]] - CAD file format
* [[Euclid]] - CAD file format
* [[Euclid (Ace Computing)|Euclid]] - CAD/composition file format (Ace Computing)
* [[Euklid]] - CAD/CAM and Gear CAM
* [[EMB]] - Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
* [[EMB]] - Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
* [[ESW]] - Agtek format
* [[ESW]] - Agtek format
* [[EXCELLON]] - Excellon file
* [[Excellon drill format]]
* [[EXP]] - Drawing Express file format
* [[EXP]] - Drawing Express file format
* [[FM]] - FeatureCAM Part File
* [[FastCAD]]
* [[FMZ]] - FormZ Project file
* [[FeatureCAM part file]] (FM)
* [[G]] - BRL-CAD Geometry File
* [[gbXML]]
* [[GERBER]] - Gerber file
* [[GDL Script]] - scripting language used in ARCHICAD (.gdl)
* [[Gerber format]] - RS-274-D, RS-274X
* [[GLM]] - KernelCAD model
* [[GLM]] - KernelCAD model
* [[GRB]] - T-FLEX CAD File
* [[GRB]] - T-FLEX CAD File
* [[GTC]] - GRAITEC Advance file format
* [[GTC]] - GRAITEC Advance file format
* [[HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph file]] (.huh)
* [[IAM]] - Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
* [[IAM]] - Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
* [[ICD]] - IronCAD 2D CAD file
* [[ICD]] - IronCAD 2D CAD file
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* [[IPT]] - Autodesk Inventor Part file
* [[IPT]] - Autodesk Inventor Part file
* [[JT]] (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
* [[JT]] (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
* [[MCD]] - Monu-CAD (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
* [[KeyCAD]]
* [[model]] - CATIA V4 part document
* [[MakerBot instruction file]] (for fifth generation MakerBot 3D printers)
* [[OCD]] - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file
* [[MCC]] - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
* [[MCD]] - Monu-CAD Drawing (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
* [[MCP]] - Monu-CAD Plot (Monument/Headstone Plot file)
* [[MTN]] - Monu-CAD Thumbnail (Monument/Headstone Thumbnail file)
* [[OakPDT Drawing]]
* [[OCAD]] - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file (.ocd)
* [[OpenSCAD]] - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
* [[OpenSCAD]] - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
* [[PAR]] - Solidedge Part
* [[PAR]] - Solid Edge Part
* [[PIPE]] - PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
* [[PIPE]] - PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
* [[PLA]] - ArchiCad archive
* [[PLN]] - ArchiCad project
* [[PLN]] - ArchiCad project
* [[PRT]] - NX (recently known as Unigraphics), Pro/ENGINEER Part, CADKEY Part
* [[POL]] - PolyWorks
* [[PSM]] - Solidedge Sheet
* [[PRT (CADKEY)]] - became KeyCreator
* [[PRT (PTC)]] - Pro/Engineer, Pro/E Wildfire, Creo Parametric
* [[PRT (UG)]] - Unigraphics, Siemens PLM, NX CAD
* [[PSM]] - Solid Edge Sheet
* [[PSMODEL]] - PowerSHAPE Model
* [[PSMODEL]] - PowerSHAPE Model
* [[PWI]] - PowerINSPECT File
* [[PWI]] - PowerINSPECT File
* [[PYT]] - Pythagoras File
* [[PYT]] - Pythagoras File
* [[SKP]] - SketchUp Model
* [[Revit]] - AutoDesk Revit files (RVT, RFA)
* [[RLF]] - ArtCAM Relief
* [[RLF]] - ArtCAM Relief
* [[RVT]] - AutoDesk Revit project files
* [[S3G]] - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware below 7.0
* [[RFA]] - AutoDesk Revit family files
* [[SCDOC]] - SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
* [[SCDOC]] - SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
* [[SKP]] - SketchUp Model
* [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly drawing
* [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly drawing
* [[SLDDRW]] - SolidWorks 2D drawing
* [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks 3D part model (had .prt extension earlier)
* [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks 3D part model
* [[Solid Edge XML design]] (.cmp_xml)
* [[dotXSI]] - Softimage
* [[STEP]] - Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
* [[STEP]] - Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
* [[STL]] - Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. (.stl)
* [[STL]] - Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. (.stl)
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* [[TCW]] - TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
* [[TCW]] - TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
* [[Thing file]] - MakerBot (.thing)
* [[Thing file]] - MakerBot (.thing)
* [[UNV]] - I-DEAS I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
* [[TPL]] - ARCHICAD Project Template
* [[VC6]] - Ashlar-Vellum [[Graphite]] - 2D and 3D drafting
* [[UNV]] - Universal File Format; used by I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
* [[VectorWorks]]
* [[VC6]] - Ashlar-Vellum Graphite - 2D and 3D drafting
* [[VLM]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
* [[VLM]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
* [[VS]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
* [[VS]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
* [[WRL]] - Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines. Also used for VRML models on the web.
* [[WorraCAD Drawing]]
* [[XE]] - Ashlar-Vellum [[Xenon]] - for Associative 3D Modeling
* [[WRL]] - The file format of [[VRML]], which is listed in the modeling section above, but also used in CAD/CAM. Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines.
* [[X3G]] - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware 7.0 and up
* [[Xenon]] - Ashlar-Vellum (XE) - for Associative 3D Modeling
See also [[Machine Embroidery]]
== 2D images designed for use in conjunction with 3D models ==
* [[2DL]] (ARCHICAD 2D Lines)
* [[BodyPaint 3D]]
* [[Poser Bump Map]]
* [[Rayshade Heightfield]]
* [[SLDDRW]] - SolidWorks 2D drawing
* [[Valve Material Type]] (.vmt)
* [[V-Ray]]
== 3D animation files ==
* [[BIP (Character Studio)]]
* [[GLA]] - Ghoul animation (.gla)
* [[ROFF]] - Raven Object File Format / Rotation, Origin File Format
== Formats related to specialized hardware ==
* [[PowerVR]]
== Motion capture ==
* [[Acclaim ASF/AMC]]
== Image series scanning, microscopy ==
* [[BioRad confocal image]] - stores series of images generated by microscope scan of 3-D object, used in medical/research imaging
* [[MRC]] (Medical Research Council) - format used in 3D electron microscopy
== Stereoscopy ==
* [[JPS]]
* [[Multi-Picture Format]] - MPO, Multi-Picture Object - This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
* [[QDV (Random Dot Software)|QDV]] - apparently a random-dot-image stereoscopy format
== 3D video ==
=== Video formats ===
* [[Anaglyph 3D format]]
* [[Blu-ray 3D format]]
* [[SENSIO Hi-Fi 3D format]]
* [[Side-by-side 3D format]]
* [[Top-and-bottom 3D format]]
=== Container formats ===
* [[MK3D]]
Also see [[Game data files]] for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).
== Uncategorized ==
* [[3D Construction Kit]]
* [[Datron Simpl]] (.simpl)
* [[Polycam app data]]
* [[Qlone app data]]
== Links ==
== Links ==
=== Software, Utilities, and Development Libraries ===
* [[AutoCAD]]
* [[Konvertor]]
* [http://www.pythonocc.org/ PythonOCC: 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework for the Python programming language]
* [https://archive.org/details/msdos_shareware_fb_3DBENCH MS-DOS Shareware: Frostbyte: 3DBENCH]
=== Interesting objects printed with 3D printers ===
* [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/03/download-this-gun-3d-printed-semi-automatic-fires-over-600-rounds/ 3D-printed semi-automatic gun]
* [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/03/download-this-gun-3d-printed-semi-automatic-fires-over-600-rounds/ 3D-printed semi-automatic gun]
* [http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/worlds-first-3d-printed-gun-successfully-fired-in 3D-printed gun successfully fired]
* [http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/worlds-first-3d-printed-gun-successfully-fired-in 3D-printed gun successfully fired]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/03/17/autodesk-phillips-electronics-3d-printing/1990703/ 3-D printing in prosthetics]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/03/17/autodesk-phillips-electronics-3d-printing/1990703/ 3-D printing in prosthetics]
* [http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:44150 3D-printable artificial fingers]
* [http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:44150 3D-printable artificial fingers]
* [http://www.dezeen.com/2013/06/28/cortex-3d-printed-cast-for-bone-fractures-jake-evill/ Cortex 3D-printed cast]
* [http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/07/3d-systems-star-trek/ 3D-printed personalized Star Trek figurines]
* [http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/07/3d-systems-star-trek/ 3D-printed personalized Star Trek figurines]
* [http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/the-4-worst-things-people-are-making-with-3d-printers/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpage The 4 worst things people are making with 3D printers]
* [http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/the-4-worst-things-people-are-making-with-3d-printers/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpage The 4 worst things people are making with 3D printers]
* [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/effs-fight-open-3d-printing-continues-askpatentscom EFF: Stop bad 3D printing patents]
* [http://www.techdirt.com/blog/innovation/articles/20130428/06443622864/dont-let-patents-kill-3d-printing.shtml Don't let patents kill 3D printing]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/04/05/4d-printing-and-programmable-m.html 4D printing (the 4th dimension is time)]
* [http://reprap.org/wiki/Main_Page RepRap: project to build self-replicating 3D printer]
* [http://www.latimes.com/features/food/dailydish/la-dd-food-printer-world-hunger-pizza-20130521,0,4628674.story 3-D food 'printer' aims to end world hunger, starting with pizza]
* [http://www.latimes.com/features/food/dailydish/la-dd-food-printer-world-hunger-pizza-20130521,0,4628674.story 3-D food 'printer' aims to end world hunger, starting with pizza]
* [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130522180102.htm Baby's Life Saved With Groundbreaking 3-D Printed Device That Restored His Breathing]
* [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130522180102.htm Baby's Life Saved With Groundbreaking 3-D Printed Device That Restored His Breathing]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/06/10/how-3d-printing-will-rebuild-r.html How 3-D printing will rebuild reality]
* [http://inhabitat.com/nyc/new-york-city-plans-to-fix-its-crumbling-harbors-using-3d-printed-concrete/ Fixing New York City infrastructure with 3D-printed concrete]
* [http://inhabitat.com/nyc/new-york-city-plans-to-fix-its-crumbling-harbors-using-3d-printed-concrete/ Fixing New York City infrastructure with 3D-printed concrete]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/06/24/kickstarting-a-400-applianc.html Kickstarting a $400 "appliance" 3D printer]
* [http://qz.com/96806/with-3d-printing-youll-be-able-to-replicate-the-worlds-famous-sculptures/ With 3D printing, you’ll be able to replicate the world’s famous sculptures]
* [http://qz.com/96806/with-3d-printing-youll-be-able-to-replicate-the-worlds-famous-sculptures/ With 3D printing, you’ll be able to replicate the world’s famous sculptures]
* [http://www.fashion-incubator.com/archive/useful-3d-printing-sewing-machine-jigs-fixtures/ Useful 3D printing -sewing machine jigs & fixtures]
* [http://www.wired.com/autopia/2013/07/3d-printed-aston-martin/ This Guy Is 3-D Printing a Classic Aston Martin … That Runs]
* [http://www.tonedeaf.com.au/news/international-news/306773/3d-print-mp3-vinyl-record.htm Now You Can 3D Print Any MP3 Into A Vinyl Record]
* [http://www.zaarchitects.com/en/other/103-mars-colonization.html Making Mars habitable for colonists using 3D printing]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/09/26/crowdfunding-a-3d-printed-ope.html Crowdfunding a 3D printed, open source hardware robotic/prosthetic hand]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/10/02/blizzident-3d-printed-whole-m.html Blizzident: 3D printed whole-mouth-at-once toothbrush]
* [http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2013/11/the-next-revolution-will-not-b.html The revolution will not be hand-stitched]
* [http://www.fabbaloo.com/blog/2014/2/14/its-3d-printed-and-its-flexible It’s 3D Printed, and It’s Flexible]
* [http://gigaom.com/2014/02/25/this-is-what-3d-printed-wood-looks-like/ This is what 3D printed wood looks like]
* [http://www.fastcoexist.com/3042390/these-amazing-3-d-printed-houses-are-made-for-hermit-crabs?partner=rss#2 3D-printed hermit crab shells]
* [https://www.3dcrowd.uk/ 3D Crowd] is printing face shields in the UK.
[[Category:3D and CAD/CAM Models| ]]
=== Related technologies ===
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/04/05/4d-printing-and-programmable-m.html 4D printing (the 4th dimension is time)]
* [http://reprap.org/wiki/Main_Page RepRap: project to build self-replicating 3D printer]
* [http://qz.com/103705/forget-3d-printing-3d-subtraction-is-going-to-arrive-in-your-garage-first/ Forget 3D printing—3D subtraction is going to arrive in your garage first]
* [http://www.wired.com/design/2013/09/jaw-dropping-software-that-makes-3d-models-from-any-old-photograph/ Software makes 3-D models from photographs]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/10/14/6-axis-3d-printer-can-print-on.html 6-axis 3D printer can print on irregular surfaces]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/12/19/3d-printer-in-minecraft.html 3D printer within Minecraft game world]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/12/25/3d-printer-that-draws-pictures.html 3D printer that draws pictures in Jello shooters]
* [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1142241325/deltatrix-3d-printer-open-source-and-fully-hackabl Open-source hackable 3D printer]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/01/13/edible-sugar-3d-printer-at-ces.html Edible sugar 3D printer at CES]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/04/26/3d-printer-that-lays-down-cond.html 3D printer that lays down conductive traces as it goes]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/04/29/praying-mantises-wearing-3d-gl.html Praying mantises wearing 3D glasses]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/05/02/2k-desktop-milling-machine.html $2k desktop milling machine]
* [http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/07/01/quantum-dots-hinder-3d-printed-counterfeits/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=quantum-dots-hinder-3d-printed-counterfeits Quantum Dots to Hinder 3D Printed Counterfeits]
* [http://blogs.reuters.com/data-dive/2015/04/13/introducing-vibrating-3d-buttons-made-out-of-sound/ 3D virtual objects made out of sound]
=== Legal issues ===
* [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/effs-fight-open-3d-printing-continues-askpatentscom EFF: Stop bad 3D printing patents]
* [http://www.techdirt.com/blog/innovation/articles/20130428/06443622864/dont-let-patents-kill-3d-printing.shtml Don't let patents kill 3D printing]
* [http://qz.com/106483/3d-printing-will-explode-in-2014-thanks-to-the-expiration-of-key-patents/ 3D printing will explode in 2014, thanks to the expiration of key patents]
* [http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/02/04/spies-3d-printer/ The Spies in Your 3D Printer]
=== Other ===
* [http://www.yobi3d.com Yobi3D - 3D model search engine]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/06/24/kickstarting-a-400-applianc.html Kickstarting a $400 "appliance" 3D printer]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/06/10/how-3d-printing-will-rebuild-r.html How 3-D printing will rebuild reality]
* [http://www.weirduniverse.net/blog/comments/superman_invents_3-d_printing/ Superman invents 3D printing in 1964!]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/07/23/3-bee-printing-tricking-bees.html 3-Bee printing: tricking bees into making wax sculptures]
* [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/327919589/the-microfactory-a-machine-shop-in-a-box Kickstarter for Microfactory]
* [http://gigaom.com/2013/11/04/free-3d-printing-encryption-tool-for-your-stl-mesh-files/ Free 3D printing encryption tool for your STL mesh files]
* [http://3d.si.edu/ Smithsonian online 3D collection]
* [http://www.open-electronics.org/tiny-and-cute-open-source-3d-printer-smartrap-is-on-indiegogo/ Tiny and Cute Open source 3D printer Smartrap is on Indiegogo]
* [http://www.3ders.org/articles/20140209-made-in-africa-with-e-waste-3d-printer-campaign.html 'Made in Africa with e-waste' 3D printer campaign]
* [http://www.techdirt.com/blog/innovation/articles/20140213/13034226217/will-3d-printing-transform-world-just-fill-it-with-non-biodegradable-personalized-junk.shtml Will 3D Printing Transform The World -- Or Just Fill It With Non-Biodegradable Personalized Junk?]
* [http://www.popehat.com/2011/10/06/the-third-wave-cnc-stereolithography-and-the-end-of-gun-control/ The Third Wave, CNC, Stereolithography, and the end of gun control]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/05/07/was-the-mona-lisa-meant-to-be.html Was the Mona Lisa meant to be 3D?]
* [http://www.wired.com/2014/05/mod-t-printer/ A $250 3-D Printer With Breakthrough Software]
* [http://fabiensanglard.net/rayTracing_back_of_business_card/ Raytracer program code that fits on a business card]
* [http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2014/08/untangling-the-knot-of-cad-preservation/ Untangling the Knot of CAD Preservation]
* [http://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-will-reveal-info-new-3d-printing-file-format-build-2015-april-30 Microsoft will reveal info on new 3D printing file format during Build 2015]
* [https://www.si.edu/OpenAccess Smithsonian Open Access: Lots of files released into public domain/CC0, including 3D models.]

Revision as of 17:14, 2 August 2024

File Format
Name 3D and CAD/CAM Models



3D Modeling


  • 3DMLW - (3D Markup Language for Web) files
  • 3DXML - Dassault Systemes graphic representation
  • ACP - VA Software VA - Virtual Architecture CAD file
  • AMF - Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • Argon - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
  • ART - ArtCAM model
  • ArtiosCAD (.a3d, .ard)
  • ASC - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
  • ASM - Solid Edge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
  • AutoCAD Slide
  • AutoCAD Slide Library
  • AutoSketch
  • BRL-CAD geometry (.g)
  • CAD-3D - Antic Software
  • CadStd - CAD
  • CATDrawing - CATIA V5 Drawing document
  • CATIA V4 Model - CATIA V4 Model
  • CATIA V4 Project - CATIA V4 Project
  • CATMaterial - CATIA V5 Material
  • CATPart - CATIA V5 Part Description / Model
  • CATProcess - CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
  • CATProduct - CATIA V5 Assembly document
  • CCC - CopyCAD Curves
  • CCM - CopyCAD Model
  • CCS - CopyCAD Session
  • Cell library (.cel)
  • CEX (Caddie Exchange format)
  • cgr - CATIA V5 graphic representation file
  • CKD - KeyCreator (was CADKEY)
  • Cobalt - Ashlar-Vellum (CO) - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
  • CorelCAD
  • DDS-CAD Data Design System (BIM)
  • DFT - Solid Edge Draft
  • DGN - MicroStation design file
  • DGK - Delcam Geometry
  • DMT - Delcam Machining Triangles
  • DRW - Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing - Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
  • DTF - Solid Edge Document
  • DWG - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
  • DWB - VariCAD drawing file
  • DWF - AutoDesk's Design Web Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
  • DXB - Drawing Interchange Binary Format - AutoCAD
  • DXF - Drawing Interchange file format - AutoCAD
  • Euclid - CAD file format
  • Euklid - CAD/CAM and Gear CAM
  • EMB - Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
  • ESW - Agtek format
  • Excellon drill format
  • EXP - Drawing Express file format
  • FastCAD
  • FeatureCAM part file (FM)
  • gbXML
  • GDL Script - scripting language used in ARCHICAD (.gdl)
  • Gerber format - RS-274-D, RS-274X
  • GLM - KernelCAD model
  • GRB - T-FLEX CAD File
  • GTC - GRAITEC Advance file format
  • HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph file (.huh)
  • IAM - Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
  • ICD - IronCAD 2D CAD file
  • IDW - Autodesk Inventor Drawing file
  • IFC - buildingSMART for sharing AEC and FM data
  • IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
  • Intergraph Standard File Formats
  • IPN - Autodesk Inventor Presentation file
  • IPT - Autodesk Inventor Part file
  • JT (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
  • KeyCAD
  • MakerBot instruction file (for fifth generation MakerBot 3D printers)
  • MCC - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
  • MCD - Monu-CAD Drawing (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
  • MCP - Monu-CAD Plot (Monument/Headstone Plot file)
  • MTN - Monu-CAD Thumbnail (Monument/Headstone Thumbnail file)
  • OakPDT Drawing
  • OCAD - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file (.ocd)
  • OpenSCAD - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
  • PAR - Solid Edge Part
  • PIPE - PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
  • PLA - ArchiCad archive
  • PLN - ArchiCad project
  • POL - PolyWorks
  • PRT (CADKEY) - became KeyCreator
  • PRT (PTC) - Pro/Engineer, Pro/E Wildfire, Creo Parametric
  • PRT (UG) - Unigraphics, Siemens PLM, NX CAD
  • PSM - Solid Edge Sheet
  • PSMODEL - PowerSHAPE Model
  • PWI - PowerINSPECT File
  • PYT - Pythagoras File
  • Revit - AutoDesk Revit files (RVT, RFA)
  • RLF - ArtCAM Relief
  • S3G - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware below 7.0
  • SCDOC - SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
  • SKP - SketchUp Model
  • SLDASM - SolidWorks Assembly drawing
  • SLDPRT - SolidWorks 3D part model (had .prt extension earlier)
  • Solid Edge XML design (.cmp_xml)
  • STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
  • STL - Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. (.stl)
  • TCT - TurboCAD drawing template
  • TCW - TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
  • Thing file - MakerBot (.thing)
  • TPL - ARCHICAD Project Template
  • UNV - Universal File Format; used by I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
  • VectorWorks
  • VC6 - Ashlar-Vellum Graphite - 2D and 3D drafting
  • VLM - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
  • VS - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
  • WorraCAD Drawing
  • WRL - The file format of VRML, which is listed in the modeling section above, but also used in CAD/CAM. Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines.
  • X3G - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware 7.0 and up
  • Xenon - Ashlar-Vellum (XE) - for Associative 3D Modeling

See also Machine Embroidery

2D images designed for use in conjunction with 3D models

3D animation files

Formats related to specialized hardware

Motion capture

Image series scanning, microscopy

  • BioRad confocal image - stores series of images generated by microscope scan of 3-D object, used in medical/research imaging
  • MRC (Medical Research Council) - format used in 3D electron microscopy


  • JPS
  • Multi-Picture Format - MPO, Multi-Picture Object - This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
  • QDV - apparently a random-dot-image stereoscopy format

3D video

Video formats

Container formats

Also see Game data files for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).



Software, Utilities, and Development Libraries

Interesting objects printed with 3D printers

Related technologies

Legal issues


Personal tools
