Electronic Publishing formats
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Formats specific to the storage and transmission of publications in electronic form.
For desktop publishing, see Document#Desktop Publishing.
Contents[hide] |
Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.
- AARD [1]
- Apple dictionary [2] [3]
- BGL (Babylon)
- Dic (Babylon) [4]
- Dictd
- Lingvo DSL [5]
- Ling [6]
- Lingoes [7]
- Mdict MDX [8]
- Mova [9]
- ODict [10]
- Slob [11]
- SDictionary [12] [13]
- StarDic
- StarDict
- SugarDict
E-book formats
- Daisy
- DocBook
- KFX (Kindle Format X)
- PalmDOC
- PDG (Superstar)
- Rocket eBook
- Shanda Bambook
- SiliconPage
- TomeRaider
Journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, etc.
- Digital Replica Plus
- Issuu
- Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS / NLM)
- News Industry Text Format
- ScienceServer XML format
Scanned or archived book formats
- Comic Book Archive (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7)
- HathiTrust submission format
Other formats
- FlipAlbum (.flp)
- Onix - LoC Description
- Open Board Format (.obf, .obz)
- Portable Web Publications
- RePub
- Wordcruncher (.etb(u), .erl(u) .etg(u))
See also Document, Markup, and Web, since e-publications might also be stored in formats (such as PDF and HTML) in those categories, and e-publishing formats may have roots in those formats.
Naming and numbering systems for identifying published material.
- Innovations in Scholarly Publishing - One of the biggest bottlenecks in Open Access publishing is typesetting. It shouldn't be.
- DeDRM plugin for calibre: the simplest option for removing DRM from most ebooks
- You don't own your Kindle books, Amazon reminds customer
- Even Amazon can't keep up the "you only license ebooks" shuck
- How a Man in Austria Used Legos to Hack Amazon’s Kindle E-Book Security
- Adobe is apparently introducing new "hardened" e-book DRM that will break compatibility with older readers
- Another article on Adobe DRM move
- libebook: library to read various e-book formats
- The fight to save endangered ebooks
- Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications: Textual Works
- Readers absorb less on Kindles than on paper, study finds
- Michael Kelley: How Libraries Preserve E-books
- Adobe is Spying on Users, Collecting Data on Their eBook Libraries
- Correcting Misinformation on the Adobe Privacy Gusher
- War and Peace ebook readers find a surprise in its Nooks
- Getting a full PDF from a DRM-encumbered online textbook
- Removing DRM from e-books
- How to Read an e-book…From 1991
- Valid, but not accessible EPUB: crazy fixed layouts
- File format assessment: eBook Summary (British Library)