Electronic Publishing formats

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Formats specific to the storage and transmission of publications in electronic form.
Formats specific to the storage and transmission of publications in electronic form.
For ''desktop publishing'', see [[Document#Desktop Publishing]].
== Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. ==
* [[AARD]] [http://aarddict.org/1/index.html]
* [[Apple dictionary]] [https://josephg.com/blog/reverse-engineering-apple-dictionaries/] [https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/DictionaryServicesProgGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html]
* [[BGL]] (Babylon)
* [[Dic]] (Babylon) [http://ktranslator.sourceforge.net/dictionaries.html]
* [[Dictd]]
* [[Lingvo DSL]] [https://beijer.uk/software/dsl_abbyy_linvgvo]
* [[Ling]] [http://linguae.stalikez.info/]
* [[Lingoes]] [http://lingoes.net/]
* [[Mdict MDX]] [https://www.mdict.cn/wp/?lang=en]
* [[Mova]] [http://jalingo.sourceforge.net/dictionaries/]
* [[ODict]] [https://odict.org/]
* [[Slob]] [https://github.com/itkach/slob]
* [[SDictionary]] [http://swaj.net/sdict/index.html] [http://ktranslator.sourceforge.net/dictionaries.html]
* [[StarDic]]
* [[StarDict]]
* [[SugarDict]]
* [[XDXF]]
== E-book formats ==
* [[AZW]]
* [[AZW]]
* [[Comic Book Archive]] (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7)
* [[Daisy]]
* [[DocBook]]
* [[DocBook]]
* [[EPUB]]
* [[EPUB]]
* [[IMP (Electronic publishing)|IMP]]
* [[IMP (Electronic publishing)|IMP]]
* [[KFX (Kindle)|KFX]] (Kindle Format X)
* [[LRF]]
* [[LRF]]
* [[MOBI]]
* [[MOBI]]
* [[PRC]]
* [[PalmDOC]]
* [[PDG]] (Superstar)
* [[Rocket eBook]]
* [[Shanda Bambook]]
* [[SiliconPage]]
* [[TomeRaider]]
== Journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, etc. ==
* [[Digital Replica Plus]]
* [[Issuu]]
* [[Journal Article Tag Suite]] (JATS / NLM)
* [[News Industry Text Format]]
* [[ScienceServer XML format]]
== Scanned or archived book formats ==
* [[Comic Book Archive]] (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7)
* [[HathiTrust submission format]]
== Other formats ==
* [[FlipAlbum]] (.flp)
* [[OFIP]]
* [[Onix]] - [https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000488.shtml LoC Description]
* [[Open Board Format]] (.obf, .obz)
* [[Portable Web Publications]]
* [[RePub]]
* [[Wordcruncher]] (.etb(u), .erl(u) .etg(u))
See also [[Document]], [[Markup]], and [[Web]], since e-publications might also be stored in formats (such as [[PDF]] and [[HTML]]) in those categories, and e-publishing formats may have roots in those formats.
== Identifiers ==
Naming and numbering systems for identifying published material.
See also [[Document]] and [[Web]], since e-publications might also be stored in formats (such as [[PDF]] and [[HTML]]) in those categories, and e-publishing formats may have roots in those formats.
* [[ARK]]
* [[DOI]]
* [[ISBN]]
* [[ISSN]]
== Links ==
== Links ==
* [https://scholasticahq.com/innovations-in-scholarly-publishing/announcement/one-of-the-biggest-bottlenecks-in-open-access-publishing-is-typesetting-it-shouldn-t-be Innovations in Scholarly Publishing - One of the biggest bottlenecks in Open Access publishing is typesetting. It shouldn't be.]
* [https://scholasticahq.com/innovations-in-scholarly-publishing/announcement/one-of-the-biggest-bottlenecks-in-open-access-publishing-is-typesetting-it-shouldn-t-be Innovations in Scholarly Publishing - One of the biggest bottlenecks in Open Access publishing is typesetting. It shouldn't be.]
* [http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/calibre-plugins-the-simplest-option-for-removing-most-ebook-drm/ DeDRM plugin for calibre: the simplest option for removing DRM from most ebooks]
* [http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/gadgets/you-dont-own-your-kindle-books-amazon-reminds-customer-f1C6626211 You don't own your Kindle books, Amazon reminds customer]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/10/22/even-amazon-cant-keep-up-the.html Even Amazon can't keep up the "you only license ebooks" shuck]
* [http://allthingsd.com/20130906/how-a-man-in-austria-used-legos-to-hack-amazons-kindle-e-book-security/ How a Man in Austria Used Legos to Hack Amazon’s Kindle E-Book Security]
* [http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2754561&postcount=319 Adobe is apparently introducing new "hardened" e-book DRM that will break compatibility with older readers]
* [http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2014/02/03/adobe-require-new-epub-drm-july-expects-abandon-existing-users/ Another article on Adobe DRM move]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/libebook/ libebook: library to read various e-book formats]
* [http://www.theverge.com/2014/5/9/5688146/the-fight-to-save-endangered-ebooks The fight to save endangered ebooks]
* [http://www.loc.gov/preservation/resources/rfs/textmus.html Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications: Textual Works]
* [http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/aug/19/readers-absorb-less-kindles-paper-study-plot-ereader-digitisation Readers absorb less on Kindles than on paper, study finds]
* [http://publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/libraries/article/64271-check-it-out-with-michael-kelley-how-libraries-preserve-e-books.html Michael Kelley: How Libraries Preserve E-books]
* [http://the-digital-reader.com/2014/10/06/adobe-spying-users-collecting-data-ebook-libraries/ Adobe is Spying on Users, Collecting Data on Their eBook Libraries]
* [http://go-to-hellman.blogspot.com/2014/10/correcting-misinformation-on-adobe.html Correcting Misinformation on the Adobe Privacy Gusher]
* [http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2012/jun/07/war-and-peace-ebook-nook War and Peace ebook readers find a surprise in its Nooks]
* [http://vgel.me/posts/cracking-online-textbook/ Getting a full PDF from a DRM-encumbered online textbook]
* [http://www.trustedreviews.com/how-tos/how-to-remove-drm-from-your-ebooks Removing DRM from e-books]
* [https://bancroftdigitalcollectionsunit.wordpress.com/2016/03/11/how-to-read-an-ebook-from-1991/ How to Read an e-book…From 1991]
* [http://blog.kbresearch.nl/2016/04/04/valid-but-not-accessible-epub-crazy-fixed-layouts/ Valid, but not accessible EPUB: crazy fixed layouts]
* [http://wiki.dpconline.org/images/0/04/EBook_Summary_Assessment_v1.0.pdf File format assessment: eBook Summary (British Library)]

Latest revision as of 02:38, 6 August 2024

File Format
Name Electronic Publishing formats


Formats specific to the storage and transmission of publications in electronic form.

For desktop publishing, see Document#Desktop Publishing.



[edit] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

[edit] E-book formats

[edit] Journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, etc.

[edit] Scanned or archived book formats

[edit] Other formats

See also Document, Markup, and Web, since e-publications might also be stored in formats (such as PDF and HTML) in those categories, and e-publishing formats may have roots in those formats.

[edit] Identifiers

Naming and numbering systems for identifying published material.

[edit] Links

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