Cameras and Digital Image Sensors
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Raw image formats (unprocessed data from digital image sensors, usually digital cameras)
- Arriflex D-20: .ari
- Camera Image File Format (CIFF) as used by Canon: .crw
- Canon RAW 2: .cr2
- Casio digital cameras: .bay
- CHDK raw : (Older-style CHDK RAW files)
- DNG (Digital Negative): .dng (Adobe)
- Epson: .erf
- Fujifilm: .raf
- Hasselblad: .3fr
- Imacon: .fff
- Kodak: .dcs, .dcr, .drf, .k25, .kdc
- Leaf: .mos
- Leica: .raw, .rw2, .dng
- Logitech: .pxn
- Lytro: .lfp
- Mamiya RAW: .mef
- Minolta: .mrw
- Nikon: .nef, .nrw, .ndf
- Olympus Raw format: .orf
- Panasonic digital cameras: .raw, .rw2
- Pentax: .pef, .ptx
- Phase One: .cap, .iiq, .eip
- Rawzor: .rwz
- RED digital pictures: .r3d
- RW2 (Panasonic, Leica)
- Samsung digital cameras: .srw
- Sigma X3F: .x3f
- Sony digital cameras: .arw, .srf, .sr2
- Sony Mavica 411 (thumbnails)
- TIFF/EP (ISO 12234-2)
See also Graphics.
- Wikipedia: Raw image format
- HDR is stupid and it sucks
- Samsung source code (including for their digital cameras)
- How to photograph riots
- World's first digital camera (1975)
- OpenRAW - A mostly-defunct initiative to lobby for the documentation of RAW formats