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File Format
Name Photoshop
Extension(s) .asl, .csh, .grd, .aco, .pat, many others
Released 1990
This article is about the software, and all of its native formats. For the main Photoshop image format, see PSD.

Adobe Photoshop is a popular raster graphics editor. It has many native file formats and data formats, most notably PSD. It supports a relatively small number of third-party image formats, though plug-ins are often available for such formats.



Native formats

A ‡ symbol indicates that the format is documented in the public Photoshop File Formats Specification.

Format MacOS type File sig. Ext. Notes and references
Photoshop Action File 8BAC (none) .atn Photoshop Action File
Photoshop Album Photo Album File .psa
Photoshop Arbitrary Map Setting 8BLT (none) .amp
Photoshop Brush 8BBR (none) .abr Photoshop brush
Photoshop Color Book 8BCB 8BCB .acb [1]
Photoshop Color Settings .csf
Photoshop Color Swatch File 8BCO (none) .aco [2] A.k.a. "Colors file"
Photoshop Color Table 8BCT (none) .act
Photoshop Command Button .acm
Photoshop Compressed Textures .dds
Photoshop Contours 8BFS 8BFS .shc
Photoshop CS Keyboard Shortcut .kys
Photoshop Custom Filter 8BCK (none) .acf ‡ A.k.a. "Custom Kernel"
Photoshop Custom Shape cush .csh [3]
Photoshop Duotone Options 8BDT (none) .ado
Photoshop Elements Backup Catalog File .tly
Photoshop Elements Backup File .buc
Photoshop Extended Digital Book .edb
Photoshop Format 8BPS 8BPS .psd PSD
Photoshop Frame Filter File .rfr
Photoshop Gradient File 8BGR .grd [4], [5]
Photoshop Halftone Screen 8BHS (none) .ahs
Photoshop Hue/Saturation Information 8BHA (none) .hss, .ahv
Photoshop Image Resources 8BIM Photoshop Image Resources
Photoshop Import .8bp
Photoshop Ink Colors Setup 8BIC (none) .api ‡ A.k.a. "CMYK Setup"
Photoshop Large Document Format 8BPS 8BPS .psb PSB
Photoshop Layer Style ??8BSL .asl [6]
Photoshop Levels 8BLS (none) .alv
Photoshop Monitor Setup 8BMS (none) .ams
Photoshop Pattern File 8BPT .pat [7]
Photoshop PDF Format .pdp
Photoshop Photo File Index .asp
Photoshop Plug-in .8bc, .8bi8, .8bl, .8bs, .8li, .8ly
Photoshop Plug-in - Accelerator 8BXM .8bx
Photoshop Plug-in - Acquire 8BAM .8ba
Photoshop Plug-in - Export 8BEM .8be
Photoshop Plug-in - File format 8BIF .8bi
Photoshop Plug-in - Filter 8BFM .8bf
Photoshop Plug-in - General 8BPI .8bp
Photoshop Plug-in - Parser 8BYM .8by
Photoshop Proof Setup .psf
Photoshop Replace Color/Color Range 8BXT (none) .axt
Photoshop Saved Curve 8BSC (none) .acv, .crv Photoshop Curve
Photoshop Scratch Area 8BSR (none) .asr [8]
Photoshop Selective Color 8BSV (none) .asv
Photoshop Separation Setup .asp
Photoshop Separation Tables 8BST (none) .ast
Photoshop Text Engine Data (none) Photoshop Text Engine Data
Photoshop Thumbnail Cache .md0, .tb0, .bc, .bct Photoshop Thumbnail Cache
Photoshop Tool Preset File .tpl
Photoshop Transfer Function 8BTF (none) .atf Photoshop Transfer Function
Photoshop Tutorial .drx
Photoshop Variations File .ava
Preferences files .psp




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