Microsoft PowerPoint

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File Format
Name Microsoft PowerPoint
This article is about the software, and all of its file formats. For the main PowerPoint file formats, see PPT and PPTX.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation application. It is a component of the Microsoft Office suite.

There are separate articles for these PowerPoint formats:


Format Version MIME type Ext. PRONOM Refer to
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2.0 application/ .ppt fmt/1747 PPT
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 3.0 .ppt fmt/1748
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 4.0 .ppt x-fmt/88
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 95 .ppt fmt/125
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 97-2003 .ppt fmt/126
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 2.0 .ppt fmt/1866
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 3.0 .ppt fmt/1867
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 4.0 .ppt fmt/179
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 2001 .ppt fmt/181
Microsoft Powerpoint Design Template .pot x-fmt/84 PPT
Microsoft Powerpoint Packaged Presentation .ppz x-fmt/216 CAB
Microsoft Powerpoint Show 97-2003 .pps x-fmt/87 PPT
Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics File .ppi x-fmt/177
Microsoft Powerpoint Add-In .ppa x-fmt/86
Microsoft Powerpoint Wizard 4.0-2004 application/ .pwz Microsoft Compound File
Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows 2007+ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .pptx fmt/215 PPTX
Macro Enabled Microsoft Powerpoint application/ .pptm fmt/487
Microsoft PowerPoint Template 2007 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template .potx fmt/631
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template 2007 application/ .potm fmt/632
Microsoft PowerPoint Show 2007 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow .ppsx fmt/629
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show 2007 application/ .ppsm fmt/630
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide 2007 application/ .sldm fmt/636
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Add-In 2007 application/ .ppam fmt/633

Sample files


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