Interactive Fiction
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Also known as "adventure games" or "text adventures" after the Original (Colossal Cave) Adventure.
- A-code
- AAS (Advanced Authoring System)
- ADRIFT (Adventure Developer & Runner - Interactive Fiction Toolkit)
- AdvBuilder
- Adven-80
- Advent (not to be confused with ADVENT the game)
- Adentura
- Adventure Contruction Set
- Adventure Definition Language (ADL)
- Adventure Editor
- Adventure International (Scott Adams)
- Adventure Master
- Adventure Simulator
- Adventurescape
- AdvSys (Adventure System)
- AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter)
- AGIFG (Adventure Game and Interactive Fiction Generator)
- AGT (Adventure Game Toolkit)
- GAGS (Generic Adventure Game System)
- Aiee! (An Interactive Environment Engine!)
- ALAN (Adventure Language)
- Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator
- Archetype
- Aventuro
- BAGS (Beany Adventure Game System)
- Blorb
- Brainex Door Manager
- C Adventure Toolkit
- CAECHO (Creador de Aventuras de Errata CHOft)
- CAT (Creative Adventure Toolkit)
- CAW (Creative Adventure Writer)
- CUTRA (Creador Ultra Raro de Aventuras)
- Drool (David's Reworked Object-Oriented Language)
- Eamon
- Encounter
- Figment
- GAC (Graphic Adventure Creator)
- Gamescape
- Genesis
- GINAS (Generic Interactive Narrative Authoring System)
- Glulx
- GTAC (Graphic Text Adventure Creator)
- Hugo
- IAGE (Internet Adventure Game Engine)
- Inform
- JACL (JACL Adventure Creation Language)
- KiriKiri Adventure Game System (KAG)
- LADS (Levy's Adventure Development System)
- Level9
- Magnetic Scrolls
- MechiQue
- Mipric
- Nemlin
- NM Parser
- OASYS (Object-oriented Adventure System)
- Professional Adventure Writer (PAW)
- Prometeo
- Python Adventure Writing System) (PAWS)
- Quest 1-4
- Quest 5
- QuestMaker
- Quill (aka AdventureWriter)
- Rexx-Adventure
- R.A.G.S.
- SUDS (Single User Dungeon System)
- Superglus
- T.A.G. (Text Adventure Generator)
- TADS (Text Adventure Development System)
- Textopia
- Twine
- TxA
- Visual SINTAC
- Wander (.wrld)
- World Builder
- Z-code
Interactive fiction for download or online play
- The Interactive Fiction Archive
- Cloak of Darkness: sample implementation of a single game in a variety of IF systems
- Some Interactive Fiction games to play online or download
- Telehack: in-browser '80s-style telnet interface, includes original Adventure as 'advent' command
- Altair 8800 Clone running ZORK on CP/M 2.2
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Game - 30th Anniversary Edition
- Hitchhiker's Guide in emulated Apple II for in-browser play
- Colossal Cave (Original) Adventure, for in-browser play
Other links and resources
- Interactive Fiction Wiki
- MIME types list for the IF Archive
- Let's Tell a Story Together (A History of Interactive Fiction)
- Adventures in Text Adventures
- "Typical" Adventure Map
- Lost Mainframe Games
- ...and one that was found
- Historical Source Archives (includes a large collection of Infocom source files)