Free Hero Mesh class definition file
A Free Hero Mesh puzzle set consists of four files; this article is about the .class file, which contains the program codes implementing the rules of the game.
This file is a plain text file, with a somewhat Lisp-like format, describing the classes of objects, their attributes, and the code to implement their behaviours; however, the code implementing behaviours is stack-based, like Forth or PostScript. It also includes a macro preprocessor.
The character encoding is normally the PC character encoding (CP437); however, it is possible to declare the use of other IBM PC code pages other than 437 as well (see MS-DOS encodings). The (CodePage)
block specifies the number of the code page to use; if it is omitted, then 437 is assumed by default.
; Example sokoban code in Free Hero Mesh (public domain) ($Player (Image "PLAYER") Player Input (Strength 1) ('RIGHT E Move) ('UP N Move) ('LEFT W Move) ('DOWN S Move) (BEGIN_TURN $Box #TEST 0 0 BroadcastSum lnot if WinLevel then) ) ($Floor (Image "FLOOR") (Density 1) ) ($Box (Image "BOX") Shovable (Weight 1) (Height 1) (#TEST $Target Loc ObjClassAt lnot) ) ($Target (Image "TARGET") (Density -1) )