BDV DataHider
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 05:53, 21 October 2023 by Parchivist (Talk | contribs)
BDV DataHider by Badevlad is a Win32 steganography program that can hide data inside a BMP, append a file to any other file, or hide data in the unused space of a floppy.
It hides a single file or a text message and can encrypt it with a password
- Steganography
- can read jpg, bmp, ico, emf and wmf, but it is always saved as bmp
- can choose 1-7 bits per byte
- can shrink the image down to minimal size required to hide the data
- Generic appender - can attach any file to any other file
- Secret Diskette - hides data in unused areas of floppy