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File Format
Name RCL
Extension(s) .rcl
Released 2003

Roxio Easy Media Creator[1] Classic versions 6 & 7 uses the extension RCL for their data/audio CD project files. Easy CD Creator software allowed the user to create a Data or Audio CD layout by adding files or music in order to burn a disc. This layout could be saved for later use. The layout only referenced the file location and not the files themselves.

File Identification

RCL 7 files are not compatible with earlier CL5. Later versions of Roxio will open RCL and CL5 project files[2], but may not open if they are audio projects[3]. The last suite to have Creator Classic and use .RCL files was Creator 2012.[4]

Version 6 & 7 RCL files have different structures.

  • Version 6 files seem to have the header value 10000000 01000000 01000000 11000000 followed by plain text indicating directory paths to content to be burned to disc. Can be opened in CL5 software.
  • Version 7 files seem to have the header value FFFE2300 followed later by the plain text "[RoxioINF20] [ProjectSettings] RCLVer=70"
  • Later versions of Easy Media Creator saved in the ROXIO format, but also included Creator Classic which saved to RCL. These RCL files have the header value FFFE2300 followed later by the plain text "[RoxioINF80] [ProjectSettings] RCLVer=80"



  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20030602181520/http://www.roxio.com:80/en/products/ecdc/index.jhtml
  2. https://forums.support.roxio.com/topic/91082-rox-and-roxio-sample-files-to-download/
  3. https://forums.support.roxio.com/topic/8853-creator-classic-wont-read-70-rcl-files/
  4. https://forums.support.roxio.com/topic/91082-rox-and-roxio-sample-files-to-download/
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