Programming Languages

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|caption=Babbage's Difference Engine
|caption=Babbage's Difference Engine
'''Programming languages''' are languages expected to be executed (interpreted, compiled, etc.) by a machine in order to perform operations or algorithms. They are distinct from markup languages, which represent the structure of a document rather than specific operations to be performed, though it is possible to combine both in a document (e.g., HTML containing embedded JavaScript, or PHP code which includes HTML). Programming language code is stored as [[source code]] which may be directly interpreted by a machine or compiled or assembled into [[executables]].
Programming languages are languages expected to be executed (interpreted, compiled, etc.) by a machine in order to perform operations or algorithms. They are distinct from markup languages, which represent the structure of a document rather than specific operations to be performed, though it is possible to combine both in a document (e.g., HTML containing embedded JavaScript, or PHP code which includes HTML). Programming language code is stored as [[source code]] which may be directly interpreted by a machine or compiled or assembled into [[executables]].
== Programming languages ==
* [[ABC (programming language)]]
* [[ActionScript]] (Flash)
* [[ActionScript]] (Flash)
** [[ActionScript Byte Code]]
* [[Ada]]
* [[Ada]]
* [[ALGOL]]
* [[ALGOL]]
* [[Anim8or Scripting Language]]
* [[APL]]
* [[APL]]
* [[Assembly language]] (various versions for different machine architectures)
* [[APT (programming language)|APT]]
* [[AppleScript]]
* [[Arc (programming language)|Arc]]
* [[Arduino programming language]]
* [[Assembly language]] (.asm, .s) (various versions for different machine architectures)
* [[Aussie++]]
* [[Austral]]
* [[AutoHotkey]]
* [[AutoLISP]]
* [[AWK]]
* [[B]]
* [[B]]
* [[BASIC]] (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
* [[BASIC]] (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) (.bas) -- See also [[Tokenized BASIC]]
* [[Batch file]] (DOS, Windows, OS/2)
* [[Batch file]] (DOS, Windows, OS/2)
* [[BCPL]]
* [[BCPL]]
* [[Bourne shell script]]: .sh
* [[BLISS]]
* [[C]]
* [[Blitz BASIC]]
* [[C++]]
** [[Blitz3D]]
* [[C Sharp|C#]]
* [[BlooP, FlooP, and GlooP]]
* [[Bourne shell script]] (.sh)
* [[Brainfuck]]
* [[Breder]]
* [[C]] (.c, .cc, .h)
* [[C Sharp|C#]] (.cs)
* [[C shell script]]
* [[C++]] (.cpp, .cxx)
* [[C+=]]
* [[CakeML]]
* [[CEEMAC]]
* [[CFEngine]]
* [[CHIP-8]]
* [[ChordQL]]
* [[Clipper (programming language)]]
* [[Clojure]]
** [[ClojureScript]]
* [[COBOL]] (COmmon Business-Oriented Language)
* [[COBOL]] (COmmon Business-Oriented Language)
* [[CoffeeScript]]
* [[ColdFusion]]
* [[COMAL]]
* [[COMAL]]
* [[COMIT]]
* [[COW]]
* [[Coq]]
* [[CORC]] (Cornell Computing Language)
* [[CPL]]
* [[Crystal]]
* [[CUPL]] (Cornell University Programming Language)
* [[Cython (Pyrex)]]
* [[D]]
* [[D]]
* [[dBase programming language]] (and related languages such as [[FoxPro]] and [[Clipper]])
* [[Dart]] (was Dash)
* [[Dern]]
* [[dBase programming language]]
* [[DogeScript]]
* [[Dylan]]
* [[Elixir]]
* [[Elm]]
* [[Erlang]]
* [[Erlang]]
* [[Expect]]
* [[Extended Batch Language]] (EBL)
* [[F Sharp|F#]]
* [[Fantom]]
* [[Fish shell]] (*.fish)
* [[Flare]]
* [[Flow]]
* [[Forth]]
* [[FORTRAN]] (FORmula TRANslation)
* [[FORTRAN]] (FORmula TRANslation)
* [[FoxPro programming language]]
* [[Free Pascal]]
* [[Fusion (programming language)|Fusion]] (.fu, .ci)
* [[GAMS]] (.gms)
* [[GDL Script]] - scripting language used in ARCHICAD (.gdl)
* [[Gherkin]]/Cucumber
* [[Go]]
* [[Graphics Programming Language]] (GPL) (mid-level language on TI computers)
* [[Graphics Programming Language]] (GPL) (mid-level language on TI computers)
* [[Groovy]]
* [[HamsterSpeak]]
* [[Haskell]]
* [[Haskell]]
* [[Haxe]]
* [[High Level Shading Language]] (HLSL)
* [[Hoon]]
* [[Hopscotch]]
* [[HyperTalk]]
* [[IDL]]
* [[Java]]
* [[Ioke]]
* [[JavaScript]] (JScript, ECMAscript)
* [[Java]] (.j, .jav, .java)
* [[JavaScript]] (JScript, [[ECMAScript]]) (.js)
** [[Node.js]]
** [[React]]
** [[TypeScript]]
* [[JCL]] (Job Control Language; used on IBM mainframes)
* [[JOSS]]
* [[JSONata]] []
* [[JSX]]
* [[Julia]]
* [[Kotlin]]
* [[LISP]]
* [[LISP]]
* [[LiveScript]]
* [[Logo]]
* [[Logo]]
* [[Lollipop]]
* [[Lua]]
* [[Lua]]
* [[Lurk]]
* [[Machine language]] (various versions for different machine architectures)
* [[Machine language]] (various versions for different machine architectures)
* [[Matlab]]
* [[MATLAB script file]] (.m)
* [[MDL (programming language)|MDL]] (.mud)
* [[Microcode]]
* [[mIRC scripting language]]
* [[ML]]
* [[MUMPS]] (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System)
* [[MUMPS]] (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System)
* [[Music Macro Language]]
* [[Music Macro Language]] (.mmi)
* [[Objective-C]] (used in Mac and iOS development)
* [[Nim]]
* [[Pascal]]
* [[Nock]]
* [[Perl]]
* [[NetLogo]]
* [[PHP]]
* [[Object Pascal]] (including Delphi)
* [[Pixilang]]
* [[Objective-C]] (.m, .h) (used in Mac and iOS development)
* [[OCaml]]
* [[OpenGL Shading Language]] (GLSL)
* [[P (Microsoft programming language)|P]] (Microsoft)
* [[Pascal]] (.pas)
* [[Pawn]]
* [[Perl]] (.pl, .pm)
* [[PHP]] (.php)
* [[Piet]]
* [[PikaScript]]
* [[PILOT]]
* [[Pixie (programming language)|Pixie]]
* [[Pixilang]] (.pixi)
* [[PL/I]]
* [[PL/I]]
* [[Programmable calculators]]
* [[PLASMA]]
* [[PostScript]]
* [[PowerShell]]
* [[Processing]]
* [[Programmable Command Language]] (PCL), for TOPS-20
* [[Programmable Command Language]] (PCL), for TOPS-20
* [[Prolog]]
* [[Prolog]]
* [[Python]]
* [[Pyramid]]
* [[Python]] (.py, .pyc, .pyo, .pyd)
* [[QML]]
* [[Q Sharp|Q#]]
* [[Quorum]]
* [[R]]
* [[Racket]]
* [[Raku]]
* [[Rant]]
* [[Ratfor]]
* [[Redcode]]
* [[RenderWare object]] (.rwx)
* [[RobotWar]]
* [[RobotWar]]
* [[RPG]]
* [[RPG]]/RPGLE/RPG IV/RPG ILE (.rpgle, .sqlrpgle)
* [[Ruby]]
* [[Ruby]]
* [[Rust]]
* [[S]]
* [[SAIL]]
* [[Scala]]
* [[Scheme]]
* [[SCODL]]
* [[Scratch]]
* [[Scratch]]
* [[Server Side Includes]]
* [[Shen]]
* [[Sikuli]]
* [[Skip]]
* [[Smalltalk]]
* [[Smalltalk]]
* [[SNOBOL]]
* [[SNOBOL]]
* [[SQL]]
* [[Solidity]]
* [[Squiggle]]
* [[Squirrel]]
* [[Standard ML]]
* [[StarLogo]]
* [[Swift]] (Apple) (.swift)
* [[Swift (parallel scripting)]]
* [[Tabloid (programming language)|Tabloid]]
* [[Tcl]]
* [[TECO]]
* [[TRAC programming language]]
* [[TRAC programming language]]
* [[TUTOR]]
* [[TUTOR]]
* [[TypeScript]]
* [[Verilog]]
* [[vim script]]
* [[Visual Basic]]
* [[VBScript]]
* [[Vue.js]] component files
* [[WaveGL]]
* [[WebAssembly]]
* [[Wenyan]] (文言)
* [[Windows Script File]]
* [[WMLScript]]
* [[Wolfram Language]]
* [[Wuffs]]
* [[ZAP]]
* [[Z-code]]
* [[ZIL]]
[[Interactive Fiction]] engines often use specialized programming languages for game development.
== Logical assertion languages ==
* [[SNARK]]
== Query languages ==
* [[Fauna Query Language]] (FQL)
* [[PRQL]]
* [[SPARQL]]
* [[SQL]]
== Templates, macros, preprocessors, etc. ==
* [[Cascading Style Sheets|CSS]]
* [[doT]]
* [[DSSSL]]
* [[Jinja]]
* [[Jsonnet]] []
* [[Liquid]] (.liquid)
* [[M4]] (.m4)
* [[Pug]]
* [[Smarty]]
* [[XSL]]
* [[XSLT]]
For additional macro formats, especially binary formats, see [[Executables#Macros or automated scripting]].
See also [[Web#Scripts/Applets/Plug-Ins/Frameworks/APIs/Templating]].
See [[Wikipedia:Category:Template engines]] for another list of template systems.
== Other/Miscellaneous ==
* [[Nomyx language]]
* [[Programmable calculators]]
== See also ==
* [[Development]]
* [[Executables]]
* [[Interactive Fiction]] engines often use specialized programming languages for game development.
* [[Resources]]
* [[Source code]]
== External links ==
* A comprehensive list of over 2000 programming languages and a small sample programs for each of them is available [ here]
* A comprehensive list of over 2000 programming languages and a small sample programs for each of them is available [ here]
* [ Rosetta Code] attempts to present solutions to the same task in different programming languages.
* [ Rosetta Code] attempts to present solutions to the same task in different programming languages.
* [ Coding for middle-school girls] (tips on introducing them to programming)
* [ Programming language popularity chart (based on Github and StackOverflow activity)]
* [ Top 10 programming fonts]
* [ What’s The Most Popular Programming Language?]
* [ Which programming language should I learn first?]
* [ Why array indices start at zero; historical info]
* [ Code Academy: learn to code interactively online]
* [ Best free sites for learning how to write code]
=== Commentary ===
* [ Why you should learn to program]
* [ Meet the 'Refrigerator Ladies' Who Programmed the ENIAC]
* [ The Moderately Enthusiastic Programmer]
* [ My Experience As A Fourth Grade Hacker]
* [ Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code]
* [ A problem with the term, programming “language”]
* [ Discussion of creating programming languages in Arabic]
* [ The Last Line Effect]
* [ Visualizing algorithms]
* [ Excavating Code: An Archaeological Record of Software Development]
* [ The art of the bug: Failure should be fun]
* [ Incredibly Strange Programming Languages (presentation)]
* [ A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages]
* [ A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages]
* [ Programming Language Checklist]
* [ Programming languages as Tolkien characters]
* [ Devil's Dictionary of Programming]
* [ This Is Why You Shouldn't Interrupt A Programmer]
* [ Random mashup generator of the King James Bible and a programming book]
* [ What the computer code seen on screens in movies and TV shows actually does]
* [ President Obama writes a line of code (video)]
* [ Picture: Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer, Project Apollo, with source code from moon landing mission]
* [ Watch People Code (live video streams)]

Latest revision as of 21:17, 6 February 2024

File Format
Name Programming Languages
Released ~1950

Babbage's Difference Engine

Babbage's Difference Engine

Programming languages are languages expected to be executed (interpreted, compiled, etc.) by a machine in order to perform operations or algorithms. They are distinct from markup languages, which represent the structure of a document rather than specific operations to be performed, though it is possible to combine both in a document (e.g., HTML containing embedded JavaScript, or PHP code which includes HTML). Programming language code is stored as source code which may be directly interpreted by a machine or compiled or assembled into executables.


[edit] Programming languages

[edit] Logical assertion languages

[edit] Query languages

[edit] Templates, macros, preprocessors, etc.

For additional macro formats, especially binary formats, see Executables#Macros or automated scripting.

See also Web#Scripts/Applets/Plug-Ins/Frameworks/APIs/Templating.

See Wikipedia:Category:Template engines for another list of template systems.

[edit] Other/Miscellaneous

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Resources

[edit] Commentary

[edit] Humor

[edit] Misc.

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