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Formats connected with the World Wide Web, though most of them overlap into other categories; basically everything that can be put in a file format of any sort can be put on the Web, and a multiplicity of types of [[document]]s, [[graphics]], [[Audio and Music|audio]], [[video]], [[markup]], [[Programming Languages|programming languages]], and more, are used there. The Web is a variety of [[hypermedia]], by far the most successful one.
== Blogging and web hosting platforms ==
* [[Blogger]]
* [[Posterous]]
* [[Xanga]]
== Cloud platforms ==
* [[Amazon Web Services]] (AWS)
** [[Amazon Resource Name]] (ARN)
* [[Google Cloud]]
* [[Heroku]]
* [[IBM Cloud]]
* [[Microsoft Azure Cloud]]
== Content management systems ==
* [[Drupal]]
* [[WordPress]]
== Development software ==
* [[Dreamweaver site settings file]] (.ste)
* [[Homestead SiteBuilder]] (.hc, .xpf)
* [[Master Album Maker]] (.mmp)
* [[Actual Drawing]] (.adf)
== Feeds, syndication, and metadata ==
* [[ActiveX]]
* [[Atom]] (syndication format)
* [[Atom]] (syndication format)
* [[h-entry]] (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
* [[h-feed]] (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
* [[hListing]] (Microformats; product/service listings)
* [[hMedia]] (Microformats; image/video/audio metadata)
* [[hNews]] (Microformats; news articles)
* [[h-resume]] (Microformats; resumes/CVs)
* [[h-review]] (Microformats; ratings/reviews)
* [[opencomic]] (syndication of webcomics)
* [[OPML]]
* [[RDF]]
** [[RDFa]] (linked data in HTML)
** [[TTL]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_(syntax) Turtle]
* [[RSS]]
== Markup, documents and data ==
* [[3DMLW]] (3D Markup Language for Web)
* [[Accelerated Mobile Pages]] (AMP)
* [[BBCode]]
* [[BBCode]]
* [[Cascading Style Sheets]] (CSS)
* [[Cascading Style Sheets]] (CSS)
* [[Common Gateway Interface]] (CGI)
** [[Sass]] (pre-processor for CSS)
* [[Domain names]]
* [[Compressed Markup Language]] (CML, PQA; used in PalmOS)
* [[Favicon]]
* [[HTTP]]
* [[Markdeep]]
* [[Internet Shortcut]]
* [[JavaScript]] / [[ECMAScript]]
* [[Markdown]]
* [[Markdown]]
* [[Mime-type]]
* [[MHTML]]
* [[Wiki markup]]
* [[WML]]
* [[WOFF]]
== Program/system-specific files (browser/server/OS/etc) ==
=== General ===
* [[Web browser files]] (bookmarks, cookies, configurations, etc.)
* [[Web server files]] (server configuration, etc.)
=== Specific ===
* [[Internet Shortcut]] (Windows)
* [[Webloc]] (Mac OS X)
== Protocols and parameters ==
* [[Common Gateway Interface]] (CGI)
* [[DNS]]
* [[Domain name]]
** [[Top-level domain]]
* [[Gopher]]
* [[HTTP]]
** [[HPACK (HTTP)]]
* [[HTTPS]]
* [[IP address]]
* [[IPV6]]
* [[JSON API]]
* [[Linked Data Platform]]
* [[MIME types]]
* [[QUIC]]
* [[SOAP]]
* [[TCP/IP]]
* [[Tor]]
* [[URL]]s (and URIs, URNs, etc.)
** [[URL encoding]]
* [[WAP]]
* [[WebDAV]]
== Scripts/Applets/Plug-Ins/Frameworks/APIs/Templating ==
* [[Active Server Pages]] (ASP)
* [[ActiveX]]
* [[Audio Data API (Mozilla)]]
* [[BrowserFS]]
* [[ECMAScript]]
* [[Java]]
* [[JavaScript]]
* [[JavaServer Pages]] (JSP)
* [[Liquid]] (.liquid)
* [[MediaStream Processing API]]
* [[.Net Framework]]
* [[node.js]]
* [[NPAPI]]
* [[Open Web App Manifest]] (.webapp)
* [[Open Web App Manifest]] (.webapp)
* [[RDF]]
* [[PHP]]
* [[RSS]]
* [[React]]
* [[Server Side Includes]]
* [[Shockwave (Director)]]
* [[Silverlight]]
* [[SWF]] (Flash)
* [[VBScript]]
* [[Web Audio API]]
* [[WMLScript]]
== Site dumps, multi-file packaging, and offline reading ==
* [[ARC (Internet Archive)]]
* [[HAR]] (HTTP Archive)
* [[MAFF]] (Mozilla Archive Format)
* [[Package (Web)]]
* [[PackageForTheWeb]]
* [[Portable Web Publications]]
* [[WARC]]
* [[Webarchive (Safari)]]
* [[XOWA]]
* [[Zeno]]
* [[ZIM]]
== Miscellaneous ==
* [[Adobe Cross Domain Policy File]] (crossdomain.xml)
* [[Ads.txt]]
* [[Canonical Link Relation]] (rel="canonical")
* [[carbon.txt]]
* [[Content Security Policy]]
* [[DWF]] - AutoDesk's Design Web Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
* [[Favicon]]
* [[Form URL encoding]]
* [[Galen]] (framework for testing responsive sites)
* [[JSON-LD]] (JSON for linked data)
* [[Mark of the Web]]
* [[Multipart/Form-Data]]
* [[Open Graph protocol]]
* [[OpenSearch Description]]
* [[P3P]] (Platform for Privacy Preferences)
* [[Percent-encoding]]
* [[rel-author]] (Microformats; link to author homepage)
* [[rel-home]] (Microformats; link to site homepage)
* [[rel-license]] (Microformats; link to site license)
* [[rel-nofollow]] (Microformats; gets robots to ignore link)
* [[rel-payment]] (Microformats; link to payment method)
* [[rel-tag]] (Microformats)
* [[Robots Exclusion Standard]] (robots.txt)
* [[Robots Exclusion Standard]] (robots.txt)
* [[URLs]] (and URIs, URNs, etc.)
* [[Security.txt]]
* [[Sitemap]]
* [[URL shorteners]]
* [[URL shorteners]]
* [[VBScript]]
* [[Web Annotation Protocol]]
* [[webarchive]] (HTML packaging format used by Apple Safari)
* [[Web-safe colors]]
* [[Web browser files]] (bookmarks, cookies, configurations, etc.)
* [[Web server files]] (server configuration, etc.)
== See also ==
* [[Wiki markup]]
* [[WOFF]]
See also [[E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums]] (a number of web-based messaging/social-networking things are there)
See also [[E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums]] (a number of web-based messaging/social-networking things are there)
== External links ==
=== History ===
* [http://blogs.palmbeachpost.com/superfun/2013/12/29/watch-arthur-c-clarke-in-1974-predict-computers-and-the-internet-today/ Arthur C. Clarke predicts computers and the Internet in 1974]
* [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1992JanFeb/0000.html Tim Berners-Lee discusses Web protocols/formats in Jan 1992]
* [http://mentalfloss.com/article/49676/what-internet-looked-1995 What the Internet looked like in 1995]
* [https://archive.org/details/The_Internet_-_a_step_by_step_guide_on_video_VHS_ABC_1996 1996 Internet Step-By-Step Guide video]
* [http://theweek.com/article/index/248229/7-highlights-from-this-amazing-1997-kids-guide-to-the-internet 1997 "Kids' Guide to the Internet" video]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/19980610100009/www.redherring.com/mag/issue55/economics.html#?hn 1998: prognosticator predicts "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's"]
* [http://thiswasfirst.com/ First posts on famous websites]
* [http://www.wired.com/underwire/2013/04/websites-stuck-in-time/ Internet Archaeology: Behold the Most Hilarious Abandoned Websites]
=== Privacy and security ===
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/08/18/paranoid-browsing-anti-profil.html Paranoid Browsing plug-in]
* [http://justdelete.me/ Justdelete.me: Delete your account on lots of web services]
* [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22029444.900-throw-off-the-spooks-by-disguising-your-web-traffic.html Throw off the spooks by disguising your web traffic]
* [https://disconnect.me/ Disconnect: visualize and block invisible websites that track you]
* [https://www.howsmyssl.com/ How's My SSL?] (tests the security of your browser)
* [http://csi.websense.com/ Check URL for stuff Websense thinks is malicious or might be subject to filtering for some reason]
* [http://www.theshovel.com.au/2014/08/06/brandi-laws-only-for-people-using-world-wide-web/ Brandis Reassures Australians: Data Retention Laws Only For People Using World Wide Web]
=== Commentary ===
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/05/09/howto-search-the-web-like-the.html How to search the Web like the NSA]
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/robert-samuelson-of-internet-threats-and-cyberattacks/2013/06/30/df7bd42e-e1a9-11e2-a11e-c2ea876a8f30_story.html If I could, I would repeal the Internet]
* [http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/08/indie-web/ Meet the Hackers Who Want to Jailbreak the Internet]
* [http://www.w3.org/QA/2013/05/perspectives_on_encrypted_medi.html W3C statement about adding DRM/content protection to web standards]
* [http://www.wired.com/beyond_the_beyond/2009/03/what-bruce-ster/ What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09]
* [https://www.usenix.org/system/files/1403_02-08_mickens.pdf To Wash It All Away]
* [http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/webarchive/2014/10/what-is-still-on-the-web-after-10-years-of-archiving-.html What is still on the web after 10 years of archiving?]
* [http://ndsr.nycdigital.org/symmetrical-web-archiving-with-webrecorder-a-browser-based-tool-for-digital-social-memory-an-interview-with-ilya-kreymer/ Symmetrical web archiving]
=== Tools and utilities ===
* [http://netpreserve.org/web-archiving/tools-and-software Web archiving tools and software]
* [http://activehistory.ca/2014/07/two-tools-for-the-web-savvy-historian-memento-and-webcite/ Three Tools for the Web-Savvy Historian: Memento, Zotero, and WebCite]
* [http://ws-dl.blogspot.com/2014/07/2014-07-14-archival-acid-test.html Archival Acid Test] (tests whether web archivers preserve functionality)
* [https://github.com/lintool/warcbase warcbase: A web archive browser built on HBase]
* [http://www.ianww.com/ad-detector/ Ad Detector: flags sponsored content]
* [https://github.com/Netflix/sketchy Sketchy: takes screenshots and scrapes text from web pages]
* [http://ianmilligan.ca/2014/08/27/using-imageplot-to-explore-web-archived-images/ Using ImagePlot to Explore Web Archived Images]
* [https://modern.ie/en-us/screenshots BrowserStack screenshot automation]
* [http://mementoweb.org/ Memento "time travel" extension for Chrome]
** [http://blog.bibsonomy.org/2014/09/feature-of-week-bibsonomy-and-memento_9.html?m=1 BibSonomy and Memento]
** RFC 7089 - proposed HTTP protocol extension for date-time negotiation
** [http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/guide/api/ Time travel API documentation]
* [http://hypothes.is/ The Web, Annotated]
* [https://webrecorder.io/ WebRecorder: create archival copies of sites you browse]
* [http://ws-dl.blogspot.com/2014/11/2014-11-14-carbon-dating-web-version-20.html Carbon dating the Web]
* [http://yacy.net/en/index.html Web Search by the people, for the people]
* [http://builtwith.com/ Builtwith: shows what tools are behind a site]
* [http://frontendhq.com/pinger Ping me when a standard is supported by 90% of browsers]
* [https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/558/07/ Resources to Search the Invisible Web]
* [http://dev.modern.ie/tools/vms/windows/ Download virtual machines running various versions of MSIE]
* [http://codepen.io/ CodePen: in-browser HTML/CSS/JS editor with instant results]
* [https://github.com/ikreymer/netcapsule Netcapsule: Browse old websites in emulated old browsers]
* [http://deslide.clusterfake.net/ Deslide: Display those web slideshows on one page]
* [http://oldweb.today/ oldweb.today: View old web pages in emulations of old browsers]
* [https://github.com/helgeho/ArchiveSpark ArchiveSpark: Apache Spark framework that facilitates access to Web Archives]
* [https://hyperdev.com/ HyperDev: developer playground for building web apps] ([http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2016/05/30.html More info])
=== Other ===
* [https://webmaker.org/standard Mozilla's Web Literacy Standard]
* [http://mentalfloss.com/article/31932/chasing-cicada-exploring-darkest-corridors-internet Chasing the Cicada: Exploring the Darkest Corridors of the Internet]
* [http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2011/11/the-average-lifespan-of-a-webpage/ The average lifespan of a webpage (2011)]
* [http://www.informationr.net/ir/9-2/paper174.html?_ga=1.52567341.481372218.1392651717 A longitudinal study of Web pages continued: a consideration of document persistence (2004)]
* [http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/14/conservatives-website-purge-history-tory-party-speeches-internet The Conservatives' website purge has destroyed history]
* [https://github.com/alphagov/frontend Front end of gov.uk site, downloadable from Github]
* [http://downworthy.snipe.net/ Downworthy: A browser plugin to turn hyperbolic viral headlines into what they really mean]
* [http://www.techrepublic.com/article/flex-the-power-of-curl-for-web-dev-testing-and-data-transfers/ Flex the power of cURL for web dev testing and data transfers]
* [http://www.cs.odu.edu/~aalsum/projects/mcurl.html mcurl: Command line memento client to retrieve old versions of web pages from archives]
* [http://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/?p=3866 Surfing modern web with ancient browsers]
* [http://www.webat25.org/ Web at 25]
* [http://www.re-cycledair.com/restoring-a-14-year-old-website Restoring a 14 year old website]
* [http://blog.archive.org/2013/10/24/web-archive-404-handler-for-webmasters/ Internet Archive 404 Not Found Handler]
* [http://netpreserve.org/collection-development-policies Web archiving policies of various archives and national libraries]
* [http://xldb.di.fc.ul.pt/xldb/publications/Costa:InformationSearchIn:2014_document.pdf Information Search in Web Archives (academic thesis)]
* [https://medium.com/making-instapaper/bookmarklets-are-dead-d470d4bbb626 Bookmarklets are dead... we just don't know it yet]
* [https://webkit.org/blog/6682/improving-color-on-the-web/ Improving color on the web]
[[Category:Websites and online services]]

Latest revision as of 21:56, 6 February 2025

File Format
Name Web
Released 1990


Formats connected with the World Wide Web, though most of them overlap into other categories; basically everything that can be put in a file format of any sort can be put on the Web, and a multiplicity of types of documents, graphics, audio, video, markup, programming languages, and more, are used there. The Web is a variety of hypermedia, by far the most successful one.


[edit] Blogging and web hosting platforms

[edit] Cloud platforms

[edit] Content management systems

[edit] Development software

[edit] Feeds, syndication, and metadata

  • Atom (syndication format)
  • h-entry (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
  • h-feed (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
  • hListing (Microformats; product/service listings)
  • hMedia (Microformats; image/video/audio metadata)
  • hNews (Microformats; news articles)
  • h-resume (Microformats; resumes/CVs)
  • h-review (Microformats; ratings/reviews)
  • opencomic (syndication of webcomics)
  • OPML
  • RDF
  • RSS

[edit] Markup, documents and data

[edit] Program/system-specific files (browser/server/OS/etc)

[edit] General

[edit] Specific

[edit] Protocols and parameters

[edit] Scripts/Applets/Plug-Ins/Frameworks/APIs/Templating

[edit] Site dumps, multi-file packaging, and offline reading

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] See also

See also E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums (a number of web-based messaging/social-networking things are there)

[edit] External links

[edit] History

[edit] Privacy and security

[edit] Commentary

[edit] Tools and utilities

[edit] Other

Personal tools
