REKO Cardset
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
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Format details
There are three main REKO cardset formats, each of which has subtypes.
- The original Amiga format, and its derivatives. May be subclassified into "Type I" (having 55 cards), "Type II" (59 cards), and "Type III" (68 cards). Some files use Amiga's special "HAM" graphics mode; others do not.
- RKP 8/16: a pair of PC-centric formats. "RKP 8" is a 256-color paletted format. "RKP 16" is a 15-bit "high color" format.
- RKP 24: A PC/Windows-centric format containing images in either JPEG or BMP format.
Amiga: Files start with ASCII "REKO
RKP 8: Files start with ASCII "PCREKO
", followed by bytes 0x44 0x20
. Byte 0x08
(the bit depth) appears at offset 20.
RKP 16: Files start with ASCII "PCREKO
", followed by bytes 0x00 0x00
. Byte 0x10
appears at offset 20.
RKP 24: Files apparently start with ASCII "PCRKP
", followed by byte 0x00
. If the four bytes at offset 8 are all 0x00
(meaning the card size is variable), the cards use JPEG format. Otherwise, the cards use BMP format.
- sdiREKO-DT.lha → DataFormat.TXT - Amiga cardset structure, by Dirk Stöcker