Perfect Typist

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File Format
Name Perfect Typist
Released 1985

Perfect Typist By James E Borden (64/128) and Robert Sims (ML) is a type-in program checker for Commodore used by Run magazine.

When you type in a program, a checksum from 0 to 255 will appear below the line on the left margin.

The line is checked only after it has been crunched by Basic. This allows PRINT and ? to give the same checksum value. If long lines require Basic keywords to be abbreviated, the checksum value will still be correct. Spaces matter only if they are within quotes. Transposition errors are caught

ML Perfect Typist is for machine language programs and has 13 pairs of characters per line, with the last two pairs acting as a checksum.

Sample Output

Perfect Typist.jpg Perfect Typist

ML Perfect Typist.jpg ML Perfect Typist


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