EMD (Resident Evil 1997)
This content was first retrieved from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine for the date 2016-08-09 from the following URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20160809012215/http://rewiki.regengedanken.de/wiki/.EMD_(Resident_Evil)
The .EMD file format is used by Resident Evil. It contains the description of 3D models of the game (enemies, player, etc...).
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The values are stored in Little-Endian order.
There is a directory, which is stored at the end of the file, it contains 4 offsets. So its position is filesize-4*4 bytes.
File/Section 0, skeleton
This section starts with a header:
typedef struct { unsigned short relpos_offset;/* Relative offset to emd1_skel_relpos[] array */ unsigned short length; /* Relative offset to emd1_skel_data[] array, which is also length of relpos+armature+mesh numbers */ unsigned short count; /* Number of objects in relpos,data2,mesh arrays? */ unsigned short size; /* Size of each element in emd1_skel_data[] array */ } emd1_skel_header_t;
If offset is more than 8, there are some extra stuff, namely data1,data2 and mesh arrays.
typedef struct { short x; short y; short z; } emd1_skel_relpos_t; /* Relative position of each mesh in the object */ typedef struct { unsigned short mesh_count; /* Number of meshes linked to this one */ unsigned short offset; /* Relative offset to mesh numbers (emd1_skel_mesh[] array) */ } emd1_skel_armature_t; emd1_skel_relpos_t emd1_skel_relpos[count]; emd1_skel_armature_t emd1_skel_armature[count]; unsigned char emd1_skel_mesh[count]; /* Mesh number on which to apply relative position */
Finally an array of elements which have a size of emd1_skel_header.size bytes each.
typedef struct { short x_offset; /* distance from reference point */ short y_offset; short z_offset; short x_speed; /* speed at which moving the model */ short y_speed; short z_speed; short angles[3*15]; /* angle for each bone/model around x,y,z axis */ short unknown; } emd1_skel_anim_t; emd1_skel_anim_t emd1_skel_anim[];
File/Section 1, animation steps
This section starts with this header, a certain number of records composed of count and offsets.
typedef struct { unsigned short count; /* Count of indices to process from emd_sec1_data[] array */ unsigned short offset; /* Byte offset to first index in emd_sec1_data[] array */ } emd_anim_header_t; emd_anim_header_t emd_anim_header[];
Following this array, you'll find another array of unsigned long. Each value (animation frame number?) is an index in emd_sec2_data array in the skeleton section.
unsigned long emd_anim_skel_t[]; /* Bits 31-16: Bitmasks for flags */ /* Bits 15-0: Number of frame to display ? */
Then you'll finally find the 'unsigned long' byte length of the section.
unsigned long length;
File/Section 2, meshes
The last object holds the 3D stuff. Maybe the rest of the file is use to store animations, and links between primitives.
typedef struct { unsigned long length; /* Section length in bytes */ unsigned long unknown; unsigned long obj_count; /* Number of objects in model */ } emd_model_header_t;
The model is separated in 'obj_count' objects. Following the header is the description of each object, in the form of an array of 'model_object'. Each offset is relative to the first emd_model_object_t.
typedef struct { emd_model_triangles_t triangles; } emd_model_object_t; typedef struct { unsigned long vertex_offset; /* Offset to vertex data, array of emd_vertex_t */ unsigned long vertex_count; /* Vertex count */ unsigned long normal_offset; /* Offset to normal data, array of emd_vertex_t */ unsigned long normal_count; /* Normal count */ unsigned long tri_offset; /* Offset to triangle data, array of emd_triangle_t */ unsigned long tri_count; /* Triangle count */ unsigned long dummy; } emd_model_triangles_t;
Index arrays
Normal and vertex coordinates are saved in same format:
typedef struct { signed short x; /* Coordinates */ signed short y; signed short z; signed short zero; } emd_vertex_t; /* Normals have same format */
A triangle is stored in this format:
typedef struct { unsigned long unknown; /* id 0x34000609 */ unsigned char tu0; /* u,v texture coordinates of vertex 0 */ unsigned char tv0; unsigned short clutid; /* Texture clut id, bits 0-5 */ unsigned char tu1; unsigned char tv1; unsigned short page; /* Texture page */ unsigned char tu2; unsigned char tv2; unsigned short dummy; unsigned short n0; /* Index of normal data for vertex 0 */ unsigned short v0; /* Index of vertex data for vertex 0 */ unsigned short n1; unsigned short v1; unsigned short n2; unsigned short v2; } emd_triangle_t; /* Triangle */
File/Section 3, texture
And finally, an embedded TIM image, which is the texture to apply to the model.