3D and CAD/CAM Models
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
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3D Modeling
- 3DM - OpenNURBS Initiative 3D Model (used by Rhinoceros 3D) (.3dm)
- 3DMF - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
- 3DS - Legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
- 3MF - 3D Manufacturing Format
- AC3D Model (.ac)
- Adobe PRC (embedded in PDF files)
- AMF - Additive Manufacturing File Format
- AN8 - Anim8or Model (.an8)
- AOI - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
- AWD (Away3D)
- BGA [1]
- BLEND - Blender (.blend)
- Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
- BLOCK - Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
- Bob ray tracer scene description
- BRL-CAD geometry (.g)
- C4D - Cinema 4D (.c4d)
- Cal3D - Cal3D (.cal3d)
- CCP4 - X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
- CFL - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
- COB - Caligari Object (.cob)
- CORE3D - Coreona 3D Coreona 3D Virtual File(.core3d)
- OpenCTM - OpenCTM (.ctm)
- DFF - RenderWare binary stream, commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
- DKBTrace scene description - DKB Ray Tracer (.dat)
- Doré Raster
- dotXSI - Softimage
- DPM - deepMesh (.dpm)
- DTS - Torque Game Engine (.dts)
- EGG - Panda3D Engine
- FACT - Electric Image (.fac)
- FBX - Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
- gITF [2]
- GLM - Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
- IGB - Google Earth 3D model (.igb)
- Imagine Object File (Variety of FORM TDDD)
- Imagine Texture File
- JAS - Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
- LSB - Lightscape scene binary format (.lsb)
- LightWave Object (.lwo, LWOB, LWLO, LWO2)
- LightWave Scene (.lws, LWSC)
- LXO - Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
- MatCap (.zmt)
- MAX - Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
- Maya scene - Autodesk Maya ASCII or Binary File (.ma, .mb)
- MD2 - Quake 2 model format (.md2)
- MD3 - Quake 3 model format (.md3)
- MDX - Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)
- MESH - New York University(.m)
- MESH - Meshwork Model (.mesh)
- MM3D - Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
- NFF - Haines NFF, Neutral File Format
- NIF - Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
- OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format)
- OFF (Geomview Object File Format)
- Outerra engine (.otx) (used in Anteworld game)
- P3D (PSC) - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center 3D Metafile
- PLY [3]
- POV-Ray scene description - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.pov)
- POV-Ray density file - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.df3)
- PRT scene description - Parallel Ray Trace
- QRT Ray Tracer scene description (.qrt)
- Radiance Scene Description (.rad)
- Rayshade scene description (.ray)
- RIB - RenderMan Interface Bytestream / Pixar / 3D Reality
- RWX - RenderWare Object (.rwx)
- Sense8 NFF - WorldToolkit Neutral File Format
- SGI YAODL - Yet Another Object Description Language, Power-Flip Format
- SGO - Silicon Graphics Object, Showcase
- SIA - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
- SIB - Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
- Simply 3D Geometry (.ged)
- SKP - Google Sketchup file (.skp)
- SLDASM - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
- SLDPRT - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
- SMD - Valve Studiomdl Data format. (.smd)
- Softimage SCN
- SVX - Shapeways voxel format. (.svx)
- TDDD - Turbo Silver 3D Data Description, T3D
- TTDDD - Textual TDDD
- U3D - Universal 3D file format (.u3d)
- Universal Scene Description - Pixar USD
- Vivid scene description (.v)
- VORT art scene (.scn)
- VRML - Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
- VTK - Visualization Toolkit (.vtk)
- VUE - Vue scene file (.vue)
- Wavefront MTL
- Wavefront OBJ
- WINGS - Wings3D (.wings)
- X (DirectX) - DirectX 3D Model (.x)
- X3D - Extensible 3D (.x3d)
- Yobj - Yukes 3D Object (.yobj)
- Z3D - Zmodeler (.z3d)
- 3dmlw - (3D Markup Language for Web) files
- 3dxml - Dassault Systemes graphic representation
- ACP - VA Software VA - Virtual Architecture CAD file
- AMF - Additive Manufacturing File Format
- Argon - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
- ART - ArtCAM model
- ASC - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
- ASM - Solidedge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
- AutoCAD Slide
- AutoCAD Slide Library
- BIN, BIM - Data Design System DDS-CAD
- CCC - CopyCAD Curves
- CCM - CopyCAD Model
- CCS - CopyCAD Session
- CAD - CadStd
- CAD-3D - Antic Software
- CATDrawing - CATIA V5 Drawing document
- CATPart - CATIA V5 Part document
- CATProduct - CATIA V5 Assembly document
- CATProcess - CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
- cgr - CATIA V5 graphic representation file
- CO - Ashlar-Vellum Cobalt - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
- DRW - Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing - Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
- DWG - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
- DFT - Solidedge Draft
- DGN - MicroStation design file
- DGK - Delcam Geometry
- DMT - Delcam Machining Triangles
- DXB - Drawing Interchange Binary Format - AutoCAD
- DXF - Drawing Interchange file format - AutoCAD
- DWB - VariCAD drawing file
- DWF - AutoDesk's Web Design Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
- Euclid - CAD file format
- Euclid - CAD/composition file format (Ace Computing)
- EMB - Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
- ESW - Agtek format
- EXCELLON - Excellon file
- EXP - Drawing Express file format
- FM - FeatureCAM Part File
- FMZ - FormZ Project file
- G - BRL-CAD Geometry File
- Gerber format - RS-274-D, RS-274X
- GLM - KernelCAD model
- GTC - GRAITEC Advance file format
- HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph file (.huh)
- IAM - Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
- ICD - IronCAD 2D CAD file
- IDW - Autodesk Inventor Drawing file
- IFC - buildingSMART for sharing AEC and FM data
- IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
- Intergraph Standard File Formats
- IPN - Autodesk Inventor Presentation file
- IPT - Autodesk Inventor Part file
- JT (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
- MCC - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
- MCD - Monu-CAD Drawing (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
- model - CATIA V4 part document
- OCD - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file
- OpenSCAD - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
- PAR - Solidedge Part
- PIPE - PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
- PLN - ArchiCad project
- PRT - NX (recently known as Unigraphics), Pro/ENGINEER Part, CADKEY Part
- PSM - Solidedge Sheet
- PSMODEL - PowerSHAPE Model
- PWI - PowerINSPECT File
- PYT - Pythagoras File
- SKP - SketchUp Model
- RLF - ArtCAM Relief
- RVT - AutoDesk Revit project files
- RFA - AutoDesk Revit family files
- SCDOC - SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
- SLDASM - SolidWorks Assembly drawing
- SLDDRW - SolidWorks 2D drawing
- SLDPRT - SolidWorks 3D part model
- STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
- STL - Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. (.stl)
- TCT - TurboCAD drawing template
- TCW - TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
- Thing file - MakerBot (.thing)
- UNV - I-DEAS I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
- VC6 - Ashlar-Vellum Graphite - 2D and 3D drafting
- VLM - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
- VS - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
- WRL - Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines. Also used for VRML models on the web.
- XE - Ashlar-Vellum Xenon - for Associative 3D Modeling
2D images designed for use in conjunction with 3D models
Motion capture
Image series scanning, microscopy
- BioRad confocal image - stores series of images generated by microscope scan of 3-D object, used in medical/research imaging
- MRC (Medical Research Council) - format used in 3D electron microscopy
- Multi-Picture Format - MPO, Multi-Picture Object - This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
- QDV - apparently a random-dot-image stereoscopy format
3D video
Video formats
Container formats
Also see Game data files for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).
Software, Utilities, and Development Libraries
- AutoCAD
- Konvertor
- PythonOCC: 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework for the Python programming language
- MS-DOS Shareware: Frostbyte: 3DBENCH
Interesting objects printed with 3D printers
- 3D-printed semi-automatic gun
- 3D-printed gun successfully fired
- 3-D printing in prosthetics
- 3D-printable artificial fingers
- Cortex 3D-printed cast
- 3D-printed personalized Star Trek figurines
- The 4 worst things people are making with 3D printers
- 3-D food 'printer' aims to end world hunger, starting with pizza
- Baby's Life Saved With Groundbreaking 3-D Printed Device That Restored His Breathing
- Fixing New York City infrastructure with 3D-printed concrete
- With 3D printing, you’ll be able to replicate the world’s famous sculptures
- Useful 3D printing -sewing machine jigs & fixtures
- This Guy Is 3-D Printing a Classic Aston Martin … That Runs
- Now You Can 3D Print Any MP3 Into A Vinyl Record
- Making Mars habitable for colonists using 3D printing
- Crowdfunding a 3D printed, open source hardware robotic/prosthetic hand
- Blizzident: 3D printed whole-mouth-at-once toothbrush
- The revolution will not be hand-stitched
- It’s 3D Printed, and It’s Flexible
- This is what 3D printed wood looks like
- 3D-printed hermit crab shells
Related technologies
- 4D printing (the 4th dimension is time)
- RepRap: project to build self-replicating 3D printer
- Forget 3D printing—3D subtraction is going to arrive in your garage first
- Software makes 3-D models from photographs
- 6-axis 3D printer can print on irregular surfaces
- 3D printer within Minecraft game world
- 3D printer that draws pictures in Jello shooters
- Open-source hackable 3D printer
- Edible sugar 3D printer at CES
- 3D printer that lays down conductive traces as it goes
- Praying mantises wearing 3D glasses
- $2k desktop milling machine
- Quantum Dots to Hinder 3D Printed Counterfeits
- 3D virtual objects made out of sound
Legal issues
- EFF: Stop bad 3D printing patents
- Don't let patents kill 3D printing
- 3D printing will explode in 2014, thanks to the expiration of key patents
- The Spies in Your 3D Printer
- Yobi3D - 3D model search engine
- Kickstarting a $400 "appliance" 3D printer
- How 3-D printing will rebuild reality
- Superman invents 3D printing in 1964!
- 3-Bee printing: tricking bees into making wax sculptures
- Kickstarter for Microfactory
- Free 3D printing encryption tool for your STL mesh files
- Smithsonian online 3D collection
- Tiny and Cute Open source 3D printer Smartrap is on Indiegogo
- 'Made in Africa with e-waste' 3D printer campaign
- Will 3D Printing Transform The World -- Or Just Fill It With Non-Biodegradable Personalized Junk?
- The Third Wave, CNC, Stereolithography, and the end of gun control
- Was the Mona Lisa meant to be 3D?
- A $250 3-D Printer With Breakthrough Software
- Untangling the Knot of CAD Preservation
- Microsoft will reveal info on new 3D printing file format during Build 2015