Scientific Data formats
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File Formats | > | Electronic File Formats | > | Scientific Data formats |
Contents |
- cdf (Common Data Format)
- hdf (Hierarchical Data Format, from NASA)
- NetCDF (Network Common Data Format)
- SDXF (Structured Data Exchange Format)
- XDF (eXtensible Data Format)
- XSIL (Extensible Scientific Interchange Language)
Astronomical and Space
- AB1 (Chromatogram files used by DNA sequencing instruments from Applied Biosystems)
- ACE (Sequence assembly format)
- BAM (Binary compressed SAM format)
- BED (Browser extensible display format describing genes and other features of DNA sequences)
- CAF (Common Assembly Format for sequence assembly)
- EMBL (Flatfile format used by the EMBL for nucleotide and peptide sequences)
- FASTA and FASTQ (File format for sequence data, FASTQ with quality).
- GenBank (Flatfile format used by NCBI for nucleotide and peptide sequences)
- GFF (General feature format for describing genes and other features of DNA, RNA and protein sequences)
- GTF (Gene transfer format holds information about gene structure)
- NEXUS (Encodes mixed information about genetic sequence data in a block structured format)
- PDB (Structures of biomolecules deposited in Protein Data Bank)
- PHD (Output from the basecalling software Phred)
- SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map format)
- SCF (Staden chromatogram files used to store data from DNA sequencing)
- SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language used to store biochemical network computational models)
- Stockholm (Representing multiple sequence alignments)
- Swiss-Prot (Flatfile format used for protein sequences from the Swiss-Prot database)
- VCF (Variant Call Format)
- Darwin Core (Standard for sharing information about biological diversity)
- EML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Geographic and Geospatial
See also Geospatial
- DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
- DOQ (Digital Orthophotos)
- e00 (ESRI ArcInfo Interchange File)
- FGDC (Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata??)
- GeoTIFF (Geospatial extensions to TIFF)
- GML (Geography Markup Language)
- HDFEOS, HD2, HD4 (Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System)
- KML (KML (formerly Keyhole Markup Language), Version 2.2)
- NDF (National Landsat Archive Production System (NLAPS) Data Format)
- SAIF (Spatial Archive and Interchange Format, Canadian)
- SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard)
- shp and shx (ESRI Shaepfile must have components; other optional components as well, see entry)
- SID (MrSID- Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database)
- TAB (MapInfo dataset format, must have component)
Medical Imaging
Oceanographic, Atmospheric and Meteorological
- GRIB (Grid in Binary)
- BUFR (Binary Universal Format Representation)
- IOAPI (netCDF augmented with metadata from the I/O API)
- PP (UK Met Office format for weather model data)
- CGNS (Computational Fluid Dynamics General Notation System)
- NeXuS (Common data format for neutron, x-ray and muon science)
- QCDml (Lattice QCD gauge configuration markup language)