XDOC (JauMing Tseng)
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
XDOC is a DOS utility that converts a text file to an EXE file that, when executed, displays the text in a full-screen viewer. It was developed by JauMing Tseng (or "Kevin Tseng" for v1.10 -- presumably the same person).
The original document can be recovered by running the EXE file in a DOS environment, and pressing "P" to "print" to a file.
See also ASCOM, a similar utility by the same author.
Files made by v1.10 have ASCII "asc2
" at offset 28.
Files made by v1.27 have ASCII "xdoc
" at offset 28.
Other versions unknown.
- v1.10: CHIP 1996. április CD 06 → sac/util2/xdoc110.zip
- v1.20: CHIP 1996. szeptember CD 07 → sac/utiltext/xdoc120.zip
- v1.23: Monster Media 16 → PROG_GEN/XPACK161.ZIP → XDOC123.ZIP
- v1.24: XPACK164.ZIP → XDOC124.ZIP
- v1.25: XPA167L.ZIP → XDOC125.ZIP
- v1.27: xdoc127.zip