TXT2COM (Uwe Schlenther)

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File Format
Name TXT2COM (Uwe Schlenther)
Extension(s) .com
See TXT2COM for other things with that name.

TXT2COM is a simple DOS utility for converting a text file to a COM file that, when executed, prints the text to the screen. It was developed by Uwe Schlenther Software-Design. The utility and its documentation are in German.




Two versions have been identified.

The "old" version has a 633-byte TXT2COM.COM file. It generates very simple executable files, with significant restrictions.

The "new" version has a 671-byte TXT2COM.COM file. Its generated files have a pager, and fewer restrictions than the old version.


Old format files start with bytes ba 0d 01 b4 09 cd 21 32 c0 b4 4c cd 21, and end with 0x24. This is basically the minimal COM program that prints a string, so it might not be unique to TXT2COM.

New format: The first 51 bytes of a file are probably always the same. The first 16 are bf 33 01 32 db 2e 8a 15 0a d2 74 21 b4 06 cd 21.


Sample files

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