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File Format
Name AccuType
Released 1988

AccuType by MicroSparc and MindCraft Publishing is a system of three programs for the Apple II that help you to type Nibble listings accurately and quickly. It is a supplement to CheckIt, the short Applesoft typing checker program published in every issue.

It displays a two-digit checkcode for every Applesoft program line or every group of eight hex bytes. It also displays a four-digit check code for the entire program.

AccuEdit is a full-screen Applesoft BASIC program editor with insert and type-over editing modes that displays the checksum for every line entered.

AccuHex is a full-screen hex editor that displays the checksum for every group of eight hex bytes entered.

AccuLister generates the checksum listings for existing files.

Sample Output

AccuEdit.gif AccuEdit

AccuHex.gif AccuHex


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