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File Format
Name Checkbin/Checksoft
Released 1980

Checkbin and Checksoft By Robb S Canfield and Softkey Publishing are Apple II typing checker programs used by Core and Hardcore Computist. Checksoft is for Applesoft BASIC only and Checkbin is for machine programs (hex).

They display a four-digit hex checksum for every line and for the program as a whole.

It is a cumulative checksum so the checksum of every line depends on the lines before it.

Checksoft can be configured to ignore REM statements, line numbers and next line pointers

The Hardcore COMPUTIST LISTing format:

  • Spaces that must be keyed in are printed as delta characters
  • All other spaces are put there for easier reading and it doesn't matter whether you type them or not
  • You must NOT key in any spaces after a DATA command word (unless marked by delta characters)

Checksoft V2 (1985) by Ray Darrah uses the same format but allows you to pass in a line number and seed so a troublesome line can be bypassed and the rest of the program verified.

Sample Output



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