Stop Press Canvas
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Stop Press Canvas (extension .spc) is an uncompressed fixed-size raster image format, originally associated with the Stop Press graphics package for Amstrad PCW computers.
Format description
From John Elliott's SPC2BMP source code (August 1996; no longer online?):
- SPC format:
- SPC describes a black-and-white picture, 720 pixels across by 256 down. The aspect ratio is similar to the 640x200 CGA mode. The file is stored as 32 blocks of 720 bytes.
- Within each block, eight lines are stored, interleaved. The top line is in bytes 0,8,16,...; the second in bytes 1,9,17,... and so on.
- SPC files work from top to bottom and left to right.
(This is essentially the in-memory format of the PCW screen.)
- joyce-z80-2.1.10.tar.gz - the source code for the Z80 utilities for the Joyce PCW emulator - includes "joyce.spc".