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File Format
Name CorelDRAW
Extension(s) .cdr, .cdt, .cdx, .ccx, .pat
PRONOM fmt/430, others

CorelDRAW is a vector graphics drawing program. Its native file format is generally found in .cdr files, but other extensions exist for variants of it. The format has gone through several major revisions over the years.




  • .cdr: Normal CorelDRAW file
  • .cdt: Template
  • .cdx: Compressed file
  • .cmx: Corel Presentation Exchange Format
  • .cpx: Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed Format
  • .ccx: Clip art file (similar to .cmx in format)
Format / Version Ext. RIFF type PRONOM Filter ID Remarks
Drawing 1.0 .cdr n/a fmt/467
Drawing 2.0 n/a fmt/466
Drawing 3.0 CDR x-fmt/379
Drawing 4.0 CDR4 fmt/465
Drawing 5.0 CDR5 fmt/464
Drawing 6.0 CDR6 x-fmt/29
Drawing 7.0 CDR7 x-fmt/291
Drawing 8.0 CDR8 x-fmt/292
Drawing 8.0 Bidi cdr8
Drawing 9.0 CDR9 x-fmt/374
Drawing 10.0 CDRA x-fmt/375
Drawing 11.0 CDRB x-fmt/378
Drawing 12.0 CDRC fmt/427
Drawing 12.5 DESC
Drawing X3 CDRD fmt/428
Drawing X4 CDRE fmt/429
Drawing X5 CDRF fmt/430
Drawing X6 .dat CDRG
Drawing X7 CDRH
Drawing X8 CDRJ
Drawing 2017 CDRK
Drawing 2018 CDRL
Drawing 2019 CDRM
Template .cdt x-fmt/30
Compressed Drawing .cdx x-fmt/31 CorelID=0x704
Presentation Exchange 5.0 .cmx CMX1 x-fmt/34 CorelID=0x702 See main article: CMX
Presentation Exchange 6+ x-fmt/35 CorelID=0x701
CMX Compressed .cpx x-fmt/36 CorelID=0x705
CCX Clipart .ccx CDRX
Pattern .pat x-fmt/76 Same as .cdr format?

Format description

Early CorelDraw files are of an undocumented proprietary format where the first two bytes spell WL in ASCII. Later formats were based on RIFF, with RIFF as the first four bytes and a version identifier in bytes 9 to 15. The inner details (the data chunk of the RIFF version) remain proprietary.

Compressed formats, .CPX & .CDX are open/import only filters in versions in CorelDraw from version 6 on. Support for CDX was dropped after X6. Presumably formats released from Corel as clipart. (need samples to confirm)

See also


Sample files


Personal tools
