Oracle database error messages/9
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 00:50, 21 August 2019 by Dan Tobias (Talk | contribs)
Please see Oracle database error message
Code | Message |
RMAN-05045 | Performing import of metadata... |
RMAN-05046 | Export completed |
RMAN-05047 | Import completed |
RMAN-05048 | specified file name string conflicts with a file used by the target database |
RMAN-05049 | datafile string is an Oracle Managed File, DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST not set at target |
RMAN-05050 | flashing back control file to SCN string |
RMAN-05051 | analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time |
RMAN-05052 | Repair string is not compatible with this version of RMAN. |
RMAN-05053 | AUXILIARY DESTINATION is only valid when using a RMAN-managed auxiliary instance |
RMAN-05054 | recover block operand string cannot be used to recover datafile |
RMAN-05055 | recover datafile operand string cannot be used to recover block |
RMAN-05060 | block specifier must be specified to recover block |
RMAN-05061 | analyzing automatic repair options complete |
RMAN-05062 | image copy needs no roll forward |
RMAN-05070 | Running TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK on recovery set tablespaces |
RMAN-05071 | TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK completed successfully |
RMAN-05073 | Tablespace string creation SCN string is ahead of point-in-time SCN string |
RMAN-05074 | Tablespace string does not exist at specified point-in-time SCN string |
RMAN-05115 | Cross-platform INSTANT RESTORE is not supported. |
RMAN-05116 | feature was not enabled: string |
RMAN-05500 | the auxiliary database must be not mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command |
RMAN-05501 | aborting duplication of target database |
RMAN-05502 | the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command |
RMAN-05503 | at least one auxiliary channel must be allocated to execute this command |
RMAN-05504 | at least two redo log files or groups must be specified for this command |
RMAN-05505 | auxiliary file name conversion of 'string' exceeds maximum length of string |
RMAN-05506 | error during recursive execution |
RMAN-05507 | standby control file checkpoint (string) is more recent than duplication point-in-time (string) |
RMAN-05510 | Duplicate finished |
RMAN-05511 | Datafile string skipped by request |
RMAN-05512 | Tablespace string cannot be skipped from duplication |
RMAN-05513 | cannot duplicate, control file is not current or standby |
RMAN-05514 | Tablespace string has undo information, cannot skip |
RMAN-05515 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SET UNTIL |
RMAN-05516 | duplicate operand specified: string |
RMAN-05517 | tempfile string conflicts with file used by target database |
RMAN-05518 | Automatically adding tablespace string |
RMAN-05519 | WARNING: tablespace string is always included when duplicating |
RMAN-05520 | database name mismatch, auxiliary instance has string, command specified string |
RMAN-05521 | DUPLICATE without CATALOG and TARGET not open requires that UNDO TABLESPACE is specified |
RMAN-05522 | Skipping tablespace string |
RMAN-05523 | Tablespace string is read only and SKIP READONLY was specified |
RMAN-05524 | Tablespace string is offline |
RMAN-05525 | SKIP TABLESPACE cannot be used when using DUPLICATE TABLESPACE |
RMAN-05526 | datafile number not processed because file is OFFLINE IMMEDIATE |
RMAN-05527 | Tablespace string has one or more OFFLINE IMMEDIATE datafiles |
RMAN-05528 | datafile number not processed because file belongs to tablespace with one or more offline immediate datafile (string) |
RMAN-05529 | WARNING: DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT resulted in invalid ASM names; names changed to disk group only. |
RMAN-05530 | an UNTIL TIME or SCN cannot be specified with FROM ACTIVE DATABASE |
RMAN-05531 | a mounted database cannot be duplicated while datafiles are fuzzy |
RMAN-05533 | string is not supported on string database |
RMAN-05534 | WARNING: LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT resulted in invalid ASM names; names changed to disk group only. |
RMAN-05535 | WARNING: All redo log files were not defined properly. |
RMAN-05536 | auxiliary logfile name string conflicts with a file used by the target database |
RMAN-05537 | DUPLICATE without TARGET connection when auxiliary instance is started with spfile cannot use SPFILE clause |
RMAN-05538 | WARNING: implicitly using DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT |
RMAN-05539 | DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE cannot be used without connecting to the TARGET |
RMAN-05540 | no archived logs found in repository for database string |
RMAN-05541 | no archived logs found in target database |
RMAN-05542 | Only UNTIL TIME can be used with DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections |
RMAN-05543 | DUPLICATE without TARGET connection requires that DATABASE is specified |
RMAN-05544 | Cannot specify ACTIVE DATABASE when not connected to target database |
RMAN-05545 | WARNING: Until SCN string is ahead of SCN of last full resync of recovery catalog: string |
RMAN-05546 | DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections requires that BACKUP LOCATION is specified |
RMAN-05547 | Checking that duplicated tablespaces are self-contained |
RMAN-05548 | The set of duplicated tablespaces is not self-contained |
RMAN-05549 | The following SYS objects were found in skipped tablespaces |
RMAN-05550 | TARGET database not open, cannot verify that set of tablespaces being duplicated does not have SYS objects |
RMAN-05551 | Not connected to TARGET, cannot verify that set of tablespaces being duplicated does not have SYS objects |
RMAN-05552 | Object string on tablespace string |
RMAN-05553 | SYS objects in skipped tablespaces prevent duplication |
RMAN-05554 | cannot specify INCARNATION when duplicating without TARGET and CATALOG connections |
RMAN-05555 | Not connected to TARGET or TARGET not open, cannot verify that subset of tablespaces is self-contained |
RMAN-05556 | not all datafiles have backups that can be recovered to SCN string |
RMAN-05557 | Target instance not started with server parameter file |
RMAN-05558 | Must specify DB_UNIQUE_NAME with FOR STANDBY clause |
RMAN-05559 | error converting parameter string, string larger than number |
RMAN-05560 | Using previous duplicated file string for datafile number with checkpoint SCN of string |
RMAN-05561 | CATALOG did not return information about tablespaces with undo segments |
RMAN-05562 | SPFILE backup not found for database string with DBID number created before string in string |
RMAN-05563 | SPFILE backup not found for database with DBID number created before string in string |
RMAN-05564 | SPFILE backup not found for database string created before string in string |
RMAN-05565 | SPFILE backup created before string not found in string |
RMAN-05566 | SPFILE backup not found for database string with DBID number in string |
RMAN-05567 | SPFILE backup not found for database with DBID number in string |
RMAN-05568 | SPFILE backup not found for database string in string |
RMAN-05569 | SPFILE backup not found in string |
RMAN-05570 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of LOGFILE |
RMAN-05571 | DORECOVER specified for non standby duplication |
RMAN-05572 | Controlfile backup not found for database string with DBID number created before string in string |
RMAN-05573 | CONTROLFILE backup not found for database with DBID number created before string in string |
RMAN-05574 | CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string created before string in string |
RMAN-05575 | CONTROLFILE backup created before string not found in string |
RMAN-05576 | CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string with DBID number in string |
RMAN-05577 | CONTROLFILE backup not found for database with DBID number in string |
RMAN-05578 | CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string in string |
RMAN-05579 | CONTROLFILE backup not found in string |
RMAN-05580 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SKIP READONLY |
RMAN-05581 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SKIP TABLESPACE |
RMAN-05582 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of OPEN RESTRICTED |
RMAN-05583 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of TABLESPACE |
RMAN-05584 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of NOREDO |
RMAN-05585 | Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of UNDO TABLESPACE |
RMAN-05586 | The following materialized objects were found in skipped tablespaces |
RMAN-05587 | Materialized table string on tablespace string |
RMAN-05588 | Materialized index string on tablespace string |
RMAN-05589 | Materialized objects in skipped tablespaces prevent duplication |
RMAN-05590 | Reenabling controlfile options for auxiliary database |
RMAN-05591 | Ignoring error, reattempt command after duplicate finishes |
RMAN-05592 | Dropping offline and skipped tablespaces |
RMAN-05593 | Could not drop tablespace string due to constraints, will reattempt removal after other tablespaces are removed |
RMAN-05594 | Could not drop tablespace string due to constraints |
RMAN-05595 | Leaving database unopened, as requested |
RMAN-05596 | Error while removing created server parameter file |
RMAN-05597 | Database started with server parameter file and PFILE clause used in command |
RMAN-05598 | SPFILE and PFILE clause specified in command |
RMAN-05599 | PASSWORD clause is not needed when duplicating for standby database from active database |
RMAN-05600 | Cannot specify UNTIL clause when duplicating from active database |
RMAN-05601 | Failed to restore original settings to server parameter file |
RMAN-05602 | restarting auxiliary database without server parameter file |
RMAN-05621 | password file location could not be found for the target database |
RMAN-05622 | password file location could not be found for the auxiliary database |
RMAN-06000 | could not open recovery manager library file: string |
RMAN-06001 | error parsing job step library |
RMAN-06002 | command not allowed when not connected to a recovery catalog |
RMAN-06003 | ORACLE error from target database: string |
RMAN-06004 | ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: string |
RMAN-06005 | connected to target database: string (DBID=string) |
RMAN-06006 | connected to target database: string (not mounted) |
RMAN-06007 | target database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora |
RMAN-06008 | connected to recovery catalog database |
RMAN-06009 | using target database control file instead of recovery catalog |
RMAN-06010 | error while looking up datafile: string |
RMAN-06011 | invalid level specified: number |
RMAN-06012 | channel: string not allocated |
RMAN-06013 | duplicate channel identifier found: string |
RMAN-06014 | command not implemented yet: string |
RMAN-06015 | error while looking up datafile copy name: string |
RMAN-06016 | duplicate backup operand specified: string |
RMAN-06017 | initialization of parser failed |
RMAN-06018 | duplicate operand specified in backup specification: string |
RMAN-06019 | could not translate tablespace name "string" |
RMAN-06020 | connected to auxiliary database (not started) |
RMAN-06021 | FROM DATAFILECOPY/BACKUPSET may not be specified with archived logs |
RMAN-06022 | invalid level specified for image copy: number |
RMAN-06023 | no backup or copy of datafile number found to restore |
RMAN-06024 | no backup or copy of the control file found to restore |
RMAN-06025 | no backup of archived log for thread number with sequence number and starting SCN of string found to restore |
RMAN-06026 | some targets not found - aborting restore |
RMAN-06027 | no archived logs found that match specification |
RMAN-06028 | duplicate operand specified in restore specification: string |
RMAN-06029 | the control file may be included only in a datafile backup set |
RMAN-06030 | the DELETE [ALL] INPUT option may not be used with a datafile backup set |
RMAN-06031 | could not translate database keyword |
RMAN-06032 | at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to execute a COPY command |
RMAN-06033 | channel string not allocated |
RMAN-06034 | at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command |
RMAN-06035 | wrong version of recover.bsq, expecting string, found string |
RMAN-06036 | datafile number is already restored to file string |
RMAN-06038 | recovery catalog package detected an error |
RMAN-06039 | SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for datafile string |
RMAN-06040 | control file is already restored to file string |
RMAN-06041 | cannot switch file number to copy of file number |
RMAN-06042 | PLUS ARCHIVELOG option is not supported with non-datafile backups |
RMAN-06043 | TAG option not supported for archived log copies |
RMAN-06045 | LEVEL option not supported for archived log or current/standby control file copies |
RMAN-06046 | archived log name: string |
RMAN-06047 | duplicate datafile number specified for restoration from copy |
RMAN-06048 | duplicate control file specified for restoration from copy |
RMAN-06049 | CHECK LOGICAL option not supported for archived log or current/standby control file copies |
RMAN-06050 | archived log for thread number with sequence number is already on disk as file string |
RMAN-06051 | DELETE INPUT option not implemented yet |
RMAN-06052 | no parent backup or copy of datafile number found |
RMAN-06053 | unable to perform media recovery because of missing log |
RMAN-06054 | media recovery requesting unknown archived log for thread string with sequence string and starting SCN of string |
RMAN-06055 | could not find archived log with sequence string for thread string |
RMAN-06056 | could not access datafile number |
RMAN-06057 | a standby control file cannot be included along with a current control file |
RMAN-06058 | a current control file cannot be included along with a standby control file |
RMAN-06059 | expected archived log not found, loss of archived log compromises recoverability |
RMAN-06060 | WARNING: skipping datafile compromises tablespace string recoverability |
RMAN-06061 | WARNING: skipping archived log compromises recoverability |
RMAN-06062 | can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE |
RMAN-06063 | DBID is not found in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06064 | creating datafile file number=string name=string |
RMAN-06065 | The backup operand [string] conflicts with another specified operand. |
RMAN-06066 | the target database must be mounted when issuing a RECOVER command |
RMAN-06067 | RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file |
RMAN-06068 | recovery aborted because of missing datafiles |
RMAN-06069 | the file name for datafile string is missing in the control file |
RMAN-06070 | DBWR could not identify datafile string |
RMAN-06071 | could not open datafile string |
RMAN-06073 | file header is corrupt for datafile string |
RMAN-06074 | file string is not an ORACLE datafile |
RMAN-06075 | datafile string does not belong to this database |
RMAN-06076 | datafile string contains wrong datafile |
RMAN-06077 | datafile string is a different version than contained in the control file |
RMAN-06078 | the control file is older than datafile string |
RMAN-06079 | database must be mounted to perform recovery |
RMAN-06080 | SWITCH required for datafile string |
RMAN-06081 | error reading datafile header for datafile string, code string |
RMAN-06082 | datafile copy tag string is ambiguous |
RMAN-06083 | error when loading stored script string |
RMAN-06084 | the target database may not be mounted when issuing REPLICATE |
RMAN-06085 | must use SET NEWNAME command to restore datafile string |
RMAN-06086 | offline files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set |
RMAN-06087 | read-only files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set |
RMAN-06088 | datafile copy string not found or out of sync with catalog |
RMAN-06089 | archived log string not found or out of sync with catalog |
RMAN-06090 | error while looking up control file copy: string |
RMAN-06091 | no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type) |
RMAN-06092 | error while looking up backup piece |
RMAN-06093 | recovery catalog contains obsolete version of datafile string |
RMAN-06094 | datafile string must be restored |
RMAN-06095 | a backup control file must be restored to recover datafile string |
RMAN-06096 | SWITCH required for newname of datafile string to take effect |
RMAN-06098 | the target database must be mounted when issuing a BACKUP command |
RMAN-06099 | error occurred in source file: string, line: number |
RMAN-06100 | no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile number |
RMAN-06101 | no channel to restore a backup or copy of the control file |
RMAN-06102 | no channel to restore a backup or copy of archived log for thread number with sequence number and starting SCN of string |
RMAN-06103 | duplicate qualifier found in REPORT command: string |
RMAN-06105 | duplicate qualifier found in LIST command: string |
RMAN-06106 | this command requires that target database be mounted |
RMAN-06107 | WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS |
RMAN-06108 | changed datafile copy unavailable |
RMAN-06109 | changed archived log unavailable |
RMAN-06110 | changed control file copy unavailable |
RMAN-06111 | changed backup piece unavailable |
RMAN-06112 | changed datafile copy available |
RMAN-06113 | changed archived log available |
RMAN-06114 | changed control file copy available |
RMAN-06115 | changed backup piece available |
RMAN-06116 | cannot crosscheck unavailable object |
RMAN-06117 | cannot do DELETE EXPIRED on an object which is not expired |
RMAN-06118 | a backup control file older than SCN string must be used for this recovery |
RMAN-06119 | uncataloged datafile copy |
RMAN-06120 | uncataloged archived log |
RMAN-06121 | uncataloged control file copy |
RMAN-06122 | CHANGE .. UNCATALOG not supported for BACKUPSET |
RMAN-06123 | operation not supported without the recovery catalog or mounted control file |
RMAN-06124 | error while looking up datafile copy key: number |
RMAN-06125 | error while looking up archived log key: number |
RMAN-06126 | skipping offline file string |
RMAN-06127 | skipping read-only file string |
RMAN-06128 | skipping inaccessible file string |
RMAN-06129 | invalid reserved channel ID: string |
RMAN-06131 | SKIP OFFLINE/READONLY only allowed with current control file |
RMAN-06132 | cannot backup datafile string because it is not in the control file |
RMAN-06133 | recovery catalog may have obsolete data for datafile string |
RMAN-06134 | host command complete |
RMAN-06135 | error executing host command: string |
RMAN-06136 | ORACLE error from auxiliary database: string |
RMAN-06137 | must have recovery catalog for REPORT SCHEMA AT TIME |
RMAN-06138 | control file not mounted - must specify AT clause with REPORT command |
RMAN-06139 | WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT SCHEMA |
RMAN-06140 | cannot specify TAG option with LIST INCARNATION |
RMAN-06141 | cannot specify ARCHIVELOG LIKE option with RESTORE |
RMAN-06142 | DEVICE TYPE cannot be specified with this command |
RMAN-06143 | LIKE may only be specified with COPY |
RMAN-06144 | FROM or UNTIL may not be specified with LIST INCARNATION |
RMAN-06145 | control file is not current - obsolete file list may be incomplete |
RMAN-06146 | changes found for file number beyond offline SCN |
RMAN-06147 | no obsolete backups found |
RMAN-06148 | redundancy count must be greater than zero |
RMAN-06150 | auxiliary name for datafile number set to: string |
RMAN-06151 | datafile string creation SCN string |
RMAN-06153 | validation failed for datafile copy |
RMAN-06154 | validation succeeded for datafile copy |
RMAN-06155 | validation failed for control file copy |
RMAN-06156 | validation succeeded for control file copy |
RMAN-06157 | validation failed for archived log |
RMAN-06158 | validation succeeded for archived log |
RMAN-06159 | error while looking up backup set |
RMAN-06160 | no backup pieces found for backup set key: number |
RMAN-06161 | error when inspecting auxiliary file name: string |
RMAN-06162 | sql statement: string |
RMAN-06163 | some datafiles cannot be recovered, aborting the RECOVER command |
RMAN-06164 | WARNING: no channel of required type allocated to recover datafile number |
RMAN-06165 | datafile string is too old to recover, restore a more recent copy |
RMAN-06166 | datafile string cannot be recovered |
RMAN-06167 | already connected |
RMAN-06168 | no backup pieces with this tag found: string |
RMAN-06169 | could not read file header for datafile string error reason string |
RMAN-06170 | no control file copy found with offline range RECID string STAMP string datafile string |
RMAN-06171 | not connected to target database |
RMAN-06172 | no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece |
RMAN-06173 | SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for datafile string when restore auxiliary |
RMAN-06174 | not connected to auxiliary database |
RMAN-06175 | deleted script: string |
RMAN-06176 | no recovery required; all files are read only or offline |
RMAN-06177 | restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored |
RMAN-06178 | datafile number not processed because file is offline |
RMAN-06179 | datafile number not processed because file is read-only |
RMAN-06180 | incremental backups require Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06181 | multiple channels require Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06182 | archived log string of thread string with sequence string larger than MAXSETSIZE |
RMAN-06183 | datafile or datafile copy string (file number string) larger than MAXSETSIZE |
RMAN-06184 | duplicate object in backup specifier: string string |
RMAN-06185 | Recovery Manager incompatible with string database: RMAN number.number.number.number to number.number.number.number required |
RMAN-06186 | PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is too old |
RMAN-06187 | control file copy string not found or out of sync with catalog |
RMAN-06188 | cannot use command when connected to a mounted target database |
RMAN-06189 | current DBID number does not match target mounted database (number) |
RMAN-06190 | PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is not current |
RMAN-06191 | PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is too new |
RMAN-06192 | maximum value for MAXPIECESIZE or MAXSETSIZE must be between 1 Kb and 2048 Gb |
RMAN-06193 | connected to target database (not started) |
RMAN-06194 | target database instance not started |
RMAN-06195 | auxiliary database not started |
RMAN-06196 | Oracle instance started |
RMAN-06197 | Total System Global Area string bytes |
RMAN-06198 | string string bytes |
RMAN-06199 | database mounted |
RMAN-06200 | Changed string objects to AVAILABLE status |
RMAN-06201 | Deleted string objects |
RMAN-06202 | Deleted string EXPIRED objects |
RMAN-06203 | Changed KEEP options for string objects |
RMAN-06204 | Changed string objects to UNAVAILABLE status |
RMAN-06205 | Uncataloged string objects |
RMAN-06206 | Crosschecked string objects |
RMAN-06207 | WARNING: string objects could not be deleted for string channel(s) due |
RMAN-06208 | to mismatched status. Use CROSSCHECK command to fix status |
RMAN-06209 | List of failed objects |
RMAN-06210 | List of Mismatched objects |
RMAN-06211 | ========================== |
RMAN-06212 | Object Type Filename/Handle |
RMAN-06213 | --------------- --------------------------------------------------- |
RMAN-06214 | string string |
RMAN-06215 | List of objects that must perform same operation at other database |
RMAN-06216 | WARNING: db_unique_name mismatch - string objects could not be updated |
RMAN-06217 | not connected to auxiliary database with a net service name |
RMAN-06218 | List of objects requiring same operation on database with db_unique_name string |
RMAN-06219 | List of objects not associated with all known db_unique_names |
RMAN-06220 | Creating automatic instance, with SID='string' |
RMAN-06221 | Removing automatic instance |
RMAN-06223 | starting up automatic instance string |
RMAN-06224 | Automatic instance created |
RMAN-06225 | shutting down automatic instance string |
RMAN-06226 | Automatic instance removed |
RMAN-06230 | List of Stored Scripts in Recovery Catalog |
RMAN-06238 | List of Databases |
RMAN-06246 | List of Database Incarnations |
RMAN-06250 | Report of files that need backup due to unrecoverable operations |
RMAN-06263 | string string string |
RMAN-06270 | Report of files whose recovery needs more than number days of archived logs |
RMAN-06274 | Report of files that must be backed up to satisfy number days recovery window |
RMAN-06275 | invalid number of days specified for report : string days |
RMAN-06280 | Report of obsolete backups and copies |
RMAN-06290 | Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name string |
RMAN-06300 | Report of files with less than number redundant backups |
RMAN-06306 | ==================== |
RMAN-06378 | List of Backup Sets |
RMAN-06400 | database opened |
RMAN-06401 | database is already started |
RMAN-06402 | Oracle instance shut down |
RMAN-06403 | could not obtain a fully authorized session |
RMAN-06404 | database dismounted |
RMAN-06405 | database closed |
RMAN-06406 | deleted archived log |
RMAN-06407 | auxiliary instance file string deleted |
RMAN-06408 | recovery catalog upgraded to version string |
RMAN-06409 | LIKE clause in LIST BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG is not supported |
RMAN-06410 | cannot use command when channels are allocated |
RMAN-06411 | backup copies setting out of range (1-4): number |
RMAN-06412 | no proxy copy channel found |
RMAN-06413 | channel string does not support proxy copy |
RMAN-06414 | target database COMPATIBLE option does not support proxy copy |
RMAN-06415 | file string cannot be proxy backed up |
RMAN-06416 | PROXY ONLY was specified and some files could not be proxy copied |
RMAN-06417 | command not allowed when connected to a virtual private catalog |
RMAN-06418 | proxy incremental backups with level > 0 not supported |
RMAN-06419 | file string cannot be proxy restored from handle string |
RMAN-06420 | some files could not be proxy restored - aborting restore |
RMAN-06421 | sent command to channel: string |
RMAN-06422 | no channels found for SEND command |
RMAN-06423 | requested limit of number exceeds vendor limit of number |
RMAN-06424 | error while looking up proxy copy |
RMAN-06425 | <datafile pathname not available> |
RMAN-06426 | RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role must be granted to user string |
RMAN-06427 | recovery catalog already exists |
RMAN-06428 | recovery catalog is not installed |
RMAN-06429 | string database is not compatible with this version of RMAN |
RMAN-06430 | recovery catalog USERID cannot be SYS |
RMAN-06431 | recovery catalog created |
RMAN-06432 | recovery catalog dropped |
RMAN-06433 | error installing recovery catalog |
RMAN-06434 | some errors occurred while removing recovery catalog |
RMAN-06435 | recovery catalog owner is string |
RMAN-06436 | enter DROP CATALOG command again to confirm catalog removal |
RMAN-06437 | cannot drop catalog - catalog is newer than this RMAN |
RMAN-06438 | error executing package DBMS_RCVMAN in string database |
RMAN-06439 | RMAN must be upgraded to version string to work with this package |
RMAN-06440 | virtual catalog dropped |
RMAN-06441 | cannot upgrade catalog - catalog is already newer than this RMAN |
RMAN-06442 | enter UPGRADE CATALOG command again to confirm catalog upgrade |
RMAN-06443 | error upgrading recovery catalog |
RMAN-06444 | error creating string |
RMAN-06445 | cannot connect to recovery catalog after NOCATALOG has been used |
RMAN-06446 | changed proxy copy unavailable |
RMAN-06447 | changed proxy copy available |
RMAN-06448 | uncataloged proxy copy |
RMAN-06449 | deleted proxy copy |
RMAN-06450 | crosschecked proxy copy: found to be 'string' |
RMAN-06451 | proxy copy handle=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-06452 | string package upgraded to version string |
RMAN-06453 | RECOVERABLE may only be used with datafile objects |
RMAN-06454 | duplexed backups require Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06455 | Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery requires Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06456 | command is obsolete |
RMAN-06457 | UNTIL SCN (string) is ahead of last SCN in archived logs (string) |
RMAN-06459 | DURATION> is not supported with PROXY |
RMAN-06460 | control file copy string cannot be backed up by proxy. |
RMAN-06461 | current control file cannot be backed up by proxy. |
RMAN-06462 | no backup sets found on device DISK that match specification |
RMAN-06463 | Backup set key string cannot be backed up by proxy. |
RMAN-06464 | BACKUP BACKUPSET is not supported with VALIDATE option |
RMAN-06465 | configuration not implemented: string |
RMAN-06466 | error parsing configuration string (string) |
RMAN-06467 | could not translate DBA: number |
RMAN-06468 | Invalid Data Block Address: number |
RMAN-06469 | could not translate corruption list |
RMAN-06470 | DEVICE TYPE is supported only when automatic channels are used |
RMAN-06471 | no configuration found to allocate channels for string |
RMAN-06472 | channel id string is automatically allocated |
RMAN-06473 | SET DATABASE can only be used in case of DUPLICATE without TARGET connection |
RMAN-06474 | maintenance channels are not allocated |
RMAN-06475 | parallelism setting out of range (1-254): number |
RMAN-06476 | channel number out of range (1-254): number |
RMAN-06477 | configuration value length exceeds 1024 |
RMAN-06478 | WARNING: datafile copy 'string' cannot be found on disk |
RMAN-06479 | WARNING: control file copy 'string' cannot be found on disk |
RMAN-06480 | WARNING: archived log 'string' cannot be found on disk |
RMAN-06481 | WARNING: backup piece 'string' cannot be found on the storage medium |
RMAN-06482 | WARNING: proxy copy 'string' cannot be found on the storage medium |
RMAN-06483 | changed datafile copy expired |
RMAN-06484 | changed control file copy expired |
RMAN-06485 | changed archived log expired |
RMAN-06486 | changed backup piece expired |
RMAN-06487 | changed proxy copy expired |
RMAN-06488 | restore from AUTOBACKUP does not allow any other modifiers |
RMAN-06489 | no configuration found to allocate clone channel number for device type string |
RMAN-06490 | WARNING: limit of AUTOBACKUPS for the day has been reached |
RMAN-06491 | control file AUTOBACKUP format "string" contains more than one "string" format specifier |
RMAN-06492 | control file AUTOBACKUP format "string" must specify a "string" format specifier |
RMAN-06493 | only UNTIL TIME clause is allowed when performing a restore from AUTOBACKUP, found: string |
RMAN-06494 | string = string is out of range (string-string) |
RMAN-06495 | must explicitly specify DBID with SET DBID command |
RMAN-06496 | must use the TO clause when the database is mounted or open |
RMAN-06497 | WARNING: control file is not current, control file AUTOBACKUP skipped |
RMAN-06498 | skipping datafile string; already backed up string time(s) |
RMAN-06499 | skipping archived log file string; already backed up string time(s) |
RMAN-06500 | skipping backup set key string; already backed up string time(s) |
RMAN-06501 | skipping datafile string; already backed up on string |
RMAN-06502 | skipping archived log file string; already backed on string |
RMAN-06503 | skipping backup set key string; already backed up on string |
RMAN-06504 | PROXY option with multiple backup copies is not supported |
RMAN-06505 | specified DATABASE: string does not match previous DATABASE: string |
RMAN-06506 | the MAXSETSIZE option cannot be used with a backup backup set |
RMAN-06507 | trying alternate file for archived log of thread number with sequence number |
RMAN-06508 | MAXSETSIZE string KBYTES should be greater than block size string bytes |
RMAN-06509 | only SPFILE or control file can be restored from AUTOBACKUP |
RMAN-06510 | RMAN retention policy is set to recovery window of number days |
RMAN-06511 | RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy number |
RMAN-06512 | copy will be obsolete on date string |
RMAN-06513 | copy will never be obsolete |
RMAN-06514 | archived logs required to recover from this copy will not be kept |
RMAN-06515 | archived logs required to recover from this copy will expire when this copy expires |
RMAN-06516 | time specified in KEEP UNTIL clause must be be after today |
RMAN-06517 | KEEP option is not supported for archived log backups |
RMAN-06518 | backup will be obsolete on date string |
RMAN-06519 | backup will never be obsolete |
RMAN-06520 | archived logs will not be kept or backed up |
RMAN-06521 | archived logs required to recover from this backup will expire when this backup expires |
RMAN-06522 | KEEP FOREVER option is not supported without the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06524 | RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command |
RMAN-06525 | RMAN retention policy is set to none |
RMAN-06526 | KEEP option cannot be used with incremental backup |
RMAN-06527 | KEEP option is not supported for backup of backup sets |
RMAN-06528 | CHANGE ... KEEP not supported for BACKUPPIECE |
RMAN-06529 | CHANGE ... KEEP not supported for ARCHIVELOG |
RMAN-06530 | CHANGE ... KEEP LOGS not supported for backup set which contains archived logs |
RMAN-06531 | CHANGE ... KEEP not supported for incremental BACKUPSET |
RMAN-06532 | redundancy count must be greater than zero |
RMAN-06533 | KEEP ... NOLOGS option cannot be used when datafiles are fuzzy |
RMAN-06534 | archived logs required to recover from this backup will be backed up |
RMAN-06535 | LIST COPY OF SPFILE is not supported |
RMAN-06536 | BACKED UP ... TIMES option is supported only for archived logs |
RMAN-06537 | CHANGE ... KEEP not supported for BACKUP |
RMAN-06538 | The expected DB_UNIQUE_NAME is string, but found string |
RMAN-06540 | Tablespace string will be excluded from future whole database backups |
RMAN-06541 | Tablespace string will be included in future whole database backups |
RMAN-06542 | file string is excluded from whole database backup |
RMAN-06543 | duplicate or conflicting LIST options: string and string |
RMAN-06547 | SYSTEM tablespace cannot be excluded from whole database backup |
RMAN-06548 | connected to auxiliary database: string (DBID=string) |
RMAN-06549 | connected to auxiliary database: string (not mounted) |
RMAN-06550 | clone database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora |
RMAN-06551 | error while looking up datafile copy for file number: string |
RMAN-06552 | newname for datafile number was set to NEW, but file was not restored |
RMAN-06553 | DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST must be set for SET NEWNAME ... TO NEW |
RMAN-06554 | WARNING: file string is in backup mode |
RMAN-06555 | datafile string must be restored from backup created before string |
RMAN-06556 | datafile string must be restored from backup older than SCN string |
RMAN-06557 | unable to restore archived log of thread number with sequence number |
RMAN-06558 | archived log size of number kb is bigger than available space of number kb |
RMAN-06559 | MAXSIZE must be larger than 1 kb |
RMAN-06560 | WARNING: backup set with key number will be read number times |
RMAN-06561 | available space must be larger than number kb |
RMAN-06562 | available space of number kb needed to avoid reading the backup set multiple times |
RMAN-06563 | control file or SPFILE must be restored using FROM AUTOBACKUP |
RMAN-06564 | must use the TO clause when the instance is started with SPFILE |
RMAN-06565 | WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry #number |
RMAN-06566 | target database incarnation not found in control file |
RMAN-06567 | connected to auxiliary database: string (DBID=string, not open) |
RMAN-06568 | connected to target database: string (DBID=string, not open) |
RMAN-06569 | DATABASE: string does not match previous DATABASE: string |
RMAN-06570 | datafile number switched to datafile copy "string" |
RMAN-06571 | datafile number does not have recoverable copy |
RMAN-06572 | database is open and datafile number is not offline |
RMAN-06573 | specified DBID: string does not match previous DBID: string |
RMAN-06575 | platform id number found in datafile string header is not a valid platform id |
RMAN-06576 | platform 'string' (number) found in header of datafile string does not match specified platform name 'string' (number) |
RMAN-06577 | FROM TAG option may only be used with datafile copies |
RMAN-06578 | INCREMENTAL LEVEL > 0 must be specified with FOR RECOVER OF |
RMAN-06580 | the string option cannot be used with AS COPY |
RMAN-06581 | option string not supported |
RMAN-06582 | AS COPY option cannot be used when backing up backup sets |
RMAN-06583 | at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to use AS COPY option |
RMAN-06584 | WARNING: AS BACKUPSET option added due to allocation of multiple channel types |
RMAN-06585 | no copy of datafile number found |
RMAN-06586 | no copy of datafile number with tag string found |
RMAN-06587 | one or more datafile copies were not found |
RMAN-06588 | number of patterns (number) to DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT should be even |
RMAN-06589 | cannot specify DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT option without AS COPY |
RMAN-06590 | Tablespace string cannot be converted |
RMAN-06593 | platform name 'string' specified in FROM PLATFORM is not valid |
RMAN-06594 | platform name 'string' specified in TO PLATFORM is not valid |
RMAN-06595 | platform name 'string' does not match database platform name 'string' |
RMAN-06596 | string requires target database compatibility string, currently set to string |
RMAN-06597 | conversion between platforms 'string' and 'string' is not implemented |
RMAN-06599 | Tablespace string is not read-only |
RMAN-06600 | old RMAN configuration parameters: |
RMAN-06601 | new RMAN configuration parameters: |
RMAN-06602 | TO DESTINATION option can be used only for disk device |
RMAN-06603 | TO DESTINATION option must be specified with RECOVERY AREA, RECOVERY FILES or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST on disk device |
RMAN-06604 | new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored |
RMAN-06605 | old RMAN configuration parameters are successfully deleted |
RMAN-06606 | RMAN configuration parameters are successfully reset to default value |
RMAN-06607 | RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name string are: |
RMAN-06608 | RMAN configuration has no stored or default parameters |
RMAN-06609 | AS COPY can be configured only for disk device |
RMAN-06610 | For record type string RECIDS from number to number are re-used before resync |
RMAN-06611 | Following RMAN configuration applied before deleting logs: |
RMAN-06612 | Incompatible options were specified for archivelog deletion policy |
RMAN-06613 | Connect identifier for DB_UNIQUE_NAME string not configured |
RMAN-06614 | DB_UNIQUE_NAME string is too long |
RMAN-06615 | resyncing from database with DB_UNIQUE_NAME string |
RMAN-06616 | RMAN output not resynced for database with DB_UNIQUE_NAME string |
RMAN-06617 | UNTIL TIME (string) is ahead of last NEXT TIME in archived logs (string) |
RMAN-06700 | error parsing text script in file string |
RMAN-06701 | could not construct path for file: "string" |
RMAN-06702 | could not initialize for input file: "string" |
RMAN-06703 | could not open file: "string" (reason=string) |
RMAN-06705 | text script line is too long (>1024) |
RMAN-06706 | could not close file: "string" (reason=string) |
RMAN-06707 | could not initialize for output file: "string" |
RMAN-06708 | short write while writing file "string". Wrote string bytes instead of string bytes |
RMAN-06709 | No scripts in recovery catalog |
RMAN-06710 | script string not found in catalog |
RMAN-06711 | global scripts require a TARGET connection |
RMAN-06716 | skipping datafile number; already restored to file string |
RMAN-06717 | Could not delete auxiliary instance file string |
RMAN-06724 | backup not done; all files already backed up |
RMAN-06725 | database not open: sort area size too small |
RMAN-06726 | could not locate archived log string |
RMAN-06727 | could not locate datafile copy string |
RMAN-06728 | could not locate control file copy string |
RMAN-06729 | no backup of the SPFILE found to restore |
RMAN-06730 | no channel to restore a backup of the SPFILE |
RMAN-06731 | command string:string% complete, time left number:number:number |
RMAN-06732 | database dropped |
RMAN-06733 | database unregistered from the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06737 | database name "string" does not match target database name "string" |
RMAN-06738 | database name "string" is not unique in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06739 | database "string" is not found in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06740 | database name is not specified |
RMAN-06741 | database name is "string" and DBID is string |
RMAN-06742 | platform name 'string' longer than number |
RMAN-06743 | specification does not match any backup set in the repository |
RMAN-06744 | specification does not match any datafile copy in the repository |
RMAN-06745 | skipping datafile copy string; already backed up string time(s) |
RMAN-06746 | backup cancelled because there are no files to backup |
RMAN-06747 | at least 1 channel of tertiary storage must be allocated to execute this command |
RMAN-06748 | more than one channel types were allocated |
RMAN-06749 | restore point string does not exist. |
RMAN-06750 | SPFILE cannot be backed up by proxy. |
RMAN-06751 | ASM file string cannot be proxy backed up. |
RMAN-06752 | error while looking up tempfile: string |
RMAN-06753 | tempfile not found in the repository |
RMAN-06754 | INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option is not supported with [string] |
RMAN-06755 | WARNING: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is too recent; using checkpoint SCN string instead |
RMAN-06756 | cannot flashback database to non-guaranteed restore point string when flashback is off |
RMAN-06757 | DB_UNIQUE_NAME "string" does not match target database ("string") |
RMAN-06758 | DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06759 | skipping datafile copies that are already backed up |
RMAN-06760 | skipping archived logs that are already backed up |
RMAN-06761 | skipping backup sets that are already backed up |
RMAN-06762 | ignoring encryption for proxy or image copies |
RMAN-06763 | specified encryption algorithm not supported |
RMAN-06764 | string |
RMAN-06765 | Tablespace string will be encrypted in future backup sets |
RMAN-06766 | Tablespace string will not be encrypted in future backup sets |
RMAN-06767 | Tablespace string will default to database encryption configuration |
RMAN-06768 | duplicate or conflicting options are specified: string and string |
RMAN-06769 | length of password must be greater than zero |
RMAN-06770 | backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06771 | cannot do IMPORT CATALOG after NOCATALOG has been used |
RMAN-06772 | cannot do IMPORT CATALOG before connecting to recovery catalog |
RMAN-06773 | connected to source recovery catalog database |
RMAN-06774 | must specify a TNS service name for source recovery catalog database |
RMAN-06775 | not connected to source recovery catalog database |
RMAN-06776 | source recovery catalog database not started |
RMAN-06777 | ORACLE error from source recovery catalog database: string |
RMAN-06778 | WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry #string |
RMAN-06779 | import validation complete |
RMAN-06780 | database unregistered from the source recovery catalog |
RMAN-06781 | string package version string in source database is not of version string |
RMAN-06782 | Datafile headers of locally managed datafiles need to be updated. |
RMAN-06783 | Update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles finished. |
RMAN-06784 | One or more datafile headers of locally managed datafiles were not updated. |
RMAN-06785 | This operation might take some time. |
RMAN-06786 | could not read file header for datafile string to do FLASHBACK. |
RMAN-06787 | WARNING: TAG string option is ignored; backups will be tagged with string |
RMAN-06791 | changed the DB_UNIQUE_NAME value from string to string |
RMAN-06792 | database db_unique_name is "string", db_name is "string" and DBID is string |
RMAN-06793 | database with db_unique_name string unregistered from the recovery catalog |
RMAN-06795 | Flashback database logging is not on. |
RMAN-06796 | Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK. |
RMAN-06797 | Grant succeeded. |
RMAN-06798 | Revoke succeeded. |
RMAN-06799 | found eligible base catalog owned by string |
RMAN-06800 | found ineligible base catalog owned by string |
RMAN-06801 | no base catalog found |
RMAN-06802 | too many eligible base catalogs found |
RMAN-06803 | created virtual catalog against base catalog owned by string |
RMAN-06804 | Enter value for string: |
RMAN-06805 | SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for tempfile string |
RMAN-06806 | compression algorithm 'string' of release string not found |
RMAN-06807 | compression algorithm 'string' of release string cannot be used because database compatibility is less than string |
RMAN-06808 | SECTION SIZE cannot be used when piece limit is in effect |
RMAN-06809 | compression algorithm 'string' of release string requires advanced compression option |
RMAN-06810 | specification does not match any datafile copy in the repository |
RMAN-06811 | specification does not match any control file copy in the repository |
RMAN-06812 | specification does not match any backup in the repository |
RMAN-06818 | WARNING: last archived log from primary database not recieved at standby database |
RMAN-06819 | current log archived at primary database |
RMAN-06820 | WARNING: failed to archive current log at primary database |
RMAN-06898 | recovery catalog is partially upgraded to string |
RMAN-06899 | updating recovery catalog with new database incarnation |
RMAN-06900 | WARNING: unable to generate V$RMAN_STATUS or V$RMAN_OUTPUT row |
RMAN-06901 | WARNING: disabling update of the V$RMAN_STATUS and V$RMAN_OUTPUT rows |
RMAN-06902 | AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET option cannot be used when backing up backup sets |
RMAN-06903 | backup of datafile string was cancelled |
RMAN-06904 | backup of archived log for thread number with sequence number and starting SCN of string was cancelled |
RMAN-06905 | backup of backup set key number was cancelled |
RMAN-06906 | backup of control file was cancelled |
RMAN-06907 | MINIMIZE LOAD option not allowed for the specified input files |
RMAN-06908 | WARNING: operation will not run in parallel on the allocated channels |
RMAN-06909 | WARNING: parallelism require Enterprise Edition |
RMAN-06910 | can not invoke parallel recovery for test recovery |
RMAN-06911 | only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified |
RMAN-06912 | backup of spfile was cancelled |
RMAN-06913 | validate cancelled because there are no files to validate |
RMAN-06914 | BLOCK string must be greater or equal to BLOCK string |
RMAN-06915 | restore point string already exists |
RMAN-06918 | WARNING: allocated SBT channel to Oracle Availability Machine in NOCATALOG mode |
RMAN-06920 | database string is not open read-only |
RMAN-06921 | Convert database check failed |
RMAN-06922 | External table string.string found in the database |
RMAN-06923 | Directory string.string found in the database |
RMAN-06924 | BFILE string.string found in the database |
RMAN-06925 | BFILEs are used in the system, please redefine them in the transported database |
RMAN-06926 | User string with string privilege found in password file |
RMAN-06927 | Cannot specify NEW DATABASE clause more than once |
RMAN-06928 | Cannot specify ON TARGET PLATFORM clause more than once |
RMAN-06929 | Cannot specify TRANSPORT SCRIPT clause more than once |
RMAN-06930 | Cannot specify SKIP clause more than once |
RMAN-06931 | Cannot specify FROM PLATFORM clause |
RMAN-06932 | Database name 'string' longer than number |
RMAN-06933 | Transport script name too long |
RMAN-06934 | Format string too long |
RMAN-06935 | Convert script name too long |
RMAN-06941 | Database must be closed and mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED. |
RMAN-06942 | OPTION number is invalid; OPTION must be between string and string |
RMAN-06943 | no automatic repair OPTION number was listed in ADVISE FAILURE |
RMAN-06944 | contents of repair script: |
RMAN-06945 | no repair script present for REPAIRID string |
RMAN-06946 | executing repair script |
RMAN-06947 | searching flashback logs for block images until SCN string |
RMAN-06948 | searching flashback logs for block images |
RMAN-06949 | finished flashback log search, restored string blocks |
RMAN-06950 | invalid validate option specified: string |
RMAN-06951 | repair failure complete |
RMAN-06952 | database needs to be restarted |
RMAN-06953 | no automatic repairs were listed by ADVISE FAILURE |
RMAN-06954 | REPAIR command must be preceded by ADVISE command in same session |
RMAN-06955 | Network copies are only supported for image copies. |
RMAN-06956 | create datafile failed; retry after removing string from OS |
RMAN-06957 | finished standby search, restored string blocks |
RMAN-06958 | Executing: string |
RMAN-06959 | WARNING: repair completed but could not verify that failures were fixed by it |
RMAN-06960 | EXPDP> string |
RMAN-06961 | IMPDP> string |
RMAN-06962 | Error received during export of metadata |
RMAN-06963 | Error received during import of metadata |
RMAN-06964 | option string cannot be used with string |
RMAN-06965 | Datapump job has stopped |
RMAN-06966 | Invalid release number string |
RMAN-06967 | finished primary search, recovered string blocks |
RMAN-06970 | NEWNAME 'string' for database must include %f or %U format |
RMAN-06971 | NEWNAME 'string' for tablespace must include %f or %U format |
RMAN-06980 | The following errors need to be fixed before peforming this command |
RMAN-06981 | Violation: string |
RMAN-07000 | List of SPFILE Backups |
RMAN-07025 | string is not supported for foreign archived log |
RMAN-07200 | no failures found that match specification |
RMAN-07207 | changed string failures to HIGH priority |
RMAN-07208 | changed string failures to LOW priority |
RMAN-07209 | closed string failures |
RMAN-07210 | new failures after most recent LIST FAILURE command |
RMAN-07211 | failure option not specified |
RMAN-07212 | skipping failure string because it was CLOSED |
RMAN-07213 | Mandatory Manual Actions |
RMAN-07215 | Automated Repair Options |
RMAN-07220 | no manual actions available |
RMAN-07222 | ======================= |
RMAN-07251 | Repair script: string |
RMAN-07252 | ======================== |
RMAN-07253 | ======================== |
RMAN-07255 | priority change for failure string failed |
RMAN-07256 | cannot change priority of child failure |
RMAN-07259 | string critical failures exist; cannot exclude from ADVISE FAILURE |
RMAN-07262 | no automatic repair options available |
RMAN-07500 | searching for all files that match the pattern string |
RMAN-07501 | searching for all files in the recovery area |
RMAN-07502 | List of Files Unknown to the Database |
RMAN-07505 | no files found to be unknown to the database |
RMAN-07507 | cataloging files... |
RMAN-07508 | cataloging done |
RMAN-07509 | List of Cataloged Files |
RMAN-07513 | List of Files Which Where Not Cataloged |
RMAN-07514 | ======================================= |
RMAN-07515 | File Name: string |
RMAN-07516 | Reason: Error reading |
RMAN-07517 | Reason: The file header is corrupted |
RMAN-07518 | Reason: Foreign database file DBID: string Database Name: string |
RMAN-07519 | Reason: Error while cataloging. See alert.log. |
RMAN-07520 | Reason: Data pump dump file |
RMAN-07521 | cannot create recovery catalog in database version string; version string required |
RMAN-07522 | CREATE TYPE privilege must be granted to user string |
RMAN-07523 | List of files in Recovery Area not managed by the database |
RMAN-07524 | ========================================================== |
RMAN-07525 | Reason: File is not a supported file type in Recovery Area |
RMAN-07526 | Reason: File is not an Oracle Managed File |
RMAN-07527 | Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter |
RMAN-07528 | number of files not managed by recovery area is string, totaling string |
RMAN-07529 | Reason: catalog is not supported for this file type |
RMAN-07530 | Reason: This file type is not requested for cataloging |
RMAN-08000 | channel string: copied datafile string |
RMAN-08001 | restore not complete |
RMAN-08002 | starting full resync of recovery catalog |
RMAN-08003 | channel string: reading from backup piece string |
RMAN-08004 | full resync complete |
RMAN-08005 | new incarnation of database registered in recovery catalog |
RMAN-08006 | database registered in recovery catalog |
RMAN-08007 | channel string: copied datafile copy of datafile string |
RMAN-08008 | channel string: starting full datafile backup set |
RMAN-08009 | channel string: starting archived log backup set |
RMAN-08010 | channel string: specifying datafile(s) in backup set |
RMAN-08011 | including current control file in backup set |
RMAN-08012 | including control file copy in backup set |
RMAN-08013 | channel string: backup piece string |
RMAN-08014 | channel string: specifying archived log(s) in backup set |
RMAN-08015 | datafile string switched to datafile copy |
RMAN-08016 | channel string: starting datafile backup set restore |
RMAN-08017 | channel string: starting archived log restore to default destination |
RMAN-08018 | channel string: starting archived log restore to user-specified destination |
RMAN-08019 | channel string: restoring datafile string |
RMAN-08020 | including standby control file in backup set |
RMAN-08021 | channel string: restoring control file |
RMAN-08022 | channel string: restoring archived log |
RMAN-08023 | channel string: restored backup piece string |
RMAN-08025 | channel string: copied control file copy |
RMAN-08026 | channel string: copied archived log |
RMAN-08027 | channel string: copied current control file |
RMAN-08028 | channel string: copy current control file failed |
RMAN-08029 | snapshot control file name set to default value: string |
RMAN-08030 | allocated channel: string |
RMAN-08031 | released channel: string |
RMAN-08032 | channel string: RECID string STAMP string does not match recovery catalog |
RMAN-08033 | channel string: including datafile copy of datafile string in backup set |
RMAN-08034 | full resync skipped, target database not mounted |
RMAN-08035 | partial resync skipped, target database not mounted |
RMAN-08036 | channel string: could not create control file record for string string |
RMAN-08037 | channel string: unexpected validation return code string |
RMAN-08038 | channel string: starting piece string at string |
RMAN-08039 | channel string: starting incremental datafile backup set restore |
RMAN-08040 | full resync skipped, control file is not current or backup |
RMAN-08041 | partial resync skipped, control file is not current or backup |
RMAN-08042 | channel string: copied standby control file |
RMAN-08043 | channel string: copy standby control file failed |
RMAN-08044 | channel string: finished piece string at string |
RMAN-08045 | channel string: finished piece string at string with string copies |
RMAN-08046 | channel string: starting compressed full datafile backup set |
RMAN-08047 | channel string: starting compressed incremental level string datafile backup set |
RMAN-08048 | channel string: starting incremental level string datafile backup set |
RMAN-08049 | channel string: starting compressed archived log backup set |
RMAN-08050 | cataloged datafile copy |
RMAN-08051 | cataloged archived log |
RMAN-08052 | cataloged control file copy |
RMAN-08053 | channel string: finished piece string at string with string copies and tag string |
RMAN-08054 | starting media recovery |
RMAN-08056 | skipping datafile string because it has not changed |
RMAN-08057 | channel string: backup cancelled because all files were skipped |
RMAN-08058 | replicating control file |
RMAN-08059 | media recovery failed |
RMAN-08060 | unable to find archived log |
RMAN-08061 | WARNING: change failure ID string failed due to error ORA-string |
RMAN-08062 | WARNING: cannot change priority of a critical failure string |
RMAN-08063 | Recovery catalog is down or not connected to catalog, trying to reconnect. |
RMAN-08064 | Reconnection with the recovery catalog is successful. |
RMAN-08065 | WARNING: Reconnection with the recovery catalog failed, switching to nocatalog mode. |
RMAN-08066 | database reset to incarnation string |
RMAN-08070 | deleted datafile copy |
RMAN-08071 | channel string: deleting archived log(s) |
RMAN-08072 | deleted control file copy |
RMAN-08073 | deleted backup piece |
RMAN-08074 | crosschecked backup piece: found to be 'string' |
RMAN-08085 | created script string |
RMAN-08086 | replaced script string |
RMAN-08087 | channel string: started backup set validation |
RMAN-08088 | applied offline range to datafile string |
RMAN-08089 | channel string: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set |
RMAN-08090 | channel string: starting proxy restore |
RMAN-08091 | channel string: specifying datafile(s) for proxy backup |
RMAN-08092 | channel string: specifying datafile copy of datafile string for proxy backup |
RMAN-08093 | specifying current control file for proxy backup |
RMAN-08094 | channel string: specifying datafile(s) for proxy restore |
RMAN-08096 | channel string: starting validation of datafile backup set |
RMAN-08097 | channel string: starting validation of archived log backup set |
RMAN-08099 | specifying standby control file for proxy backup |
RMAN-08100 | channel string: starting proxy validation |
RMAN-08101 | channel string: proxy validation complete |
RMAN-08102 | channel string: located backup piece: string |
RMAN-08103 | channel string: could not locate backup piece: string |
RMAN-08104 | channel string: input backup set: count=string, stamp=string, piece=string |
RMAN-08105 | channel string: backup cancelled because no pieces were found |
RMAN-08106 | channel string: restoring block(s) |
RMAN-08107 | skipping inaccessible backup set count=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08108 | channel string: specifying block(s) to restore from backup set |
RMAN-08109 | channel string: restored block(s) from backup piece string |
RMAN-08110 | failover to next copy of backup piece |
RMAN-08111 | some blocks not recovered: See trace file for details |
RMAN-08112 | archived log failover was done on string, check alert log for more info |
RMAN-08113 | including current SPFILE in backup set |
RMAN-08114 | channel string: restoring SPFILE to PFILE |
RMAN-08115 | channel string: restoring SPFILE |
RMAN-08116 | output file name is original SPFILE location |
RMAN-08117 | channel string: the AUTOBACKUP does not contain an SPFILE |
RMAN-08118 | WARNING: could not delete the following archived redo log |
RMAN-08119 | skipping backup piece handle string; already exists |
RMAN-08120 | WARNING: archived log not deleted, not yet applied by standby |
RMAN-08121 | keep attributes for the backup are deleted |
RMAN-08122 | keep attributes for the backup are changed |
RMAN-08123 | keep attributes for the datafile/control file copy are deleted |
RMAN-08124 | keep attributes for the datafile/control file copy are changed |
RMAN-08125 | keep attributes for the proxy copy are deleted |
RMAN-08126 | keep attributes for the proxy copy are changed |
RMAN-08127 | cataloged backup piece |
RMAN-08128 | uncataloged backup piece |
RMAN-08129 | failover to piece handle=string tag=string |
RMAN-08130 | failover to copy on device type string |
RMAN-08131 | channel string: specifying datafile copies to recover |
RMAN-08132 | WARNING: cannot update recovery area reclaimable file list |
RMAN-08133 | channel string: the AUTOBACKUP does not contain a standby control file. |
RMAN-08135 | some corrupt blocks found during conversion of file string |
RMAN-08136 | channel string: deleting incremental backup(s) |
RMAN-08137 | WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process |
RMAN-08138 | WARNING: archived log not deleted - must create more backups |
RMAN-08139 | WARNING: archived redo log not deleted, needed for guaranteed restore point |
RMAN-08140 | channel string: starting validation of datafile |
RMAN-08141 | channel string: specifying datafile(s) for validation |
RMAN-08142 | including standby control file for validation |
RMAN-08143 | including current control file for validation |
RMAN-08144 | channel string: validation complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08145 | channel string: starting validation of archived log |
RMAN-08146 | channel string: specifying archived log(s) for validation |
RMAN-08150 | created global script string |
RMAN-08151 | replaced global script string |
RMAN-08152 | global script string written to file string |
RMAN-08153 | deleted global script: string |
RMAN-08154 | deleted script: string |
RMAN-08155 | printing stored global script: string |
RMAN-08156 | printing stored script: string |
RMAN-08157 | script string written to file string |
RMAN-08158 | executing script: string |
RMAN-08159 | executing global script: string |
RMAN-08160 | script commands will be loaded from file string |
RMAN-08161 | contents of Memory Script: |
RMAN-08162 | executing Memory Script |
RMAN-08163 | validation succeeded for backup piece |
RMAN-08164 | validation succeeded for proxy copy |
RMAN-08165 | could not locate proxy copy string |
RMAN-08166 | validation succeeded for datafile copy and control file copy |
RMAN-08167 | WARNING: string encountered a piece that was in use |
RMAN-08180 | channel string: restore complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08181 | media recovery complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08182 | channel string: validation complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08183 | channel string: block restore complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08184 | added tempfile string to tablespace string in control file |
RMAN-08185 | renamed tempfile string to string in control file |
RMAN-08186 | tempfile string size altered in control file |
RMAN-08187 | WARNING: media recovery until SCN string complete |
RMAN-08190 | validate found one or more corrupt blocks |
RMAN-08191 | See trace file string for details |
RMAN-08300 | Run SQL script string on the target platform to create database |
RMAN-08301 | Edit init.ora file string. This PFILE will be used to create the database on the target platform |
RMAN-08302 | Run RMAN script string on target platform to convert datafiles |
RMAN-08303 | To recompile all PL/SQL modules, run utlirp.sql and utlrp.sql on the target platform |
RMAN-08304 | To change the internal database identifier, use DBNEWID Utility |
RMAN-08305 | channel string: starting to check datafiles |
RMAN-08306 | channel string: datafile checking complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08500 | channel string: SID=string device type=string |
RMAN-08501 | output file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08503 | piece handle=string comment=string |
RMAN-08504 | input archived log thread=string sequence=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08505 | output file name=string |
RMAN-08506 | input file name=string |
RMAN-08507 | input datafile copy RECID=string STAMP=string file name=string |
RMAN-08508 | archived log destination=string |
RMAN-08509 | destination for restore of datafile string: string |
RMAN-08510 | archived log thread=string sequence=string |
RMAN-08511 | piece handle=string tag=string |
RMAN-08512 | waiting for snapshot control file enqueue |
RMAN-08513 | datafile copy file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08514 | archived log file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08515 | archived log file name=string thread=string sequence=string |
RMAN-08516 | control file copy file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08517 | backup piece handle=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08518 | channel string: scanning control file copy string |
RMAN-08519 | channel string: scanning datafile copy string |
RMAN-08520 | channel string: scanning archived log string |
RMAN-08521 | offline range RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08522 | input datafile file number=string name=string |
RMAN-08523 | restoring datafile string to string |
RMAN-08524 | input control file copy name=string |
RMAN-08525 | backing up blocks string through string |
RMAN-08526 | channel string: string |
RMAN-08527 | channel string: starting string proxy datafile backup at string |
RMAN-08528 | channel string: proxy copy complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08529 | proxy file handle=string |
RMAN-08530 | piece handle=string tag=string comment=string |
RMAN-08531 | channel string: proxy copy string is string in media management catalog |
RMAN-08532 | channel string: restoring block(s) from datafile copy string |
RMAN-08533 | restoring blocks of datafile string |
RMAN-08534 | channel string: control file restore from AUTOBACKUP complete |
RMAN-08535 | channel string: looking for AUTOBACKUP on day: string |
RMAN-08536 | channel string: AUTOBACKUP found: string |
RMAN-08537 | channel string: skipped, AUTOBACKUP already found |
RMAN-08538 | channel string: no AUTOBACKUP in string days found |
RMAN-08539 | backup set key=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08540 | channel string: backup set complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08541 | channel string: SPFILE restore from AUTOBACKUP complete |
RMAN-08542 | channel string: starting proxy archived log backup at string |
RMAN-08543 | channel string: specifying archived log(s) for proxy backup |
RMAN-08544 | channel string: specifying archived log(s) for proxy restore |
RMAN-08545 | flashback command failed: See trace file for details |
RMAN-08546 | channel string: AUTOBACKUP string found in the recovery area |
RMAN-08547 | channel string: no AUTOBACKUPS found in the recovery area |
RMAN-08548 | recovery area destination: string |
RMAN-08549 | database name (or database unique name) used for search: string |
RMAN-08550 | AUTOBACKUP search with format "string" not attempted because DBID was not set |
RMAN-08551 | recovering datafile copy file number=string name=string |
RMAN-08552 | backup and output file names are identical: string |
RMAN-08553 | channel string: restoring control file from AUTOBACKUP string |
RMAN-08554 | channel string: restoring spfile from AUTOBACKUP string |
RMAN-08555 | channel string: restoring section string of string |
RMAN-08556 | channel string: backup piece complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08580 | channel string: starting datafile copy |
RMAN-08581 | channel string: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08582 | channel string: starting archived log copy |
RMAN-08583 | channel string: archived log copy complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08584 | copying current control file |
RMAN-08585 | copying standby control file |
RMAN-08586 | output file name=string tag=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08587 | input is copy of datafile string: string |
RMAN-08588 | converted datafile=string |
RMAN-08589 | channel string: starting datafile conversion |
RMAN-08590 | channel string: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: string |
RMAN-08591 | WARNING: invalid archived log deletion policy |
RMAN-08592 | output file name=string tag=string |
RMAN-08599 | channel string: throttle time: string |
RMAN-08600 | ASM disk group to search: string |
RMAN-08601 | channel string: AUTOBACKUP string found in ASM disk group string |
RMAN-08602 | channel string: no AUTOBACKUPS found in ASM disk group string |
RMAN-08603 | skipping string; file in use by another process |
RMAN-08604 | skipping string; file deleted from recovery area to reclaim disk space |
RMAN-08605 | channel string: SID=string instance=string device type=string |
RMAN-08606 | WARNING: The change tracking file is invalid. |
RMAN-08607 | List of remote backup files |
RMAN-08608 | Initiated recall for the following list of remote backup files |
RMAN-08609 | channel string: starting incremental datafile backup set |
RMAN-08610 | channel string: restoring datafile string to string |
RMAN-08611 | channel string: piece handle=string tag=string |
RMAN-08612 | channel string: failover to duplicate backup on device string |
RMAN-08613 | channel string: failover to piece handle=string tag=string |
RMAN-08614 | channel string: errors found reading piece handle=string |
RMAN-08615 | channel string |
RMAN-08616 | validating blocks string through string |
RMAN-08617 | validation failed for foreign archived log |
RMAN-08618 | validation succeeded for foreign archived log |
RMAN-08619 | foreign archived log file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string |
RMAN-08620 | uncataloged foreign archived log |
RMAN-08621 | deleted foreign archived log |
RMAN-08629 | waiting for resources on Oracle Availability Machine for string channels |
RMAN-08630 | allocating the required resources on Oracle Availability Machine |
RMAN-10000 | error parsing target database connect string "string" |
RMAN-10001 | error parsing recovery catalog connect string "string" |
RMAN-10002 | ORACLE error: string |
RMAN-10003 | unable to connect to target database |
RMAN-10004 | unable to connect to recovery catalog |
RMAN-10005 | error opening cursor |
RMAN-10006 | error running SQL statement: string |
RMAN-10007 | error closing cursor |
RMAN-10008 | could not create channel context |
RMAN-10009 | error logging off of Oracle |
RMAN-10010 | error while checking for RPC completion |
RMAN-10011 | synchronization error while polling for rpc number, action=string |
RMAN-10012 | KGU error: string |
RMAN-10013 | error initializing PL/SQL |
RMAN-10014 | PL/SQL error number on line number column number: string |
RMAN-10015 | error compiling PL/SQL program |
RMAN-10018 | error cleaning up channel context |
RMAN-10020 | error initializing Recovery Manager execution layer |
RMAN-10022 | error in system-dependent sleep routine |
RMAN-10023 | RPC attempted to unrecognized package |
RMAN-10024 | error setting up for rpc polling |
RMAN-10025 | connection is already registered for events |
RMAN-10026 | network error number-number occurred registering connection |
RMAN-10027 | could not locate network layer context |
RMAN-10028 | network error number-number occurred during remote RPC |
RMAN-10029 | unexpected return code number from PL/SQL execution |
RMAN-10030 | RPC call appears to have failed to start on channel string |
RMAN-10031 | RPC Error: ORA-number occurred during call to string.string |
RMAN-10032 | unhandled exception during execution of job step number: string |
RMAN-10033 | error during compilation of job step number: string |
RMAN-10034 | unhandled exception during execution of job step number, error unknown |
RMAN-10035 | exception raised in RPC: string |
RMAN-10036 | RPC call OK on channel string |
RMAN-10037 | RPC anomaly detected on channel string, UPINBLT=number |
RMAN-10038 | database session for channel string terminated unexpectedly |
RMAN-10039 | error encountered while polling for RPC completion on channel string |
RMAN-10040 | asynchronous support not detected, RMAN will run synchronously |
RMAN-10041 | Could not re-create polling channel context following failure. |
RMAN-11000 | message number number not found in recovery manager message file |
RMAN-11001 | Oracle Error: string |
RMAN-11002 | could not open a cursor to the target database |
RMAN-11003 | failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: string |
RMAN-11004 | format requires %c when duplexing |
RMAN-11005 | conflicting media information for piece "string" |
RMAN-11006 | WARNING: test recovery results: string |
RMAN-12000 | execution layer initialization failed |
RMAN-12001 | could not open channel string |
RMAN-12005 | error during channel cleanup |
RMAN-12007 | cannot allocate more than number channels |
RMAN-12008 | could not locate backup piece string |
RMAN-12009 | command aborted because some backup pieces could not be located |
RMAN-12010 | automatic channel allocation initialization failed |
RMAN-12011 | multiple records for default device type found in repository |
RMAN-12012 | multiple records for string parallelism found in repository |
RMAN-12013 | multiple records for string channel number found in repository |
RMAN-12014 | multiple records for default channel configuration for string found in repository |
RMAN-12015 | configuration for string channel number is ignored |
RMAN-12016 | using channel string |
RMAN-12017 | could not locate pieces of backup set key string |
RMAN-12018 | channel string disabled, job failed on it will be run on another channel |
RMAN-12019 | continuing other job steps, job failed will not be re-run |
RMAN-12020 | error on step filtered for normal output string |
RMAN-20000 | abnormal termination of job step |
RMAN-20001 | target database not found in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20002 | target database already registered in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20003 | target database incarnation not found in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20004 | target database name does not match name in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20005 | target database name is ambiguous |
RMAN-20006 | target database name is missing |
RMAN-20009 | database incarnation already registered |
RMAN-20010 | database incarnation not found |
RMAN-20011 | target database incarnation is not current in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20012 | not authorized to register new database |
RMAN-20013 | error upgrading virtual private catalog |
RMAN-20014 | virtual private catalog owner must be granted RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role |
RMAN-20015 | not authorized to share this catalog |
RMAN-20016 | virtual private catalog user cannot modify global scripts |
RMAN-20017 | illegal script update operation |
RMAN-20018 | database not found in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20019 | database name not unique in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20022 | user not found |
RMAN-20029 | cannot make a snapshot control file |
RMAN-20030 | resync in progress |
RMAN-20031 | resync not started |
RMAN-20032 | checkpoint CHANGE# too low |
RMAN-20033 | control file SEQUENCE# too low |
RMAN-20034 | resync not needed |
RMAN-20038 | must specify FORMAT for CONVERT command |
RMAN-20039 | format requires character when duplexing |
RMAN-20045 | must specify FORMAT for BACKUP INCREMENTAL FROM SCN command |
RMAN-20079 | full resync from primary database is not done |
RMAN-20081 | change stamp for the record |
RMAN-20108 | control file for remote database cannot be updated |
RMAN-20109 | remote database has different database ID |
RMAN-20201 | datafile not found in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20202 | Tablespace not found in the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20203 | translation in progress |
RMAN-20204 | translation not started |
RMAN-20205 | incomplete UNTIL clause |
RMAN-20206 | log sequence not found in the repository |
RMAN-20208 | UNTIL CHANGE is before RESETLOGS change |
RMAN-20209 | duplicate datafile name |
RMAN-20211 | FROM TIME is before RESETLOGS time |
RMAN-20212 | UNTIL CHANGE is an orphan incarnation |
RMAN-20215 | backup set not found |
RMAN-20217 | datafile not part of the database |
RMAN-20218 | datafile not found in repository |
RMAN-20220 | control file copy not found in the repository |
RMAN-20221 | ambiguous control file copy name |
RMAN-20222 | datafile name not found in recovery catalog or is ambiguous |
RMAN-20223 | DB_UNIQUE_NAME mismatch in snapshot control file |
RMAN-20230 | datafile copy not found in the repository |
RMAN-20231 | ambiguous datafile copy name |
RMAN-20240 | archived log not found in the repository |
RMAN-20241 | ambiguous archived log name |
RMAN-20242 | specification does not match any archived log in the repository |
RMAN-20243 | database db_unique_name is not known to the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20244 | can not change currently connected database db_unique_name |
RMAN-20245 | can not specify db_unique_name option in nocatalog mode |
RMAN-20246 | new db_unique_name is already known to the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20247 | specification does not match any foreign archived log in the repository |
RMAN-20250 | offline range not found in the repository |
RMAN-20260 | backup piece not found in the repository |
RMAN-20261 | ambiguous backup piece handle |
RMAN-20272 | no parent backup found for the incremental backup |
RMAN-20280 | too many device types |
RMAN-20298 | DBMS_RCVCAT package not compatible with the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20299 | DBMS_RCVMAN package not compatible with the recovery catalog |
RMAN-20310 | proxy copy not found in the repository |
RMAN-20311 | ambiguous proxy copy handle |
RMAN-20401 | script already exists |
RMAN-20501 | redo logs from parent database incarnation cannot be applied |
RMAN-20502 | DELETE EXPIRED cannot delete objects that exist - run CROSSCHECK |
RMAN-20503 | DELETE cannot delete expired objects - run CROSSCHECK or DELETE EXPIRED |
RMAN-20504 | corruption list not found in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20505 | create datafile during recovery |
RMAN-20506 | no backup of archived log found |
RMAN-20507 | some targets are remote - aborting restore |
RMAN-20508 | temporary resource already in use |
RMAN-20509 | temporary resource not found |
RMAN-20510 | database not found in source recovery catalog database |
RMAN-20511 | database name is ambiguous in source recovery catalog database |
RMAN-20512 | source database already registered in recovery catalog |
RMAN-20514 | feature requires Availability Machine recovery catalog |
KFNDG-00200 | invalid syntax |
KFNDG-00201 | invalid arguments |
KFNDG-00202 | invalid value (string) for parameter phase |
KFNDG-00203 | disk group name (string) exceeds maximum allowed length number |
KFNDG-00204 | disk group name string has invalid characters |
KFNDG-00205 | failed to interpret configuration file name |
KFNDG-00301 | new disk group (string) already exists, ignorning renamedg |
KFNDG-00302 | disk (string:string) does not contain a valid header |
KFNDG-00303 | failed to update disk group name for string |
KFNDG-00304 | unable to access heartbeat block of the device string:string |
KFNDG-00305 | failed to create configuration file |
KFNDG-00306 | unable to write to configuration file |
KFNDG-00307 | unable to read configuration file |
KFNDG-00308 | failed to process configuration file entry: string |
KFNDG-00401 | allocation unit size conflict (number, number) |
KFNDG-00402 | ASM metadata block size conflict (number, number) |
KFNDG-00403 | not all disks of disk group string were discovered |
KFNDG-00404 | disk group string contains offline disks, ignoring renamedg |
KFNDG-00405 | specified disk group string appears to be mounted |
KFNDG-00406 | disk group (string) is in use by CSS |
KFNDG-00407 | Could not find disks for disk group string |
KFNDG-00408 | disk (string:string) could not be discovered |
KFNDG-00409 | disk (string) doesn't belong to disk group (string) |
KFNDG-00410 | failed to discover devices in folder string |
KFNDG-00600 | internal error string |
KFNDG-00601 | fatal error string |
KFNDG-00603 | failed to initialize device discovery |
KFNDG-00700 | system dependent error (number, string, string, string) occurred |
KFNDG-00701 | Error number while performing I/O |
KFED-00400 | Operating system dependent operation: string failed with status: string |
KFED-00401 | Operating system failure message: string |
KFED-00402 | failure occurred at: string |
KFED-00403 | additional information: string |
KFOD-00316 | Error acquiring ASM disk discovery string from Grid Plug and Play profile: call to [string] failed. |
KFOD-00400 | OS system dependent operation: string failed with status: string |
KFOD-00401 | OS failure message: string |
KFOD-00402 | failure occurred at: string |
KFOD-00403 | additional information: string |
LRM-00100 | internal error [number] |
LRM-00101 | unknown parameter name 'string' |
LRM-00102 | 'string' is not in the legal range for 'string' |
LRM-00103 | 'string' contains an illegal integer radix for 'string' |
LRM-00104 | 'string' is not a legal integer for 'string' |
LRM-00105 | 'string' is not a legal Boolean for 'string' |
LRM-00106 | out of memory |
LRM-00107 | parameter name abbreviation 'string' is not unique |
LRM-00108 | invalid positional parameter value 'string' |
LRM-00109 | could not open parameter file 'string' |
LRM-00110 | syntax error at 'string' |
LRM-00111 | no closing quote for value 'string' |
LRM-00112 | multiple values not allowed for parameter 'string' |
LRM-00113 | error when processing file 'string' |
LRM-00114 | error when processing from command line |
LRM-00115 | error when processing an environment variable |
LRM-00116 | syntax error at 'string' following 'string' |
LRM-00117 | syntax error at 'string' at the start of input |
LRM-00118 | syntax error at 'string' at the end of input |
LRM-00119 | unable to obtain a valid value for 'string' |
LRM-00120 | 'string' is not a legal Oracle number for 'string' |
LRM-00121 | 'string' is not an allowable value for 'string' |
LRM-00122 | value 'string' for 'string' must be between 'number' and 'number' |
LRM-00123 | invalid character number found in the input file |
LFI-00002 | Out of memory. string |
LFI-00003 | Internal exception code. icode = [string], [string]. |
LFI-00004 | Call to string failed. |
LFI-00005 | Free some memory failed in string. |
LFI-00006 | Invalid parameter to function string. |
LFI-00007 | NLSRTL's call failed. string. |
LFI-00008 | SLTS's initializing/terminating mutex failed for string. |
LFI-00100 | Unable to perform operation, file not opened in string. |
LFI-00101 | Write failed, file cannot be written to. |
LFI-00102 | Unable to seek in sequentially accessed file. |
LFI-00103 | Seek operation failed. |
LFI-00104 | Read operation failed. |
LFI-00105 | Unable to add path. |
LFI-00106 | Path object holds more than one path. |
LFI-00107 | Open does not expect the file [string][string] to exist. |
LFI-00108 | Open expect the file [string][string] to exist. |
LFI-00109 | Unable to open file [string][string]. string. |
LFI-00110 | Unable to initialize the Buffer Manager. |
LFI-00111 | No other flags allowed in fixed length format. |
LFI-00113 | Unable to initialize the Standard File object string. |
LFI-00114 | Append is not allowed with string. |
LFI-00115 | Buffer free failed. |
LFI-00116 | Unable to close file in operation string. |
LFI-00117 | Unable to rename file. |
LFI-00118 | Unable to change type to Unknown. |
LFI-00119 | Unable to Abort an Unprotected file. |
LFI-00120 | Unable to parse root filename string. |
LFI-00121 | Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty. |
LFI-00122 | Can only delete a file if we create it. |
LFI-00123 | Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly. |
LFI-00124 | No access mode was specified, default is sequential. |
LFI-00125 | Random access only allowed on fixed length record files. |
LFI-00126 | Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable. |
LFI-00127 | No Record Format was specified, default is variable. |
LFI-00128 | Carriage Control is only valid for Standard file objects. |
LFI-00129 | Invalid option string were specified on an input only file. |
LFI-00130 | Input option specified on output only file. |
LFI-00131 | No open type specified. |
LFI-00132 | Record length string is greater than max length of string. |
LFI-00133 | Trying to create file string that already exists. |
LFI-00134 | Unable to protect a file for an append operation. |
LFI-00135 | Unable to remove temporary file. |
LFI-00136 | Unable to change type of open file. |
LFI-00137 | Unable to perform string on a file object that is string. |
LFI-00138 | Unable to perform string on a name object that is string. |
LFI-00139 | Option string cannot be used with option string in calling string. |
LFI-00140 | Invalid option string were specified on input-output file. |
LFI-00141 | Unable to abort file in operation string. |
LFI-00142 | Unable to delete an existing file [string][string] not owned by Oracle. |
LFI-00143 | Unable to delete non-existent file string. |
LFI-00144 | File [string][string] does not exist |
LFI-00145 | User buffer too short. |
LFI-00146 | copy does not expect the file string.string to exist |
LFI-00147 | File string.string does not exist |
LFI-00148 | string can be called only on files opened in byte mode |
LFI-00149 | Error on destroying hash table in function string |
LFI-00150 | Error on creating hash table in function string |
LFI-00151 | Error on inserting into hash table in function string |
LFI-00152 | Read operation (byte mode) failed. |
LFI-01000 | Unable to write line to file. |
LFI-01001 | Unable to write string bytes to file. |
LFI-01002 | Unable to read line from file. |
LFI-01003 | Unable to read string bytes from file. |
LFI-01004 | Unable to empty buffer. |
LFI-01005 | Unable to fill buffer. |
LFI-01006 | File ends in partial character in string. |
LFI-01007 | Line is too long; encountered in function string. |
LFI-01500 | Error condition on call to OSD function string. |
LFI-01501 | tmpnam() fails to generate temporary file name. |
LFI-01502 | Base filename does not exist. |
LFI-01503 | Max filename size exceeded generating filename. |
LFI-01504 | fseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01505 | fclose() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01506 | fflush() failed(OSD return value = string). |
LFI-01507 | fwrite() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01508 | access() failed. |
LFI-01509 | fopen() failed(OSD return value = string). |
LFI-01510 | fread() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01511 | unlink() failed(OSD errno = string) in string. |
LFI-01512 | stat() failed |
LFI-01514 | ftell() failed in string |
LFI-01515 | truncate() failed. |
LFI-01516 | read() failed (OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01517 | open() failed(OSD return value = string). |
LFI-01518 | write() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01519 | llseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01520 | close() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01521 | fsync() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. |
LFI-01522 | opendir() failed. |
LFI-01523 | rename() failed. |
LFI-01524 | fdopen() failed(OSD return value = string). |
LFI-01525 | setvbuf() failed. |
PLS-00049 | bad bind variable 'string' |
PLS-00102 | parser stack overflow because nesting is too deep |
PLS-00103 | string |
PLS-00104 | empty argument list in call of procedure 'string' must be omitted |
PLS-00105 | at most one forward declaration of type 'string' is permitted |
PLS-00108 | declarative units must be a single variable declaration |
PLS-00109 | unknown exception name 'string' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT |
PLS-00110 | bind variable 'string' not allowed in this context |
PLS-00111 | end-of-file in comment |
PLS-00112 | end-of-line in quoted identifier |
PLS-00113 | END identifier 'string' must match 'string' at line string, column string |
PLS-00114 | identifier 'string' too long |
PLS-00115 | this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of 'string' |
PLS-00116 | Duplicate where-clause in table expression |
PLS-00117 | Duplicate connect-by clause in table expression |
PLS-00118 | Duplicate group-by clause in table expression |
PLS-00119 | Duplicate having-clause in table expression |
PLS-00120 | inappropriate argument in OPEN statement |
PLS-00122 | string as separator is allowed only with specific built-in functions |
PLS-00123 | program too large (string) |
PLS-00124 | name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma |
PLS-00125 | type name expected |
PLS-00126 | selector ALL is not allowed |
PLS-00127 | Pragma string is not a supported pragma |
PLS-00128 | Illegal number of arguments for pragma string |
PLS-00129 | Pragma INTERFACE only supports C as its first argument |
PLS-00130 | Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor |
PLS-00131 | Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be a procedure/function |
PLS-00132 | Pragma string does not support string |
PLS-00133 | Pragma string expects 1st argument to be an identifier or string-literal |
PLS-00134 | Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be an identifier or string-literal |
PLS-00135 | Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal |
PLS-00138 | Precision for a binary type must be one of 8, 16, or 32 |
PLS-00139 | duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00140 | duplicate external LIBRARY specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00141 | duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00142 | duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00143 | duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00144 | duplicate external CALLING STANDARD specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00145 | duplicate external WITH CONTEXT specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00146 | duplicate external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00147 | LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification string is empty |
PLS-00148 | Only 1 pragma of this type is allowed per subprogram |
PLS-00150 | found: string but expected : INTEGER |
PLS-00151 | Expression or Variable is an illegal type to PLS/QL: string |
PLS-00152 | POINTER type may only reference an object type. |
PLS-00153 | A string type may only be used as an object type attribute. |
PLS-00154 | An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method. |
PLS-00155 | Only a function may be a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method. |
PLS-00156 | Null constraints not supported for object attributes. |
PLS-00157 | AUTHID only allowed on schema-level programs |
PLS-00160 | AUTHID must specify CURRENT_USER or DEFINER |
PLS-00161 | Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier or a string literal |
PLS-00162 | Pragma string expects 4th argument to be a positive integer literal |
PLS-00164 | cursor subqueries are not supported in this release |
PLS-00165 | call statement is not supported in PL/SQL |
PLS-00166 | bad format for date, time, timestamp or interval literal |
PLS-00167 | keyword BULK is used in a wrong context |
PLS-00168 | duplicate modifier specification 'string' |
PLS-00169 | modifier 'string' conflicts with prior 'string' specification |
PLS-00170 | the SQL statement in an OPEN statement or FOR loop must be a SELECT |
PLS-00171 | duplicate dedicated AGENT specification in subprogram expression |
PLS-00172 | string literal too long |
PLS-00173 | SPACE, TAB or RETURN are disallowed as alternative quote delimiters |
PLS-00174 | a static boolean expression must be used |
PLS-00176 | unexpected preprocessor token '$string' |
PLS-00177 | '$string' preprocessor directive does not end properly |
PLS-00178 | a static character expression must be used |
PLS-00179 | $ERROR: string |
PLS-00180 | preprocessor directives are not supported in this context |
PLS-00181 | unsupported preprocessor directive 'string' |
PLS-00182 | Identifier cannot be an empty string |
PLS-00201 | identifier 'string' must be declared |
PLS-00202 | type 'string' must be declared |
PLS-00203 | function DECODE must be called with at least 3 non-boolean arguments |
PLS-00204 | function or pseudo-column 'string' may be used inside a SQL statement only |
PLS-00205 | Aggregate not allowed here |
PLS-00206 | %TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to "string" |
PLS-00207 | identifier 'string', applied to implicit cursor SQL, is not a legal cursor attribute |
PLS-00208 | identifier 'string' is not a legal cursor attribute |
PLS-00209 | table 'string' is not in FROM clause |
PLS-00210 | an OTHERS clause is required in this CASE statement |
PLS-00211 | CASE labels or ranges must not be duplicated in different WHEN clauses |
PLS-00212 | could not obtain enough memory to compile CASE statement |
PLS-00213 | package STANDARD not accessible |
PLS-00214 | BEGIN...END block nesting is too deep |
PLS-00215 | String length constraints must be in range (1 .. 32767) |
PLS-00216 | NUMBER precision constraint must be in range (1 .. 38) |
PLS-00217 | NUMBER scale constraint must be in range (-84 .. 127) |
PLS-00218 | a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment |
PLS-00219 | label 'string' reference is out of scope |
PLS-00220 | simple name required in this context |
PLS-00221 | 'string' is not a procedure or is undefined |
PLS-00222 | no function with name 'string' exists in this scope |
PLS-00223 | paramaterless procedure 'string' used as function |
PLS-00224 | object 'string' must be of type function or array to be used this way |
PLS-00225 | subprogram or cursor 'string' reference is out of scope |
PLS-00226 | package 'string' used as variable reference |
PLS-00227 | subprogram 'in' formal string is not yet denotable |
PLS-00228 | Illegal declaration of variable of type LONG |
PLS-00229 | Attribute expression within SQL expression |
PLS-00230 | OUT and IN OUT formal parameters may not have default expressions |
PLS-00231 | function 'string' may not be used in SQL |
PLS-00232 | nested packages not permitted |
PLS-00233 | function name used as an exception name in when clause |
PLS-00234 | PARAMETER STYLE SQL may not be specified with a PARAMATERS list |
PLS-00235 | the external type is not appropriate for the parameter |
PLS-00236 | Invalid external type specification for string. |
PLS-00237 | invalid BY VALUE indicator or length specification |
PLS-00238 | external parameter name string not found in formal parameter list |
PLS-00239 | invalid external type specification for SQLCODE |
PLS-00240 | Invalid type specification for RETURN indicator, length, tdo, duration |
PLS-00241 | invalid external type specification for SQLSTATE |
PLS-00242 | invalid external type specification for CONTEXT |
PLS-00243 | invalid external type specification for SQLNAME |
PLS-00244 | Multiple declarations in foreign function formal parameter list |
PLS-00245 | Formals used in the 'parameters' clause must appear exactly once |
PLS-00246 | PARAMETER STYLE is unsupported |
PLS-00247 | LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY name must be specified |
PLS-00248 | Invalid Library Syntax |
PLS-00249 | Invalid WITH CONTEXT Syntax |
PLS-00250 | Incorrect Usage of string in parameters clause. |
PLS-00251 | RETURN, for actual function return, must be last in the parameters clause |
PLS-00252 | reference to the wrong copy of package STANDARD |
PLS-00253 | Formal parameter string missing in the parameters clause |
PLS-00254 | OUT and IN/OUT modes cannot be used in this context |
PLS-00255 | CALL Specification parameters cannot have default values |
PLS-00256 | string is not a valid external library or assembly |
PLS-00257 | illegal use of EXTERNAL clause in a TYPE or PACKAGE specification |
PLS-00258 | constrained datatypes disallowed in CALL Specifications |
PLS-00259 | rights model (AUTHID) must be specified |
PLS-00260 | Datetime/Interval constraints must be in range (0 .. 9) |
PLS-00261 | Java CALL Specification not yet allowed as a method in an object type |
PLS-00301 | Invalid GOTO to non-label 'string' |
PLS-00302 | component 'string' must be declared |
PLS-00303 | qualifier 'string' must be declared |
PLS-00304 | cannot compile body of 'string' without its specification |
PLS-00305 | previous use of 'string' (at line string) conflicts with this use |
PLS-00306 | wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'string' |
PLS-00307 | too many declarations of 'string' match this call |
PLS-00308 | this construct is not allowed as the origin of an assignment |
PLS-00309 | with %LAST attribute, 'string' must be a variable of an enumerated type |
PLS-00310 | with %ROWTYPE attribute, 'string' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable |
PLS-00311 | the declaration of "string" is incomplete or malformed |
PLS-00312 | a positional parameter association may not follow a named association |
PLS-00313 | 'string' not declared in this scope |
PLS-00314 | TABLE declarations are not allowed as PL/SQL local variables |
PLS-00315 | Implementation restriction: unsupported table index type |
PLS-00316 | PL/SQL TABLEs must use a single index |
PLS-00317 | incomplete type "string" was not completed in its declarative region |
PLS-00318 | type "string" is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type |
PLS-00319 | subquery in an IN or NOT IN clause must contain exactly one column |
PLS-00320 | the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed |
PLS-00321 | expression 'string' is inappropriate as the left hand side of an assignment statement |
PLS-00322 | declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization assignment |
PLS-00323 | subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body |
PLS-00324 | cursor attribute may not be applied to non-cursor 'string' |
PLS-00325 | non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context |
PLS-00326 | IN clause must contain same number of expressions as subquery |
PLS-00327 | "string" is not in SQL scope here |
PLS-00328 | A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of string. |
PLS-00329 | schema-level type has illegal reference to string |
PLS-00330 | invalid use of type name or subtype name |
PLS-00331 | illegal reference to string |
PLS-00332 | "string" is not a valid prefix for a qualified name |
PLS-00333 | "string" must match an object-table alias in this context |
PLS-00334 | "string" matches table or view without an alias |
PLS-00335 | a package name conflicts with an existing object |
PLS-00336 | non-object-table "string" illegal in this context |
PLS-00337 | "string" matches too many object table aliases |
PLS-00338 | unable to resolve "string" as a column or row expression |
PLS-00339 | "string" matches object-table without a REF or VALUE modifier |
PLS-00341 | declaration of cursor 'string' is incomplete or malformed |
PLS-00351 | Not logged onto database 'string' |
PLS-00352 | Unable to access another database 'string' |
PLS-00353 | 'string' must name a user in the database |
PLS-00354 | username must be a simple identifier |
PLS-00355 | use of pl/sql table not allowed in this context |
PLS-00356 | 'string' must name a table to which the user has access |
PLS-00357 | Table,View Or Sequence reference 'string' not allowed in this context |
PLS-00358 | column 'string' exists in more than one table; use qualifier |
PLS-00359 | assignment target in 'string' must have components |
PLS-00360 | cursor declaration without body needs return type |
PLS-00361 | IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed |
PLS-00362 | invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type |
PLS-00363 | expression 'string' cannot be used as an assignment target |
PLS-00364 | loop index variable 'string' use is invalid |
PLS-00366 | subtype of a NOT NULL type must also be NOT NULL |
PLS-00367 | a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler |
PLS-00368 | in RAISE statement, 'string' must be an exception name |
PLS-00369 | no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler |
PLS-00370 | OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block |
PLS-00371 | at most one declaration for 'string' is permitted |
PLS-00372 | In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression |
PLS-00373 | EXIT/CONTINUE label 'string' must label a LOOP statement |
PLS-00374 | illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; must appear inside the loop labeled 'string' |
PLS-00375 | illegal GOTO statement; this GOTO cannot branch to label 'string' |
PLS-00376 | illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; it must appear inside a loop |
PLS-00377 | internal type PLS_INTEGER is not included in this release of PL/SQL |
PLS-00378 | invalid compilation unit for this release of PL/SQL |
PLS-00379 | CASE statements are not included in this release of PL/SQL |
PLS-00380 | functions and procedures are not included in this release of PL/SQL |
PLS-00381 | type mismatch found at 'string' between column and variable in subquery or INSERT |
PLS-00382 | expression is of wrong type |
PLS-00383 | type mismatch found at 'string' inside an IN or NOT IN clause |
PLS-00384 | type mismatch found at 'string' in UPDATE's SET clause |
PLS-00385 | type mismatch found at 'string' in SELECT...INTO statement |
PLS-00386 | type mismatch found at 'string' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables |
PLS-00387 | INTO variable cannot be a database object |
PLS-00388 | undefined column 'string' in subquery |
PLS-00389 | table, view or alias name "string" not allowed in this context |
PLS-00390 | undefined column 'string' in INSERT statement |
PLS-00391 | undefined column 'string' in UPDATE statement |
PLS-00392 | Type mismatch in arguments to BETWEEN |
PLS-00393 | wrong number of columns in SELECT...INTO statement |
PLS-00394 | wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement |
PLS-00395 | wrong number of values in VALUES clause of INSERT statement |
PLS-00396 | INSERT statement's subquery yields wrong number of columns |
PLS-00397 | Type mismatch in arguments to IN |
PLS-00398 | wrong number of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression |
PLS-00399 | different types of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression |
PLS-00400 | different number of columns between cursor SELECT statement and return value |
PLS-00401 | different column types between cursor SELECT statement and return value found at 'string' |
PLS-00402 | alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names |
PLS-00403 | expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement |
PLS-00404 | cursor 'string' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF |
PLS-00405 | subquery not allowed in this context |
PLS-00406 | length of SELECT list in subquery must match number of assignment targets |
PLS-00407 | '*' not allowed here; a list of columns is required |
PLS-00408 | duplicate column 'string' not permitted in INSERT or UPDATE |
PLS-00409 | duplicate variable 'string' in INTO list is not permitted |
PLS-00410 | duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted |
PLS-00411 | Number of values in aggregate and in subquery don't match |
PLS-00412 | list of values not allowed as argument to this function or procedure |
PLS-00413 | identifier in CURRENT OF clause is not a cursor name |
PLS-00414 | no column 'string' in table |
PLS-00415 | 'string' is an OUT parameter and cannot appear in a function |
PLS-00416 | The third argument of DECODE cannot be NULL |
PLS-00417 | unable to resolve "string" as a column |
PLS-00418 | array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type |
PLS-00419 | reference to remote attribute not permitted |
PLS-00420 | can't call builtin routines remotely |
PLS-00421 | circular synonym 'string' |
PLS-00422 | no PL/SQL translation for the bindtype given for this bind variable |
PLS-00423 | ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression |
PLS-00424 | RPC defaults cannot include Package State |
PLS-00425 | in SQL, function argument and return types must be SQL type |
PLS-00427 | RPC defaults cannot use builtins when versions of STANDARD differ |
PLS-00428 | an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement |
PLS-00429 | unsupported feature with RETURNING clause |
PLS-00430 | FORALL iteration variable string is not allowed in this context |
PLS-00431 | bulk SQL attributes must use a single index |
PLS-00432 | implementation restriction: cannot use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT statements |
PLS-00433 | inconsistent package STANDARD |
PLS-00434 | record field has unsupported type: "string" |
PLS-00435 | DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL |
PLS-00436 | implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records or objects |
PLS-00437 | FORALL bulk index cannot be used in string clause |
PLS-00438 | value in LIMIT clause: 'string' use is invalid |
PLS-00439 | A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH |
PLS-00440 | FORALL bulk IN-bind variables cannot be used here |
PLS-00441 | EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; 'string' is not a label |
PLS-00442 | CONTINUE statement may not have the prefix STANDARD |
PLS-00450 | a variable of this private type cannot be declared here |
PLS-00452 | Subprogram 'string' violates its associated pragma |
PLS-00453 | remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns |
PLS-00454 | with a returning into clause, the table expression cannot be remote or a subquery |
PLS-00455 | cursor 'string' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement |
PLS-00456 | item 'string' is not a cursor |
PLS-00457 | expressions have to be of SQL types |
PLS-00458 | subprogram 'string' cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram |
PLS-00459 | this feature is not allowed in REPEATABLE subprogram |
PLS-00460 | REPEATABLE subprogram 'string' has to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS |
PLS-00461 | mismatch REPEATABLE information between specification and body of 'string' |
PLS-00462 | nested subprogram 'string' has to be REPEATABLE |
PLS-00483 | exception 'string' may appear in at most one exception handler in this block |
PLS-00484 | redundant exceptions 'string' and 'string' must appear in same exception handler |
PLS-00485 | in exception handler, 'string' must be an exception name |
PLS-00486 | select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses |
PLS-00487 | Invalid reference to variable 'string' |
PLS-00488 | 'string' must be a type |
PLS-00489 | invalid table reference: 'string' must be a column in this expression |
PLS-00490 | illegal statement |
PLS-00491 | numeric literal required |
PLS-00492 | variable or constant initialization may not refer to functions declared in the same package |
PLS-00493 | invalid reference to a server-side object or function in a local context |
PLS-00494 | coercion into multiple record targets not supported |
PLS-00495 | too many columns in SELECT...INTO statement after bursting record targets |
PLS-00496 | too few columns in SELECT...INTO statement after bursting record targets |
PLS-00497 | cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list |
PLS-00498 | illegal use of a type before its declaration |
PLS-00499 | coercion into collection of records not supported |
PLS-00500 | invalid operator binding |
PLS-00503 | RETURN <value> statement required for this return from function |
PLS-00504 | type string_BASE may not be used outside of package STANDARD |
PLS-00505 | User Defined Types may only be defined as PLSQL Tables or Records |
PLS-00506 | User Defined Constrained Subtypes are disallowed |
PLS-00507 | a PLSQL Table may not contain a table or a record with composite fields |
PLS-00508 | The expression in a RETURN statement cannot be a type |
PLS-00509 | Implementation Restriction : Pass a returned record to a temporary identifier before selecting a field |
PLS-00510 | Float cannot have scale |
PLS-00511 | a record may not contain a PL/SQL table of records |
PLS-00512 | Implementation Restriction: 'string': Cannot directly access remote package variable or cursor |
PLS-00513 | PL/SQL function called from SQL must return value of legal SQL type |
PLS-00514 | INSERT statement with REF INTO clause requires a typed table |
PLS-00515 | The type of the REF INTO variable 'string' must be REF to the table's type |
PLS-00516 | Type mismatch between object table and value 'string' in INSERT statement. |
PLS-00517 | Type mismatch between a select list element 'string' and corresponding table column in INSERT statement with a subquery |
PLS-00518 | This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause containing a parenthesised list of values |
PLS-00519 | This INSERT statement requires a VALUES clause containing an object type expression, not a list of values |
PLS-00520 | MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF. |
PLS-00521 | ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF. |
PLS-00522 | MAP methods must return a scalar type. |
PLS-00523 | ORDER methods must return an INTEGER. |
PLS-00524 | The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type. |
PLS-00525 | Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function. |
PLS-00526 | A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL/SQL. |
PLS-00527 | MAP or ORDER functions require a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES specifying :WNDS,WNPS,RNPS,RNDS. |
PLS-00528 | The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode |
PLS-00529 | Bad column name string in INSERT statement (must be an identifier) |
PLS-00530 | Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'. |
PLS-00531 | Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'. |
PLS-00532 | Target of REF must be a complete or incomplete object type. |
PLS-00533 | Tables of non_queryable types are not supported. |
PLS-00534 | A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY. |
PLS-00535 | A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB |
PLS-00536 | Navigation through REF variables is not supported in PL/SQL. |
PLS-00537 | A VARRAY must have a positive limit |
PLS-00538 | subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body |
PLS-00539 | subprogram 'string' is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification |
PLS-00540 | object not supported in this context. |
PLS-00541 | size or length specified is too large. |
PLS-00542 | CLOB and NCLOB cannot use varying-width character sets in the server |
PLS-00543 | a PLSQL Table may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY. |
PLS-00546 | SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter. |
PLS-00548 | invalid use of operator. |
PLS-00550 | character set specification is not allowed for this type |
PLS-00551 | character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter |
PLS-00552 | flexible character set is not allowed on component element |
PLS-00553 | character set name is not recognized |
PLS-00554 | character set has already been determined |
PLS-00555 | default expressions are not allowed for SQL operators |
PLS-00560 | character set mismatch |
PLS-00561 | character set mismatch on value for parameter 'string' |
PLS-00562 | a function must return a type. |
PLS-00563 | illegal use of CAST expression |
PLS-00564 | lob arguments are not permitted in calls to remote server |
PLS-00565 | string must be completed as a potential REF target (object type) |
PLS-00566 | type name "string" cannot be constrained |
PLS-00567 | cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter |
PLS-00568 | cannot access rows from a non-nested table item |
PLS-00569 | numeric overflow or underflow |
PLS-00570 | different number of columns in the multiset and cast expressions |
PLS-00571 | method access through data base link not yet supported on client side |
PLS-00572 | improper constraint form used |
PLS-00573 | cannot constrain scale, precision, or range of an anchored type declaration |
PLS-00580 | supertype must be an object type |
PLS-00581 | inheritance is not supported for opaque types |
PLS-00582 | attribute declarations are not allowed in opaque types |
PLS-00583 | size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length |
PLS-00584 | size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes |
PLS-00585 | declared support library for opaque type is not a library |
PLS-00586 | a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF |
PLS-00587 | a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value |
PLS-00588 | unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member methods |
PLS-00589 | no attributes found in object type "string" |
PLS-00590 | attempting to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type |
PLS-00591 | this feature is not supported in client-side programs |
PLS-00592 | the type of a object table must be an object type |