Oracle database error messages/6

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Name Oracle database error messages

Please see Oracle database error message

Code Message
ORA-37408 Truncate table disallowed for CUBE ORGANIZED tables
ORA-37409 cannot delete or truncate AW used by CUBE ORGANIZED table
ORA-37410 cannot delete or modify AW object referenced by CUBE ORGANIZED table
ORA-37411 invalid object type
ORA-37412 column not mapped by ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
ORA-37413 column referenced multiple times in ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
ORA-37414 dimension without mapping or hierarchy in ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
ORA-37415 AW schema must match TABLE or MATERIALIZED VIEW schema
ORA-37416 multiple GROUPING IDs found for ORGANIZATION CUBE
ORA-37417 variable does not have an AGGCOUNT
ORA-37418 detail query cannot be derived
ORA-37419 ORGANIZATION CUBE clause not allowed in explain mview
ORA-37420 unsupported feature with CUBE ORGANIZED materialized view
ORA-37421 specified pseudocolumn is not supported by CUBE ORGANIZED tables
ORA-37521 (HASHSCAN00) Dimension string contains duplicate values. Please contact Oracle OLAP Technical Support.
ORA-37522 (HASHSCAN01) You must specify the name of an existing TEXT or NTEXT dimension.
ORA-37527 (XSCHGDFN01) SESSION values of dimension string are being automatically deleted.
ORA-37530 (XSCCLOAD01) When aggregating between compressed partitions the base dimensions of workspace object did not match the base dimensions of workspace object.
ORA-37531 (XSCCLOAD02) When aggregating between compressed partitions the source partitions were aggregated with a different AGGMAP, or the RELATIONS have changed since the source partitions were aggregated.
ORA-37541 Hierarchy element DIMENSION_MEMBER can aggregate into element MEMBER_ANCESTOR through multiple paths.
ORA-37542 DIMENSION_MEMBER makes hierarchy HIERARCHY1 unbalanced.
ORA-37543 Hierarchy member DIMENSION_MEMBER is inconsistent across HIERARCHY1 and HIERARCHY2.
ORA-37544 Dimension members DIMENSION_MEMBER and MEMBER_ANCESTOR make this dimension star inconsistent.
ORA-37545 DIMENSION_MEMBER is part of a hierarchy loop.
ORA-37546 (XSHIERSP00) Levelorder valueset is empty.
ORA-37547 (XSHIERSP01) DIMENSION_MEMBER has no level associated with it.
ORA-37548 (XSHIERSP02) DIMENSION_MEMBER is not specified as a member of HIERARCHY1.
ORA-37549 (XSHIERSP03) The level of DIMENSION_MEMBER is not lower than the level of MEMBER_ANCESTOR.
ORA-37550 (XSHIERSP04) The level of MEMBER_ANCESTOR is not one level above DIMENSION_MEMBER.
ORA-37551 (XSHIERSP05) Leaf value DIMENSION_MEMBER is not on the same level as the rest of leaf dimension values.
ORA-37552 (XSHIERSP06) DIMENSION_MEMBER is associated with a level not found in the levelorder valueset.
ORA-37553 A cycle between number and number has been detected in relation workspace object over workspace object.
ORA-37554 A cycle between number and number has been detected in relation workspace object.
ORA-37560 lob locator invalid for specified log target
ORA-37561 unknown logging type
ORA-37562 unknown logging target
ORA-37563 invalid log verbosity
ORA-37564 unknown log table version
ORA-37565 invalid parameter for specified log type
ORA-37566 invalid log location
ORA-37567 log location not specified
ORA-37568 invalid log parameter
ORA-37569 invalid log parameter value
ORA-37570 invalid log specification
ORA-37571 invalid SQL ID
ORA-37572 invalid ID
ORA-37573 no limits logged
ORA-37574 error logging to table "string.string"
ORA-37575 Invalid cube operations log component, "string".
ORA-37576 Invalid cube operations log handle id.
ORA-37577 Invalid cube operations log message name.
ORA-37578 Invalid cube operations log operation value.
ORA-37580 The EXPRESS AW does not exist.
ORA-37581 The EXPRESS AW has not been properly installed.
ORA-37582 The EXPRESS AW version string is different than the Oracle version string.
ORA-37600 (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) Ran out of tablespace storage while updating analytic workspace string
ORA-37601 (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=number. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
ORA-37602 (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace string. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
ORA-37603 (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
ORA-37604 (XSPGERRPQUPD) Parallel updating analytic workspace string failed
ORA-37605 error during OLAP AW UPDATE
ORA-37999 Serious OLAP error: string. Please contact Oracle Technical Support.
ORA-38029 object statistics are locked
ORA-38101 Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause: string
ORA-38102 Invalid column in the INSERT WHERE Clause: string
ORA-38103 Invalid column in the UPDATE SET Clause: string
ORA-38104 Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated: string
ORA-38105 Delete not yet supported when Update row-migration is possible
ORA-38106 MERGE not supported on join view or view with INSTEAD OF trigger.
ORA-38131 specified SQL handle string does not exist
ORA-38132 specified SQL ID string does not exist
ORA-38133 invalid parameter name string specified
ORA-38134 invalid parameter value string specified
ORA-38135 invalid fixed status value specified
ORA-38136 invalid attribute name string specified
ORA-38137 invalid attribute value string specified
ORA-38138 plan name is missing or NULL
ORA-38139 concurrent DDL Error in load plans operation
ORA-38140 no SQL plan baselines were found
ORA-38141 SQL plan baseline string does not exist
ORA-38142 SQL plan baseline named string already exists
ORA-38143 invalid enabled status value specified
ORA-38144 specified plan name string does not exist
ORA-38145 neither SQL handle nor plan name specified
ORA-38146 invalid verify value specified
ORA-38147 invalid commit value specified
ORA-38148 invalid time limit specified
ORA-38171 Insufficient privileges for SQL management object operation
ORA-38172 No SQL management object satisfies specified filters
ORA-38173 Invalid value string specified for SQL management object attribute string
ORA-38301 can not perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin
ORA-38302 invalid PURGE option
ORA-38303 invalid option for PURGE TABLESPACE
ORA-38304 missing or invalid user name
ORA-38305 object not in RECYCLE BIN
ORA-38306 this object is not recoverable standalone
ORA-38307 object not in RECYCLE BIN
ORA-38308 invalid FLASHBACK DROP option
ORA-38309 object not purgable
ORA-38310 cannot purge tablespace for other users
ORA-38311 cannot purge objects owned by other users
ORA-38312 original name is used by an existing object
ORA-38401 synonym string not allowed
ORA-38402 invalid name: empty string or spaces in the name
ORA-38403 attribute set name may not be longer than 22 characters
ORA-38404 schema extension not allowed for the attribute set name
ORA-38405 quotes not allowed in the attribute set name
ORA-38406 attribute set string already exists
ORA-38407 The ADT associated with the attribute set already exists.
ORA-38408 The ADT "string" does not exist in the current schema.
ORA-38409 invalid name or option for the attribute set: string
ORA-38410 schema extension not allowed for the table name
ORA-38411 invalid datatype for the column storing expressions
ORA-38412 Expression set column string does not exist.
ORA-38413 elementary attribute name may not be longer than 32 characters
ORA-38414 invalid datatype for the attribute string
ORA-38415 invalid name or datatype for the attribute: string
ORA-38416 A stored attribute may not be longer then 300 characters.
ORA-38417 attribute set string does not exist
ORA-38418 ADT associated with the attribute set string does not exist
ORA-38419 invalid identifier in attribute : string
ORA-38420 invalid stored attribute sub-expression: string
ORA-38421 attribute string already exists
ORA-38422 invalid datatype for the attribute: string
ORA-38423 Attribute set created from an ADT may not be extended.
ORA-38424 no attribute set currently assigned to the expression set
ORA-38425 attribute set used for an index object may not be unassigned
ORA-38426 attribute set assigned to an expression set may not be dropped
ORA-38427 attribute string does not exist
ORA-38428 too many attributes selected for indexing
ORA-38429 invalid datatype for a stored attribute: string
ORA-38430 Operation "string" not supported in the current release.
ORA-38431 could not evaluate subexpression "string" for rowid "string"
ORA-38432 EVALUATE operator only allowed on an expression column
ORA-38433 index "string" could not be maintained due to "string"
ORA-38434 could not evaluate expression "string"
ORA-38435 missing elementary attribute value or invalid name-value pairs
ORA-38436 attribute set used for an Expression set may not be modified.
ORA-38437 The ADT "string" may not contain any user methods.
ORA-38438 getVarchar not possible due to "string" datatype in the attribute set
ORA-38439 invalid operation "string"
ORA-38440 attribute set string does not exist
ORA-38441 System could not derive the list of STORED and INDEXED attributes.
ORA-38442 The ADT "string" is not in a valid state.
ORA-38443 An attribute set should be assigned to the expression set for statistics collection.
ORA-38444 statistics do not exist for the expression set
ORA-38445 TOP clause not allowed with no statistics
ORA-38446 Error with embedded ADT "string" in the attribute set.
ORA-38447 Type required for the embedded ADT attribute "string" is missing
ORA-38448 Indexing predicates with "string" operator is not supported.
ORA-38449 table "string" does not exist or is not accessible
ORA-38450 error computing a stored attribute for the expression set.
ORA-38451 index is in an inconsistent state
ORA-38452 Expression Filter index name may not be longer than 25 characters
ORA-38453 ExpFilter index should be created in the same schema as the base table.
ORA-38454 attribute set not defined for the column being indexed
ORA-38455 Expression Filter index should be created by the owner.
ORA-38456 The attribute set "string" is in an inconsistent state.
ORA-38457 The attribute "string" is not a valid XMLType attribute.
ORA-38458 invalid operation "string" for XPATH_FILTER_PARAMETERS
ORA-38459 XML Tag "string" not found for the XMLType attribute "string"
ORA-38460 filtering based on datatype "string" not supported for XML Tags
ORA-38461 XML Tag "string" already exists for the XMLType attribute "string"
ORA-38462 invalid attribute list
ORA-38463 invalid XML Tag list
ORA-38464 expression set is not empty.
ORA-38465 failed to create the privilege checking trigger due to: string
ORA-38466 user does not have privileges to CREATE/MODIFY expressions
ORA-38467 user cannot GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from himself
ORA-38468 column "string" is not identified as a column storing expressions.
ORA-38469 invalid privilege for an expression set: string
ORA-38470 cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted.
ORA-38471 ROWIDs for table aliases cannot be null
ORA-38472 VARCHAR representation of the data item is too long.
ORA-38473 cannot drop a type used for Expression Filter attribute set
ORA-38474 attribute set may not have attributes of TABLE COLLECTION type.
ORA-38475 The attribute set and the associated ADT are out of sync.
ORA-38476 abstract type used for an Attribute set may not be modified.
ORA-38477 attribute set cannot be derived from an evolved type or a subtype.
ORA-38478 creation of system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed
ORA-38479 creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed
ORA-38480 creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed.
ORA-38481 ADT "string" is used for a dependent object.
ORA-38482 no elementary attributes defined in the attribute set
ORA-38483 invalid FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE name: "string"
ORA-38484 FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE string does not exist
ORA-38485 invalid object type for the user-defined function
ORA-38486 FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE already exists for the attribute set
ORA-38487 FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE "string" not allowed in the expression
ORA-38488 attribute set already assigned to the column storing expressions
ORA-38489 predicate table creation failed due to: ORAstring
ORA-38490 invalid name: quotes do not match
ORA-38491 could not evaluate subexpression for rowid "string"
ORA-38492 invalid ALTER INDEX parameters clause "string"
ORA-38493 feature not enabled : Expression Filter index
ORA-38494 column in the table alias and an attribute have matching names
ORA-38495 data type for the stored attribute string is inconsistent.
ORA-38496 Expression Filter index is not in a valid state
ORA-38497 Expression Filter index does not exist
ORA-38498 invalid stored attribute for the index object : string
ORA-38499 expression set already configured for stored/indexed attributes
ORA-38500 string
ORA-38501 sub-query not allowed in the expression
ORA-38502 invalid XML tag: string
ORA-38503 index already defined using the parameters
ORA-38504 this operator not allowed with the configured attribute set
ORA-38505 invalid default value for the attribute
ORA-38506 invalid attribute type for text predicates
ORA-38507 attributes of string data type should be indexed
ORA-38601 FI Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: string
ORA-38602 FI invalid input cursor
ORA-38603 FI including & excluding cursor can only return one column
ORA-38604 FI including & excluding cursor item-id type must match input cursor item-id type
ORA-38605 FI not enough memory(stringK) for candidate generation(stringK)
ORA-38606 FI support threshold not between [0, 1]
ORA-38607 FI minimum and maximum itemset length not between [1, string]
ORA-38608 FI itemset minimum-length(string) should not be greater than maximum length(string)
ORA-38609 FI Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least stringKB
ORA-38610 FI "string" name prefix is reserved for frequent itemset counting
ORA-38611 FI input cursor's item type is not supported
ORA-38612 FI item length cannot exceed half of one database block.
ORA-38613 FI Cursor is returning less than 2 columns.
ORA-38620 DT expressions in input cursor do not have an alias name
ORA-38621 Decision Tree maximum depth setting not between [2, 20]
ORA-38622 Decision Tree not enough memory, requires at least stringKB
ORA-38700 Limit of string flashback database logs has been exceeded.
ORA-38701 Flashback database log string seq string thread string: "string"
ORA-38702 Cannot update flashback database log file header.
ORA-38703 Type string in header is not a flashback database log file.
ORA-38704 Checksum error in flashback database log file header.
ORA-38705 Expected block size string does not match string in log header.
ORA-38706 Cannot turn on FLASHBACK DATABASE logging.
ORA-38707 Media recovery is not enabled.
ORA-38708 not enough space for first flashback database log file
ORA-38709 Recovery Area is not enabled.
ORA-38710 Flashback log version string is incompatible with ORACLE version string.
ORA-38711 Corrupt flashback log block header: block string
ORA-38712 Corrupt flashback log record header: block string, offset string.
ORA-38713 Flashback Database logging is already turned on.
ORA-38714 Instance recovery required.
ORA-38715 Invalid log number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.
ORA-38716 Must supply an integer for the TYPE option.
ORA-38717 Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK option.
ORA-38718 Invalid thread number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.
ORA-38719 Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK object.
ORA-38720 Missing log file name or number.
ORA-38721 Invalid file number.
ORA-38722 ON or OFF expected.
ORA-38723 Invalid SCN expression.
ORA-38724 Invalid option to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
ORA-38725 specified name "string" does not match actual "string"
ORA-38726 Flashback database logging is not on.
ORA-38727 FLASHBACK DATABASE requires a current control file.
ORA-38728 Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE to the future.
ORA-38729 Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK.
ORA-38730 Invalid SCN/TIMESTAMP expression.
ORA-38731 Expected version string does not match string in log header.
ORA-38732 Expected file size string does not match string.
ORA-38733 Physical size string less than needed string.
ORA-38734 Flashback log is inconsistent; belongs to another database.
ORA-38735 Wrong log number string in flashback log file header.
ORA-38736 Wrong thread number string in flashback log file header.
ORA-38737 Expected sequence number string doesn't match string
ORA-38738 Flashback log file is not current copy.
ORA-38739 Flashback log file is more recent than control file.
ORA-38740 Usable blocks value string is not valid.
ORA-38741 Formatted blocks value string is not valid.
ORA-38742 Flashback log file has incorrect log reset status.
ORA-38743 Time/SCN is in the future of the database.
ORA-38744 file string is not the same file seen at start of flashback
ORA-38746 error occurred while restoring data block (file# string, block# string)
ORA-38747 corrupt before image (file# string, block# string)
ORA-38748 cannot flashback data file string - file is in use or recovery
ORA-38749 A media recovery has been started.
ORA-38750 FLASHBACK DATABASE may not be performed using a dispatcher.
ORA-38751 Flashback database log: "string"
ORA-38752 file string does not exist
ORA-38753 Cannot flashback data file string; no flashback log data.
ORA-38754 FLASHBACK DATABASE not started; required redo log is not available
ORA-38755 Flashback is already turned on for this tablespace.
ORA-38756 Flashback is already turned off for this tablespace.
ORA-38757 Database must be mounted and not open to FLASHBACK.
ORA-38758 cannot flashback data file string; restored since last recovery
ORA-38759 Database must be mounted by only one instance and not open.
ORA-38760 This database instance failed to turn on flashback database
ORA-38761 redo log sequence string in thread string, incarnation string could not be accessed
ORA-38762 redo logs needed for SCN string to SCN string
ORA-38763 flashback not started; enabled threads have changed
ORA-38764 flashback not started; datafile string enabled threads are different
ORA-38765 Flashed back database cannot be opened read-only.
ORA-38766 cannot flashback data file string; file resized smaller
ORA-38767 flashback retention target parameter mismatch
ORA-38768 resizing datafile string failed
ORA-38769 FLASHBACK DATABASE failed after modifying data.
ORA-38770 FLASHBACK DATABASE failed during recovery.
ORA-38771 unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by flashback recovery
ORA-38772 cannot add datafile 'string' - file could not be created
ORA-38773 cannot add data file 'string' - file already part of database
ORA-38774 cannot disable media recovery - flashback database is enabled
ORA-38775 cannot disable recovery area - flashback database is enabled
ORA-38776 cannot begin flashback generation - recovery area is disabled
ORA-38777 database must not be started in any other instance
ORA-38778 Restore point 'string' already exists.
ORA-38779 cannot create restore point - too many restore points.
ORA-38780 Restore point 'string' does not exist.
ORA-38781 cannot disable media recovery - have guaranteed restore points
ORA-38782 cannot flashback database to non-guaranteed restore point 'string'
ORA-38783 Instance recovery required.
ORA-38784 Cannot create restore point 'string'.
ORA-38785 Media recovery must be enabled for guaranteed restore point.
ORA-38786 Recovery area is not enabled.
ORA-38787 Creating the first guaranteed restore point requires mount mode when flashback database is off.
ORA-38788 More standby database recovery is needed
ORA-38789 File name is too long.
ORA-38790 BEFORE must be specified with RESETLOGS
ORA-38791 flashback did not start because file string was not in a valid incarnation
ORA-38792 encountered unknown flashback record from release string
ORA-38793 cannot FLASHBACK the database to a future SCN/time
ORA-38794 Flashback target time not in current incarnation
ORA-38795 warning: FLASHBACK succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-38796 Not enough flashback database log data to undo FLASHBACK.
ORA-38797 Full database recovery required after a database has been flashed back
ORA-38798 Cannot perform partial database recovery
ORA-38799 Cannot drop guaranteed restore point internally created for snapshot standby
ORA-38800 Cannot start Redo Apply on the open physical standby database
ORA-38801 improper value for ORA_EDITION
ORA-38802 edition does not exist
ORA-38803 edition is unusable
ORA-38804 not a legal edition name
ORA-38805 edition is in use
ORA-38806 edition is being altered or dropped
ORA-38807 Implementation restriction: an edition can have only one child
ORA-38808 edition has a usable parent and a usable child
ORA-38809 edition must be unusable
ORA-38810 Implementation restriction: cannot drop edition that has a parent and a child
ORA-38811 need CASCADE option to drop edition that has actual objects
ORA-38812 maximum number of editions reached
ORA-38813 editions not supported for schema string
ORA-38814 ALTER SESSION SET EDITION must be first statement of transaction
ORA-38815 ALTER SESSION SET EDITION must be a top-level SQL statement
ORA-38816 edition has a child that inherits objects from the edition
ORA-38817 Insufficient privileges
ORA-38818 illegal reference to editioned object string.string
ORA-38819 user string owns one or more objects whose type is editionable and that have noneditioned dependent objects
ORA-38820 user has evolved object type
ORA-38821 unsupported DBMS_SQL Edition operation
ORA-38822 referential integrity constraints not allowed on editioned views
ORA-38823 Crossedition triggers are not allowed to exist when dropping the root edition
ORA-38850 an enabled thread missing from control file
ORA-38851 cannot mark the current instance (redo thread) as disabled
ORA-38852 cannot mark the current instance (redo thread) as disabled
ORA-38853 cannot mark instance string (redo thread string) as disabled
ORA-38854 cannot mark instance string (redo thread string) as disabled
ORA-38855 cannot mark instance string (redo thread string) as enabled
ORA-38856 cannot mark instance string (redo thread string) as enabled
ORA-38857 cannot mark redo thread string as enabled
ORA-38858 cannot mark redo thread string as enabled
ORA-38859 instance string (thread string) is not ready to be disabled
ORA-38860 cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE during instantiation of a logical standby
ORA-38861 flashback recovery stopped before reaching recovery target
ORA-38862 Flashback database logs are in use.
ORA-38863 datafile string has been restored from an optimized RMAN backup.
ORA-38864 cannot create a guaranteed restore point with user specified SCN or time.
ORA-38865 cannot create restore point for a future SCN or time.
ORA-38866 cannot create restore point for an SCN or time before current database incarnation.
ORA-38867 database not open: cannot create restore point with the specified timestamp
ORA-38868 warning: the control file may have incorrect data file structure
ORA-38869 datafile string has been restored from an RMAN backup with undo block compression.
ORA-38870 cannot backup a control file that may have incorrect data file structure.
ORA-38871 cannot enable flashback before open resetlogs after incomplete recovery.
ORA-38872 Cannot perform backup control file recovery if Flashback Database is enabled.
ORA-38873 missing incarnation information
ORA-38874 cannot flashback data file string - missing incarnation information
ORA-38875 FLASHBACK DATABASE not started; in test mode
ORA-38876 redo logs not required
ORA-38877 required redo logs are available
ORA-38878 required redo log is not available
ORA-38879 Cannot flashback data file string; may not be able to undo all changes.
ORA-38880 Cannot advance compatibility from string to string due to guaranteed restore points
ORA-38881 Cannot drop tablespace string on primary database due to guaranteed restore points.
ORA-38882 Cannot drop tablespace string on standby database due to guaranteed restore points.
ORA-38883 Cannot shrink data file string on primary database due to guaranteed restore points.
ORA-38884 Cannot shrink data file string on standby database due to guaranteed restore points.
ORA-38900 missing mandatory column "string" of error log table "string"
ORA-38901 column "string" of table "string" must be one of the first "string" columns
ORA-38902 errors in array DML exceed string
ORA-38903 DML error logging is not supported for abstract column "string"
ORA-38904 DML error logging is not supported for LOB column "string"
ORA-38905 DML error logging is not supported for LONG column "string"
ORA-38906 insert into DML Error Logging table "string" failed
ORA-38907 DML error logging is not supported for FILE column "string"
ORA-38908 internal error occurred during DML Error Logging
ORA-38909 DML Error logging is not supported with BATCH ERROR mode
ORA-38910 BATCH ERROR mode is not supported for this operation
ORA-38911 unique constraint (string.string) violated
ORA-38912 An index must be specified in the index hint
ORA-38913 Index specified in the index hint is invalid
ORA-38914 Either mutate the error or ignore row on unique violation
ORA-38915 Multiple indexes in change or ignore duplicate key hint
ORA-38916 CHANGE_DUPKEY_ERROR_INDEX hint disallowed for this operation
ORA-38917 IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint disallowed for this operation
ORA-38918 RETRY_ON_ROW_CHANGE hint disallowed for this operation
ORA-38919 remote table not supported for DML error logging
ORA-38950 Source platform string not cross platform compliant
ORA-38951 Target platform string not cross platform compliant
ORA-38952 Source database not compatible
ORA-38954 Cross platform transport is not supported between source platform identifier string and target platform identifier string
ORA-38955 Source platform string not cross platform compliant
ORA-38956 Target platform string not cross platform compliant
ORA-38958 Source platform string is in different byte order than target platform string
ORA-38959 Failed to update block 0 to new version 10 format
ORA-38960 File string from platform string is not compatible with current platform string
ORA-39000 bad dump file specification
ORA-39001 invalid argument value
ORA-39002 invalid operation
ORA-39003 unable to get count of total workers alive
ORA-39004 invalid state
ORA-39005 inconsistent arguments
ORA-39006 internal error
ORA-39012 Client detached before the job started.
ORA-39013 Remapping the SYSTEM schema is not supported.
ORA-39014 One or more workers have prematurely exited.
ORA-39015 job is not running
ORA-39016 Operation not supported when job is in string state.
ORA-39017 Worker request not supported when job is in string state.
ORA-39018 master process received invalid message number string
ORA-39019 invalid operation type string
ORA-39020 invalid mode type string
ORA-39021 Database compatibility version string is not supported.
ORA-39022 Database version string is not supported.
ORA-39023 Version string is not supported.
ORA-39024 wrong schema specified for job
ORA-39025 jobs of type string are not restartable
ORA-39026 master table is inconsistent on validation string
ORA-39027 wrong version of master table
ORA-39028 cannot restart job from string state
ORA-39029 worker string with process name "string" prematurely terminated
ORA-39030 invalid file type string
ORA-39031 invalid filter name string
ORA-39032 function string is not supported in string jobs
ORA-39033 Data cannot be filtered under the direct path access method.
ORA-39034 Table string does not exist.
ORA-39035 Data filter string has already been specified.
ORA-39036 invalid metadata filter name string
ORA-39037 Object type path not supported for string metadata filter.
ORA-39038 Object path "string" is not supported for string jobs.
ORA-39039 Schema expression "string" contains no valid schemas.
ORA-39040 Schema expression "string" must identify exactly one schema.
ORA-39041 Filter "string" either identifies all object types or no object types.
ORA-39042 invalid transform name string
ORA-39043 Object type string is not supported for string.
ORA-39044 Metadata transform string has already been specified.
ORA-39045 invalid metadata remap name string
ORA-39046 Metadata remap string has already been specified.
ORA-39047 Jobs of type string cannot use multiple execution streams.
ORA-39048 Unable to start all workers; only string worker(s) available.
ORA-39049 invalid parameter name string
ORA-39050 parameter string is incompatible with parameter string
ORA-39051 parameter string specified multiple times
ORA-39052 cannot specify SKIP_CURRENT on initial start of a job.
ORA-39053 parameter or attribute string must be defined for a string job
ORA-39054 missing or invalid definition of the SQL output file.
ORA-39055 The string feature is not supported in version string.
ORA-39056 invalid log file specification.
ORA-39057 invalid worker request string for string jobs.
ORA-39058 current object skipped: string of type string
ORA-39059 dump file set is incomplete
ORA-39060 table(s) dropped because of conflict with master table
ORA-39061 import mode string conflicts with export mode string
ORA-39062 error creating master process string
ORA-39064 unable to write to the log file
ORA-39065 unexpected master process exception in string
ORA-39067 Unable to close the log file.
ORA-39068 invalid master table data in row with PROCESS_ORDER=string
ORA-39070 Unable to open the log file.
ORA-39071 Value for string is badly formed.
ORA-39076 cannot delete job string for user string
ORA-39077 unable to subscribe agent string to queue "string"
ORA-39078 unable to dequeue message for agent string from queue "string"
ORA-39079 unable to enqueue message string
ORA-39080 failed to create queues "string" and "string" for Data Pump job
ORA-39081 failed to unsubscribe agent string from queue "string"
ORA-39082 Object type string created with compilation warnings
ORA-39083 Object type string failed to create with error: string Failing sql is: string
ORA-39084 cannot detach job string for user string
ORA-39085 cannot update job string for user string
ORA-39086 cannot retrieve job information
ORA-39087 directory name string is invalid
ORA-39088 file name cannot contain a path specification
ORA-39090 Cannot add devices to file oriented job.
ORA-39091 unable to determine logical standby and streams status
ORA-39092 unable to set SCN metadata for object "string.string" of type string
ORA-39093 FLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.
ORA-39094 Parallel execution not supported in this database edition.
ORA-39095 Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate string bytes
ORA-39096 invalid input value string for parameter string
ORA-39097 Data Pump job encountered unexpected error string
ORA-39098 Worker process received data objects while loading metadata. Invalid process order range is string..string
ORA-39099 cannot create index for "string" on master table string
ORA-39102 Timeout before master process string finished initialization. Master error:
ORA-39103 Timeout before worker process string finished initialization. Worker error:
ORA-39104 cannot call this function from a SQL parallel query slave process
ORA-39105 Master process string failed during startup. Master error:
ORA-39106 Worker process string failed during startup. Worker error:
ORA-39107 Master process string violated startup protocol. Master error:
ORA-39108 Worker process string violated startup protocol. Worker error:
ORA-39109 Unprivileged users may not operate upon other users' schemas
ORA-39110 error deleting worker processes
ORA-39111 Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string already exists
ORA-39112 Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string creation failed
ORA-39113 Unable to determine database version
ORA-39114 Dump files are not supported for network jobs.
ORA-39115 string is not supported over a network link
ORA-39116 invalid trigger operation on mutating table string.string
ORA-39117 Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is: string
ORA-39119 worker process interrupt for delete worker processes call by master process
ORA-39120 Table string can't be truncated, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string
ORA-39121 Table string can't be replaced, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string
ORA-39122 Unprivileged users may not perform string remappings.
ORA-39123 Data Pump transportable tablespace job aborted string
ORA-39124 dump file name "string" contains an invalid substitution variable
ORA-39125 Worker unexpected fatal error in string while calling string [string]
ORA-39126 Worker unexpected fatal error in string [string] string
ORA-39127 unexpected error from call to string string
ORA-39128 unexpected DbmsJava error number from statement string
ORA-39129 Object type string not imported. Name conflicts with the master table
ORA-39130 Object type string not imported. Base object name conflicts with the master table
ORA-39132 object type "string"."string" already exists with different hashcode
ORA-39133 object type "string"."string" already exists with different typeid
ORA-39134 Cannot include "string" tablespace as a Transportable Tablespace
ORA-39135 File "string" is already a member of this dump set
ORA-39136 cannot specify an SCN on a transportable job
ORA-39137 cannot specify a TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION of string for a job with no metadata
ORA-39138 Insufficient privileges to load data not in your schema
ORA-39139 Data Pump does not support XMLType objects in version string. string will be skipped.
ORA-39140 dump file "string" belongs to job string
ORA-39141 dump file "string" is a duplicate of dump file "string"
ORA-39142 incompatible version number string in dump file "string"
ORA-39143 dump file "string" may be an original export dump file
ORA-39144 file name parameter must be specified and non-null
ORA-39145 directory object parameter must be specified and non-null
ORA-39146 schema "string" does not exist
ORA-39147 cannot migrate Data Pump queue table ownership to this instance
ORA-39148 unable to import data into pre-existing queue table string. Table_exists_action of string being ignored for this table
ORA-39149 cannot link privileged user to non-privileged user
ORA-39150 bad flashback time
ORA-39154 Objects from foreign schemas have been removed from import
ORA-39155 error expanding dump file name "string"
ORA-39156 error parsing dump file name "string"
ORA-39157 error appending extension to file "string"
ORA-39159 cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process
ORA-39160 error on whats my name call
ORA-39161 Full database jobs require privileges
ORA-39162 Transportable tablespace job require privileges
ORA-39163 A sample size of string is invalid.
ORA-39164 Partition string was not found.
ORA-39165 Schema string was not found.
ORA-39166 Object string was not found.
ORA-39168 Object path string was not found.
ORA-39169 Local version of string cannot work with remote version of string.
ORA-39170 Schema expression string does not correspond to any schemas.
ORA-39171 Job is experiencing a resumable wait. string
ORA-39172 Cannot remap transportable tablespace names with compatibility of string.
ORA-39173 Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.
ORA-39174 Encryption password must be supplied.
ORA-39175 Encryption password is not needed.
ORA-39176 Encryption password is incorrect.
ORA-39177 invalid compression value string
ORA-39178 cannot perform estimate on metadata only jobs
ORA-39179 unable to load table "string"."string" because of OID transform
ORA-39180 unable to encrypt ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD
ORA-39181 Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string
ORA-39182 internal error string occurred during compression phase string
ORA-39183 internal error string ocurred during decompression phase string
ORA-39184 Transportable Data Pump jobs cannot exclude PLUGTS objects
ORA-39185 The transportable tablespace failure list is
ORA-39186 No tablespaces in the specified list exist.
ORA-39187 The transportable set is not self-contained, violation list is
ORA-39188 unable to encrypt dump file set
ORA-39189 unable to decrypt dump file set
ORA-39190 internal error occurred during encryption phase string
ORA-39191 internal error ocurred during decryption phase string
ORA-39192 table mode jobs with transportable=always and partition filters only allow objects from one table
ORA-39193 Table mode jobs do not allow the schema to be wild carded.
ORA-39194 Table mode jobs require the tables to be comma separated.
ORA-39195 At least one schema in the TABLE_FILTER does not exist.
ORA-39200 Link name "string" is invalid.
ORA-39201 Dump files are not supported for estimate only jobs.
ORA-39202 Data cannot be filtered or selected in string jobs.
ORA-39203 Partition selection is not supported over a network link.
ORA-39204 No subsetting of tablespaces is allowed for transportable import.
ORA-39205 Transforms are not supported in transportable jobs.
ORA-39206 A parallel degree of string is invalid.
ORA-39207 Value string is invalid for parameter string.
ORA-39208 Parameter string is invalid for string jobs.
ORA-39209 Parameter string requires privileges.
ORA-39210 A PCTSPACE adjustment of string is invalid.
ORA-39211 unable to retrieve dumpfile information as specified
ORA-39212 installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly
ORA-39213 Metadata processing is not available
ORA-39214 Data Pump does not support external tables with encrypted columns. string will not be exported
ORA-39216 object type "string"."string" hashcode mismatch
ORA-39217 object type "string"."string" typeid mismatch
ORA-39218 type check on object type "string"."string" failed
ORA-39219 directory object name is too long
ORA-39220 file name is too long
ORA-39221 Specifying data filters is invalid when dumpfiles do not contain table data.
ORA-39222 Unable to create global temporary master table string
ORA-39223 Internal Data Pump error. Master table information for version string not found.
ORA-39224 string row(s) were rejected with the following error: string
ORA-39228 Unable to construct a unique departitioned object name for string string.string:string when defaulted.
ORA-39230 Service name string is not available
ORA-39231 invalid data remap name: string
ORA-39232 invalid remap function: string
ORA-39233 invalid remap column name: string
ORA-39234 Data cannot be remapped under the direct path access method.
ORA-39235 data remap string has already been specified
ORA-39237 Failed to load XML document string. Compare process aborted.
ORA-39238 XML node attribute differences are not supported.
ORA-39239 No differences found.
ORA-39240 Error while processing difference document.
ORA-39242 Unable to export/import string due to table attributes.
ORA-39243 Import job requires 'TRANSPORT_DATAFILES' parameter.
ORA-39245 import job requires export dump file "string"
ORA-39246 cannot locate master table within provided dump files
ORA-39251 Importing a SecureFile LOB with metadata into a scalar, column string, is not allowed.
ORA-39252 Importing a SecureFile LOB with metadata or archived SecureFile LOB into a BasicFile LOB is not allowed
ORA-39253 Specified tables do not exist.
ORA-39254 direct path load not possible into preexisting table with column that has a default value and is not being loaded; table string, column string
ORA-39255 Failed to fetch PLUGTS_BLKs.
ORA-39256 Transportable tablespace Data Pump jobs from read-only databases not supported.
ORA-39257 Data cannot be remapped for more than 10 columns.
ORA-39258 Cannot rename cluster.
ORA-39259 Cannot add column to cluster.
ORA-39260 Cannot delete column from cluster.
ORA-39261 Cannot modify column in cluster.
ORA-39262 Cannot alter size for hash cluster.
ORA-39263 Cannot alter PARALLEL INSTANCES.
ORA-39264 Cannot alter type of table: string
ORA-39265 Cannot alter object_type of object table: string
ORA-39266 Cannot alter unpartitioned table to partitioned.
ORA-39267 Cannot remove default from table column.
ORA-39268 Cannot alter a real column to make it virtual or vice versa.
ORA-39269 Cannot alter a column of type LONG to anything other than LOB.
ORA-39270 Cannot alter a LOB column to another data type.
ORA-39271 Cannot alter substitutability of column: string
ORA-39272 Cannot alter organization of nested table column: string
ORA-39273 Cannot alter storage type of XMLType column: string
ORA-39274 Cannot alter physical organization of table.
ORA-39275 Cannot alter INITIAL storage option.
ORA-39276 Cannot alter MINEXTENTS storage option.
ORA-39277 Cannot alter FREELIST GROUPS storage option.
ORA-39278 Cannot alter table with segments to segment creation deferred.
ORA-39279 Cannot alter tablespace of overflow segment.
ORA-39280 Cannot drop overflow segment.
ORA-39281 Cannot alter COMPRESS in index-organized materialized view.
ORA-39282 Cannot alter default tablespace of partitions in partitioned table.
ORA-39283 Cannot drop, split or merge hash partition: string
ORA-39284 Cannot alter the list values of a list subpartition: string
ORA-39285 Cannot alter index key compression.
ORA-39286 Cannot convert between types of index.
ORA-39287 Cannot alter index column list.
ORA-39288 Cannot alter index base table.
ORA-39289 Cannot add or drop local index partition or subpartition: string
ORA-39290 Cannot drop a partition of a globally partitioned index.
ORA-39291 Cannot alter index storage option: string
ORA-39292 Cannot alter join table of bitmap join index.
ORA-39293 Cannot alter join condition of bitmap join index.
ORA-39294 Cannot alter indextype of domain index.
ORA-39295 Cannot alter index base cluster.
ORA-39296 Cannot alter index partitioning type or partitioning columns.
ORA-39297 Cannot alter materialized view attribute: string
ORA-39298 Cannot alter materialized view partitioning type or partitioning columns.
ORA-39299 Cannot alter materialized view physical organization.
ORA-39300 Cannot alter materialized view log partitioning type or partitioning columns.
ORA-39301 Cannot alter values recorded in materialized view log: string
ORA-39302 Cannot alter tablespace of materialized view log.
ORA-39303 Cannot alter attribute of queue: string
ORA-39304 Cannot alter attribute of queue table: string
ORA-39305 Cannot alter attribute of sequence: string
ORA-39306 Cannot alter attribute of trigger: string
ORA-39307 Cannot alter attribute of type: string
ORA-39308 Cannot alter attribute of view: string
ORA-39309 Cannot alter tablespace between bigfile and smallfile.
ORA-39310 Cannot alter tablespace type.
ORA-39311 Cannot alter tablespace blocksize.
ORA-39312 Cannot alter tablespace encryption.
ORA-39313 Cannot alter tablespace flashback mode.
ORA-39314 Cannot alter tablespace extent_management.
ORA-39315 Cannot drop the first data file from a permanent or undo tablespace.
ORA-39316 Cannot resize a data file in a smallfile tablespace.
ORA-39317 Cannot change the segment space management of a tablespace.
ORA-39318 Cannot alter user name.
ORA-39319 Cannot undo password expiration.
ORA-39320 Column names do not match between export and import databases.
ORA-39321 Cannot alter functional index or virtual expression column: string
ORA-39322 Cannot use transportable tablespace with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns and different time zone version.
ORA-39323 cannot load data from external table dump file "string"
ORA-39324 cannot load data from Data Pump dump file "string"
ORA-39325 TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION cannot be applied to string.
ORA-39328 encryption password is too long
ORA-39329 Tablespace string needs to be locally managed.
ORA-39331 Wallet is not open on remote node
ORA-39339 Table string was skipped due to transportable import and TSTZ issues resulting from time zone version mismatch.
ORA-39353 Data was not imported for string. Cannot locate the time zone version string file.
ORA-39359 Source time zone version is string and target time zone version is string.
ORA-39360 Table string was skipped due to transportable import and TSLTZ issues resulting from time zone mismatch.
ORA-39361 Source time zone is string and target time zone is string.
ORA-39363 Type evolution could not be preserved for string
ORA-39500 failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event for database "string", instance "string" (ignored)
ORA-39501 failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [string] (ignored)
ORA-39502 failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [string] (ignored)
ORA-39503 failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [string] (ignored)
ORA-39504 failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [string] (ignored)
ORA-39510 CRS error performing string on string 'string' on 'string' string
ORA-39600 Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.
ORA-39601 Hash key is required.
ORA-39700 database must be opened with UPGRADE option
ORA-39701 database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE
ORA-39702 database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE
ORA-39703 server version and script version do not match
ORA-39704 permission to modify component registry entry denied
ORA-39705 component 'string' not found in registry
ORA-39706 schema 'string' not found
ORA-39707 compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string
ORA-39708 component 'string' not a string component
ORA-39709 incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted
ORA-39710 only connect AS SYSDBA is allowed when OPEN in UPGRADE mode
ORA-39711 critical patch number less than last installed CPU number
ORA-39712 XE edition server cannot open database
ORA-39714 upgrade script utlmmig.sql failed
ORA-39726 unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables
ORA-39727 COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher
ORA-39751 partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported
ORA-39752 redundant column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed
ORA-39753 unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition
ORA-39754 FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported
ORA-39761 stream reset required before loading this stream again
ORA-39762 streams must be loaded in conversion order
ORA-39763 stream must be completely loaded before it is reset
ORA-39764 specified stream is not in the specified direct path context
ORA-39765 stream must be reset before used in a column array conversion
ORA-39766 invaid stream specified for column array conversion
ORA-39767 finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists
ORA-39768 only one direct path context top level column array is allowed
ORA-39769 finish is not allowed with an incompletely loaded last row
ORA-39771 stream must be loaded before its handle is freed
ORA-39772 column array reset disallowed after OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_NEED_DATA
ORA-39773 parse of metadata stream failed
ORA-39774 parse of metadata stream failed with the following error: string
ORA-39775 direct path API commit not allowed due to previous fatal error
ORA-39776 fatal Direct Path API error loading table string
ORA-39777 data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns
ORA-39778 the parallel load option is not allowed when loading lob columns
ORA-39779 type "string"."string" not found or conversion to latest version is not possible
ORA-39780 Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished
ORA-39781 Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended
ORA-39782 Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended
ORA-39783 Invalid direct path transaction active
ORA-39784 This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress
ORA-39785 SQL expressions returning ADT objects are not allowed in direct path
ORA-39786 Number of columns does not match between export and import databases
ORA-39787 Column string subtype "string"."string" is not instantiable.
ORA-39788 Subtype "string"."string" is specified multiple times for column string.
ORA-39789 "string"."string" is not a valid type for column string.
ORA-39790 Attribute "string" specified multiple times for column string.
ORA-39791 Attribute "string" for column string is not in subtype "string"."string".
ORA-39792 Attribute "string" is not valid for subtypes(s) loaded into column string.
ORA-39793 Attribute "string" is not unique within the hierarchy being loaded.
ORA-39794 No attributes loaded for subtype "string"."string".
ORA-39795 Subtype index is not first attribute for object table or column, string.
ORA-39796 column array entry for string is not valid for the current subtype
ORA-39797 The subtype index value is not valid.
ORA-39798 The column array row offset number is out of range (max: number).
ORA-39799 The column index number is out of range (max: number).
ORA-39800 Database version number does not support the load of multiple subtypes.
ORA-39801 Subtype "string"."string" is not a valid subtype for column string.
ORA-39802 ADT object column string specified a SQL expression which is not allowed in direct path mode.
ORA-39803 Data saves are not allowed on tables with partitioning referential constraints.
ORA-39804 The load was aborted due to an error loading parent string while also loading child string.
ORA-39805 Parallel loads are not allowed when loading child and parent.
ORA-39806 The attempt to lock string parent table string string string failed.
ORA-39807 Partial data save on child string was ignored.
ORA-39808 The SINGLEROW option must be specified for parent table string.
ORA-39809 Data saves are not allowed on tables with domain indexes.
ORA-39810 Data saves are not allowed when NO_INDEX_ERRORS is specified.
ORA-39811 index string.string had the following error:
ORA-39812 index string.string partition string had the following error:
ORA-39813 index string.string had string partition errors:
ORA-39814 The SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE option is not allowed with NO_INDEX_ERRORS.
ORA-39815 Direct Path Unload of an external table is not allowed.
ORA-39816 Direct Path Unload of tables with encrypted column(string.string) is not allowed.
ORA-39817 index string.string was ignored due to:
ORA-39818 index string.string partition string was ignored due to:
ORA-39819 The OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_NO_INDEX_ERRORS attribute cannot be set to TRUE in direct path parallel loads.
ORA-39820 Zero length LONG piece detected for column string row string.
ORA-39822 A new direct path operation is not allowed in the current transaction.
ORA-39823 The attribute OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_USE_ACTIVE_TRANS is only allowed for load operations.
ORA-39824 The OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_USE_ACTIVE_TRANS attribute was set when no transaction was active.
ORA-39825 Direct path load of view or synonym (string.string) with multiple dependencies not permitted.
ORA-39826 Direct path load of view or synonym (string.string) could not be resolved.
ORA-39827 Direct path load of PL/SQL function not permitted.
ORA-39828 Constraint string was disabled because of index string.string error.
ORA-39829 function-based index on columnar data made unusable
ORA-39830 XML parsing failed string
ORA-39901 Partitioned table string.string is partially contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39902 Subpartitioned table string.string is partially contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39903 IOT Partition string.string is partially contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39904 Partitioned object string.string is partially contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39905 Table string.string in tablespace string points to LOB segment string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39906 Constraint string between table string.string in tablespace string and table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39907 Index string.string in tablespace string points to table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39908 Index string.string in tablespace string enforces primary constraints string of table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39909 Index string.string in tablespace string points to table/cluster string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39910 Partitioned Global index string.string in tablespace string points to partition string of table string.string in tablespace string outside of transportable set.
ORA-39911 Index string.string in tablespace string points to partition string of table string.string in tablespace string outside of transportable set.
ORA-39912 Partitioned index string.string in tablespace string points to table string.string in tablespace string outside of transportable set.
ORA-39913 string string.string in tablespace string not allowed in transportable set.
ORA-39914 Index string.string in tablespace string points to subpartition string of table string.string in tablespace string outside of transportable set.
ORA-39915 Partition string of table string.string in tablespace string points to LOB segment string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39916 Subpartition string of table string.string in tablespace string points to LOB segment string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39917 SYS owned object string in tablespace string not allowed in pluggable set
ORA-39918 PLSQL Functional Index string.string in tablespace string not allowed in transportable set.
ORA-39919 Object string.string in tablespace string not contained within transportable set.
ORA-39920 Rollback segment string in tablespace string not allowed in transportable set.
ORA-39921 Default Partition (Table) Tablespace string for string not contained in transportable set.
ORA-39922 Default Partition (Index) Tablespace string for string not contained in transportable set.
ORA-39923 Default Composite Partition (Table) Tablespace string for string not contained in transportable set.
ORA-39924 Default Composite Partition (Index) Tablespace string for string not contained in transportable set.
ORA-39925 LOB segment string.string in tablespace string points to table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39926 Join index between table string.string in tablespace string and table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39927 Scoped REF constraint between table string.string in tablespace string and table string.string in tablespace string.
ORA-39928 string string.string in tablespace string contains evolved type data that have not been upgraded.
ORA-39929 Table string.string in tablespace string has encrypted columns which are not supported.
ORA-39930 Violation string.
ORA-39931 XML Schema string Owner: string not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39932 Extensible Index string.string not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39933 Parent table string.string and its nested table columns are not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39934 Materialized view log string.string in tablespace string and master table string.string in tablespace string are not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39935 Updatable materialized view log string.string in tablespace string and materialized view string.string in tablespace string are not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39936 Token manager for the CSX tablespace string not fully contained in the transportable set.
ORA-39937 Unsupported operation, default token tables used for binary XML data.
ORA-39938 Operation not supported, tablespace string contains binary XML data.
ORA-39939 More than one set of token tables are used in tablespace string.
ORA-39940 Child reference partitioned table string.string in tablespace string or parent table string.string in tablespace string is included but not both.
ORA-39945 Token conflicting with existing tokens.
ORA-39946 Nondefault token table encountered.
ORA-39950 invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag
ORA-39951 incomplete values specified for PL/SQL warning settings
ORA-39952 only numbers can be specified as range values
ORA-39953 the range value specified is beyond allowed range
ORA-39954 DEFERRED is required for this system parameter
ORA-39955 invalid PL/SQL warning message number
ORA-39956 duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter string
ORA-39957 invalid warning category
ORA-39958 invalid warning category qualifier
ORA-39959 invalid warning number (string)
ORA-39960 scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION
ORA-39961 message specified was not found
ORA-39962 invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS
ORA-39964 Specified value for _PLSQL_MAX_STACK_SIZE (string) is larger than available memory (string)
ORA-40001 value for string must be greater than zero
ORA-40002 wordsize must be string or greater
ORA-40003 wordsize must be in the range string - string for BLAST-P
ORA-40004 penalty must be negative for BLAST-N
ORA-40021 no column named string in training table string
ORA-40022 null case ID column - cannot provide row diagnostics in string
ORA-40023 sufficient memory could not be allocated given the number of attributes
ORA-40024 solution to least squares problem could not be found
ORA-40025 reference class name not found in build data
ORA-40026 reference class name not found in the weights table
ORA-40027 Target attribute has more than two distinct values
ORA-40028 solution to least squares problem could not be found
ORA-40029 Specified diagnostics table name already exists
ORA-40101 Data Mining System Error string-string-string
ORA-40102 invalid input string for data mining operation string
ORA-40103 invalid case-id column: string
ORA-40104 invalid training data for model build
ORA-40105 input data incompatible with model signature
ORA-40106 positive target value not specified for computing Lift
ORA-40107 operation requires string option to be installed
ORA-40108 input data contains too few distinct target (string) values
ORA-40109 inconsistent logical data record
ORA-40110 Duplicate model tables found for table type string
ORA-40111 no mining attributes found in build data
ORA-40112 insufficient number of valid data rows
ORA-40113 insufficient number of distinct target values
ORA-40114 weights table target values mismatched with build data
ORA-40115 weights table schema is incorrect
ORA-40116 NULL values found in weights table
ORA-40117 repeated target values found in weights table
ORA-40118 insufficient number of target values in weights table
ORA-40119 nested columns incompatible with missing value treatment
ORA-40120 invalid weight value in the weights table
ORA-40121 force option not allowed for drop model in different schema
ORA-40122 invalid data type for row weights column string.
ORA-40181 invalid transformation definition for column string
ORA-40182 invalid column reference
ORA-40183 invalid stack definition for attribute string
ORA-40184 transformation definition does not match the data
ORA-40201 invalid input parameter string
ORA-40202 column string does not exist in the input table string
ORA-40203 model string does not exist
ORA-40204 model string already exists
ORA-40205 invalid setting name string
ORA-40206 invalid setting value for setting name string
ORA-40207 duplicate or multiple function settings
ORA-40208 duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for function string
ORA-40209 setting string is invalid for string function
ORA-40210 invalid score criterion type when cost matrix is specified
ORA-40211 algorithm name string is invalid
ORA-40212 invalid target data type in input data for string function
ORA-40213 contradictory values for settings: string, string
ORA-40214 duplicate setting: string
ORA-40215 model string is incompatible with current operation
ORA-40216 feature not supported
ORA-40217 priors table mismatched with training data
ORA-40218 Both priors table and weights table are specified
ORA-40219 apply result table string is incompatible with current operation
ORA-40220 maximum number of attributes exceeded
ORA-40221 maximum target cardinality exceeded
ORA-40222 data mining model export failed, job name=string, error=string
ORA-40223 data mining model import failed, job name=string, error=string
ORA-40224 transactional input - no matching id for value column string
ORA-40225 model is currently in use by another process
ORA-40226 model upgrade/downgrade must be performed by SYS
ORA-40227 invalid transformation attribute
ORA-40228 scoring cost matrix already exists
ORA-40229 scoring cost matrix not found
ORA-40230 invalid transformation expression
ORA-40231 transactional input incompatible with specified algorithm
ORA-40232 transactional input - incompatible datatype for column string
ORA-40233 transactional input - case id should be provided with id string
ORA-40251 no support vectors were found
ORA-40252 no target values were found
ORA-40253 no target counter examples were found
ORA-40254 priors cannot be specified for one-class models
ORA-40255 specified priors or weights table has an incorrect schema
ORA-40261 input data for model build contains negative values
ORA-40262 NMF: number of features not between [1, string]
ORA-40263 no meaningful matrix factorization found
ORA-40264 number of mining attributes (string) exceeds maximum (string)
ORA-40271 no statistically significant features were found
ORA-40272 apply rules prohibited for this model mode
ORA-40273 invalid model type string for Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm
ORA-40281 invalid model name
ORA-40282 invalid cost matrix
ORA-40283 missing cost matrix
ORA-40284 model does not exist
ORA-40285 label not in the model
ORA-40286 remote operations not permitted on mining models
ORA-40287 invalid data for model - cosine distance out of bounds
ORA-40289 duplicate attributes provided for data mining function
ORA-40290 model incompatible with data mining function
ORA-40291 model cost not available
ORA-40292 confidence level must be greater than 0 and less than 1
ORA-40293 input class is invalid for the specified predictive model
ORA-40301 invalid cost matrix specification
ORA-40302 invalid classname string in cost matrix specification
ORA-40303 invalid prior probability specification
ORA-40304 invalid classname string in prior probability specification
ORA-40305 invalid impurity metric specified
ORA-40306 dm_nested types not supported by this algorithm
ORA-40321 invalid bin number, is zero or negative value
ORA-40322 bin number too large
ORA-40323 Attribute string has too many distinct values (string)
ORA-40324 All rows contain the same data
ORA-40341 access violation on model storage object
ORA-40350 One or more 11g models exist
ORA-40361 only SELECT and ALTER are valid for mining models
ORA-40381 Invalid field specification for: string
ORA-40382 More than one linear regression equation in the model
ORA-40383 No model found in PMML document
ORA-40384 Only one model allowed in PMML document
ORA-40385 Target has more than two categories
ORA-40386 NormContinuous must include at least two LinearNorm elements
ORA-40387 Invalid interval for Discretize field: string
ORA-40388 Unsupported feature in PMML document: string
ORA-40389 Unsupported PMML transformation: string
ORA-40390 PMML DerivedField must have a unique name specified: string
ORA-40391 PMML DerivedField depends on a undefined field: string
ORA-40392 PMML regression equation references an undefined field: string
ORA-41001 session id list not specified
ORA-41002 destination instance not specified
ORA-41003 client id not specified
ORA-41004 percentage not specified
ORA-41005 session id list not specified
ORA-41006 session id not specified
ORA-41007 sid field is null
ORA-41008 serial# field is null
ORA-41009 Session with session number string, serial number string does not exist
ORA-41010 No more memory to hold connection state information
ORA-41011 Operation failed for session id string, serial number string
ORA-41012 Migration not allowed for session number string, serial number string
ORA-41013 instance name not specified
ORA-41014 Session number string, serial number string currently being migrated
ORA-41015 destination connect string not specified
ORA-41016 Session recreation failed
ORA-41017 Session prepare failed for session number string, serial number string
ORA-41019 Session begin at the destination instance failed
ORA-41020 invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string"
ORA-41021 OCI error during transparent session migration
ORA-41022 instance name not specified
ORA-41023 death time not specified
ORA-41024 Cursor needs to be parsed again
ORA-41025 sid field string is invalid
ORA-41026 serial# field string is invalid
ORA-41027 Error status string during OCI operation at string
ORA-41028 Session id not specified
ORA-41029 Destination session id not specified for sid string serial# string
ORA-41030 Session id not specified
ORA-41031 Destination session key not specified for sid string serial# string
ORA-41100 Oracle Cluster Registry operation failed with event string.
ORA-41101 The database: string has already been designated as Cluster Director.
ORA-41102 No database has currently been designated as Cluster Director.
ORA-41103 Only the designated Cluster Director: string can undesignate itself.
ORA-41104 The database: string is the Cluster Director.
ORA-41105 The Cluster Director is not stopped.
ORA-41106 invalid argument string: value is null
ORA-41107 invalid argument: service string cannot be found
ORA-41108 Posting system alert with reason_id string failed with code [string] [string]
ORA-41109 Updating system alert with reason_id string failed; previous alert not found
ORA-41110 The Director has blocked this instance. Cannot start [string]
ORA-41201 Session state not capturable due to reason (string, string)
ORA-41202 Session state capture or restore failed
ORA-41203 Invalid session state operation
ORA-41204 Session capture in progress
ORA-41205 Invalid parameter for session state capture or restore
ORA-41206 Session capture or restore internal error KPCSFR-string
ORA-41207 Cannot restore session state due to reason (string, string)
ORA-41208 OCI error during session state capture and restore
ORA-41209 OCI operation failed at string due to ORA-string
ORA-41210 Failed to resolve session state directory object
ORA-41211 Failed to insert capture or restore record
ORA-41251 Failed to restore session state from a file (error code number)
ORA-41252 Failed to switch to new session in SSCR
ORA-41253 Failed to access session state file
ORA-41254 Invalid session state file: string
ORA-41255 Package not supported: string
ORA-41300 File driver is not initialized
ORA-41301 failed to write data to file
ORA-41302 failed to read data from file
ORA-41303 Received partial data from file
ORA-41304 Failed to connect to file driver
ORA-41305 Failed to open file
ORA-41400 Bind character set (string) does not match database character set (string)
ORA-41401 Define character set (string) does not match database character set (string)
ORA-41601 invalid property for the rule class
ORA-41602 insufficient privileges
ORA-41603 invalid privilege type
ORA-41604 cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted
ORA-41605 schema extended name not allowed: string
ORA-41606 rule class name already used by an existing object
ORA-41607 rule class creation failed with string
ORA-41608 rule class does not exist
ORA-41609 invalid name for the rule class
ORA-41610 callback procedure name already used for an existing object
ORA-41611 rule identifier "string" not unique in the rule class
ORA-41612 scalar values expected for action preferences
ORA-41613 invalid action preference for rule class: string
ORA-41614 missing action preference value
ORA-41615 too many values in action preference list
ORA-41616 rule class's action callback procedure may have errors
ORA-41617 action preference name "string" collides with an event attribute name
ORA-41618 specified rule does not exist
ORA-41619 rule manager feature currently not supported
ORA-41620 invalid ordering property for the rule class
ORA-41621 error in ordering property :string
ORA-41622 invalid primitive event object in rule class properties : string
ORA-41623 conflicting values for autocommit and duration properties
ORA-41624 invalid duration policy for primitive object in a composite event
ORA-41625 event structure string does not exist
ORA-41626 invalid XML element "string" in rule class properties
ORA-41627 event structure object type in inconsistent state
ORA-41628 invalid usage of "string" attribute in "string" element
ORA-41629 event structure for simple events cannot be reused for composite events
ORA-41630 invalid value for "string" attribute in the rule class properties
ORA-41631 invalid text node or child element for "string" element in properties
ORA-41632 invalid value for the "string" attribute
ORA-41633 specified rule class configuration not supported: "string"
ORA-41634 invalid duration specification in rule properties: "string"
ORA-41635 invalid unit of time used in duration specification
ORA-41636 invalid duration specification at the primitive event level
ORA-41637 missing primitive event name
ORA-41638 invalid attribute for "string" element in rule condition
ORA-41639 invalid child node in "string" element
ORA-41640 invalid element "string" in the rule condition
ORA-41641 invalid or empty rule condition
ORA-41642 Missing "string" element in the rule condition
ORA-41643 invalid attribute for the "string" element in the rule condition
ORA-41644 invalid use of "string" attribute in rule condition
ORA-41645 duplicate tag "string" in rule condition
ORA-41646 missing "string" attribute for "string" element in the rule condition
ORA-41647 negation not allowed in rule conditions with "any" semantics
ORA-41648 invalid sequence of child elements in "string" element
ORA-41649 invalid rule condition for a rule class involving composite events
ORA-41650 invalid composite event structure
ORA-41651 Event structure object type has one or more dependent objects
ORA-41652 invalid value for the equal attribute in the rule condition
ORA-41653 inconsistent value for the "count" attribute of the "any" element
ORA-41654 insufficient number of primitive events for the use of "sequence"
ORA-41655 rule condition construct not supported: string
ORA-41656 insufficient number of child elements in "string" element.
ORA-41657 rule class internal objects cannot be dropped
ORA-41658 invalid value for the "count" attribute in the "any" element
ORA-41659 invalid primitive event "string" for the rule class
ORA-41660 ordering property for the rule class is too long
ORA-41661 the system generated rule class package has errors
ORA-41662 number of primitive events in the composite event exceeds maximum limit
ORA-41663 invalid use of "equal" or "sequence" attribute with a single event
ORA-41664 invalid consumption policy for the primitive event
ORA-41665 conflicting values for duration, consumption, and autocommit policies
ORA-41666 XML schema validation failed when validating against string
ORA-41667 rule class results view name already used for an existing object
ORA-41668 invalid operation for the rule class
ORA-41669 invalid list of primitive event identifiers
ORA-41670 duplicate or invalid event name in equal specification
ORA-41671 duplicate table names in the event structure with table aliases
ORA-41672 invalid rowid passed in for "string" table
ORA-41673 sequence attribute not allowed in rule conditions using table aliases
ORA-41674 dmlevents policy allowed only for event structures with table aliases
ORA-41675 schema for data tables does not match that of the rule class
ORA-41676 invalid use of dmlevents policy for primitive event
ORA-41677 DML event trigger creation failed with string
ORA-41678 conflicting values for the autocommit and dmlevents policies
ORA-41679 dmlevents specification only allowed with table alias attributes
ORA-41680 Rules Manager background process string does not exist
ORA-41681 clean up of expired events failed
ORA-41682 invalid rule class package
ORA-41683 unable to lock a rule in the rule class
ORA-41684 invalid value for the RLM$ENABLED column
ORA-41685 invalid window specification for the collection element
ORA-41686 use of "collection" invalid for the primitive event
ORA-41687 attribute "string" not allowed in the "groupby" specification
ORA-41688 invalid value for the "groupby" attribute
ORA-41689 invalid collection specification in the rule condition
ORA-41690 maximum number of grouping expressions for a rule class exceeded
ORA-41691 invalid aggregate specification: string
ORA-41692 unsupported aggregate operator in the having/compute clause: string
ORA-41693 invalid attribute or data type for an aggregate operator: string
ORA-41694 invalid equal specification around: string
ORA-41695 equal specification should have a minimum of two elements
ORA-41696 invalid operator in the having clause: string
ORA-41697 attribute prefix missing in aggregate specification: string
ORA-41698 invalid use of "string" attribute in aggregate predicate
ORA-41699 maximum number of aggregate operations per rule condition exceeded
ORA-41700 a conditions table already exists for the event structure
ORA-41701 conditions table with a rule class association cannot be truncated or dropped
ORA-41702 invalid conditions table
ORA-41703 invalid child node in "object" element with "ref" attribute
ORA-41704 invalid condition reference: "string"
ORA-41705 conditions table cannot be dropped with DROP TABLE command
ORA-41706 a condition referenced in rule conditions may not be deleted
ORA-41707 unsupported construct with collection events: "string"
ORA-41708 the identifier for the shared condition may not be modified
ORA-41710 invalid use of aggregate operator for a noncollection event
ORA-41711 invalid attribute in the rule condition's having clause
ORA-41712 missing groupby specification for the collection "string"
ORA-41713 invalid use of "windowlen" and "windowsize" attributes
ORA-41714 invalid use of window specification with SESSION/TRANSACTION duration
ORA-41721 invalid use of DMLEVENTS and CNFEVENTS in rule class properties
ORA-41722 insufficient privileges for database change notification
ORA-42000 invalid online redefinition column mapping for table "string"."string"
ORA-42001 online redefinition options require COMPATIBLE parameter to be string or greater
ORA-42002 partition "string" of table "string"."string" not being redefined
ORA-42003 partition must be specified for this redefinition
ORA-42004 redefinition not instantiated
ORA-42005 invalid type of redefinition method
ORA-42006 dependent object registration not supported during a partition redefinition
ORA-42007 dependent object unregistration not supported during a partition redefinition
ORA-42008 error occurred while instantiating the redefinition
ORA-42009 error occurred while synchronizing the redefinition
ORA-42010 error occurred while synchronizing the redefinition
ORA-42011 error occurred while completing the redefinition
ORA-42012 error occurred while completing the redefinition
ORA-42013 interim table of an AQ IOT table should be an IOT table
ORA-42014 online redefinition unable to lock AQ objects
ORA-42015 online redefinition unable to log changes made to AQ tables
ORA-42016 shape of interim table does not match specified column mapping
ORA-42017 interim table of an AQ table should not be an AQ table
ORA-42018 partition cannot be redefined online because of index organization incompatibility
ORA-42019 partition cannot be redefined online because of incompatible partitioning of interim table
ORA-42020 partition cannot be redefined online because of unsupported type of interim table
ORA-42021 partition cannot be redefined online because of incompatible row dependencies
ORA-42022 partition cannot be redefined online because of presence of nested columns
ORA-42023 compatibility of AQ table must be release 8.1.x or later
ORA-42024 interim table of an AQ table can not be a partitioned table
ORA-42025 redefinition of CONS_USE_ROWID method cannot be used to redefine an AQ IOT table
ORA-42026 duplicated rows detected while instantiating the redefinition
ORA-42027 cannot redefine an object online that is not a table
ORA-42028 materialized view log "string"."string" does not exist
ORA-42029 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" at this time
ORA-42030 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with commit SCN-based MV log
ORA-42031 interim table cannot have a commit SCN-based MV log defined on it
ORA-42032 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with Flashback Data Archive enabled
ORA-42033 interim table "string"."string" cannot have Flashback Data Archive enabled
ORA-42034 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" which was a CDC table
ORA-42035 cannot online redefine IOT table "string"."string" with CONS_USE_ROWID
ORA-42036 cannot online redefine temporary table "string"."string"
ORA-42037 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with IOT overflow segment
ORA-42038 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with a CDC log defined on it
ORA-42039 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with FGA or RLS enabled
ORA-42040 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with column of binary XML type
ORA-42041 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with nested table columns
ORA-42287 cannot rename user on whose type a table depends
ORA-42288 may not create a schema synonym for the specified schema
ORA-42289 may not rename specified user
ORA-42290 specified schema does not exist
ORA-42291 schema synonym 'string' does not exist
ORA-42292 RENAME TO already specified
ORA-42293 user name conflicts with another user, role or schema synonym name
ORA-42294 role name conflicts with another user, role or schema synonym name
ORA-42295 schema synonym name conflicts with another user, role or schema synonym name
ORA-42296 user, role or schema synonym 'string' does not exist
ORA-42297 cannot drop a schema synonym for a schema of a user who is currently connected
ORA-42298 cannot rename a user that is currently connected
ORA-42300 an Editioning view is already defined on this table
ORA-42301 definition of an Editioning view may not refer to a synonym
ORA-42302 definition of an Editioning view may not refer to remote tables
ORA-42303 duplicate column reference in a definition of an Editioning view
ORA-42304 base table and the Editioning view must belong to the same schema
ORA-42305 only an Editioning view may replace an Editioning view
ORA-42306 a CrossEdition trigger may not be created on an Editioning view
ORA-42307 columns of an Editioning view may only refer to base table columns
ORA-42308 view string.string is already in read-only mode
ORA-42309 view string.string is already in read/write mode
ORA-42310 Implementation restriction: this operation is only permitted on Editioning views
ORA-42311 This operation is not permitted on Editioning views with compilation errors
ORA-42313 This operation is not supported on Editioning views marked invalid
ORA-42314 editioning view cannot be owned by a non-editioned user
ORA-42399 cannot perform a DML operation on a read-only view
ORA-42803 Cannot use bind variable in VERSIONS clause when the object has a Row-Level Security (RLS) policy defined on it.
NZE-43000 pkcs11 library not found
NZE-43001 pkcs11 token not found
NZE-43002 pkcs11 passphrase is wrong
NZE-43005 pkcs11: No tokens present
NZE-43011 pkcs11: Token login failed
NZE-43014 pkcs11: finding private key on token error
NZE-43015 pkcs11: key pair gen error
NZE-43017 pkcs11: No certificate found on the smart card/HSM
NZE-43018 pkcs11: No user certificate found on the smart card/HSM
NZE-43019 pkcs11: No certificate found on smart card/HSM label with given cert label
NZE-43020 pkcs11: Multiple certificates found on smart card/HSM with given cert label
NZE-43021 pkcs11: Certificate with given cert label is not a user cert
ORA-43750 invalid or illegal combination of COMMIT WRITE options
ORA-43751 invalid value for parameter string
ORA-43807 indexes on ORA_ROWSCN not allowed
ORA-43814 DROP INDEX is invalid for hash cluster index
ORA-43850 Advanced Compression Option parameter is required to be enabled
ORA-43851 LOB feature unsupported below compatible 11.0.0
ORA-43852 SECUREFILE and BASICFILE cannot be used together
ORA-43853 SECUREFILE lobs cannot be used in non-ASSM tablespace "string"
ORA-43856 Unsupported LOB type for SECUREFILE LOB operation
ORA-43857 Parameter Error
ORA-43859 CONTENTTYPE string too long
ORA-43862 CONTENTTYPE buffer length incorrect
ORA-43878 LOB feature unsupported below compatible setting 11.2.0
ORA-43883 SECUREFILE LOBs delta update invalid operation
ORA-44001 invalid schema
ORA-44002 invalid object name
ORA-44003 invalid SQL name
ORA-44004 invalid qualified SQL name
ORA-44101 invalid priority
ORA-44203 timeout waiting for lock on cursor
ORA-44204 library cache object string.string found in an in-flux state
ORA-44301 NULL service name is not permitted
ORA-44302 NULL network name is not permitted
ORA-44303 service name exists
ORA-44304 service string does not exist
ORA-44305 service string is running
ORA-44306 service name exceeds maximum length of string
ORA-44307 network name too long
ORA-44310 maximum number of services exceeded
ORA-44311 service string not running
ORA-44312 database closed
ORA-44313 instance name invalid
ORA-44314 network name already exists
ORA-44315 all service attributes null
ORA-44316 invalid argument
ORA-44317 database open read-only
ORA-44318 exceeded maximum SERVICE_NAMES length
ORA-44319 Cannot delete AQ service
ORA-44321 cannot read command line from trace file string
ORA-44322 invalid file name 'string'
ORA-44323 negative <count> 'string' to string option
ORA-44324 no <count> argument to string option
ORA-44325 no entry points found in trace file string
ORA-44326 no <symbol> argument to string option
ORA-44327 no <filename> argument to string option
ORA-44328 unsupported version number: string
ORA-44403 invalid value specified for flag parameter
ORA-44404 upicui2 client function requires Oracle server of 10.2 or higher
ORA-44411 Invalid ACL: START_DATE cannot be larger than END_DATE for all ACE
ORA-44412 Invalid ACL: Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed
ORA-44413 Invalid ACL: Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of security class of child ACL
ORA-44414 Invalid ACL: Parent ACL 'string' does not exist
ORA-44415 Invalid ACL: Undefined privileges
ORA-44416 Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal 'string'
ORA-44417 Invalid ACL: Invalid ACLID
ORA-44418 Invalid ACL: string
ORA-44421 cannot DISALLOW NONSCHEMA without a SCHEMA clause
ORA-44422 nonschema XML disallowed for this column
ORA-44423 XML Schema registered for BINARY cannot be used for CLOB/OBJ-REL
ORA-44424 BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY usage
ORA-44425 XML DB needs to be installed for creating an XMLType table or column
ORA-44501 QMEL: Too much concurrency.
ORA-44502 QMEL: Lock not found.
ORA-44503 QMEL: Lock Denied.
ORA-44504 Resource Locked by Implicit Lock
ORA-44505 QMEL: Invalid arguments.
ORA-44700 Language 'string' is not a valid language for a translation
ORA-44701 Language not found for translation
ORA-44702 Multiple translations found for language 'string'
ORA-44703 Multiple source language translations found
ORA-44704 XPath 'string' does not uniquely identify a translated element
ORA-44705 Must have xdb:maxOccurs='1' for translated elements
ORA-44706 Must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded' for translated elements
ORA-44707 No source language translation found
ORA-44708 Translations not supported for object relational storage
ORA-44709 Invalid schema definition for translated element
ORA-44710 Malformed XLIFF document: string
ORA-44711 XPath refers to an untranslatable element
ORA-44712 Invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging
ORA-44713 XPath does not select all translations
ORA-44730 XML Index string is not usable at the moment
ORA-44731 Path string cannot be removed from the repository XML Index
ORA-44732 Path string cannot be removed from the repository XML Index
ORA-44733 The repository XML Index cannot be dropped directly
ORA-44734 Predicate Index on nodes with similar children not allowed
ORA-44735 Too many predicates
ORA-44736 Group name already existed
ORA-44737 Parameter string did not exist.
ORA-44738 Group string did not exist.
ORA-44739 Cannot drop the last group.
ORA-44740 Parameter string is already registered.
ORA-44741 Cannot drop a group whose tables are shared by other group(s).
ORA-44742 Cannot alter columns of a table that is shared by other group(s).
ORA-44743 Cannot alter columns of a dependent shared table.
ORA-44744 Cannot have more than one drop, add or modify operations in an ALTER INDEX statement.
ORA-44745 Cannot add or drop columns to or from multiple tables.
ORA-44746 Missing XMLTABLE in GROUP clause.
ORA-44747 An XMLIndex with a structured component cannot be specified with ASYNC.
ORA-44748 Invalid name for GROUP.
ORA-44749 Missing PATH for the COLUMN.
ORA-44750 Cannot create secondary index on unstructured component of XMLIndex.
ORA-44751 XML schema enumeration index is out of range
ORA-44752 New element 'string' in complex type 'string' has the same qualified name as another element
ORA-44753 Change to minOccurs attribute of element 'string' is illegal
ORA-44754 Change to maxOccurs attribute of element 'string' is illegal
ORA-44755 Change to complexType property of element 'string' is illegal
ORA-44756 Change to SQLType attribute of element 'string' is illegal
ORA-44800 Number of classifiers cannot be NULL
ORA-44801 NULL classifier list not permitted
ORA-44802 No new plan (classifier list) has been submitted
ORA-44803 Plan is in transition (about to be activated)
ORA-44804 Plan is not created yet
ORA-44805 No classifier is present
ORA-44806 Extra classifiers are present in list
ORA-44807 Peformance Class name is too large
ORA-44808 Work Request Class name is too large
ORA-44809 No expression is present for classifier
ORA-44810 No parameter is present for expression
ORA-44811 Service name is too large
ORA-44812 Module name is too large
ORA-44813 Action name is too large
ORA-44814 Program name is too large
ORA-44815 User name is too large
ORA-44816 Number of Performance Classes is less than specified
ORA-44817 Classifier list is too large
ORA-44818 General failure
ORA-44819 Execution of this WLM function is denied
ORA-44820 Number of Work Request Classes is less than specified
ORA-44821 Number of classifiers is too large
ORA-44822 QoS Resource Manager plan does not exist in database "string"
ORA-44823 The QoS Resource Manager plan is not in use
ORA-44824 Resource Manager is disabled
ORA-44825 Classifier plan does not match across instances
ORA-44826 Number of Performance Classes is more than what was specified.
ORA-44827 Number of Performance Classes is too large
ORA-44901 Unable to resolve symbolic link "string"
ORA-44902 Too many steps in resolving symbolic link "string"
ORA-44903 Cannot create hard link to specified resource
ORA-44904 target path in document link exceeds maximum length
ORA-44905 extended link type not supported
ORA-44906 unable to resolve target in document link
ORA-44907 can not delete with incoming hard document links
ORA-44908 found a loop in XInclude elements while expanding string
ORA-44909 href attribute is required within XInclude element
ORA-44910 xpointer not supported within XInclude element
ORA-44911 exceeded maximum depth of nested xinclude expansion
ORA-44912 invalid or unsupported xpath expression string
ORA-44913 error while processing XInclude string
ORA-45000 SecureFile feature unsupported below compatible
ORA-45001 SecureFile archive implicit not allowed
ORA-45002 Content ID not found in the DBFS HS
ORA-45003 DBFS HS: Invalid checksum, potential data corruption
ORA-45004 DBFS HS SBT Error
ORA-45005 DBFS HS invalid store
ORA-45902 cannot rename data file 'string' - file was instantly restored.
ORA-45903 catalog instantly restored data file copy string is not supported
ORA-45904 instant restore of data file copy string is not supported
ORA-45905 deleting instantly restored data file string is not supported
ORA-45906 moving instantly restored data file string is not supported
ORA-45907 instant restore of data file string failed
ORA-46000 Invalid option to enable Extensible Data Security
ORA-46001 string is not valid for Extensible Data Security policies
ORA-46002 Privilege "string" is not valid in Data Security Document for "string"
ORA-46003 Column "string" is not valid in Data Security Document for "string"
ORA-46004 Predicate "string"is not valid in Data Security Document
ORA-46005 Document not found. Fix schema location.
ORA-46006 Cannot mix VPD column and Fusion column security policies
ORA-46007 No colName foreignKey for inheritedFrom element "string".
ORA-46008 The memberEvaluationRule in instanceSet "string" is too long.
ORA-46009 The "when" predicate of inheritedFrom "string" is too long.
ORA-46010 The colValue of foreignKey of inheritedFrom "string" is too long.
ORA-46011 The value of the "selectPrivilege" element is too long.
ORA-46012 The value of the "privilege" element is too long.
ORA-46013 The value of the "aclDirectory" element is too long.
ORA-46014 The value of the "aclFile" element is too long.
ORA-46015 The value of the "paramDatatype" element is too long.
ORA-46016 Number of columns of foreignKey does not match primaryKey.
ORA-46017 The OBJECT_ID is not valid.
ORA-46018 XDB object ID of DataSecurity document "string" was not found.
ORA-46050 Triton security internal error.
ORA-46051 Invalid XS user specified
ORA-46052 Invalid Session ID specified
ORA-46053 Invalid Cookie specified
ORA-46054 Invalid Namespace specified
ORA-46055 Invalid Role specified
ORA-46056 Invalid Namespace or Attribute specified
ORA-46057 Namespace already exists
ORA-46058 Invalid attribute specified
ORA-46059 Invalid ACL identifier specified
ORA-46060 Username not specified
ORA-46061 Session ID not specified
ORA-46062 Namespace not specified
ORA-46063 Not attached to XS session
ORA-46064 Attribute name not specified
ORA-46065 Attribute value not specified
ORA-46066 Inactivity Timeout not specified
ORA-46067 Cookie not specified
ORA-46068 Role not specified
ORA-46070 Insufficient privileges
ORA-46071 Error occurred while executing the event handler
ORA-46072 Column width too small
ORA-46073 Cookie already in use by another session
ORA-46074 session ID mismatch
ORA-46075 Already attached to a lightweight user session
ORA-46076 The specified name string is too long
ORA-46077 Length of value too large
ORA-46078 Invalid event type specified
ORA-46080 User status is currently inactive
ORA-46081 User's password has expired
ORA-46082 User's account was locked
ORA-46083 Cannot create system dynamic role
ORA-46084 Cannot delete system seeded principals
ORA-46085 Cannot modify system attribute in dynamic roles
ORA-46086 Cannot detach from a direct-login XS session
ORA-46087 Switching users not allowed for a proxy session
ORA-46088 Principal already exists
ORA-46089 Unsupported verifier type
ORA-46090 Requested event handler not registered for the event
ORA-46091 Requested event handler already registered for the event
ORA-46092 Requested event handler does not exist
ORA-46093 Cannot destroy a direct-login XS session
ORA-46095 Invalid error code supplied
ORA-46101 Circular definition for aggregate privilege string in security class string
ORA-46102 Privilege string aggregated in security class string is not found
ORA-46103 Circular definition for security class string
ORA-46104 Security class string cannot inherit from base security classes
ORA-46105 Unable to load security class string
ORA-46106 Missing parent security class for security class string
ORA-46107 Privilege string not found in the associated security classes
ORA-46108 Invalid security class targetNamespace or name.
ORA-46109 Duplicate definition for privilege string in security class string.
ORA-46112 Duplicate security class name string under targetnamespace string
ORA-46250 Invalid value for argument 'string'
ORA-46251 Value for argument 'string' out of range
ORA-46252 Cannot complete the operation, overlapping job already exists
ORA-46253 Cannot complete the operation, overlapping property already exists
ORA-46254 'string' already exists
ORA-46255 Incorrect job name specified
ORA-46256 Internal error: Audit Table not partitioned
ORA-46257 Property 'string' cannot be cleared
ORA-46258 Cleanup not initialized for the audit trail
ORA-46260 Error during audit trail cleanup
ORA-46261 Error during audit trail cleanup, internal error
ORA-46262 Audit table(s) cannot be moved to 'string' tablespace
ORA-46263 The audit trail is already initialized for cleanup
ORA-46264 Error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation
ORA-46265 Subset of audit trail is already initialized
ORA-46266 Missing value for argument 'string' in Oracle RAC enabled database
ORA-46267 Insufficient space in 'string' tablespace, cannot complete operation
ORA-46268 Conflicting operation on audit table(s)
ORA-46269 Conflicting operation on audit files
ORA-46271 Error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation; database I/O suspended
ORA-46272 Subset of audit trail is already deinitialized
ORA-46340 Command cannot have both BY <user-list> and IN SESSION <session-information> clauses together
ORA-46341 ALL STATEMENTS option cannot be supplied with BY SESSION clause
ORA-46342 NOAUDIT command cannot be executed with IN SESSION clause
ORA-47000 Factor Type string already defined
ORA-47001 Factor Type string not found
ORA-47002 error creating Factor Type string, string
ORA-47003 error deleting Factor Type string, string
ORA-47004 error updating Factor Type string, string
ORA-47005 error renaming Factor Type string, string
ORA-47020 Factor string already defined
ORA-47021 Factor string not found
ORA-47022 error creating Factor string, string
ORA-47023 error deleting Factor string, string
ORA-47024 error updating Factor string, string
ORA-47025 Factor Link already exists for string and string
ORA-47026 error creating Factor Link for string and string, string
ORA-47027 Factor Link does not exist for string and string
ORA-47028 error deleting Factor Link for string and string, string
ORA-47029 Factor type string is used by one or more factors.
ORA-47030 Factor string is referred by one or more factor links.
ORA-47031 Factor string is used by one or more policy factors.
ORA-47032 Factor string is referred by one or more identities.
ORA-47033 Factor link for string and string is referred by one or more identity maps.
ORA-47040 Identity string for Factor string already defined
ORA-47041 Identity string for Factor string not found
ORA-47042 error creating Identity string for Factor string, string
ORA-47043 error deleting Identity string for Factor string, string
ORA-47044 error updating Identity string for Factor string, string
ORA-47045 Identity string for Factor string is used by one or more identity maps.
ORA-47046 Identity string for Factor string is referred by one or more policy labels.
ORA-47060 Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string
ORA-47061 Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string not found for operation string on string
ORA-47062 error creating Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string
ORA-47063 error deleting Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already defined for operation string on string
ORA-47080 code string already defined in group string
ORA-47081 code string not found in group string
ORA-47100 Command Rule string already defined for string.string
ORA-47101 Command Rule string not found for string.string
ORA-47102 error creating Command Rule string for string.string, string
ORA-47103 error deleting Command Rule string for string.string, string
ORA-47104 error updating Command Rule string for string.string, string
ORA-47105 invalid object owner string for command string
ORA-47120 Document string already defined
ORA-47121 Document string not found
ORA-47140 Factor expression string already defined
ORA-47141 Factor expression string not found
ORA-47160 Factor link string already defined
ORA-47161 Factor link string not found
ORA-47180 Integration Policy for OLS Policy string is already defined
ORA-47181 Integration Policy for OLS Policy string not found
ORA-47182 Label algorithm string not found
ORA-47183 error creating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
ORA-47184 error updating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
ORA-47185 error deleting Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
ORA-47200 Integration Policy Factor already defined for Factor string and Policy string
ORA-47201 Integration Policy Factor not found for Factor string and Policy string
ORA-47202 error creating Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy string, string
ORA-47203 error deleting Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy string, string
ORA-47220 Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string already defined
ORA-47221 Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string not found
ORA-47222 error creating Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string, string
ORA-47223 error deleting Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string, string
ORA-47240 Realm string already defined
ORA-47241 Realm string not found
ORA-47242 error creating Realm string, string
ORA-47243 error deleting Realm string, string
ORA-47244 error updating Realm string, string
ORA-47245 error renaming Realm string, string
ORA-47260 Realm Authorization to string for Realm string already defined
ORA-47261 Realm Authorization to string for Realm string not found
ORA-47262 error creating Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
ORA-47263 error deleting Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
ORA-47264 error updating Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
ORA-47280 Realm Object string,string.string already defined in Realm string
ORA-47281 Realm Object string,string.string not found in Realm string
ORA-47282 error adding Realm Object string,string.string to Realm string, string
ORA-47283 error deleting Realm Object string,string.string from Realm string, string
ORA-47284 error adding Realm Object string.string. string is not a valid object type
ORA-47290 error creating VPD policy for Realm string, string
ORA-47300 Role already string defined
ORA-47301 Role string not found
ORA-47302 error creating Role string, string
ORA-47303 error deleting Role string, string
ORA-47304 error updating Role string, string
ORA-47305 Rule Set violation on string (string)
ORA-47320 Rule string already defined
ORA-47321 Rule string not found
ORA-47322 error creating Rule string, string
ORA-47323 error deleting Rule string, string
ORA-47324 error updating Rule string, string
ORA-47325 Rule string is used by one or more rule sets.
ORA-47340 Rule Set string already defined
ORA-47341 Rule Set string not found
ORA-47342 error creating Rule Set string, string
ORA-47343 error deleting Rule Set string, string
ORA-47344 error updating Rule Set string, string
ORA-47345 Rule set string is used by one or more realm authorizations.
ORA-47346 Rule set string is used by one or more command rules.
ORA-47347 Rule set string is used by one or more secure application roles.
ORA-47348 Rule set string is used by one or more factors.
ORA-47360 Rule string already added to Rule Set string
ORA-47361 Rule string not associated to Rule Set string
ORA-47362 error adding Rule string to Rule Set string, string
ORA-47363 error deleting Rule string from Rule Set string, string
ORA-47381 OLS Policy string not found
ORA-47382 OLS Policy Label string not found for policy string
ORA-47383 error capturing the session state information
ORA-47390 failed to audit event, string
ORA-47391 attempt to set Factor string violates Rule Set string
ORA-47392 Factor string cannot be set
ORA-47393 Factor string value not allowed
ORA-47394 Factor assignment rule set not defined
ORA-47395 error returned by Factor string evaluation expression string
ORA-47396 error returned by Factor string validation expression string
ORA-47397 incorrect identified by value for Factor string
ORA-47398 multiple identities defined for Factor string
ORA-47399 incorrect labeled by value for Factor string
ORA-47400 Command Rule violation for string on string
ORA-47401 Realm violation for string on string.string
ORA-47402 incorrect evaluation options value for Factor string
ORA-47403 NULL returned by Factor string evaluation expression string
ORA-47404 NULL trust level for Factor string
ORA-47405 negative trust level for Factor string
ORA-47406 ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Factor string
ORA-47407 ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Rule Set string
ORA-47408 Realm violation for the EXECUTE command
ORA-47409 Command Rule violation for the EXECUTE command
ORA-47410 Realm violation for string on string
ORA-47411 Cannot use string due to Oracle Database Vault policy.
ORA-47901 OLS policy not specified
ORA-47902 OLS policy label not specified
ORA-47903 OLS policy label string not found for policy string
ORA-47904 OLS session label does not exist
ORA-47905 OLS policy label string is not allowed for policy string
ORA-47906 OLS policy label not specified for identity string.string under policy string
ORA-47920 Authorization failed for user string to perform this operation
ORA-47921 error adding host string to domain string, string
ORA-47922 error removing host string to domain string, string
ORA-47950 no value defined for required parameter string
ORA-47951 invalid input value or length for parameter 'string'
ORA-47952 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists
ORA-47953 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists
ORA-47954 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string already exists
ORA-47955 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found
ORA-47956 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found
ORA-47957 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on object string.string is not found
ORA-47958 Running EXP with direct path option is disallowed when Oracle Database Vault is enabled.
ORA-47961 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string already exists
ORA-47962 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string already exists
ORA-47963 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is not found
ORA-47964 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on schema string is not found
ORA-47985 password same as or similar to user
ORA-47986 password length must be 8 characters or more
ORA-47987 password is too simple
ORA-47988 password should contain at least one numeric and one alphabetic character
ORA-47989 password should differ by at least 3 characters
ORA-47994 Database Vault removal script must be run as SYS
ORA-47995 Database Vault must be linked off and disabled before removal
ORA-47996 The RECYCLEBIN is turned on
ORA-47997 Database Vault protected schema does not exist
ORA-47999 internal Database Vault error: string Error: string
ORA-48001 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
ORA-48002 thread terminated by fatal error
ORA-48003 out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)
ORA-48004 unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory ("string","string","string","string")
ORA-48007 name is already used by an existing product type
ORA-48008 id is already used by an existing product type
ORA-48100 error encountered when attempting to open a file
ORA-48101 error encountered when attempting to read a file [string] [string] [string]
ORA-48102 encountered the end-of-file when reading the file
ORA-48103 error encountered when attempting to write a file [string] [string] [string]
ORA-48104 read mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
ORA-48105 write mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
ORA-48106 error initializing the ADR string object
ORA-48107 invalid Bfile input, [string]
ORA-48108 invalid value given for the diagnostic_dest init.ora parameter
ORA-48109 invalid lock mode for file descriptor, [string]
ORA-48110 error encountered while attempting to get a file lock [string] [string]
ORA-48111 error encountered while attempting to release a file lock [string]
ORA-48112 invalid flags for open file, string
ORA-48113 unable to write to stream file because of out of space condition
ORA-48114 error encountered when attempting to close a file
ORA-48115 error encountered while seeking a file position
ORA-48116 error enountered when attempting to create a directory [string]
ORA-48117 error encountered when attempting to remove a directory [string]
ORA-48118 error encountered with list directory [string]
ORA-48119 error encountered when attempting to remove a file [string] [string]
ORA-48120 error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size [string] [string]
ORA-48121 error with opening the ADR stream file [string] [string]
ORA-48122 error with opening the ADR block file [string] [string]
ORA-48123 error encountered when attempting to flush a file
ORA-48124 device full encountered during write to a file
ORA-48125 illegal identifier length, argn:string, len:string, lim:string
ORA-48126 attempting to create a file that already exists
ORA-48127 attempting to open a file that does not exist
ORA-48128 opening of a symbolic link is disallowed
ORA-48129 invalid input for the full path specification
ORA-48130 invalid lock parameters for get file lock [string]
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