From Just Solve the File Format Problem
File Formats | > | Electronic File Formats | > | Compression |
(Lossless, for generic data + file archives)
Compression + archiving
(Multiple files => 1 file, makes it smaller)
- 7ZIP (.7z)
- ACE (.ace)
- ARC (.arc)
- ARC (Web Archiving) (.arc.gz)
- Apple Disk Image (.dmg)
- ARJ (.arj)
- BRU (RSX-11M backup)
- Cabinet (.cab)
- DWC (.dwc)
- IMP (.imp)
- LHAv (.lzh, .lha)
- PMA (.pma)
- RAR (.rar)
- Spark (.spk)
- Stuffit (.sit)
- Stuffit X (.sitx)
- WARC (.warc.gz)
- ZIP (.zip)
- ZOO (.zoo)
Archiving only
(many files => 1 file, no compression attempted)
- BinHex (.hqx)
- LBR (.lbr)
- Tape Archive (.tar)
- AR file format (.a, .lib) -- Unix Archiver (ar) format as used by various compilers/linkers
- CPIO (.cpio)
Stream compression formats
A stream format takes a stream of bytes, and outputs a different, hopefully smaller, stream of bytes. These compression formats are often used internally in other data structures to compress data, as well as in network protocols, such as http. Used stand-alone, a stream compression format does not offer archiving capability, however in the UNIX doctrine, an archiver like tar can be combined with an archive format to produce a proper compressed archive.
- BZIP2 (.bz2)
- Crunch (.?Z?)
- GZIP (.gz)
- Error Code Modeler (.ecm)
- LZMA (.lzma)
- Squeeze/SQ (.?Q?)
- XZ (.xz)
- CrLZH (.?Y?)
- LZIP (.lz)
- LZOP (.lzop)
- LZW (.Z)
- DEFLATE rfc1951
- G4 Group 4 fax
- 7zX (.s7z)
- 9CDR (Amiga FileImploder Clone)
- AFA (.afa)
- ALZip (.alz)
- APX (.apx)
- ARCFS (ArcFS ArchivePacker)
- ArchiveLib (GreenLeaf)
- BlakHole (.bh)
- Compact File Set (.cfs)
- Compact Pro (.cpt)
- CRN (.crn; compressed text files used for PC-Write manual)
- DGCA (.dgc)
- Disk Archiver (.dar)
- DiskDoubler (.dd)
- DMS (.dms; Amiga Disk Masher compressed file)
- DUPA (Amiga FileImploder Clone)
- DVDisaster Error Correction File (.ecc)
- FIMP (Amiga FileImploder)
- Freeze/Melt (.F)
- GCA (.gca)
- HA (.ha)
- Huffman Encoding (.z)
- ICE (.ice)
- IFHC (Amiga FileImploder Clone)
- IMP (Amiga FileImploder)
- Inflate (.infl)
- Jar (.j, .jar) => this is just a renamed zip file with some mandatory files
- KGB Archiver (.kgb)
- KiriKiri (.xp3)
- LZX (.lzx)
- LNX (.lnx; Lynx archive, used on Commodore 64)
- Mozilla Archive (.mar)
- MS-DOS Compression (.??_)
- PackIt (.pit)
- PAK (.pak)
- PAQ (.paq6, .paq7, .paq8)
- Parchive File (.par, .par2)
- PartImage (.partimg)
- PeaZip (.pea)
- PerfectCompress (.uca)
- PIM (.pim)
- Quadruple D (.qda)
- RK (.rk)
- RZIP (.rzip)
- SCIFER (.ba)
- Scifer (.sen)
- Self Dissolving ARChive (.sda)
- Self-Extracting Archive (.sea)
- Self-Extracting Archive (.sfx)
- sfArk (.sfark)
- Shell Archive (.shar)
- SQX (.sqx)
- UHarc (.uha)
- UltraCompressor II (.uc, .uc0, .uc2, .ucn, .ur2, .ue2)
- Unix Archiver (.ar)
- Windows Image (.wim)
- WinHKI (.hki)
- WinRK (.rk)
- XAR (.xar)
- YZ1 (.yz1)
- Zzip (.zz)