Barony Voxel
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 03:50, 20 January 2017 by Hamhock666 (Talk | contribs)
Barony Voxel files are used by the game Barony to store voxel model data. Each file is a three dimensional array of indexes to voxel colors. If a voxel index is 255 or 0xFF, then the voxel is transparent. There can only be 256 different colors including transparency in a Barony voxel model.
uint32 size_x uint32 size_y uint32 size_z struct rows[size_x] struct columns[size_y] struct voxels[size_z] uint8 voxel_color_index struct colors[256] uint8 red uint8 green uint8 blue