Supaplex Level format

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File Format
Name Supaplex Level format
Released 1991

The freeware DOS puzzle game Supaplex has a file called "levels.dat" which contains all the levels for the game.


Format details

This is a very simple, uncompressed format where each level is stored sequentially and takes up 1536 bytes each. Each level contains tile data (60x24 tiles), title (24 bytes), flags and some padding.

The original levels.dat distributed with the game is 170496 bytes in size (111 levels).


Offsets are relative to the beginning of each level.

Offset Length Contents Details
0 1440 Tile data 60x24 in size, one byte per tile.
1440 4 Unknown Unused
1444 1 Gravity 0 = off, 1 = on.
1445 1 Unknown Used by the SpeedFix-version as a version indicator. In the original version it's always 0x20.
1446 23 Title Always 23 characters, no null-termination, normally padded with spaces.
1469 1 Freeze zonks 0 = off, 2 = on.
1470 1 Infotrons needed The minimum number of infotrons needed to be able to clear the level. 0 = all of them.
1471 1 Gravity port count Maximum of 10 ports.
1472 60 Gravity ports 10 ports, 6 bytes each. Count up to the value specified in "gravity port count" and ignore the rest. See "Gravity port" section for more information.
1532 4 Unknown Used by the SpeedFix-version to store important demo information. Unused in the original version.

Gravity ports

Offset Length Contents Details
0 2 Coordinates Formula: 2 * (x + y * 60). Stored as a 16-bit big-endian unsigned integer.
2 1 Gravity 0 = off, 1 = on.
3 1 Freeze zonks 0 = off, 2 = on.
4 1 Freeze enemies 0 = off, 1 = on.
5 1 Unknown Unused


Hex Name Description
00 Empty
01 Base
02 Zonk Falls down. If standing on other zonks, infotrons or RAM chips it'll fall over to the side if possible.
03 Murphy Defines the player start.
04 Infotron
05 RAM chip - Chip
06 Wall
07 Exit
08 Floppy - Orange Falls and explodes if it hits something.
09 Port - Right
0A Port - Down
0B Port - Left
0C Port - Up
0D Gravity port - Right
0E Gravity port - Down
0F Gravity port - Left
10 Gravity port - Up
11 Snik snak Enemy that follows the left edge in it's moving direction.
12 Floppy - Yellow Explodes when player touches a terminal.
13 Terminal Touching it causes yellow floppies to explode.
14 Floppy - Red Can be picked up and placed. Explodes a short while after having been placed.
15 Port - Two-way vertical
16 Port - Two-way horizontal
17 Port - 4-way
18 Electron Enemy that follows the left edge in it's moving direction. Generates infotrons when killed.
19 Bug Periodically sparks. Kills player if walking over when sparking.
1A RAM chip - Left
1B RAM chip - Right
1C Hardware (decoration)
1D Hardware (decoration)
1E Hardware (decoration)
1F Hardware (decoration)
20 Hardware (decoration)
21 Hardware (decoration)
22 Hardware (decoration)
23 Hardware (decoration)
24 Hardware (decoration)
25 Hardware (decoration)
26 RAM chip - Top
27 RAM chip - Bottom

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