From Just Solve the File Format Problem
LDIFF (or LDiff) is a differential compression utility for DOS, designed for binary files. It was developed by Kazuhiko Miki (also known for LArc). Its native file format is .LZD.
LZD files created by LDIFF v1.20 have "-LD6-"
at offset 2. The format has some similarity to LHA, but is not compatible with it.
Version 2.00 uses a different LZD format, which has not been investigated. It also seems to be able to create self-running patches in COM format.
- LDIFF v1.20 · source code
- LDIFF v2.00 (Japanese): FreeWare Collection 2 / フリーウェアコレクション2 → FreeSoftwareCollection2pd199x-jp.img → ms_dos/ldiff/ (or at DiscMaster)