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OS/2 bitmap family - Just Solve the File Format Problem

OS/2 bitmap family

From Just Solve the File Format Problem
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m (Jsummers moved page OS/2 BMP to OS/2 bitmap family: Reorganizing OS/2 BMP articles)
(Refactoring. Almost all info has been moved to other pages.)
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|extensions={{ext|bmp}}, {{ext|pm}}, {{ext|bga}}
|pronom={{PRONOM|fmt/115}}, {{PRONOM|x-fmt/270}}
IBM [[OS/2 BMP]] (also known as '''Presentation Manager Bitmap''' or '''PM Bitmap''') is a family of raster graphics formats used on OS/2. It is closely related to [[BMP|Windows BMP]].
By '''OS/2 bitmap family''', we refer to the following image formats:
** [[OS/2 bitmap array]]
** The OS/2-style [[BMP]] formats
** [[OS/2 Icon]]
** [[OS/2 Pointer]]
The term '''OS/2 BMP''' can refer just to the "bitmap" formats (files with a signature of "BM"), or to the family of formats that also includes specialized [[OS/2 Icon|icon]] and [[OS/2 Pointer|pointer]] formats.
See the individual articles for more information.
There are two major versions of the bitmap format: '''OS/2 BMP 1.0''', and '''OS/2 BMP 2.0'''. For details, refer to [[BMP]].
== Format details ==
For details about the icon format, see [[OS/2 Icon]].
For details about the pointer format, see [[OS/2 Pointer]].
== Format ==
All files begin with a 14-byte "file header", of which the first two bytes are an ASCII signature indicating the file type.
All files begin with a 14-byte "file header", of which the first two bytes are an ASCII signature indicating the file type.
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! Notes
! Notes
|<code>BA</code> || Bitmap Array || BA format is a kind of container format for one or more images in the other formats (often used with CI format).
|<code>BA</code> || Bitmap Array || Refer to [[OS/2 bitmap array]].
|<code>BM</code> || Bitmap || Refer to [[BMP]] for more information.
|<code>BM</code> || Bitmap || Refer to [[BMP]] (OS/2 sections).
|<code>CI</code> || Color Icon || Refer to [[OS/2 Icon]].
|<code>CI</code> || Color Icon || Refer to [[OS/2 Icon]].
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|<code>PT</code> || Pointer || Refer to [[OS/2 Pointer]].
|<code>PT</code> || Pointer || Refer to [[OS/2 Pointer]].
== OS/2 BMP vs. Windows BMP ==
OS/2 BMP 1.0 and Windows BMP v2 are sometimes said to be identical, but apparently that's not quite true. In OS/2 BMP formats, the "Size" field at offset 2 (variously named "cbSize", "FileSize", or "bfSize") is supposed to equal the size of the headers (always 26 for OS/2 1.0; usually 78 for OS/2 2.0). In Windows BMP, it equals the file size.
However, some OS/2 2.0 files have the field set to the file size, Windows-style. And some OS/2 1.0 files that are clearly from OS/2 systems do as well, making them completely identical to Windows BMP v2.
The difference is mostly irrelevant, though it could help to identify ''some'' OS/2 2.0 files as such. The Size field is redundant and unreliable, and is ignored by most BMP viewers.
== Software ==
* [http://entropymine.com/deark/ Deark] can extract the contents of BA files
== Specifications ==
== Specifications ==
* [http://www.fileformat.info/format/os2bmp/spec/902d5c253f2a43ada39c2b81034f27fd/view.htm OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming Reference Guide, Vol III]
* [http://www.fileformat.info/format/os2bmp/spec/902d5c253f2a43ada39c2b81034f27fd/view.htm OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming Reference Guide, Vol III]
== Sample files ==
=== BM (1.0) ===
Refer to [[BMP]] (Windows BMP v2).
=== BM (2.0) ===
* [http://kimludvigsen.dk/os2/os2/graphx/teamlog2.zip teamlog2.zip] → TEAMcol.bmp, teamcol2.bmp
* [http://samples.libav.org/image-samples/bmp-files/test4os2v2.bmp test4os2v2.bmp]
* [http://cd.textfiles.com/hobbesos29709/disk2/MULTIMED/BMP/CARDBMPS.ZIP CARDBMPS.ZIP] - Most of the files are OS/2 BMP 2.0
* [http://cd.textfiles.com/hobbesos29709/disk1/GAMES/MAKMAN10.ZIP MAKMAN10.ZIP] - Some of the files are files OS/2 BMP 2.0
* [http://cd.textfiles.com/monstmedia/IMAGES/JUR_OS2.BMP JUR_OS2.BMP]
* http://cd.textfiles.com/pier/pier09/cdrom/036/ → os2bmp*.zip
=== BA/BM ===
* [http://cd.textfiles.com/hobbesos29709/disk2/MULTIMED/BMP/CARDBMPS.ZIP CARDBMPS.ZIP] → 9S.BMP, DIAMOND.BMP, HEART.BMP, MASK.BMP, SPADE.BMP
* [http://cd.textfiles.com/powerpakgold/OS2/MEMSZ128.ZIP MEMSZ128.ZIP] → MEMSIZE.BMP
== Links ==
== Links ==
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* [[Wikipedia:BMP file format|Wikipedia page on the BMP file format]] has some info related to OS/2
* [[Wikipedia:BMP file format|Wikipedia page on the BMP file format]] has some info related to OS/2

Revision as of 13:28, 21 May 2016

File Format
Name OS/2 bitmap family

By OS/2 bitmap family, we refer to the following image formats:

See the individual articles for more information.

Format details

All files begin with a 14-byte "file header", of which the first two bytes are an ASCII signature indicating the file type.

Signature Image type Notes
BA Bitmap Array Refer to OS/2 bitmap array.
BM Bitmap Refer to BMP (OS/2 sections).
CI Color Icon Refer to OS/2 Icon.
CP Color Pointer Refer to OS/2 Pointer.
IC Icon Refer to OS/2 Icon.
PT Pointer Refer to OS/2 Pointer.



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