Android File Structure

From Just Solve the File Format Problem
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| /system
| /system
| Stores most system files. It can be accessed with file
| Stores most system files. It can be accessed with file manager apps on an unrooted device, and written with root permission. An option in recovery mode can mount this partition to a PC, Macintosh, Chromebook, iDevice, or even another Android device.
| /data
| /data
| Stores most user data. This is the hardest partition to access without root, hardware hacks, rootkit malware, or expensive forensic tools
| Stores most user data. This is the hardest partition to access without root, hardware hacks, rootkit malware, or expensive forensic tools

Revision as of 22:54, 22 November 2021

Note: this is a draft.

Path Description
/system Stores most system files. It can be accessed with file manager apps on an unrooted device, and written with root permission. An option in recovery mode can mount this partition to a PC, Macintosh, Chromebook, iDevice, or even another Android device.
/data Stores most user data. This is the hardest partition to access without root, hardware hacks, rootkit malware, or expensive forensic tools
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