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== Sample files ==
== Sample files ==
* {{DexvertSamples|archive/microfoxPut}}
* {{DexvertSamples|archive/microfoxPUT}}
== Links ==
== Links ==

Latest revision as of 04:15, 28 December 2023

File Format
Name PUT
Extension(s) .put, .ins
Released 1990[1]
For another "PUT" format, see PUT and GET (Scott Jennings).

PUT is a shareware archiver/compressor for DOS that produces files with the suffix ".put" (".PUT", using proper DOS naming conventions). The decompressor is called GET. PUT was made by a company called "MicroFox", which seems to have consisted of a single person, Jim Haas.[1]

Version 1.00 was released in 1993, but claims a copyright date of "1990-1993", so maybe it wasn't the first release.

PUT files with an .INS extension are treated specially by the "INSTALL" program that is used by, and distributed with, some versions of PUT/GET.



[edit] Format details

Official documentation of .PUT format is lacking, but it's clearly a variant of LHA, and in some cases identical to LHA.

Some versions (1.00, 2.00, 3.10) seem to use standard LHA format. Others (2.20, 3.41+) use a variant in which the 'h' in the compression ID field is changed to a capital 'Z'. If there are any other differences, they must be subtle. PUT has been observed to use methods 'lZ0', 'lZ1', and 'lZ5'.

[edit] Identification

Some .PUT files can't be distinguished from LHA format - see LHA#Identification.

Those that can have bytes '-' 'l' 'Z' ?? '-' at offset 2, where the ?? byte is '0', '1', or '5'.

[edit] Software

[edit] Sample files

[edit] Links

[edit] References

  1. 1.0 1.1 https://archive.org/download/msdos_festival_PUT345/PUT345.ZIP → PUT.DOC
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