PAK (Resident Evil 1997)

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The .PAK file format is used by the PC version of Resident Evil (1997). It contains a compressed TIM image, using an algorithm similar to LZW.


The file is a bitstream, without any header.

Example decompression routine

This source is partly based on LZW decoder from scummvm engine.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

unsigned char dstPointer[512<<10];
int dstOffset;
unsigned long dstLength;

unsigned char *srcPointer;
int srcOffset;
unsigned char srcByte;
int tmpMask;

#define MAX_LENGTH 35024

typedef struct {
	long flag;
	long index;
	long value;	
} re1_pack_t;

re1_pack_t tmpArray2[MAX_LENGTH];
unsigned char decodeStack[MAX_LENGTH];

/* Load file in mem from filename, return buffer, update length */

char *loadFile(char *filename, int *length)
	int handle;
	char *buffer;

	/* Load file */
	handle = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
	if (handle<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", filename);	
		return NULL;

	*length = lseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
	lseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET); 	

	buffer = (char *)malloc(*length);
	if (buffer==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate %d bytes\n", length);
		return NULL;

	read(handle, buffer, *length);

	return buffer;

int re1_read_bits(int num_bits)
	unsigned long value=0, mask;

	mask = 1<<(--num_bits);

	while (mask>0) {
		if (tmpMask == 0x80) {
			srcByte = srcPointer[srcOffset++];

		if ((tmpMask & srcByte)!=0) {
			value |= mask;

		tmpMask >>= 1;
		mask >>= 1;

		if (tmpMask == 0) {
			tmpMask = 0x80;

	return value;

int decodeString(int decodeStackOffset, unsigned long code)
	int i;

	for (i=0; code>255; ) {
		decodeStack[decodeStackOffset++] = tmpArray2[code].value;
		code = tmpArray2[code].index;
	decodeStack[decodeStackOffset] = code;

	return decodeStackOffset;

void re1_depack(unsigned char *src, int src_length)
	int num_bits_to_read, i;
	int lzwnew, c, lzwold, lzwnext;

	srcPointer = src;
	srcOffset = 0;
	tmpMask = 0x80;
	srcByte = 0;	
	dstOffset = 0;

	memset(tmpArray2, 0, sizeof(tmpArray2));

	for(;;) {
		for (i=0; i<MAX_LENGTH; i++) {
			tmpArray2[i].flag = 0xffffffff;
		lzwnext = 0x103;
		num_bits_to_read = 9;

		c = lzwold = re1_read_bits(num_bits_to_read);

		if (lzwold == 0x100) {

		dstPointer[dstOffset++] = c;

		for(;;) {
			lzwnew = re1_read_bits(num_bits_to_read);

			if (lzwnew == 0x100) {
				dstLength = dstOffset;

			if (lzwnew == 0x102) {

			if (lzwnew == 0x101) {

			if (lzwnew >= lzwnext) {
				decodeStack[0] = c;
				i = decodeString(1, lzwold);
			} else {
				i = decodeString(0, lzwnew);

			c = decodeStack[i];

			while (i>=0) {
				dstPointer[dstOffset++] = decodeStack[i--];

			tmpArray2[lzwnext].index = lzwold;
			tmpArray2[lzwnext].value = c;

			lzwold = lzwnew;

	dstLength = dstOffset;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int length;
	unsigned char *fileInMem;

	if (argc<2) {
		return 1;

	fileInMem = loadFile(argv[1], &length);
	if (fileInMem==NULL) {
		return 1;

	re1_depack(fileInMem, length);

	/* Now you have the decompressed file at dstPointer */
	/*  and length is dstLength */


	return 0;
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