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HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <p ns="0" title="Video" snippet="These formats are &amp;quot;monolithic&amp;quot; video formats, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that the file format and the encoding of the video data are tied to each ot&#10;" size="9957" wordcount="1202" timestamp="2024-07-17T23:13:55Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="HTML" snippet="...begin with a doctype declaration, which is of a format that had a specific &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; in SGML. Browsers and validators could recognize different doctypes to dete&#10;" size="11099" wordcount="1610" timestamp="2023-12-28T14:56:58Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Acorn Sprite" snippet=" at offset 4 is the offset of the first image, plus 4. It is usually 16, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; 12.&#10;" size="2800" wordcount="405" timestamp="2024-12-18T14:28:03Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="ReStructuredText/spec" snippet="mechanism to override the default &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; of the characters used for&#10;There are two contexts in which backslashes have no special &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;:&#10;" size="106967" wordcount="14340" timestamp="2013-05-22T01:02:48Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="GIF" snippet="...things that are not actually in that format; it seems to have taken on the &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; of &amp;quot;brief, small, silent animated sequence usually found on web pages or in&#10;" size="16967" wordcount="2422" timestamp="2024-04-23T19:05:31Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="PNG" snippet="...over a year after the Web had begun to be popular with the general public, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that there were many sites and browsers out there not using and supporting &#10;" size="6315" wordcount="899" timestamp="2024-01-29T23:32:20Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="UTF-32" snippet="...of UTF-16 are), the endianness is applied to the entire 32 bits (4 bytes), &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that the [[Byte Order Mark]] (zero-width no-break space) U+FEFF is encoded &#10;" size="1667" wordcount="251" timestamp="2019-05-21T02:37:22Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="ScreenWriter II" snippet="...racters were set this way, various different characters might have special &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; in a particular document.&#10;Commands consisted of lines starting with a period (.), &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that regular text lines couldn&#039;t begin with periods.&#10;" size="8858" wordcount="1502" timestamp="2024-04-28T15:15:15Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="PC-Write" snippet="...s that are specific to PC-Write, not generally resembling their &amp;quot;official&amp;quot; &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; ([[C0 controls]]) in the ASCII set; for instance, a variety of special comm&#10;! title=&amp;quot;Description and uses&amp;quot; | PC-Write &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;&#10;" size="8295" wordcount="1378" timestamp="2018-04-23T23:37:28Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="DNA" snippet="...ntists-discover-double-&lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;-in-genetic-code/ Scientists discover double &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; in genetic code]&#10;" size="7765" wordcount="1012" timestamp="2021-07-28T01:40:57Z" />
    <search sroffset="10" />