From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Formats connected with the World Wide Web, though most of them overlap into other categories; basically everything that can be put in a file format of any sort can be put on the Web, and a multiplicity of types of documents, graphics, audio, video, markup, programming languages, and more, are used there. The Web is a variety of hypermedia, by far the most successful one.
Blogging and web hosting platforms
Cloud platforms
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
- Google Cloud
- Heroku
- IBM Cloud
- Microsoft Azure Cloud
Content management systems
Development software
- Dreamweaver site settings file (.ste)
- Homestead SiteBuilder (.hc, .xpf)
- Master Album Maker (.mmp)
- Actual Drawing (.adf)
Feeds, syndication, and metadata
- Atom (syndication format)
- h-entry (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
- h-feed (Microformats, was part of HAtom until split and renamed in microformats2)
- hListing (Microformats; product/service listings)
- hMedia (Microformats; image/video/audio metadata)
- hNews (Microformats; news articles)
- h-resume (Microformats; resumes/CVs)
- h-review (Microformats; ratings/reviews)
- opencomic (syndication of webcomics)
Markup, documents and data
- 3DMLW (3D Markup Language for Web)
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
- BBCode
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Sass (pre-processor for CSS)
- Compressed Markup Language (CML, PQA; used in PalmOS)
- Markdeep
- Markdown
- Wiki markup
Program/system-specific files (browser/server/OS/etc)
- Web browser files (bookmarks, cookies, configurations, etc.)
- Web server files (server configuration, etc.)
- Internet Shortcut (Windows)
- Webloc (Mac OS X)
Protocols and parameters
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
- Domain name
- Gopher
- IP address
- IPV6
- Linked Data Platform
- MIME types
- Tor
- URLs (and URIs, URNs, etc.)
- WebDAV
- Active Server Pages (ASP)
- ActiveX
- Audio Data API (Mozilla)
- BrowserFS
- ECMAScript
- Java
- JavaScript
- JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Liquid (.liquid)
- MediaStream Processing API
- .Net Framework
- node.js
- Open Web App Manifest (.webapp)
- React
- Server Side Includes
- Shockwave (Director)
- Silverlight
- SWF (Flash)
- VBScript
- Web Audio API
- WMLScript
Site dumps, multi-file packaging, and offline reading
- ARC (Internet Archive)
- HAR (HTTP Archive)
- MAFF (Mozilla Archive Format)
- Package (Web)
- PackageForTheWeb
- Portable Web Publications
- Webarchive (Safari)
- Zeno
- Adobe Cross Domain Policy File (crossdomain.xml)
- Ads.txt
- Canonical Link Relation (rel="canonical")
- carbon.txt
- Content Security Policy
- DWF - AutoDesk's Design Web Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
- Favicon
- Form URL encoding
- Galen (framework for testing responsive sites)
- JSON-LD (JSON for linked data)
- Mark of the Web
- Multipart/Form-Data
- Open Graph protocol
- OpenSearch Description
- P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences)
- Percent-encoding
- rel-author (Microformats; link to author homepage)
- rel-home (Microformats; link to site homepage)
- rel-license (Microformats; link to site license)
- rel-nofollow (Microformats; gets robots to ignore link)
- rel-payment (Microformats; link to payment method)
- rel-tag (Microformats)
- Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt)
- Security.txt
- Sitemap
- URL shorteners
- Web Annotation Protocol
- Web-safe colors
See also
See also E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums (a number of web-based messaging/social-networking things are there)
External links
- Arthur C. Clarke predicts computers and the Internet in 1974
- Tim Berners-Lee discusses Web protocols/formats in Jan 1992
- What the Internet looked like in 1995
- 1996 Internet Step-By-Step Guide video
- 1997 "Kids' Guide to the Internet" video
- 1998: prognosticator predicts "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's"
- First posts on famous websites
- Internet Archaeology: Behold the Most Hilarious Abandoned Websites
Privacy and security
- Paranoid Browsing plug-in
- Justdelete.me: Delete your account on lots of web services
- Throw off the spooks by disguising your web traffic
- Disconnect: visualize and block invisible websites that track you
- How's My SSL? (tests the security of your browser)
- Check URL for stuff Websense thinks is malicious or might be subject to filtering for some reason
- Brandis Reassures Australians: Data Retention Laws Only For People Using World Wide Web
- How to search the Web like the NSA
- If I could, I would repeal the Internet
- Meet the Hackers Who Want to Jailbreak the Internet
- W3C statement about adding DRM/content protection to web standards
- What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09
- To Wash It All Away
- What is still on the web after 10 years of archiving?
- Symmetrical web archiving
Tools and utilities
- Web archiving tools and software
- Three Tools for the Web-Savvy Historian: Memento, Zotero, and WebCite
- Archival Acid Test (tests whether web archivers preserve functionality)
- warcbase: A web archive browser built on HBase
- Ad Detector: flags sponsored content
- Sketchy: takes screenshots and scrapes text from web pages
- Using ImagePlot to Explore Web Archived Images
- BrowserStack screenshot automation
- Memento "time travel" extension for Chrome
- BibSonomy and Memento
- RFC 7089 - proposed HTTP protocol extension for date-time negotiation
- Time travel API documentation
- The Web, Annotated
- WebRecorder: create archival copies of sites you browse
- Carbon dating the Web
- Web Search by the people, for the people
- Builtwith: shows what tools are behind a site
- Ping me when a standard is supported by 90% of browsers
- Resources to Search the Invisible Web
- Download virtual machines running various versions of MSIE
- CodePen: in-browser HTML/CSS/JS editor with instant results
- Netcapsule: Browse old websites in emulated old browsers
- Deslide: Display those web slideshows on one page
- oldweb.today: View old web pages in emulations of old browsers
- ArchiveSpark: Apache Spark framework that facilitates access to Web Archives
- HyperDev: developer playground for building web apps (More info)
- Mozilla's Web Literacy Standard
- Chasing the Cicada: Exploring the Darkest Corridors of the Internet
- The average lifespan of a webpage (2011)
- A longitudinal study of Web pages continued: a consideration of document persistence (2004)
- The Conservatives' website purge has destroyed history
- Front end of gov.uk site, downloadable from Github
- Downworthy: A browser plugin to turn hyperbolic viral headlines into what they really mean
- Flex the power of cURL for web dev testing and data transfers
- mcurl: Command line memento client to retrieve old versions of web pages from archives
- Surfing modern web with ancient browsers
- Web at 25
- Restoring a 14 year old website
- Internet Archive 404 Not Found Handler
- Web archiving policies of various archives and national libraries
- Information Search in Web Archives (academic thesis)
- Bookmarklets are dead... we just don't know it yet
- Improving color on the web