The Print Shop

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File Format
Name The Print Shop
Extension(s) .nam, .dat, .pnm, .pog
Released 1984

The Print Shop is a desktop publishing application from Brøderbund. Released with names "The Print Shop", The Print Shop Deluxe", The Print Shop Professional", "The Print Shop Ensemble", "The Print Shop Premier", along with others.

Early versions of it stored clip art libraries in a pair of files whose names begin with "GR", and which apparently use extensions ".NAM" and ".DAT". The .NAM file contains names, and the .DAT file contains graphics.

A version of it named The New Print Shop used a variant format with filename extensions ".PNM" and ".POG".

There are many other file extensions, for different graphics formats, format versions, border graphics, fonts, etc. These include .PNG, .CNG, .PBG, .PBD, .POB, .PFN, .PNF, and probably many others. More research is needed here.


Format details

Format Compatibility

The Print Shop versions 20-23.1 can open files from the following[1]:

  • The Print Shop® version 10 and newer
  • American Greetings® CreataCard® 5 and newer
  • American Greetings® Spiritual Expressions 3 and newer
  • American Greetings® Print! Premium 3 and newer
  • PrintMaster® version 7 and newer

Click Art

A DAT file consists of a 572-byte raw bitmap segment for each (bi-level, 88×52) image. It is usually a multiple of 572 bytes in size.

POG files are apparently the same as DAT files, except that they begin with a 10-byte header.

The Print Shop versions 1-4

Deluxe Versions 1 (1992) to version 4 (1996) uses 5 - 7 extensions to identify project types. File headers begin with ascii PSDeluxe or PrintShopDeluxe.

Project Type Extension Project Type Extension
Banners PDB Stationary PDL
Calendars PDC Signs & Posters PDS
Certificates PCC Cards PDG
Labels PDA

The Print Shop versions 5-6

Versions 5-6 (1997-1999) uses 15 different extensions, identical to earlier versions but different structure, to identify project types. Files are in a proprietary format, header begins with hex values "79 A6 00 00 49 49 49 49 38"

Project Type Extension Project Type Extension
Banners PDB Letterhead PDL
Blank Pages PDS Online Greetings PSO
Business Cards PCB Pamphlets PDP
Calendars PDC Photo Pages PHO
Certificates PCC Postcards PCP
Envelopes PCE Post-It Notes PPI
Greeting Cards PDG Signs PDS
Labels PDA

The Print Shop versions 10-23.1

Versions 10-23.1 (2000-2010) uses 26 extensions to identify project types. All are in the "OLE2" document container format.

Project Type Extension
Banners BAN
Booklets BRO
Brochures BRO
Business Cards BIZ
Calendars CAL
Cards CAR
Certificates CER
Envelopes ENV
Fax Sheets FAX
Forms SIG
Half-fold Cards HCR
Labels LBL
Letterhead LET
Newsletters NWS
Note Cards NOT
Photo Albums NWS
Photo Collages SIG
Photo Novelties SIG
Postcards PCR
Presentations NWS
Quick Prints PHP
Report Covers NWS
Resumes NWS
Signs SIG
Transfers TSH
Web Pages WEB

The Print Shop versions 2-5

Versions 2.0 (2010) through 5.0 (2019) use the file Format .PSproj for all projects. Software cannot open previous versions.

See also


  • PM_PS_BS.ZIP → PM-PS-BS.DOC - Has a description of NAM/DAT format


  • Deark
  • PSVU - DOS program that displays New Print Shop .POG/.PNM files.

Sample files






  1. {{#invoke:citation/CS1|citation |CitationClass=web }}
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